916 resultados para Educação - Produção científica


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This research aimed to identify the scientific production for articles published in its typology of the Post Graduated Program in Information Science, Unesp, Marília. Particularly, it was evaluated co-authored articles written by researcher teachers from the Program and built networks of scientific collaboration and the calculation of some indicators. As research procedure, reports of CAPES evaluation between the years 2001 to 2009 were considered it articles produced in co-authorship. It was built up a network of co-authoring, using the software Pajek, and calculated the indicators of density and centrality of the network, allowing analysis of the intensity of network connectivity and the role of each player individually and the network as a whole. We analyzed the collaborative network in order to visualize the partnerships among the researchers from the three research lines and between them and their collaborators to verify the connection intensity.


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Concern about the identity of nursing professionals has existed since Florence Nightingale. The exercise of the nursing profession must be based on scientific principles so that the actual health problems of a given community can be assessed and actions targeted at improving the population’s quality of life can be designed from such assessments. This problem assessment is referred to as Nursing Diagnosis. NANDA defines diagnosis as “a clinical judgment about individual, family or community responses to actual or potential health problems/life processes. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which nurses are accountable”. The present study aimed at investigating the scientific production on Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA). This is an literature review. For data collection, an instrument that addressed the following items was used: identification of original articles and evaluation of their objectives, methodological characteristics, results and conclusion. In the present review, 15 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. They were all authored by nurses. Four articles addressed obstetrics, puerperium and neonatology, and the diagnosis of an unsatisfactory breastfeeding process was observed in 100% of cases. As regards chronic diseases, four articles were found, and two exclusively addressed diabetes, with a main diagnosis of an ineffective control of the therapeutic regimen. Three articles addressed the elderly, and the main diagnosis found was hindered mobility in more than 90% of cases. As regards, sexually transmitted diseases, one article was found with three diagnoses with 100% for disturbed sleep patterns, infection risk and ineffective protection. As to patients with sequelae, two articles were identified, and the diagnoses found were hindered physical mobility, with 100%; self-care deficit for... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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By the end of the 1970´s, begins the Psychiatric Reform Movement, whose development was the beginning of the construction of a new model, here termed Psychosocial Attention, to substitute the traditional psychiatric model. As such, aspires to be a process of paradigm shift and, therefore, requires transformations in the fields: theoretical-conceptual, technical-assistance, legal-political e sociocultural. This qualitative study composes a research which sought to ascertain the scientific production on the topic conducted by psychology, from the implementation of the Brazilian National Health System and the creation of new services to mental health care. In this sense, it proposed to investigate how the papers published in journals of psychology found in the database LILACS, since 1990, contribute to the process of building a new model that actually replace the so-called traditional psychiatric model.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research leads to a meta-analysis of scientific production in energy efficiency in industrial sectors, recorded in ten (10) leading journals in Administration and Engineering Production in Brazil, between 2001 and 2011. To this end, this scholarship was examined based on the following parameters: a) the total contribution and journal articles, b) methods used in studies, and c) the theoretical gaps to exploit. The diagnosis is that one infers: academic work in energy efficiency industries accounted for only twenty-nine (29) published articles, and only eight (8) have energy efficiency as a central theme of the work. Although the results still showed a rising trend in the number of publications since the last five (5) years analyzed showed 65.5% of all published files relating to energy efficiency. It contributes, therefore, the systematization of the academic production in the area of energy efficiency and business subsidies are provided for this field of research in Brazil.


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This study aimed to verify the existence of articles on human resource management and sustainability in the major journals in the administration area in Brazil. Were selected for the study 24 national journals Qualis A1 to B3. The results indicated that the interaction between these two areas is recent in Brazil, since the first publications appeared only in 2006, and found 170 articles that investigated the human resource management only nine established relationship with sustainability.


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Estuda a produção científica na área de Enfermagem Ocupacional, no período de 1941 a 1986. Informa sobre as mudanças que ocorreram ao longo da história da Enfermagem. Seleciona material bibliográfico para pesquisa e realiza levantamento da produção científica sobre Enfermagem Ocupacional. Constatada a escassez da produção científica e as dificuldades para difusão e acesso aos conhecimentos na área da Enfermagem Ocupacional.


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Reflexão sobre o perfil da comunidade de pesquisadores em Ciência da Informação na ECA/USP, que emerge das análises de indicadores de formação e titulação do corpo docente dos programas de pós-graduação, em relação ao perfil temático das dissertações e teses orientadas. As linhas e os grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no CNPq são elementos de referência na categorização temática da produção científica da área. Partindo da hipótese de que ementas são elaboradas para acomodar interesses heterogêneos de pesquisadores e não refletem a produção da área, foi realizado estudo para analisar o conteúdo temático e objetos de análise das orientações efetuadas de 1999-2004 para avaliar sua pertinência em relação às linhas e grupos de pesquisa. Os resultados mostram uma gama de trabalhos de pesquisa de corpos teóricos diferentes, com novos temas incluídos no bojo da produção acadêmica que confirmam a multidisciplinaridade presente no programa mas, normalmente, não revelada plenamente nos estudos de avalição dessa mesma produção, em função das categorias utilizadas para análise e apresentação de resultados


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Pesquisa documental, de caráter exploratório, que descreve e analisa os enfoques e resultados de um conjunto de estudos sobre a produção científica em Turismo no exterior e no Brasil, com base em levantamento bibliográfico e análise de conteúdo. Com o objetivo de discutir a relevância e o estágio evolutivo do conhecimento turístico, apresenta uma amostra de estudos referenciais sobre o tema no exterior e mapeia 24 estudos produzidos nessa temática no Brasil de 1993 a 2008, destacando diferentes objetivos, objetos de estudo, metodologias e resultados. A maioria das pesquisas no exterior apresenta-se como quantitativa, centra-se em periódicos científicos e destaca-se pelo referencial teórico e a metodologia adotada. No Brasil, embora a maioria das pesquisas privilegie as dissertações e teses acadêmicas enquanto objeto de estudo há maior diversidade deste; nota-se, porém, certo distanciamento em relação ao referencial teórico e metodológico dos estudos do exterior.


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Resolução USP no.6.444 de 22/out/2012. Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da USP. Métricas e indicadores possíveis. Formação em serviço às equipes bibliotecárias SIBi.