999 resultados para Elisabeth, Empress, consort of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, 1837-1898.
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Recollections of the Empress Eugénie.--A fresh start and two portraits.--Two glimplses of Queen Victoria.--'Mount Music.'--An adventure in a train.--The quotation-fiend.--A winter of storm.--The opera fiasco.--An open secret.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 59521
iberzetsṭ fon E. M. Mahr
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Provisorische Änderung der Rekrutierungsvorschriften bis zum Erlaß eines neuen Gesetzes: Aufhebung der Befreiung des Adels von der Militärpflicht, Einberufung (vom zwanzigsten bis zum sechsundzwanzigsten Lebensjahr) durch Losverfahren. Nebst eingehenden Ausführungsbestimmungen zur Konskription der Wehrpflichtigen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bestätigung der Glaubensfreiheit, der öffentlichen Religionsausübung, der Freiheit von Wissenschaft und Lehre, des Schutzes sprachlicher Minderheiten, der Meinungsfreiheit und des Zensurverbots, des Petitionsrechts, der Versammlungs- und Vereinsfreiheit (nach Maßgabe der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen), der Freiheit der Person, der Unverletzlichkeit der Wohnung sowie des Briefgeheimnisses für die österreichische Reichshälfte. Option der zeitweisen Aufhebung dieser Rechte im "Falle eines Krieges oder bei Unruhen im Innern"
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bestätigung des Gesetzes vom 7. September 1848 über die Aufhebung der bäuerlichen Untertänigkeit (völlige Aufhebung des Robots und der Robotgelder, der Grundherrschaftslasten gegen Entschädung). Nebst eingehenden Ausführungsbestimmungen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Auflösung des zu Kremsier tagenden Reichstages und Oktroyierung einer Verfassung für "das einige und untheilbare Kaiserthum Österreich"
The (art) collection of Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553-1595) is widely unknown when it comes to early-modern Habsburg collections. Ernest, younger brother of Emperor Rudolf II (b. 1552) and educated at the Madrid court, was appointed Governor-General of the Netherlands by King Philip II of Spain, his uncle, in summer 1593. Ernest relocated his court from Vienna to Brussels in early 1594 and was welcomed there with lavish festivities: the traditional Blijde Inkomst, Joyous Entry, of the new sovereign. Unfortunately, the archduke died in February 1595 after residing in Brussels for a mere thirteen months. This investigation aims to shed new light on the archduke and his short-lived collecting ambitions in the Low Countries, taking into account that he had the mercantile and artistic metropolis Antwerp in his immediate reach. I argue, that his collecting ambitions can be traced back to one specific occasion: Ernest’s Joyous Entry into Antwerp in June 1594. There the archduke received a series of six paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525/30-1569) known as The Months (painted in 1565), hanging today in separate locations in Vienna, New York and Prague. These works of art triggered Ernest’s collecting ambitions and prompted him to focus mainly on works of art and artefacts manufactured at or traded within the Netherlands during the last eight months of his lifetime. Additionally, it will be shown that the archduke was inspired by the paintings’ motifs and therefore concentrated on acquiring works of art depicting nature and landscape scenes from the 1560s and 1590s. On the basis of the archduke’s recently published account book (Kassabuch) and of the partially published inventory of his belongings, it becomes clear that Ernest of Austria must be seen in line with the better-known Habsburg collectors and that his specific collection of “the painted Netherlands” can be linked directly to his self-fashioning as a rightful sovereign of the Low Countries.
Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553–1595), second son of Emperor Maximilian II and younger brother of Emperor Rudolf II, was in his youth a possible candidate for the thrones of the Empire or the Spanish Kingdom. Instead, he became Governor-General of the Netherlands in 1593 and relocated to Brussels in 1594 where he was welcomed with lavish festivities as the bearer of hope and prosperity. Unfortunately, Ernest died only thirteen months later without having achieved any political success. His brother and successor Albert of Austria commissioned the funeral monument for Ernest in 1600 after it was settled that he would be buried in Brussels and not Vienna. Focusing on this monument, which draws stylistically from various dynasty-related models, it will be shown that Albert intended to use this monument – and thus his brother’s memoria – to make the Brussels Cathedral the primary location of Habsburg dynastic memory in the Low Countries.
Leopold Horowitz
Benjamin Segel