914 resultados para Ecological model
Nell’attuale contesto di aumento degli impatti antropici e di “Global Climate Change” emerge la necessità di comprenderne i possibili effetti di questi sugli ecosistemi inquadrati come fruitori di servizi e funzioni imprescindibili sui quali si basano intere tessiture economiche e sociali. Lo studio previsionale degli ecosistemi si scontra con l’elevata complessità di questi ultimi in luogo di una altrettanto elevata scarsità di osservazioni integrate. L’approccio modellistico appare il più adatto all’analisi delle dinamiche complesse degli ecosistemi ed alla contestualizzazione complessa di risultati sperimentali ed osservazioni empiriche. L’approccio riduzionista-deterministico solitamente utilizzato nell’implementazione di modelli non si è però sin qui dimostrato in grado di raggiungere i livelli di complessità più elevati all’interno della struttura eco sistemica. La componente che meglio descrive la complessità ecosistemica è quella biotica in virtù dell’elevata dipendenza dalle altre componenti e dalle loro interazioni. In questo lavoro di tesi viene proposto un approccio modellistico stocastico basato sull’utilizzo di un compilatore naive Bayes operante in ambiente fuzzy. L’utilizzo congiunto di logica fuzzy e approccio naive Bayes è utile al processa mento del livello di complessità e conseguentemente incertezza insito negli ecosistemi. I modelli generativi ottenuti, chiamati Fuzzy Bayesian Ecological Model(FBEM) appaiono in grado di modellizare gli stati eco sistemici in funzione dell’ elevato numero di interazioni che entrano in gioco nella determinazione degli stati degli ecosistemi. Modelli FBEM sono stati utilizzati per comprendere il rischio ambientale per habitat intertidale di spiagge sabbiose in caso di eventi di flooding costiero previsti nell’arco di tempo 2010-2100. L’applicazione è stata effettuata all’interno del progetto EU “Theseus” per il quale i modelli FBEM sono stati utilizzati anche per una simulazione a lungo termine e per il calcolo dei tipping point specifici dell’habitat secondo eventi di flooding di diversa intensità.
This study examined the impact of the contextual environment of the family on post abuse adjustment of sexually abused adolescents. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory was used to investigate how the external influences of the family impact the capacity of families to foster the recovery of sexually abused adolescents. The results from this secondary analysis of data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being Wave I (NSCAW, Dowd et al., 2002) support contextually sensitive treatment planning for sexually abused adolescents and their families.
El propósito de este estudio fue la construcción y validación de un instrumento de medición de barreras a la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva por parte de las personas adultas desde la teoría ecológico social y analizar la presencia de las diferentes barreras así como las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación a las barreras relacionadas con el empleo, el cuidado de hijos e hijas y las tareas del hogar, identificando las posibles diferencias existentes en función del género y del tipo de demanda en la población adulta de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se ha realizado un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal en una muestra representativa de la población residente en la Comunidad de Madrid entre 30 y 64 años. El tipo de muestreo fue probabilístico, de tipo polietápico según tamaño demográfico de municipio y género, con un margen de error del ± 5,27% y un intervalo de confianza del 95,5%. El tamaño de la muestra final fue de 360 personas (50,3% mujeres, 49,7% hombres), quienes completaron un cuestionario estructurado mediante entrevista personal cara a cara en su domicilio entre octubre y diciembre de 2011, que incluía una escala de barreras específica, así como sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a los tres ítems relacionados con el empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar de la escala de barreras. La escala de barreras fue completada por las personas practicantes de actividad física y deportiva que deseaban realizar otra actividad, es decir, por la Demanda Establecida, así como por las personas no practicantes pero deseosas de hacerlo o Demanda Latente, y las personas no practicantes no interesadas en practicar o Demanda Ausente (n=246). Las personas que alcanzaron elevadas puntuaciones en los tres ítems de la escala de barreras vinculados al empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar, completaron sub-cuestionarios específicos de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a estas barreras. Para el estudio métrico de los ítems y la dimesionalidad de la escala de barreras se llevaron a cabo análisis descriptivos de los ítems, análisis correlacionales y análisis factoriales exploratorios (AFE). Como resultado se obtuvo una escala de barreras constituida por 13 ítems que explicaron el 59,1% de la variabilidad total de los datos, agrupados en cuatro dimensiones denominadas: Barreras Interpersonales (2 ítems), Barreras Individuales (4 ítems), Barreras Comunidad-Institucionales (4 ítems) y Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo (3 ítems). Los datos de la escala de barreras y los sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación fueron analizados con el SPSS v. 18. Para la comparación de variables cuantitativas y ordinales se utilizaron ANOVAS de dos factores (género por tipo de demanda), el tamaño del efecto para esta prueba se cuantificó mediante eta cuadrado. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentajes para las variables nominales y como medias y desviaciones típicas para las variables ordinales y cuantitativas. El nivel de riesgo se fijó en 0,05. El instrumento presentó una fiabilidad aceptable (α=0,58) en consonancia con el modelo ecológico social presentando dimensiones que explicaron los niveles de influencia de las diferentes esferas. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron avalar tanto la adecuación de las propiedades psicométricas de los ítems, así como la validez y fiabilidad de la escala de barreras para la práctica de actividad física y deportiva. Los distintos análisis realizados han aportado evidencia de la validez de una estructura de cuatro dimensiones acorde a los planteamientos teóricos previos de los modelos ecológicos sociales. En la dimensión barreras Individuales se identificaron diferencias según el tipo de demanda (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) y el género (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). En la dimensión barreras Interpersonales se identificaron diferencias de género (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) pero no entre demandas (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). En la dimensión Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) sin presentar diferencias entre hombres y mujeres (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Por último, en la dimensión Comunidad Institucionales, se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) y no hubo diferencias en función del género (F1,240=0,65; p>0,05; 1-β=0,13). Las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación relacionadas con el empleo más valoradas fueron la de flexibilidad en los horarios de trabajo y adecuación de horarios; las más valoradas relacionadas con la barrera cuidado de hijos fueron que en la instalación deportiva se ofertaran actividades físicas conjuntas, en las en las que pudiesen participar madres e hijos y que la instalación deportiva ofreciera, en el mismo horario, actividades para ellos y sus hijos, y, por último, las más valoradas en relación con las tareas del hogar, una mayor implicación de la pareja seguida por una mayor implicación de los hijos. ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to build and validate an instrument to measure the barriers of adult people to the practice of sport and physical activities from the perspective of the social-ecological theory, analyse the presence of the different barriers, as well as the innovations and alternatives regarding conciliation with work and the care of children and home as barriers, identifying the possible differences that exist based on gender and the type of demand of the adult population within the Community of Madrid. For this, a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was carried out on a representative sample of the resident population of the Community of Madrid, ages ranging from 30 to 64 years old. Given that is an infinite or very large population, and working with an interval of confidence of the 95,5%, and assuming in the population variance, the worst case of p equal to q, the margin of sampling error was ± 5,27. The sample consisted of 360 people (50,3% women, 49,7% men), who completed a questionnaire during face-to-face personal interviews between October and December 2011. The questionnaire included a scale of specific barriers, as well as sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives linked to the three items regarding work, the care of children and home of the barriers scale. The barriers scale was completed by people who practice physical and sport activities and wanted to do other activities, i.e. by the Established Demand; by people who do not practice these activities but would like to do so, i.e. Latent Demand; and by people who do not practice these activities and have no desire to do so, i.e. Absent Demand (n=246). The people who peaked on the three items of the barriers scale regarding work, the care of children and home, then completed specific sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation related to these barriers. The metric study of the items and the dimensionality of the barriers scale was carried out through descriptive analyses of the items, as well as correlation analyses and exploratory factor analyses (EFA). This resulted in a barriers scale composed of 13 items that explained 59,1% of the total variability of the data, grouped in four dimensions as follows: Interpersonal Barriers (2 items), Individual Barriers (4 items), Community-Institutional Barriers (4 items) and Obligations-Time Barriers (3 items). The data obtained from the barriers scale and sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation were analyzed using software SPSS v. 18. Two-way ANOVA (gender by type of demand) was used for the comparison of quantitative and ordinal variables, and the effect size for this test was quantified with eta squared. The results were expressed as percentages for nominal variables, and as means and standard deviations for quantitative and ordinal variables. The level of risk was set at 0,05. The instrument showed an acceptable reliability (α=0,58) in line with the social-ecological model, providing dimensions that explained the influence levels of the different spheres. The results obtained establish both the adaptation of the psychometric properties of the items, and the validity and reliability of the barriers scale for the practice of physical and sport activities. The different analyses have supported the validity of a four-dimensional structure consistent with the previous theoretical approaches on the social-ecological models, while showing adequate statistical indices. The differences identified in the Individual Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) and gender (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). The differences identified in the Interpersonal Barriers dimension were based on gender (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) but not on demand (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). The differences identified for the Obligations-Time Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) and did not show differences between men and women (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Finally, the differences identified for the Community-Institutional Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) and provided no differences based on gender (F1,240=0,65; p>,05; 1-β=0,13). The most valued innovations and alternatives for conciliation regarding work were the adaptation and flexibility of working hours and timetables; the most valued related to the care of children were the offer of joint activities for adults and children in sport centres, as well as separate activities within the same timetable; and, finally, the most valued regarding the home was a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the spouse or partner, followed by a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the children.
Referencia del artículo comentado: Heise, Lory L. «Violence against women: An integrated, ecological framework». Violence against Women 1998; 4: 262-290.
Los modelos ecológicos se han convertido en una pieza clave de esta ciencia. La generación de conocimiento se consigue en buena medida mediante procesos analíticos más o menos complejos aplicados sobre conjuntos de datos diversos. Pero buena parte del conocimiento necesario para diseñar e implementar esos modelos no está accesible a la comunidad científica. Proponemos la creación de herramientas informáticas para documentar, almacenar y ejecutar modelos ecológicos y flujos de trabajo. Estas herramientas (repositorios de modelos) están siendo desarrolladas por otras disciplinas como la biología molecular o las ciencias de la Tierra. Presentamos un repositorio de modelos (ModeleR) desarrollado en el contexto del Observatorio de seguimiento del cambio global de Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almería). Creemos que los repositorios de modelos fomentarán la cooperación entre científicos, mejorando la creación de conocimiento relevante que podría ser transferido a los tomadores de decisiones.
The concept of therapeutic landscape is concerned with a holistic, socio-ecological model of health, but most studies have attempted to explore land-health links from a Western perspective. On an Indigenous reserve in Northern Ontario, part of the Canadian subarctic, we explore the importance of spaces and places in creating postcolonial therapeutic landscapes to treat the wounds inflicted by colonialism. The aim of this research is to gain insight from views and experiences of First Nations residents living on reservations that are undergoing a process of regaining traditional spiritual beliefs and teachings to construct therapeutic spaces to face mental health problems caused by legal opioid analgesic abuse. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews with Cree and Ojibwe participants to understand how they are reconnecting with earth, spirituality and traditional animist beliefs on their way to recovery. We find that practices such as taking part in ceremonies and ritual spaces, and seeking knowledge and advice from Elders assist with personal healing and enable Indigenous people to be physically and mentally healthy. Our research findings provide important insights into the relationship between space, healing and culture as determinants of health and well-being and document some key factors that contribute to substance abuse recovery.
Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) tryoni (QFF) is arguably the most costly horticultural insect pest in Australia. Despite this, no model is available to describe its population dynamics and aid in its management. This paper describes a cohort-based model of the population dynamics of the Queensland fruit fly. The model is primarily driven by weather variables, and so can be used at any location where appropriate meteorological data are available. In the model, the life cycle is divided into a number of discreet stages to allow physiological processes to be defined as accurately as possible. Eggs develop and hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae, which emerge as either teneral females or males. Both females and males can enter reproductive and over-wintering life stages, and there is a trapped male life stage to allow model predictions to be compared with trap catch data. All development rates are temperature-dependent. Daily mortality rates are temperature-dependent, but may also be influenced by moisture, density of larvae in fruit, fruit suitability, and age. Eggs, larvae and pupae all have constant establishment mortalities, causing a defined proportion of individuals to die upon entering that life stage. Transfer from one immature stage to the next is based on physiological age. In the adult life stages, transfer between stages may require additional and/or alternative functions. Maximum fecundity is 1400 eggs per female per day, and maximum daily oviposition rate is 80 eggs/female per day. The actual number of eggs laid by a female on any given day is restricted by temperature, density of larva in fruit, suitability of fruit for oviposition, and female activity. Activity of reproductive females and males, which affects reproduction and trapping, decreases with rainfall. Trapping of reproductive males is determined by activity, temperature and the proportion of males in the active population. Limitations of the model are discussed. Despite these, the model provides a useful agreement with trap catch data, and allows key areas for future research to be identified. These critical gaps in the current state of knowledge exist despite over 50 years of research on this key pest. By explicitly attempting to model the population dynamics of this pest we have clearly identified the research areas that must be addressed before progress can be made in developing the model into an operational tool for the management of Queensland fruit fly. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Background: Understanding and influencing the determinants of physical activity is an important public health challenge. We used prospective data to examine the influence of individual, social, and environmental factors on physical activity behaviour, using regular running as the behavioural model. Methods: Over 500 middle-aged women completed two consecutive questionnaires in 2000 and 2002. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine factors predicting adoption of and regression from regular leisure-time running during the follow-up. Results: Women who frequently used behavioural change skills were more likely to adopt regular running (OR=4.0, CI=1.7-9.5). There was an interaction between the enjoyment of running and family support: those who rated enjoyment of running high and reported high family support were less likely to adopt running (OR= 0.2, CI = 0.1-0.5). Women who reported infrequent use of motives were more likely (OR = 3.3, CI = 1.6-6.9) to regress from regular running. There was an interaction between perceived health and the neighbourhood environment: those who perceived themselves to be in poor health and had an unattractive neighbourhood were more likely (OR = 2.7, CI = 0.9-8.3) to regress from regular running. Conclusions: Behavioural skills and enjoyment may be of particular importance for the adoption of regular activity; social support and an aesthetically attractive neighbourhood are likely to have a key role in encouraging maintenance. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The research was carried out within a major public company. It sought to implement an approach to strategic planning which accounted for organisational values as well as employing a holistic value-free analysis of the firm and its environment. To this end, an 'ecological' model of the firm was formulated. A series of value-free strategic policies for its development were generated. These policies were validated by the company's top-management.They compared favourably with their own planning outcomes. The approach appeared to be diagnostically strong but lacked sufficient depth in the context of finding realistic corrective measures. However, feedback from the company showed it to be a useful complementary process to conventional procedures, in providing an explicitly different perspective. The research empirically evaluated the company's value-systems and their influence on strategy. It introduced the idea of an organisational 'self-concept' pre-determining the acceptability of various strategies.The values and the "self-concept' of the company were identified and validated, They appeared to have considerable influence on strategy. In addition, tho company's planning process within the decentralised structure was shown to be sub-optimal. This resulted from the variety of value systems maintained by different parts of the organisation. Proposals attempting to redress this situation were ofJered and several accepted. The study was postured as process-action research and the chosen perspective could be succinctly described as a 'worm's-eye view', akin to that of many real planners operating at some distance from the decision-making body. In this way, the normal strategic functionings of the firm and any changes resulting from the researcher's intervention were observed and recorded. Recurrent difficulties of the planning process resulting from the decentralised structure were identified. The overall procedure suggested as a result of the research aimed to increase the viabiIity of planning and the efficiency of the process. It is considered to be flexible enough to be applicable in a broader context.
Our aim was to approach an important and well-investigable phenomenon – connected to a relatively simple but real field situation – in such a way, that the results of field observations could be directly comparable with the predictions of a simulation model-system which uses a simple mathematical apparatus and to simultaneously gain such a hypothesis-system, which creates the theoretical opportunity for a later experimental series of studies. As a phenomenon of the study, we chose the seasonal coenological changes of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera community. Based on the observed data, we developed such an ecological model-system, which is suitable for generating realistic patterns highly resembling to the observed temporal patterns, and by the help of which predictions can be given to alternative situations of climatic circumstances not experienced before (e.g. climate changes), and furthermore; which can simulate experimental circumstances. The stable coenological state-plane, which was constructed based on the principle of indirect ordination is suitable for unified handling of data series of monitoring and simulation, and also fits for their comparison. On the state-plane, such deviations of empirical and model-generated data can be observed and analysed, which could otherwise remain hidden.
Literature addressing academic achievement orientation of Black adolescents in the United States often depicts poor school related attitudes and adaptation patterns, low academic achievement, and deficient family backgrounds. However, some researchers maintained that certain Black immigrant groups possessed positive academic achievement orientations and exemplary academic achievements (Ogbu, 1991; Gibson, 1991; Vernez, & Abrahamse, 1996). In this study, I attempted to combine qualitative data from multiple sources (surveys, interviews, observations, literature, and document analysis), using standard case study methodology and the constant comparative method of analysis to understand the relationship that existed between the academic achievement orientation of a select group of West Indian American parents and adolescents in Broward County, Florida. The sub-sample of 11 families, comprising 15 adolescents and 13 parents, was selected through maximum variation sampling from a pool of 23 families. The findings were presented as a single composite case study. The participants possessed specific, longstanding educational and career goals for the children. The parents were deeply involved and were knowledgeable of their children's schools and academic progress. While mothers were the parents most actively involved in the schools, fathers were strong authoritative figures. Families evidenced a strong moral religious base with set rules of behavior, firm parenting practices, and established chains of authority. Family members emphasized education over material things; reading over audiovisual or social activities; family cohesion over individual wishes; and academics over extracurricular activities. The parents' strong positive academic achievement orientation was communicated to the children and reinforced by relatives, family friends, and others. In turn, the adolescents possessed positive school-related attitudes and attributional styles. While they admitted their parents were somewhat strict, they voluntarily complied with the rules and were highly motivated to succeed because they believed their parents deeply cared for them and that education leads to success and upward mobility. Each adolescent was pursuing an academic track and planning for college and specific profession. The findings support Ogbu's cultural ecological model (1991). I recommend these findings to teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, and others working with West Indian American families. ^
We have developed a comprehensive ecological indicator for invasive exotic plants, a human-influenced component of the Everglades that could threaten the success of the restoration initiative. Following development of a conceptual ecological model for invasive exotic species, presented as a companion paper in this special issue, we developed criteria to evaluate existing invasive exotic monitoring programs for use in developing invasive exotic performance measures. We then used data from the selected monitoring programs to define specific performance measures, using species presence and abundance as the basis of the indicator for invasive exotic plants. We then developed a series of questions used to evaluate region and/or individual species status with respect to invasion. Finally, we used an expert panel who had answered the questions for invasive exotic plants in the Everglades Lake Okeechobee model to develop a stoplight restoration report card to communicate invasive exotic plant status. The report card system provides a way to effectively evaluate and present indicator data to managers, policy makers, and the public using a uniform format among indicators. Collectively, the model, monitoring assessment, performance measures, and report card enable us to evaluate how invasive plants are impacting the restoration program and how effectively that impact is being managed. Applied through time, our approach also allows us to follow the progress of management actions to control the spread and reduce the impacts of invasive species and can be easily applied and adapted to other large-scale ecosystem projects.
Background Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, particularly among minorities, and if improperly managed can lead to medical complications and death. Healthcare providers play vital roles in communicating standards of care, which include guidance on diabetes self-management. The background of the client may play a role in the patient-provider communication process. The aim of this study was to determine the association between medical advice and diabetes self care management behaviors for a nationally representative sample of adults with diabetes. Moreover, we sought to establish whether or not race/ethnicity was a modifier for reported medical advice received and diabetes self-management behaviors. Methods We analyzed data from 654 adults aged 21 years and over with diagnosed diabetes [130 Mexican-Americans; 224 Black non-Hispanics; and, 300 White non-Hispanics] and an additional 161 with 'undiagnosed diabetes' [N = 815(171 MA, 281 BNH and 364 WNH)] who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate whether medical advice to engage in particular self-management behaviors (reduce fat or calories, increase physical activity or exercise, and control or lose weight) predicted actually engaging in the particular behavior and whether the impact of medical advice on engaging in the behavior differed by race/ethnicity. Additional analyses examined whether these relationships were maintained when other factors potentially related to engaging in diabetes self management such as participants' diabetes education, sociodemographics and physical characteristics were controlled. Sample weights were used to account for the complex sample design. Results Although medical advice to the patient is considered a standard of care for diabetes, approximately one-third of the sample reported not receiving dietary, weight management, or physical activity self-management advice. Participants who reported being given medical advice for each specific diabetes self-management behaviors were 4-8 times more likely to report performing the corresponding behaviors, independent of race. These results supported the ecological model with certain caveats. Conclusions Providing standard medical advice appears to lead to diabetes self-management behaviors as reported by adults across the United States. Moreover, it does not appear that race/ethnicity influenced reporting performance of the standard diabetes self-management behavior. Longitudinal studies evaluating patient-provider communication, medical advice and diabetes self-management behaviors are needed to clarify our findings.
Background: Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, particularly among minorities, and if improperly managed can lead to medical complications and death. Healthcare providers play vital roles in communicating standards of care, which include guidance on diabetes self-management. The background of the client may play a role in the patient-provider communication process. The aim of this study was to determine the association between medical advice and diabetes self care management behaviors for a nationally representative sample of adults with diabetes. Moreover, we sought to establish whether or not race/ethnicity was a modifier for reported medical advice received and diabetes self-management behaviors. Methods: We analyzed data from 654 adults aged 21 years and over with diagnosed diabetes [130 MexicanAmericans; 224 Black non-Hispanics; and, 300 White non-Hispanics] and an additional 161 with ‘undiagnosed diabetes’ [N = 815(171 MA, 281 BNH and 364 WNH)] who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate whether medical advice to engage in particular self-management behaviors (reduce fat or calories, increase physical activity or exercise, and control or lose weight) predicted actually engaging in the particular behavior and whether the impact of medical advice on engaging in the behavior differed by race/ethnicity. Additional analyses examined whether these relationships were maintained when other factors potentially related to engaging in diabetes self management such as participants’ diabetes education, sociodemographics and physical characteristics were controlled. Sample weights were used to account for the complex sample design. Results: Although medical advice to the patient is considered a standard of care for diabetes, approximately onethird of the sample reported not receiving dietary, weight management, or physical activity self-management advice. Participants who reported being given medical advice for each specific diabetes self-management behaviors were 4-8 times more likely to report performing the corresponding behaviors, independent of race. These results supported the ecological model with certain caveats. Conclusions: Providing standard medical advice appears to lead to diabetes self-management behaviors as reported by adults across the United States. Moreover, it does not appear that race/ethnicity influenced reporting performance of the standard diabetes self-management behavior. Longitudinal studies evaluating patient-provider communication, medical advice and diabetes self-management behaviors are needed to clarify our findings.
Background: Over the last few decades, the prevalence of young adults with disabilities (YAD) has steadily risen as a result of advances in medicine, clinical treatment, and biomedical technologythat enhanced their survival into adulthood. Despite investments in services, family supports, and insurance, they experience poor health status and barriers to successful transition into adulthood. Objectives: We investigated the collective roles of multi-faceted factors at intrapersonal, interpersonal and community levels within the social ecological framework on health related outcome including self-rated health (SRH) of YAD. The three specific aims are: 1) to examine sociodemographic differences and health insurance coverage in adolescence; 2) to investigate the role of social skills in relationships with family and peers developed in adolescence; and 3) to collectively explore the association of sociodemographic characteristics, social skills, and community participation in adolescence on SRH. Methods: Using longitudinal data (N=5,020) from the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS2), we conducted multivariate logistic regression analyses to understand the association between insurance status as well as social skills in adolescence and YAD’s health related outcomes. Structural equation modeling (SEM) assessed the confluence of multi-faceted factors from the social ecological model that link to health in early adulthood. Results: Compared with YAD who had private insurance, YAD who had public health insurance in adolescence are at higher odds of experiencing poorer health related outcomes in self-rated health [adjusted odds ratio (aOR=2.89, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.16, 7.23), problems with health (aOR=2.60, 95%CI: 1.26, 5.35), and missing social activities due to health problems (aOR=2.86, 95%CI: 1.39, 5.85). At the interpersonal level, overall social skills developed through relationship with family and peers in adolescence do not appear to have association with health related outcomes in early adulthood. Finally, at the community level, community participation in adolescence does not have an association with SRH in early adulthood. Conclusions: Having public health insurance coverage does not equate to good health. YAD need additional supports to achieve positive health outcomes. The findings in social skills and community participation suggest other potential factors may be at play for health related outcomes for YAD and the need for further investigation.