982 resultados para Effect of temperature


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In co-melt granulation, collisions occur between the particles to be agglomerated and the binder material. Depending on the stage of granulation, the binder material can be in the solid or liquid phase. The outcome of these collisions controls the dynamics of the granulation process and the fundamental physics of the impacts are of interest. This paper examines the impact of glass beads (model particles) and solid Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) flakes on a substrate of PEG as the temperature of the PEG layer is increased from below its melting point to above it. While the layer is in the solid state, the result of the impact can be quantified by the coefficient of restitution. When the layer is in the liquid state, the impact can be quantified by the immersion behaviour. The results obtained show that the coefficient of restitution between either glass beads and PEG flakes and the PEG layer is strongly affected by temperatures. As the PEG layer approaches its melting point, the coefficient of restitution falls to zero. Once the temperature of the PEG layer exceeds the melting point, the impact is characterised by a transient maximum indentation and then rebound to an equilibrium position. These too are strongly dependent on temperature.


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A análise da mobilidade seminal é uma ferramenta importante para reprodução em aquacultura. Esta é uma técnica in vitro que auxilia a estabulação, manutenção e selecção de lotes de reprodutores. A análise de mobilidade seminal pode tornar-se potencialmente uma ferramenta para o melhoramento das condições do ambiente de fertilização. A utilização do software CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) revolucionou a descrição e quantificação específica da mobilidade seminal. A maioria da informação recolhida sobre mobilidade de sémen de peixes baseia-se em espécies de água doce, pelo que é crucial conhecer as condições óptimas de activação da mobilidade de espermatozóides para novas espécies de de água salgada de interesse em aquacultura tal como Solea senegalensis. A optimização das condições de fertilização desta espécie é particularmente importante já que os lotes de reprodutores em cativeiro podem desenvolver disfunções reprodutoras. Este trabalho teve como objectivo realizar a avaliação das condições óptimas de activação da mobilidade do sémen em S. senegalensis em termos de temperatura, salinidade e pH. O segundo objectivo foi realizar a avaliação da influência de fluido ovárico homólogo (S. senegalensis) e heterólogo (Epinephelus marginatus) na mobilidade seminal de S. senegalensis. Deste modo foram realizados dois conjuntos de experiências: 1) mobilidade de sémen de 7 machos analisado através do CASA em diferentes temperaturas, salinidades e pH, 2) mobilidade de sémen de 8 machos activados na presença de diferentes concentrações de fluido ovárico. Os parâmetros do CASA foram registados e posteriormente analisados através de médias e cluster analysis. Concluiu-se que temperaturas mais elevadas (20 ºC) e baixas salinidades (25 ‰ e 30 ‰) da solução de activação ocorre um melhoramento das características de mobilidade seminal, tal como a velocidade. A presença de fluido ovárico em baixas concentrações melhora as características da mobilidade seminal assim como a longevidade dos espermatozóides. O fluido ovárico é consequentemente um factor que estimula a mobilidade seminal que tem sido negligenciado em estudos anteriores. Este estudo demonstrou que durante a época de reprodução a temperatura da água (20 ºC) e a salinidade (25 ‰ e 30 ‰) no tanque são os principais factores que melhoram a activação da mobilidade do sémen, sendo consequentemente uma contribuição importante para compreender a dinâmica do processo de fertilização em S. senegalensis.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico, 18 de Dezembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.


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The influence of temperature on the developmental times and survival of insects can largely determine their distribution. For invasive species, like the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), these data are essential for predicting their potential range based on mechanistic models. In the case of this species, such data are too scarce and incomplete to make accurate predictions based on its physiological needs. This research provides comprehensive new data about brood survival and developmental times at a wide range of temperatures under laboratory conditions. Temperature affected both the complete brood development from egg to adult worker and each of the immature stages separately. The higher the temperature, the shorter the development times. Brood survival from egg to adult was low, with the maximum survival rate being only 16% at 26º C. Temperature also affected survival of each of the immature stages differently: eggs were negatively affected by high temperatures, while larvae were negatively affected by low temperatures, and the survival of pupae was apparently independent of environmental temperature. At 32º C no eggs survived, while at 18º C less than 2% of the eggs hatched into larva. The data from the present study are essential for developing prediction models about the distribution range of this tramp species based on its physiological needs in relation to temperature


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The effects of temperature, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and photoperiod on vegetative growth and flowering of the raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) 'Autumn Bliss' were investigated. Increased temperature resulted in an increased rate of vegetative growth and a greater rate of progress to flowering. Optimum temperatures lay in the low to mid 20degreesC range. Above this the rate of plant development declined. Increased PPFD also advanced flowering. While photoperiod did not significantly affect the rate of vegetative growth, flowering occurred earliest at intermediate photoperiods and was delayed by extreme photoperiods. These responses suggest that there is potential for adjusting cropping times of raspberry grown under protection by manipulating the environment, especially temperature.


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White-salted cheeses were prepared from ultrafiltered (UF) cows' milk and salted to give final salt-in-moisture (SM) levels of 2.5, 3.2 and 4.0%. The cheeses were stored at 5degreesC and 10degreesC for up to 15 weeks. The microflora was dominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) but some mould growth was evident within 15 weeks at all SM levels and both temperatures. Levels of water-soluble nitrogen (WSN), attributed to chymosin activity, increased significantly with time, the rate being inversely proportional to the SM level and increasing with storage temperature. Similar effects were noted for trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen (TCA-SN) and free amino acid (FAA) levels, both of which would also be affected by bacterial protease activity. The proteolytic activity was reflected by changes in the hardness and fracturability of the cheeses.


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Acid phosphatase production by 12 Hebeloma strains was usually derepressed when inorganic phosphorus in the growth medium was limited, but appeared to be constitutive in some strains. At low temperatures (≤ 12°) arctic strains produced more extracellular and wall-bound acid phosphatase, yet grew more slowly than the temperate strains. We suggest that low growth rates in arctic strains may be a physiological response to cold whereby resources are diverted into carbohydrate accumulation for cryoprotection. At near freezing temperatures, increased extracellular phosphatase production may compensate for a loss of enzyme activity at low temperature and serve to hydrolyse organic phosphorus in frozen soil over winter.


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Supramolecular polyurethanes (SPUs) possess thermoresponsive and thermoreversible properties, and those characteristics are highly desirable in both bulk commodity and value-added applications such as adhesives, shape-memory materials, healable coatings and lightweight, impact-resistant structures (e.g. protection for mobile electronics). A better understanding of the mechanical properties, especially the rate and temperature sensitivity, of these materials are required to assess their suitability for different applications. In this paper, a newly developed SPU with tuneable thermal properties was studied, and the response of this SPU to compressive loading over strain rates from 10−3 to 104 s−1 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of temperature on the mechanical response was also demonstrated. The sample was tested using an Instron mechanical testing machine for quasi-static loading, a home-made hydraulic system for moderate rates and a traditional split Hopkinson pressure bars (SHPBs) for high strain rates. Results showed that the compression stress-strain behaviour was affected significantly by the thermoresponsive nature of SPU, but that, as expected for polymeric materials, the general trends of the temperature and the rate dependence mirror each other. However, this behaviour is more complicated than observed for many other polymeric materials, as a result of the richer range of transitions that influence the behaviour over the range of temperatures and strain rates tested.


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Polystyrene surfaces were conditioned with surfactin and rhamnolipid biosurfactants and then assessed regarding the attachment of Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Micrococcus lute us. The effect of different temperatures (35, 25, and 4 degrees C) on the anti-adhesive activity was also studied. Microbial adhesion to solvents and contact angle measurements were performed to characterize bacteria and material surfaces. The results showed that surfactin was able to inhibit bacterial adhesion in all the conditions analyzed, giving a 63-66% adhesion reduction in the bacterial strains at 4 degrees C. Rhamnolipid promoted a slight decrease in the attachment of S. aureus. The anti-adhesive activity of surfactin increased with the decrease in temperature, showing that this is an important parameter to be considered in surface conditioning tests. Surfactin showed good potential as an anti-adhesive compound that can be explored to protect surfaces from microbial contamination.