1000 resultados para Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts - LUS


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Bartonella species are fastidious bacteria that predominantly infect mammalian erythrocytes and endothelial cells and cause long-lasting bacteraemia in their reservoir hosts. Reports that describe the epidemiology of bartonellosis in Brazil are limited. This study aimed to detect and characterise Bartonella spp DNA from cat blood samples in São Luís, Maranhão, north-eastern Brazil. Among 200 cats tested for multiple genes, nine (4.5%) were positive for Bartonella spp: six cats for Bartonella henselae and three for Bartonella clarridgeiae. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of four genes, the B. henselae strain matched strains previously observed in Brazil and was positioned in the same clade as B. henselae isolates from the United States of America. Moreover, sequence alignment demonstrated that the B. clarridgeiae strain detected in the present study was the same as the one recently detected in cats from southern Brazil.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the variability of the clinical response to infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae is associated with host genetic factors. The present study investigated the frequency of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II (DRB1) alleles in patients with leprosy from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. A case-control study was performed in 85 individuals with leprosy and 85 healthy subjects. All samples were analysed via polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific oligonucleotide probes. The HLA-DRB1*16 allele showed a higher frequency in the group with leprosy [(9.41% vs. 4.12%) odds ratio (OR) = 2.41 95% confidence interval (CI) (0.96-6.08) p = 0.05], whereas the HLA-DRB1*11 allele was less frequent in the group with leprosy [(6.47% vs. 11.76%) OR = 0.51 95% CI (0.23-1.12) p = 0.09]. The frequency of HLA-DRB1* alleles between the control group and leprosy patient subgroups presenting different forms of the disease showed that the HLA-DRB1*16 (16.13% vs. 8.24%, OR = 4.10, CI = 1.27-13.27, p = 0.010) and HLA-DRB1*14 (5% vs. 3.53%, OR = 4.63, CI = 1.00-21.08, p = 0.032) alleles were significantly more frequent in patients with different clinical subtypes of leprosy. The sample size was a limitation in this study. Nevertheless, the results demonstrated the existence of a genetic susceptibility associated with the clinical forms of leprosy. The low frequency of the HLA-DRB1*11 allele should be further studied to investigate the possible protective effect of this allele.


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Notre travail de thèse vise à analyser, d'une part, les principales réformes du Parlement fédéral adoptées au cours du 20e siècle et, d'autre part, l'évolution du profil sociographique pour six cohortes d'élus fédéraux (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980, 2000 et 2010), sous l'angle de sa démocratisation et de sa professionnalisation. La thèse comprend trois axes de recherche principaux. Premièrement, nous nous penchons sur les deux réformes institutionnelles censées favoriser la démocratisation du recrutement parlementaire, à savoir l'adoption de la proportionnelle pour l'élection du Conseil national en 1918 et l'introduction du suffrage féminin à l'échelon fédéral en 1971. Nous abordons également les réformes du Parlement visant, depuis les années 1970, à sa revalorisation et à sa professionnalisation. Le deuxième axe porte sur la réalisation d'un portrait collectif des élus fédéraux pour la période 1910-1980, dans le but de vérifier l'impact des réformes des règles électorales (proportionnelle et suffrage féminin) sur le profil des députés et sénateurs. Enfin, dans le troisième axe, nous abordons les transformations du profil socio-professionnel des parlementaires pendant la période plus récente (1980-2010), en lien avec la professionnalisation accrue de l'Assemblée fédérale et les changements des rapports de force partisans. Nos résultats permettent de mettre en évidence plusieurs éléments de continuité (prédominance de la catégories des indépendants, notamment des avocats, des chefs d'entreprise et des agriculteurs, et sous-représentation des salariés du secteur public ; fort ancrage local), ainsi que certains facteurs de rupture (présence accrue des femmes, moindre importance de la carrière militaire). D'autres changements dans le profil sont liés au processus récent de professionnalisation, contesté et inachevé, qui a favorisé néanmoins l'émergence de nouveaux profils sociologiques d'élus, en termes de formation, de profession (apparition du groupe des parlementaires professionnels) et de cumul des mandats économiques et politiques, avec cependant de fortes variations entre les partis et entre les deux Chambres. - Our PhD thesis aims at analysing, on the one hand, the main reforms of the Federal Parliament adopted during the 20th century and, on the other hand, the evolution of sociographical profile for six cohorts of Swiss MPs (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980, 2000 and 2010) in terms of their democratization and professionalization. Our research is composed of three main parts. Firstly, we analyse two institutional reforms which intended to promote the democratization of parliamentary recruitment, namely the adoption of proportional representation (PR) in 1918 for the election of the National Council and the introduction of women's suffrage at the federal level in 1971. We also deal with parliamentary reforms that, since the 1970s, have aimed at reasserting the political status of the Federal Assembly and at professionalizing its members. Secondly, we carry out a collective biography of Swiss MPs during the period 1910-1980, in order to verify the impact of electoral reforms (PR and women's suffrage) on the profiles of deputies and senators. Finally, we discuss the transformation of the MPs' socio-_professional profiles during the recent period (1980-2010) in connection with the increased professionalization of the Federal Assembly and the changes of the power relations within the Parliament. Our results allow us to highlight several elements of continuity (the predominance of self-employed persons, especially lawyers, business managers and farmers, and the underrepresentation of public employees; stronger background in local politics), as well as some factors of discontinuity (increased presence of women and lesser importance of the military career). Other changes of the parliamentarians' profile are related to the recent process of professionalization. Although contested and unfinished, it has promoted new sociological profiles in terms of educational background, profession (growth of the professional parliamentarians) and number of political and economic mandates held simultaneously, however with important variations between parties and between Lower and Upper House.


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Estudou-se a diversidade, a abundância relativa e a sazonalidade das espécies de flebotomíneos em duas reservas de floresta primária alterada, a reserva florestal do Sacavém (RFS) e reserva florestal do Itaqui (RFI), localizadas na área metropolitana de São Luís, capital do estado do Maranhão. Os flebotomíneos foram capturados com armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC, instaladas na borda e no centro da mata, a 1,5 metros de altura, das 18h00 às 6h00, uma vez por mês, durante um ano. No total foram capturados 1.356 indivíduos de 23 espécies dos gêneros Lutzomyia (21) e Brumptomyia (2). Na RFS foram capturados 1.061 espécimes, resultando num esforço de captura de 2,5 indivíduos/hora/armadilha e o predomínio de L. longipalpis (44,8%), seguida por L. antunesi (36,4%), L. sordelli (5,9%), L. flaviscutellata (3,9%) e L. whitmani (2,1%). O maior número de espécies (11) e indivíduos (60,1%) ocorreu na estação chuvosa. Na RFI foram obtidos 295 espécimes, o esforço de captura foi 0,2 indivíduos/hora/armadilha, com o predomínio de L. flaviscutellata (58,6%), L. sordelli (14,6%), L. longipalpis (7,1%), L. evandroi (6,4%), L. longipennis (3%), L. trinidadensis (2,7%) e L. whitmani (1,7%). As espécies foram mais numerosas na estiagem (11) e os espécimes durante a estação chuvosa (54,6%).


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Literaturas Lusófonas Comparadas apresentada à Universidade Aberta


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Literaturas Lusófonas Comparadas apresentada à Universidade Aberta


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Entrevista ao poeta cabo-verdiano José Luís Tavares, distinguido com o Prémio Mário António de Poesia 2004, atribuído pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pela sua primeira obra poética “Paraíso apagado por um trovão”.


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Pablo Luis Landsberg fue profesor de filosofía en nuestra Universidad en los cursos de 1934-1935 y 1935-1936. Participó así en ele períodod corto y brillante de la autonomía universitaria que he dejado un recuerdo imborrable en todos los que tuvimos la suerte de vivirlo. [...]