990 resultados para Electronic Portal Imaging


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In this paper we describe the development of a three-dimensional (3D) imaging system for a 3500 tonne mining machine (dragline).Draglines are large walking cranes used for removing the dirt that covers a coal seam. Our group has been developing a dragline swing automation system since 1994. The system so far has been `blind' to its external environment. The work presented in this paper attempts to give the dragline an ability to sense its surroundings. A 3D digital terrain map (DTM) is created from data obtained from a two-dimensional laser scanner while the dragline swings. Experimental data from an operational dragline are presented.


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Ultrasound is used extensively in the field of medical imaging. In this paper, the basic principles of ultrasound are explained using ‘everyday’ physics. Topics include the generation of ultrasound, basic interactions with material and the measurement of blood flow using the Doppler effect.


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Many transition metal oxide materials of high chemical purity are not necessarily monophasic. Thus, single crystals of chemically pure rare earth manganites and cobaltates of the general formula Ln1-xAxMO3 (Ln=rare earth metal, A=alkaline earth metal, M=Mn, Co) exhibit the phenomenon of electronic phase separation wherein phases of different electronic and magnetic properties coexist. Such phase separation, the length scale of which can vary anywhere between a few nanometers to microns, gives distinct signatures in X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns, electrical and magnetic properties, as well as in NMR and other spectroscopies. While the probe one employs to investigate electronic phase separation depends on the length scale, it is noteworthy that direct imaging of the inhomogeneities has been accomplished. Some understanding of this phenomenon has been possible on the basis of some of the theoretical models, but we are far from unraveling the varied aspects of this new phenomenon. Herein, we present the highlights of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches, and comment on the future outlook for this fascinating phenomenon


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A new benzoyl hydrazone based chemosensor R is synthesized by Schiff base condensation of 2,6-diformyl-4-methylphenol and phenyl carbohydrazide and acts as a highly selective fluorescence sensor for Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in aqueous media. The reaction of R with CuCl2 or ZnCl2 forms the corresponding dimeric dicopper(II) Cu-2(R)(CH3O)-(NO3)](2)(CH3O)(2) (R-Cu2+) and dizinc(1) Zn-2(R)(2)](NO3)(2) (R-Zn2+) complexes, which are characterized, as R, by conventional techniques including single-crystal X-ray analysis. Electronic absorption and fluorescence titration studies of R with different metal cations in a CH3CN/0.02 M HEPES buffer medium (pH = 7.3) show a highly selective binding affinity only toward Cu(2+)and Zn2+ ions even in the presence of other commonly coexisting ions such as Ne+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+. Quantification of the fluorescence titration analysis shows that the chemosensor R can indicate the presence of Cu2+ and Zn2+ even at very low concentrations of 17.3 and 16.5 ppb, respectively. R-Zn2+ acts as a selective metal-based fluorescent sensor for inorganic pyrophosphate ion (PPi) even in the presence of other common anions such as F-, Cl-, Br-, I-, CH3COO-, CO32-, HCO3-, N-3(-), SO42-, PPi, AMP, ADP, and ATP in an aqueous medium. The propensity of R as a bioimaging fluorescent probe to detect Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions in human cervical HeLa cancer cell lines and their cytotoxicity against human cervical (HeLa), breast cancer (MCF7), and noncancer breast epithelial (MCF10a) cells have also been investigated. R-Cu2+ shows better cytotoxicity and sensitivity toward cancer cells over noncancer cells than R and R-Zn2+ under identical conditions, with the appearance of apoptotic bodies.


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Package-board co-design plays a crucial role in determining the performance of high-speed systems. Although there exist several commercial solutions for electromagnetic analysis and verification, lack of Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools for SI aware design and synthesis lead to longer design cycles and non-optimal package-board interconnect geometries. In this work, the functional similarities between package-board design and radio-frequency (RF) imaging are explored. Consequently, qualitative methods common to the imaging community, like Tikhonov Regularization (TR) and Landweber method are applied to solve multi-objective, multi-variable package design problems. In addition, a new hierarchical iterative piecewise linear algorithm is developed as a wrapper over LBP for an efficient solution in the design space.


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A dissertação busca responder em que medida todas as possibilidades de interação ofertadas pelo Portal da Câmara dos Deputados atendem às necessidades de interação política dos cidadãos que utilizam estes novos canais. Quem são os usuários destas novas ferramentas? Qual a avaliação que eles fazem destes novos canais? Qual é a opinião deles sobre as possibilidades de participação eletrônica? O principal aspecto teórico abordado nesta dissertação é a seguinte discussão: a internet replica formas de participação tradicionais ou é realmente capaz de fazer com que mais cidadãos, incluindo aqueles que estão alheios e desinteressados, participem? Essas questões foram direcionadas ao Portal da Câmara dos Deputados do Brasil, que, ao longo dos últimos anos, soube adaptar-se e promover um espaço de amplo acesso a informações legislativas, com capacidade de contato e interação entre o cidadão e o seu representante e é considerado, atualmente, o melhor portal legislativo da América do Sul. A dissertação utilizou duas metodologias distintas. A primeira consistiu em analisar as estatísticas de acesso ao Portal, identificando assim os padrões de acesso: os sites de referência e os caminhos de busca através dos quais se chega ao Portal. A segunda consistiu na condução de um Web Survey para coletar a opinião dos usuários. O questionário aplicado teve como objetivo coletar avaliações das ferramentas disponibilizadas pelo Portal, identificar o perfil dos usuários e compreender-lhes o comportamento político no mundo off-line. Um dos principais achados é o de que a Democracia Eletrônica desenvolvida pelo Portal da Câmara dos Deputados tem servido mais aos profissionais da política que ao cidadão comum. Mas, mesmo assim, o cidadão comum, interessado em buscar participação, contato e interação com os atores políticos, está procurando essas ferramentas on-line. Palavras chaves: Democracia Eletrônica, Câmara dos Deputados, pesquisa on-line, estatísticas de acesso.


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This thesis explores the design, construction, and applications of the optoelectronic swept-frequency laser (SFL). The optoelectronic SFL is a feedback loop designed around a swept-frequency (chirped) semiconductor laser (SCL) to control its instantaneous optical frequency, such that the chirp characteristics are determined solely by a reference electronic oscillator. The resultant system generates precisely controlled optical frequency sweeps. In particular, we focus on linear chirps because of their numerous applications. We demonstrate optoelectronic SFLs based on vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and distributed-feedback lasers (DFBs) at wavelengths of 1550 nm and 1060 nm. We develop an iterative bias current predistortion procedure that enables SFL operation at very high chirp rates, up to 10^16 Hz/sec. We describe commercialization efforts and implementation of the predistortion algorithm in a stand-alone embedded environment, undertaken as part of our collaboration with Telaris, Inc. We demonstrate frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) ranging and three-dimensional (3-D) imaging using a 1550 nm optoelectronic SFL.

We develop the technique of multiple source FMCW (MS-FMCW) reflectometry, in which the frequency sweeps of multiple SFLs are "stitched" together in order to increase the optical bandwidth, and hence improve the axial resolution, of an FMCW ranging measurement. We demonstrate computer-aided stitching of DFB and VCSEL sweeps at 1550 nm. We also develop and demonstrate hardware stitching, which enables MS-FMCW ranging without additional signal processing. The culmination of this work is the hardware stitching of four VCSELs at 1550 nm for a total optical bandwidth of 2 THz, and a free-space axial resolution of 75 microns.

We describe our work on the tomographic imaging camera (TomICam), a 3-D imaging system based on FMCW ranging that features non-mechanical acquisition of transverse pixels. Our approach uses a combination of electronically tuned optical sources and low-cost full-field detector arrays, completely eliminating the need for moving parts traditionally employed in 3-D imaging. We describe the basic TomICam principle, and demonstrate single-pixel TomICam ranging in a proof-of-concept experiment. We also discuss the application of compressive sensing (CS) to the TomICam platform, and perform a series of numerical simulations. These simulations show that tenfold compression is feasible in CS TomICam, which effectively improves the volume acquisition speed by a factor ten.

We develop chirped-wave phase-locking techniques, and apply them to coherent beam combining (CBC) of chirped-seed amplifiers (CSAs) in a master oscillator power amplifier configuration. The precise chirp linearity of the optoelectronic SFL enables non-mechanical compensation of optical delays using acousto-optic frequency shifters, and its high chirp rate simultaneously increases the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold of the active fiber. We characterize a 1550 nm chirped-seed amplifier coherent-combining system. We use a chirp rate of 5*10^14 Hz/sec to increase the amplifier SBS threshold threefold, when compared to a single-frequency seed. We demonstrate efficient phase-locking and electronic beam steering of two 3 W erbium-doped fiber amplifier channels, achieving temporal phase noise levels corresponding to interferometric fringe visibilities exceeding 98%.


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We use low temperature spatially resolved photoluminescence imaging to study optical properties and electronic states of single CdS and GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Near-space, defined as the altitude region between 20 and 100 km, offers many capabilities that are not accessible for low Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites or airplanes because it is above storm and not constrained by orbital mechanics and high fuel consumption. Hence, a high flying speed can be obtained for the maneuvering vehicles operating in near-space. This offers a promising solution to simultaneous high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging. As such, one near-space wide-swath SAR imaging technique is presented in this letter. The system configuration, signal model, and imaging scheme are described. An example near-space SAR system is designed, and its imaging performance is analyzed. Simulation results show that near-space maneuvering vehicle SAR indeed seems to be a promising solution to wide-swath SAR imaging.


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Yeoman, A., Urquhart, C. & Sharp, S. (2003). Moving Communities of Practice forward: the challenge for the National electronic Library for Health and its Virtual Branch Libraries. Health Informatics Journal, 9(4), 241-252. Previously appeared as a conference paper for the iSHIMR2003 conference (Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, June 1-3, 2003, Boras, Sweden) Sponsorship: NHS Information Authority/National electronic Library for Health


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Urquhart, C., Yeoman, A., Sharp, S. (2003). Developing communities of practice in the NeLH (National electronic Library for Health). In Proceedings of the UKAIS (UK Academy for Information Systems) annual conference, University of Warwick, April 2003. Sponsorship: NHS Information Authority/National electronic Library for Health


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A method is proposed which uses a lower-frequency transmit to create a known harmonic acoustical source in tissue suitable for wavefront correction without a priori assumptions of the target or requiring a transponder. The measurement and imaging steps of this method were implemented on the Duke phased array system with a two-dimensional (2-D) array. The method was tested with multiple electronic aberrators [0.39π to 1.16π radians root-mean-square (rms) at 4.17 MHz] and with a physical aberrator 0.17π radians rms at 4.17 MHz) in a variety of imaging situations. Corrections were quantified in terms of peak beam amplitude compared to the unaberrated case, with restoration between 0.6 and 36.6 dB of peak amplitude with a single correction. Standard phantom images before and after correction were obtained and showed both visible improvement and 14 dB contrast improvement after correction. This method, when combined with previous phase correction methods, may be an important step that leads to improved clinical images.


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OBJECTIVE: The Veterans Health Administration has developed My HealtheVet (MHV), a Web-based portal that links veterans to their care in the veteran affairs (VA) system. The objective of this study was to measure diabetic veterans' access to and use of the Internet, and their interest in using MHV to help manage their diabetes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional mailed survey of 201 patients with type 2 diabetes and hemoglobin A(1c) > 8.0% receiving primary care at any of five primary care clinic sites affiliated with a VA tertiary care facility. Main measures included Internet usage, access, and attitudes; computer skills; interest in using the Internet; awareness of and attitudes toward MHV; demographics; and socioeconomic status. RESULTS: A majority of respondents reported having access to the Internet at home. Nearly half of all respondents had searched online for information about diabetes, including some who did not have home Internet access. More than a third obtained "some" or "a lot" of their health-related information online. Forty-one percent reported being "very interested" in using MHV to help track their home blood glucose readings, a third of whom did not have home Internet access. Factors associated with being "very interested" were as follows: having access to the Internet at home (p < 0.001), "a lot/some" trust in the Internet as a source of health information (p = 0.002), lower age (p = 0.03), and some college (p = 0.04). Neither race (p = 0.44) nor income (p = 0.25) was significantly associated with interest in MHV. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that a diverse sample of older VA patients with sub-optimally controlled diabetes had a level of familiarity with and access to the Internet comparable to an age-matched national sample. In addition, there was a high degree of interest in using the Internet to help manage their diabetes.