983 resultados para Endoscopy, Digestive System


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The objective of the present study was to investigate the fatty acid absorption capabilities of brown trout (Salmo trutta) fed commercial extruded diets. Five commercial extruded pellets, different only in the lipid sources used for fat coating, were tested on juvenile brown trout for 45 days. The trout were reared in fresh water at 14.6 ± 0.4° C and 7.7 ±
0.3 mg/l, temperature and dissolved oxygen, respectively. The tested lipid sources were fish oil, canola oil, oleine oil, swine fat and poultry fat. After the adaptation period faeces were collected by gently stripping from naesthetized fish. Fatty acid analysis was performed on experimental diets and on collected faeces to evaluate the relative absorption capabilities of the trout digestive system with respect to each detected fatty acid. The use of the relative absorption efficiency (rAE) was opted to evaluate the intrinsic capability of each fatty acid to be absorbed. Brown trout showed a
specific preferential order of absorption of the fatty acids, preferring shorter over longer chain fatty acids and preferring the more unsaturated to the more saturated fatty acids. The fatty acid that showed the best relative absorbability was the C18:4n-3 (rAE = 5.14 ± 0.72), which has a fairly short carbon chain, but at the same time a high unsaturation level, followed by the C18:3n-3 (rAE = 3.38 ± 0.30). The fatty acid that showed the worst relative absorbability (rAE = 0.21 ± 0.02) was C24:1n-9.


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Human chemical senses are the gatekeepers of our digestive system. Chemical separation combined with human sensory perception has been used to isolate and identify a natural non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compound in olive oil.


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In this study the nutrition, growth and production of C. destructor was examined. Selected nutritional requirements of juvenile animals were determined under controlled conditions with the aim of developing a pelleted diet for use in hatcheries, nurseries and growout situations. The best developed diet was assessed for its potential as a supplementary feed for animals cultured in earthen environments. The protein requirements were first determined simultaneously with an evaluation of the effect of replacing animal protein (fishmeal) by soybean meal. Juveniles were reared communally for 59 d on isoenergetic diets containing 15-30% protein and graded levels of soybean meal (0-60%, of protein). When soybean meal was included at a level of 40-60%, growth was reduced relative to that achieved with control diets containing 15% and 20% protein, but this was not the case at a 20% soybean meal substitution level. A two-way interaction occurred between dietary protein and soybean meal content. Higher protein feeds enabled higher soybean meal inclusion levels without significantly affecting growth. Protein increases of 5% produced better growth at the 40% and 60% soybean meal substitution levels. This effect was less pronounced in the control and the 20% soybean meal diets. Carcass %protein increased and %lipid decreased as dietary protein increased. A similar effect occurred by increasing the soybean meal level to 60%. No obvious trend in carcass moisture, energy, and ash occurred. A protein requirement of 30% was apparent when fish meal and soybean meal were included in diets at levels of 20% and 24% (dry matter) respectively. Alternative protein sources to soybean meal were subsequently identified. Juveniles were maintained for 12 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 30% protein and differing in the primary source of protein used, with meat, snail, soybean, yabby, and zooplankton meals comprising the major protein ingredient. No significant difference occurred in mean weight (MW), percentage weight gain (%WG), SGR or survival among diets. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were low, with a minimum value of 0.95 for the snail-based diet. The apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) varied from 29.6% (zooplankton-based diet) to 41.2% (snail-based diet). Carcass composition varied with diet, with the greatest difference occurring in carapace colour. Animals fed the zooplankton-based diet developed the strongest, most natural pigmentation. A new combination of previously used protein-based ingredients was subsequently tested with reference to two yabby species, Cherax albidus and Cherax destructor, that were grown simultaneously in identical conditions. Juvenile male animals were reared individually for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 15% or 30% protein with fish meal, soybean meal, yabby meal and wheat products forming the basis of the diets. C albidus grew the fastest and utilised the food the most effectively. Carcass composition was influenced by diet with the 30% protein diet resulting in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low protein diet. Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by diet. The intermoult period (IP) was highly dependent on the premoult weight (W) but the mean moult increment (WI, as weight) was independent of the PM. The orbital carapace length (OCL) and the abdominal length (ABL) %moult increments generally declined with an increase in PM whereas the propus length (PL) %moult increment generally increased. The IP, WI, %OCL, %ABL, and %PL moult increments varied according to diet and to species. Elevated dietary protein caused a reduction to the IP (for similar sized animals) by 11 d and 7 d and an increase to the WI by 85% and 81% in C. albidus and C destructor respectively. Dietary induced morphological changes also occurred. Animals of a standard OCL (both species) had significantly larger abdomens when fed the higher protein diet. Growth on the best developed diet was compared to the growth obtained on a natural diet of freshwater zooplankton. Juveniles were reared individually for 12 weeks on the two diets. The MW, %WG and SGR were higher for the zooplankton diet. Carcass composition was influenced by diet and the zooplankton fed animals had a higher carcass %protein, %lipid, %ash and %fibre content and were more richly pigmented than animals fed pellets. The IP and the WI were highly dependent on the PM and varied according to diet; feeding with zooplankton reduced the IP by 1.2 days and increased the WI by 13.7% compared to pellets. Nutrient digestibility was determined for the pelleted diets evaluated in the growth trials. Protein digestibility (PD) and dry matter digestibility (DMD), using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an exogenous marker, were high for all diets, at around 93% and 83% respectively. Ash digestibility varied considerably from 17% to 73% for the snail and yabby meal diets respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was around 50% and probably indicates cellulase activity. Alternative markers to Cr2O3 were evaluated. Ash was considered to be the most suitable alternative to Cr2O3, providing a reasonable, albeit lower, estimate of nutrient digestibility. Cr2O3 and ash were preferentially excreted whereas fibre was retained in the digestive system for a longer period, consequently, the collection of a particular fraction of the deposited faeces (late or early) substantially affected the digestibility coefficients. In earthen-based environments, animals fed the best developed diet were compared to animals cultured using a forage crop of clover (Trifolium repens). Three supplementary feeding strategies representing varying levels of management intensity were evaluated in a series of trials conducted in ponds and pond microcosms. Growth on pellets consistently exceeded that obtained with the forage crop, with final MW being 67-159% higher than that using clover and appeared to be the result of direct pellet consumption and from a pellet fertiliser effect (on the sediment). Within-pond DMD and PD were high and similar for each treatment (DMD = 51-58%; PD = 89-92%). In the control pond, DMD and PD increased with each successive flood. The faecal egestion rate (PER) decreased with each successive flood in all ponds, and is negatively related to animal weight and to foregut fullness (FF) according to power curves. FF was consistently lowest in the control pond. Mean FF was 48.5%, 62.3%, and 26.7% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. FF increased to the third flood in each pond. The foregut protein content was high in all samples and the mean values were 33.9%, 32.7% and 35.6% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. Foregut ash was highly variable within each pond and is inversely related to the foregut protein content. In the control and pellet ponds the highest foregut ash content occurred during flood 1. The culture system (aquaria or pond) strongly influenced the composition of the foregut content. The foregut of animals fed the manufactured diet (B2) in ponds contained approximately 176% more ash and 5% more protein than the foregut of animals fed in bare-bottom tanks. The FF of the tank fed animals was approximately 45% higher than the FF of pond fed animals after a similar feeding period. Base-line yields for extensive production systems appeared to be around 400kg ha-1. The supplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of approximately 635kg ha-1 (in ponds) to around 1086kg ha-1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-clover to tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets. Yabbies stocked into ponds at 15-20 m-2 with a mean weight of 2.67g and fed a 30% protein pelleted diet for 100 d, resulted in a yield of approximately 1117kg ha-1, but only 2% of the population were above a marketable size of 50g. The feed utilisation indices were better for animals reared on pellets in bare-bottom tanks than in earthen environments, indicating some degree of pellet wastage when natural feeds are simultaneously present. High apparent food conversion ratios and low protein efficiency ratios occurred when the forage crop was provided. A considerable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of the forage crop was either inefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. Sowing a forage crop into pond microcosms to which a pelleted diet was also provided, did not enhance growth performance. Pelleted feed inputs at a rate of approximately 129g m-2 to 198g m-2 (dry matter) and 38g -2 to 64g m-2 (protein) over 70-100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisation indices for animals reared in ponds and pond microcosms. Forage crop inputs of approximately 533g m-2 to 680g m-2 (as dry matter) or 84g m-2 to 177g m-2 (as protein) over a 70-100 d period produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Low inputs of dry matter (from 113-296g m-2) and protein (from 24-54g m-2) from clover were sufficient to maintain high growth rates in pond microcosms for around 28 d. In ponds, a very low level of 21g m-2 (dry matter) and 4.3g m-2 (protein) was sufficient for around 3 weeks. Forage depletion appeared to occur beyond week 3-4 and was probably a major growth limiting factor. The mean hepatosomatic index (HSI) was 9.44, 7.68, and 6.79 for the pellet, crop, and control ponds respectively. The relationship between hepatopancreas weight and overall animal weight was significantly different between treatments. The hepatopancreas of pellet-fed animals had the highest %lipid and lowest %ash, %protein, %carbohydrate and %moisture content. In terms of absolute quantities, the only major difference in hepatopancreas composition between treatments occurred for lipid and dry matter content. The hepatopancreas of the pellet-fed animals was a cream/cream-yellow colour and was very fragile, whereas in the other ponds it was a more ‘natural’ bright yellow colour and was structurally more robust. C. destructor has a capacious foregut, being approximately 5 times the volume of similar sized Penaeids. The foregut volume (V, ml) of the yabby is related to animal weight (W, g) according to V = 0.048 W0.9543. Animals that were starved for 96 h and then fed diet B2 were almost completely foil after 30 min. The ‘apparent enzymatic response’ of animals fed various natural and artificial diets in tanks was evaluated. Nutrient processing time and the enzymatic response following ingestion appeared to be regulated by the chemical and physical properties of the diet. For the natural feeds, foregut protein was 1.2% higher (for zooplankton) and up to 300% higher (for detritus) than dietary protein, whereas ash was 7.5% higher (zooplankton) and 46-63% lower (detritus) than dietary ash. For animals fed diet B2 after 48 h without food, FF was approximately half that of 96 h starved animals after a similar feeding period but foregut protein and ash contents were similar. Finally, the physiological and morphological attributes elucidated in this study are discussed with reference to the ecology of the yabby. High growth rates, excellent feed utilisation indices and high digestibility coefficients for a wide range of diet-types illustrate nutritional flexibility. A capacious foregut, a large hepatopancreas with a high energy storage capacity, the ability to partition and preferentially excrete the low nutrient value inorganic component of the diet, the capacity to alter body form, nutrient processing time and enzymatic secretions in relation to diet-type, and modified behaviour according to feed availability also demonstrate plasticity/adaptability/flexibility. The combined effect of these important characteristics ensures survival in environments that may be adverse and highly variable in terms of nutrient availability. Collectively the morphological and digestive traits elucidated in this study reflect the generalist-type nature of C destructor and indicate that a polytrophic classification still seems appropriate. Several priority areas for further nutrition research are identified and recommendations are made regarding the best-practices to use in the commercial culture of the yabby. Of paramount importance is the further clarification of the nutritional requirements and feeding preferences of animals in various phases of development.


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Oral administration of bio–macromolecules is an uphill task and the challenges from varying pH and enzymatic activity are difficult to overcome. In this regard, nanotechnology promises the new hope and offers advantages such as controlled release, target specific delivery, combinatorial therapy and many more. In this study, we demonstrate the formulation of a novel alginate enclosed, chitosan coated ceramic, anti cancer nano carrier (ACSC NC). These NC were loaded with multi functional anti cancer bovine lactoferrin (Lf), a natural milk based protein, for improvement of intestinal absorption, in order to develop a novel platform to carry anti cancer protein and/or peptides for oral therapy. Here we demonstrate the size, morphology, internalisation and release profiles of the nanoparticles (NC) under varying pH as perceived in human digestive system. We further determine the uptake of these particles by colon cancer cell lines by measuring the endocytosis and transcytosis of the NC. These NC can be used for future targeted protein/peptide or nucleic acid based drug delivery to treat difficult diseases including cancer.


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Many plant seeds and invertebrates can survive passage through the digestive system of birds, which may lead to long distance dispersal (endozoochory) in case of prolonged retention by moving vectors. Endozoochorous dispersal by waterbirds has nowadays been documented for many aquatic plant seeds, algae and dormant life stages of aquatic invertebrates. Anecdotal information indicates that endozoochory is also possible for fully functional, active aquatic organisms, a phenomenon that we here address experimentally using aquatic snails. We fed four species of aquatic snails to mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and monitored snail retrieval and survival over time. One of the snail species tested was found to survive passage through the digestive tract of mallards as fully functional adults. Hydrobia (Peringia) ulvae survived up to five hours in the digestive tract. This suggests a maximum potential transport distance of up to 300 km may be possible if these snails are taken by flying birds, although the actual dispersal distance greatly depends on additional factors such as the behavior of the vectors. We put forward that more organisms that acquired traits for survival in stochastic environments such as wetlands, but not specifically adapted for endozoochory, may be sufficiently equipped to successfully pass a bird's digestive system. This may be explained by a digestive trade-off in birds, which maximize their net energy intake rate rather than digestive efficiency, since higher efficiency comes with the cost of prolonged retention times and hence reduces food intake. The resulting lower digestive efficiency allows species like aquatic snails, and potentially other fully functional organisms without obvious dispersal adaptations, to be transported internally. Adopting this view, endozoochorous dispersal may be more common than up to now thought.


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Many small organisms in various life stages can be transported in the digestive system of larger vertebrates, a process known as endozoochory. Potential dispersal distances of these “propagules” are generally calculated after monitoring retrieval in experiments with resting vector animals. We argue that vectors in natural situations will be actively moving during effective transport rather than resting. We here test for the first time how physical activity of a vector animal might affect its dispersal efficiency. We compared digestive characteristics between swimming, wading (i.e. resting in water) and isolation (i.e. resting in a cage) mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). We fed plastic markers and aquatic gastropods, and monitored retrieval and survival of these propagules in the droppings over 24 h. Over a period of 5 h of swimming, mallards excreted 1.5 times more markers than when wading and 2.3 times more markers than isolation birds, the pattern being reversed over the subsequent period of monitoring where all birds were resting. Retention times of markers were shortened for approximately 1 h for swimming, and 0.5 h for wading birds. Shorter retention times imply higher survival of propagules at increased vector activity. However, digestive intensity measured directly by retrieval of snail shells was not a straightforward function of level of activity. Increased marker size had a negative effect on discharge rate. Our experiment indicates that previous estimates of propagule dispersal distances based on resting animals are overestimated, while propagule survival seems underestimated. These findings have implications for the dispersal of invasive species, meta-population structures and long distance colonization events.


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is a natural occurring iron binding protein present in many mammalian excretions and involved in various physiological processes. Lf is used in the transport of iron along with other molecules and ions from the digestive system. However its the modulatory functions exhibited by Lf in connection to immune response, disease regression and diagnosis that has made this protein an attractive therapeutic against chronic diseases. Further, the exciting potentials of employing nanotechnology in advancing drug delivery systems, active disease targeting and prognosis have also shown some encouraging outcomes. This review focuses on the role of Lf in diagnosing infection, cancer, neurological and inflammatory diseases and the recent nanotechnology based strategies.


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Phyllosoma of the tropical spiny rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, possess a rudimentary digestive system with a limited capacity to digest large protein molecules. As such, to foster the successful aquaculture of this species, research into dietary requirements should place a focus on feed ingredients aligned with digestive capacity. Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess the effects of two protein pre-digestion treatments: acid denaturation and enzyme hydrolysis, on a regular fishmeal ingredient in a novel formulated diet for early-mid stage P. ornatus phyllosoma (Stages III-VIII). Three iso-nitrogenous, iso-lipidic and iso-energetic diets were formulated with 100% of protein originating from intact fishmeal (IFM), acid-denatured fishmeal (DFM) or enzyme hydrolysed fishmeal (HFM) and fed to early-mid stage phyllosoma for a period of 35-days. Growth performance metrics were all significantly higher in phyllosoma receiving the HFM treatment compared to the DFM and IFM treatments. Phyllosoma fed the HFM diet also had the most advanced development stages, with a significantly greater proportion of individuals reaching Stage VII (2). No significant differences were detectable in either the protein-bound or FAA composition of phyllosoma across all treatments, suggesting that the superior growth performance of the HFM fed phyllosoma was the result of an increased abundance of intermediate, shorter chain dietary peptides. The present study suggests that enzyme hydrolysed fishmeal is a superior protein ingredient for artificial diets and most closely resembles the requisite dietary protein format for P. ornatus phyllosoma.


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Garden warblers (Sylvia borin) were subjected to starvation trials during their autumnal migratory phase in order to simulate a period of non-stop migration. Before, during and after this treatment the energy expenditure, activity, food intake and body mass of the subjects were monitored. Assimilation efficiency was constant throughout the experiments. The catabolized (during starvation) and deposited body tissue (during recovery) consisted of 73% fat. Basal metabolic rate was decreased during the starvation period and tended to a gradual increase during the recovery period. The reduced basal metabolic rate can possibly be attributed to a reduced size/function of the digestive system, which is consistent with the sub-maximal food intake immediately after resuming the supply of food to the experimental birds. The observed reductions in basal metabolic rate during starvation and activity during recovery can be viewed as adaptations contributing to a higher economization of energy supplies. The experimental birds were unable to eat large quantities of food directly after a period of starvation leading to a comparatively low, or no increase in body mass. Such a slow mass increase is in agreement with observations of migratory birds on arrival at stop-over sites.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of the use of different growth promoters on the morphometry and ultra-structure of the intestinal mucosa of 42-day-old broilers. A total number of 36 male Cobb broilers was distributed in a randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, with 3 prebiotic and 3 probiotic sources in the feed, summing up 9 treatments, with 4 replicates each. There was a significant interaction (P<0.01) among the studied factor for villi height (VH) in all intestinal segments, and for crypt depth (CD) in the duodenum and the ileum. In the duodenum, higher villi were obtained in the control group, with the combination of B. subtilis and prebiotics, and with the single use of MOS+OA. No VH differences were observed between the control group and those fed prebiotics. In the jejunum, the highest villi were obtained with the use of the bacterial pool, followed by the control group, and by the use of B. subtilis. Higher villi were also obtained in the control group and in the groups fed MOS, when B. subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics, and when the bacterial pool was used individually or in combination with MOS. In the ileum, the highest villi were obtained with the individual use of B. subtilis, and when MOS+OA or MOS were individually used or in combination with the bacterial pool. As to duodenal CID, deeper crypts were observed in the control group and in those fed B. subtilis or MOS+OA. In the ileum, deeper crypts were also found in the control group and those fed B. subtilis. Deeper crypts were also found when the bacterial pool was individually used or in combination with MOS+OA, and with the individual use of MOS. It was concluded that the use of growth promoters was beneficial to Increase intestinal villi height when Bacillus subtilis was used in combination with prebiotics. The other growth promoters (MOS+OA, MOS, and bacterial pool), can be individually used in most situations. The tested growth promoters did not influence intestinal villi density.


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The study of diet and physiological peculiarities of the digestive system of neotropical deer is not well known and the literature shows inconsistencies. To better understand the digestive system of these mammals the difference in the gastro-intestinal transit time of four species of neotropical deer (Mazama americana, Mazama gouazoubira, Mazama nana, Blastocerus dichotomus), kept ill captivity, was evaluated. Four plants (Neonotonia wightii, Morus albans, Medicago sativa, Leucaena leucocephala) were utilized and two variables were measured, mean time of the beginning of the elimination (BE) and mean time of permanence (TP). The results obtained for BE indicated similarity among the deer species, with significant differences between M. gouazoubira (mean = 13.62 hr) and M. Americana (mean = 19.25 hr). For the plants, the BE was faster with N. wightii and L. leucocephala, and slower for M. sativa. The TP results for B. dichotomus showed longer time when compared to the other species, whereas M. gouazoubira had a lower permanence. Overall, N. wightii had the highest retention time in the digestive tract of all the deer species studied. Associated with this observation, N. wightii had the highest quantity of plant fiber of the plants tested. In a similar fashion M. sativa showed the lowest TP in the digestive tract of the deer and had the lowest quantity of acid detergent fiber. The data from this study showed that, within species, the shape of the excretion curve of the plants was similar when the animals consumed N. wightii or M. sativa. Blastocerus dichotomus and M. gouazoubira had the highest and the lowest gastro-intestinal transit time, respectively. This suggests that these species characterize different abilities to digest high fiber food, and consequently, represent the two extremities in the morphophysiological adaptation within the deer species evaluated. This information is vital because it is important to know the digestive physiology to define the diet of captive animals, particularly regarding the quantity and quality of fiber. Zoo Biol 25:47-57, 2006. (C) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Na presente revisão, buscou-se apresentar os principais impactos ambientais causados pela pecuária, sobretudo, em relação às emissões de gases efeito estufa (GEE). Além disso, buscou-se apresentar possíveis formas de mitigar essas externalidades. A criação de bovinos, no Brasil, acontece de forma extensiva, muitas vezes em áreas com pastagem degradada e, portanto, de baixa produtividade. Isso possibilita à atividade uma oportunidade de redução do impacto causado ao meio ambiente, uma vez que ações tomadas, no sentido de melhorar o rendimento animal, devem resultar em um menor consumo de recursos naturais (terra e água) e maior eficiência do sistema digestivo animal. Os principais problemas apontados pelos pesquisadores, no que tange à pecuária extensiva, são o metano emitido pela fermentação entérica dos ruminantes, o óxido nitroso emitido pelos dejetos dos animais em pastejo e o dióxido de carbono trocado pelo solo e vegetação. Muitos fatores influenciam a produção de CH4 entérico dos ruminantes, inclusive o tipo de carboidrato fermentado, o sistema digestivo do animal, a quantidade e o tipo de alimentos consumidos. Diante do exposto, pesquisadores têm desenvolvido tecnologias para reduzir a emissão de metano, através da melhoria das práticas de manejo alimentar, manipulação ruminal, por meio de suplementação com monensina, lipídios, ácidos orgânicos e compostos de plantas. Outras estratégias de redução de metano que foram investigadas são: defaunação e vacinas, que buscam inibir micro-organismos metanogênicos e a metanogênese. Assim, a busca por sistemas de produção eficientes tem sido uma das perspectivas da pecuária mundial para reduzir a emissão de poluentes e intensificar a produção animal.


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RACIONAL: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo afetam vários sistemas orgânicos, inclusive o digestório. Neste, as lesões variam em intensidade e freqüência na dependência da doença envolvida. A descrição das diferentes manifestações digestivas tem sido pouco freqüente, pouco detalhada e, não raro, baseada em experiências individuais e levantamentos retrospectivos. Tais formas de registro de dados produzem resultados muitas vezes conflitantes entre as diferentes casuísticas. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer de forma mais consistente, por intermédio de entrevista e questionário predefinido de sintomas, o conjunto e freqüência dos sintomas digestivos observados na esclerose sistêmica progressiva, artrite reumatóide, polimiosite/dermatomiosite, doença mista do tecido conjuntivo e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Estudaram-se 99 pacientes, 90% mulheres, com idade média de 45 anos. do total, 35 tinham artrite reumatóide, 26 esclerose sistêmica progressiva, 21 lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, 12 dermatomiosite/polimiosite e 5 doença mista do tecido conjuntivo. Todos foram submetidos, por investigador treinado, a entrevista e preenchimento de um questionário de sintomas digestivos, composto de 17 itens, previamente definidos. RESULTADOS: O estudo revelou elevada prevalência de sintomas gastrointestinais nas cinco doenças investigadas, muitas vezes afetando mais de 50% dos casos. Chamou a atenção a presença significativa de sintomas negligenciados pela literatura como a incontinência fecal. Discordante de trabalhos anteriores, os pacientes desta série com artrite reumatóide apresentaram variadas queixas digestivas, surpreendendo o achado de disfagia em 1/3 deles. CONCLUSÕES: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo são causas de freqüentes e numerosos sintomas digestivos. O uso de questionários predefinidos mostrou-se instrumento válido na identificação de substancial número de sintomas, alguns deles ainda não referidos pela literatura. Por fim, foi constatada escassez de trabalhos passados e atuais relativos às manifestações gastrointestinais das doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo, o que prejudicou análises comparativas mais amplas.


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Estudaram-se os efeitos do tratamento de frangos de corte com microbiota cecal anaeróbia liofilizada (MCL) e congelada (MCC) sobre a infecção do trato digestivo das aves por Salmonella enterica sorovar Enteritidis. Foi usada microbiota intestinal sem prévia identificação bacteriana. A infecção foi persistente, em ordem, no ceco, inglúvio e duodeno. A infecção também foi autolimitante nos grupos tratados e no controle. Não ocorreu diferença entre o grupo-controle positivo e os tratados com MCL ou MCC. Houve redução da colonização do ceco no período de 12 dias após o desafio nos grupos tratados com MCL e MCC, o que não ocorreu no grupo-controle positivo. Não houve variação entre os tratamentos com MCL e MCC quanto às características pesquisadas. A S. Enteritidis reduziu o ganho de peso médio nas aves inoculadas. Os tratamentos com MCL e MCC minimizaram a redução de peso nos grupos infectados.