911 resultados para Educational Change


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El artículo propone algunas construcciones analíticas que articulan perspectivas actuales y que ofrecen pistas para repensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje cuando hay mediación tecnológica. A partir de un breve recorrido por el campo de la Tecnología Educativa desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, se centra en tres "tejidos" (en tanto articuladores de ideas). El primero da cuenta de una perspectiva cognitiva y refiere a la mente participativa como constructo que ofrece un prisma para comprender la cognición en tiempos de redes sociales; el segundo, centrado en la enseñanza recupera la idea de la reconstrucción del aprendizaje experiencial; el último aborda la tendencia en las formas de producción. Estas tres tendencias conforman un "caleidoscopio" que ofrece una desmitificación de la relación entre tecnología e innovación y entre tecnología y motivación y una perspectiva más compleja para generar cambio educativo.


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El artículo propone algunas construcciones analíticas que articulan perspectivas actuales y que ofrecen pistas para repensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje cuando hay mediación tecnológica. A partir de un breve recorrido por el campo de la Tecnología Educativa desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, se centra en tres "tejidos" (en tanto articuladores de ideas). El primero da cuenta de una perspectiva cognitiva y refiere a la mente participativa como constructo que ofrece un prisma para comprender la cognición en tiempos de redes sociales; el segundo, centrado en la enseñanza recupera la idea de la reconstrucción del aprendizaje experiencial; el último aborda la tendencia en las formas de producción. Estas tres tendencias conforman un "caleidoscopio" que ofrece una desmitificación de la relación entre tecnología e innovación y entre tecnología y motivación y una perspectiva más compleja para generar cambio educativo.


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El artículo propone algunas construcciones analíticas que articulan perspectivas actuales y que ofrecen pistas para repensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje cuando hay mediación tecnológica. A partir de un breve recorrido por el campo de la Tecnología Educativa desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, se centra en tres "tejidos" (en tanto articuladores de ideas). El primero da cuenta de una perspectiva cognitiva y refiere a la mente participativa como constructo que ofrece un prisma para comprender la cognición en tiempos de redes sociales; el segundo, centrado en la enseñanza recupera la idea de la reconstrucción del aprendizaje experiencial; el último aborda la tendencia en las formas de producción. Estas tres tendencias conforman un "caleidoscopio" que ofrece una desmitificación de la relación entre tecnología e innovación y entre tecnología y motivación y una perspectiva más compleja para generar cambio educativo.


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"April 1997"--T.p. verso.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Cover title.


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"April 1986."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Some vols. are gift of the Program in Hellenic Studies with the support of the Stanley J. Seeger Hellenic Fund.


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The purpose of this inquiry was to investigate the impact of a large, urban school district's experience in implementing a mandated school improvement plan and to examine how that plan was perceived, interpreted, and executed by those charged with the task. The research addressed the following questions: First, by whom was the district implementation plan designed, and what factors were considered in its construction? Second, what impact did the district implementation plan have on those charged with its implementation? Third, what impact did the district plan have on the teaching and learning practices of a particular school? Fourth, what aspects of the implemention plan were perceived as most and least helpful by school personnel in achieving stated goals? Last, what were the intended and unintended consequences of an externally mandated and directed plan for improving student achievement? The implementation process was measured against Fullan's model as expounded upon in The Meaning of Educational Change (1982) and The New Meaning of Educational Change (1990). The Banya implementation model (1993), because it added a dimension not adequately addressed by Fullan, was also considered.^ A case study was used as the methodological framework of this qualitative study. Sources of data used in this inquiry included document analysis, participant observations in situ, follow-up interviews, the "long" interview, and triangulation. The study was conducted over a twelve-month period. Findings were obtained from the content analysis of interview transcripts of multiple participants. Results were described and interpreted using the Fullan and Banya models as the descriptive framework. A cross-case comparison of the multiple perspectives of the same phenomena by various participants was constructed.^ The study concluded that the school district's implementation plan to improve student achievement was closely aligned to Fullan's model, although not intentionally. The research also showed that where there was common understanding at all levels of the organization as to the expectations for teachers, level of support to be provided, and availability of resources, successful implementation occured. The areas where successful implementation did not occur were those where the complexity of the changes were underestimated and processes for dealing with unintended consequences were not considered or adequately addressed. The unique perspectives of the various participants, from the superintendent to the classroom teacher, are described. Finally, recommendations for enhancement of implementation are offered and possible topics for further research studies are postulated. ^


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Classroom teachers are often required to implement new procedures or practices in response to local or federal education mandates. Attempts to implement innovations, often do not take into account the personal side of change; the perceptions, concerns and needs of those required to implement the innovation. One innovation that was required by the School Board of Broward County, Florida for all elementary classroom teachers was the implementation of Literacy Folders. ^ This study attempted to address the personal side of change by identifying teacher concerns during the implementation of Literacy Folders in a select elementary school in Broward County Florida. The Concerns Based Adoption model (CBAM) for change was used as the conceptual framework for this qualitative case study. ^ Sources of data for this study included participant interviews, observations and analysis of documents. Informal conversations with the participants and unscheduled classroom visits were also sources of data. Seven classroom teachers were interviewed using a predesigned interview guide developed based on the CBAM of change, specifically the Stages of Concern Dimension. Participant responses were coded into two categories, (a) recollections of past perceptions, and (b) present perceptions regarding the innovation. ^ Data analysis resulted in the emergence of one major theme and two subordinate themes. The themes were related to time and purpose of the innovation. The researcher also discovered that the participants exhibited responses typically representative of the CBAM for individuals who are in the process of adjusting to a new innovation. ^ Recommendations based on participant concerns are made for improving the implementation of the innovation. Recommendations for alternatives to the innovation and suggestions regarding areas for further research in the field of educational change are also made. ^


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The thesis deals with the concepts of technical tra ining of middle level adopted by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of R io Grande do Norte (IFRN). Discusses these concepts from the four political-pedagogical projects built in the period 1970 to 2010, spanning three institutionalities: Federal Technica l School of Rio Grande do Norte (1970- 1998), Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (1999-2008) and IFRN (from 2008) as well as three important politic al contexts of the country: Civil-Military Dictatorship, New Republic and Period of neoliberal ideas in Brazil. The goal is to analyze the configuration of the conceptions of training adopte d in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN, with emphasis on the specificities and (dis) contin uities, placing them in the context of political, economic and educational change in development in t he country. Addresses the relationship work, education and human development in capitalist society, in order to grasp the concept of employee training engendered by that company as wel l as the possibility of a counter- hegemonic formation. We analyze the formation of mi d-level concepts outlined in the educational reforms implemented in the country. We investigate the concepts of training outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN . Makes use of the historical-dialectical materialism, the literature review, the documentary research and interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the working group coordinator of the drafting of the political- institutional educational projects. The results sho w that the training of workers in capitalist society has a unilateral character; that the traini ng required by the working class is the omnilateral training; that the formative ideas that permeated the educational reforms in the country between 1970 and 2010 were all envisaged by unilateral training; that, in certain contexts, conceptions of technical training medium level outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN reflect the formative perspectives th at guide educational reforms in the country (unilateral training) and, at other times, the inst itution adopts concepts (training omnilateral) that are not consistent with such prospects; and th at between the political-pedagogical projects built from 1970 to 2010 there are more continuities than breaks in relation to the concepts of training adopted. We conclude that the challenge is to institutionalize the IFRN their educational actions omnilateral designing training undertaken in the political-pedagogical project 2009.


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During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland many looked to schools to contribute to reconciliation. A variety of interventions were attempted throughout those years, but there was little evidence that any had produced systemic change. The peace process provided an opportunity for renewed efforts. This paper outlines the experience of a series of projects on 'shared education', or the establishment of collaborative networks of Protestant, Catholic and integrated schools in which teachers and pupils moved between schools to take classes and share experiences. The paper outlines the genesis of the idea and the research which helped inform the shape of the shared education project. The paper also outlines the corpus of research which has examined various aspects of shared education practice and lays out the emergent model which is helping to inform current government practice in Northern Ireland, and is being adopted in other jurisdictions. The paper concludes by looking at the prospects for real transformation of education in Northern Ireland.