920 resultados para Educational leadership|School administration|Special education


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O tema da dissertação prende-se com as consequências do alargamento da escolaridade obrigatória nas Escolas Secundárias, concretamente naquilo que se relaciona com o previsível aumento de casos de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais decorrente desse alargamento. Este trabalho pretende conhecer o que os professores pensam sobre este tema no que se refere à sua concepção sobre inclusão e Necessidades Educativas Especiais, às suas experiências anteriores com este tipo de alunos, como encaram os professores o alargamento da escolaridade obrigatória no secundário, qual o nível de preparação que pensam ter para trabalhar com estes alunos, como encaram as adequações curriculares que serão necessárias e finalmente que tipo de necessidades pensam que podem surgir nas escolas para dar uma resposta adequada à nova situação. Para que todas as afirmações dos professores estivessem fundamentadas, fez-se uma abordagem teórica referente à evolução do ensino em Portugal e da Educação Especial numa perspectiva nacional e internacional, fazendo também um contraponto com a actualidade. Em termos metodológicos, optou-se por um estudo qualitativo, com características exploratórias e descritivas. Para a recolha de dados foi selecionada uma escola do centro de Lisboa, que se situa numa zona habitacional e de serviços. Realizaram-se seis entrevistas semi-dirigidas, construídas a partir de um guião, constituído por um conjunto de questões formuladas segundo objectivos e organizadas por temas. Para analisar os dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A análise feita permitiu concluir que esta temática não é uma preocupação actual dos professores do ensino secundário. Apesar da aceitação genérica do conceito de inclusão, os professores sentem dificuldade na adequação de conteúdos e na adaptação do sistema de avaliação, embora todos os entrevistados tivessem experiências anteriores com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Quanto às necessidades que podem surgir, os professores consideram que elas se vão relacionar sobretudo com equipamento informático, acessibilidades e formação de professores. - Abstract The subject approached in this paper relates to the consequences of the extent of mandatory school years in secondary schools, specifically with the increase in the number of students with special educational needs. Therefore it will be evaluated teacher’s opinions and ideas about the subject, how they define inclusion and special educational needs, their prior experiences with this kind of students and how they intend to face the extend of mandatory school years, their background to deal with this students, and the changes that, in school, they think would be necessary to give adequate answers to this new situation. In order to support teacher’s opinions, a theoretical approach was made, regarding the evolution of teaching and of Special Education in Portugal, in a national and international perspective, comparing it to our current reality. To achieve these goals, a qualitative research was designed, in order to obtain exploratory and descriptive data. To collect the data, a semi-structured interview was created from some preestablished guidelines, according to the objectives and organized by topics, these interviews took place in a school located in the center of Lisbon. To analyze the answers, a content analysis technique was used. The results observed allowed to conclude that this subject is not a current concern for the interviewed teachers. Despite the global acceptance of inclusion, as a concept, teachers still have some difficulties adapting contents and adapting the evaluation system, although all the teachers interviewed had prior experience with students with special educational needs. About the necessities that may emerge, teachers think they will be computer related, regarding accessibility and regarding teacher formation.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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La qualitat de vida s’està convertint en un concepte clau i unificador en l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual. Així mateix, la percepció actual sobre les persones amb discapacitat ha canviat substancialment. En el moment actual, cal plantejar-se quines són les aplicacions i les implicacions que tenen per l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual els principis derivats del nou concepte de discapacitat i de la qualitat de vida. Aquesta investigació pretén essencialment elaborar un conjunt d’instruments que permetin avaluar la qualitat de les pràctiques educatives dels centres d’educació especial. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha seguit un procediment estructurat i ordenat en l’elaboració dels instruments com en la seva valoració inicial. Per avaluar la qualitat dels centres d’educació especial es proposen una sèrie qüestionaris tant pels professionals, les famílies i els alumnes. Els resultats indiquen que el conjunt d’instruments d’avaluació permeten recollir informació àmplia i variada de les pràctiques d’un centre d’educació especial, determinar les seves fortaleses i debilitats i servir de base per establir plans de millora estretament relacionats amb el context particular del centre i amb el que es considera una bona pràctica educativa.


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The central theme for this study is graduate employment and employability in European-wide discussion. In this study, the complex relationships between higher education and the world of work are explored from the vantage point of how individuals make use of the higher education system in their transition from education to employment. The variation among individual transition processes in nine European countries is analysed with the help of a comparable graduate survey. Countries in this study are Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Norway. The data used for the study is commonly known as the “CHEERS” or “Careers after Higher Education, A European Research Survey.” The data was collected in 1999. The study discusses the possibilities and limitations the higher education system has in supporting the initial education-to-work transitions of youth. The study also addresses problems with comparing national higher education systems in terms of enrolment and graduate employability. A central purpose for this study is to reflect on concerns about the prolongation of individual transitions with a framework that simultaneously considers both the graduate employability and the duration of the education-to-work transition process. The key concept for this study is the standard student/graduate; synonym concepts are the traditional and the conventional student/graduate. Standard graduates are relatively young individuals who are performing their initial transition from education to working-life and who complete the degree-earning process within the stipulated time frame. In all nine countries, standard graduates make up a considerable share of the student flow, passing from higher education to the labour markets. The share of standard graduates is by far the largest in France, where they comprise the overwhelming mass. The proportion of the standard graduates is the lowest in Italy, Finland, and Austria where approximately one in four graduates completed the process of higher education within the stipulated time frame. Of the nine countries compared, employability of the whole graduate population is the greatest in Norway, the UK, Finland, and the Netherlands. Compared with employability of the whole graduate population, variation among the countries is considerably reduced when reviewing the employability of only the standard graduates. Thereby, even though the ranking among countries remains largely unchanged, the variations among them are smaller when the duration of degree earning process is standardized. The study also discusses other ideal types of student careers (or transition processes) besides the standard student/graduate. Results of regression analyses indicate that that at the pan-European level analysis, the graduate labour markets are not heavily segmented in terms of the type of the individual transition process. When considering within-country differences between the graduates, the field of studies is clearly a more powerful explanatory variable than the type of the transition process. There are, nevertheless, clear indications that, irrespective of the country, chances of finding a high status job are, on the average, highest amongst those who graduate within the stipulated duration of the degree program and who thereby have experienced the standard student career, whereas, participating in working life while studying protects against unemployment after finishing one’s degree.


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A conceptual analysis of educational leadership explored the influence of managed and living systems on 21st century leadership discourse. Drawing on a detailed understanding of managed and living systems theory compiled from the work of Capra (2002), Morgan (1997), Mitchell and Sackney (2009), and Wheatley (2007), this study draws attention to the managed systems systemic concepts of efficiency, control, and standardization, and the living systems concepts of collaboration, shared meaning, change, and interconnection as markers of systems theory that find resonance within leadership literature. Using these systemic concepts as a framework, this study provides important insights into the espousal of managed and living systems concepts within the leadership discourse.


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In 2001 the Indian Banks Association have come up with a model frame work for educational loans in the country. With the approval of the Central Government the public sector banks in India started to give education loans. The private and cooperative banks also joined the fray. Due to growing NPAs and the intervention of the Government these norms were modified in 2011. The budget allocation for the primary and higher secondary education is on the increase in India. However, higher education has been of late relegated or left to the mercy of the private players. There has been a steady growth of educational loans disbursed, private colleges and deemed universities started and enrolments of students in higher education during the years 2001 to 2011. This paper is a humble attempt to 1) analyse the growth of the educational loans vis-à-vis other forms of personal loans at the national level, 2) showcase the disbursements of educational loans in Kerala State, 3) to assess the growth of educational institutions and enrolment of students in higher education in India from secondary data and 4) to make suggestions based on the findings


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El trabajo de grado se desarrollará a partir del análisis del liderazgo y el poder como característica de éste, desde una visión ecológica, lo cual constituye un aspecto de gran importancia en los estudios de administración. Primero, se abordará el significado de liderazgo y la importancia que este representa dentro de las organizaciones, a través de la generación de procesos que llevan a la organización a su evolución y desarrollo. Posteriormente se abordará el tema de poder en relación con la comprensión del efecto que este puede tener sobre las interacciones que se dan entre las personas de la organización. Finalmente, se estudiará también desde la ecología, como el poder ejercido por los líderes puede influir en la forma en que estos agentes, es decir personas, procesos e interacciones, interactúan para movilizar a la organización. De esta forma, se asume el poder como un aspecto importante dentro del estudio del liderazgo, en cuanto éste puede afectar la forma en que las personas son lideradas al interior de la organización.


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A partir dos anos 1960, novos conceitos e práticas começaram a ser introduzidos no âmbito das respostas educativas a dar às crianças e jovens em situação de deficiência. A grande mobilidade das pessoas, o alargamento da escolaridade obrigatória e a consequente diversificação dos seus públicos trouxeram para a discussão educativa o papel e as funções da escola. Da procura de respostas para as situações de deficiência à necessidade de promover o sucesso para todos os alunos da escola, um longo e difícil caminho está a ser percorrido, com perspectivas e tomadas de posição algo controversas. Para que as palavras/expressões não sejam usadas aleatoriamente ou despidas do significado que esteve na origem da sua utilização educativa, procedeuse aqui à sua definição e contextualização, segundo as perspectivas divulgadas mais recentemente.


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Nowadays we live in a literate society in which reading and writing skills are highly valued. Currently, the educational interventions seek to involve people from different backgrounds to form multidisciplinary teams. The present case study aimed to analyze the collaboration process between the different members of the context involved in educational intervention regarding the oral language disorders and learning disabilities in reading and writing. Concerning psychological evaluation we used different instruments for data collection. Firstly interview and clinical history where carried out afterwards a semi-structured interviews were prepared in order to obtain information about the performance of the special education team, the special education and children with special needs and learning difficulties in pre-primary and 1st cycle of basic education. The implementation of educational policies at the school where also considered in the case study which revealed difficulties in achieving the educational support for students with these problems.


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A group of administrators from the New York Trade School posing in front of a building. Black and white photograph.


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A group of administrators from the New York Trade School pose in front of the school's building on East 67th Street. The photograph is black and white.


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This black and white photograph features two administrators positioned at desk.