997 resultados para East River


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1. Stream ecosystem health monitoring and reporting need to be developed in the context of an adaptive process that is clearly linked to identified values and objectives, is informed by rigorous science, guides management actions and is responsive to changing perceptions and values of stakeholders. To be effective, monitoring programmes also need to be underpinned by an understanding of the probable causal factors that influence the condition or health of important environmental assets and values. This is often difficult in stream and river ecosystems where multiple stressors, acting at different spatial and temporal scales, interact to affect water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem processes. 2. In this article, we describe the development of a freshwater monitoring programme in South East Queensland, Australia, and how this has been used to report on ecosystem health at a regional scale and to guide investments in catchment protection and rehabilitation. We also discuss some of the emerging science needs to identify the appropriate scale and spatial arrangement of rehabilitation to maximise river ecosystem health outcomes and, at the same time, derive other benefits downstream. 3. An objective process was used to identify potential indicators of stream ecosystem health and then test these across a known catchment land-use disturbance gradient. From the 75 indicators initially tested, 22 from five indicator groups (water quality, ecosystem metabolism, nutrient cycling, invertebrates and fish) responded strongly to the disturbance gradient, and 16 were subsequently recommended for inclusion in the monitoring programme. The freshwater monitoring programme was implemented in 2002, funded by local and State government authorities, and currently involves the assessment of over 120 sites, twice per year. This information, together with data from a similar programme on the region's estuarine and coastal marine waters, forms the basis of an annual report card that is presented in a public ceremony to local politicians and the broader community. 4. Several key lessons from the SEQ Healthy Waterways Programme are likely to be transferable to other regional programmes aimed at improving aquatic ecosystem health, including the importance of a shared common vision, the involvement of committed individuals, a cooperative approach, the need for defensible science and effective communication. 5. Thematic implications: this study highlights the use of conceptual models and objective testing of potential indicators against a known disturbance gradient to develop a freshwater ecosystem health monitoring programme that can diagnose the probable causes of degradation from multiple stressors and identify the appropriate spatial scale for rehabilitation or protection. This approach can lead to more targeted management investments in catchment protection and rehabilitation, greater public confidence that limited funds are being well spent and better outcomes for stream and river ecosystem health.


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The distribution of the river shark Glyphis in northern Australia is extended with new records of occurrence in the Gulf of Carpentaria and a reassessment of historical survey data from Cape York Peninsula. Nine new specimens of Glyphis sp. A were collected in 2005 from the Weipa region on the Queensland coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria. A re-examination of archival records from 1978-86 marine and estuarine fish surveys in the Gulf of Carpentaria and along the northern Queensland East Coast allowed a further nineteen Glyphis specimens to be identified. Combined this gives twenty-eight new records of Glyphis specimens from the coasts of Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Common habitat characteristics for all captures were turbid, shallow, fast running tidal water in the upper reaches of coastal rivers. The substrate was generally muddy and the rivers lined with mangrove. In all surveys the representation of Glyphis was low, being less than 1% of the total shark captures historically and 0.002 sharks 50 m net hour-1 in Weipa 2005. The size range captured was 1000-1800 mm total length historically and 705-1200 mm total length from Weipa 2005, with none recorded as sexually mature. Diagnostic characteristics of the Weipa specimens, identified as Glyphis sp. A, were: lower jaw teeth protruding and "spear-like"; second dorsal fin greater than half the height of the first dorsal fin; the snout relatively short and fleshy in the lateral view; pectoral fin ventral surface black in colouration; the precaudal vertebral count between 118 and 123; and the total vertebral count between 204 and 209.


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The river sharks (genus Glyphis) are a small group of poorly known sharks occurring in tropical rivers and estuarine waters across northern Australia, south-east Asia and the subcontinent. The taxonomy of the genus has long been unclear due to very few individuals having been caught and examined, resulting in a paucity of data regarding their distribution, biology and ecology. Only recently has attention focussed on the two Australian species, G. glyphis and G. garricki. This study is a result of a rare opportunity to collate the few samples that have been collected from these species and the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, which shares an overlapping range. These samples were analysed using the DNA barcoding approach (cox1 mitochondrial gene), compared with six other species of carcharhinids and evaluated in light of the current taxonomic classification. Nine species-specific nucleotide differences were found between G. glyphis and G. garricki and no intra-specific variation provides strong support for the separation into distinct species. Significant differences were also observed at the inter-generic level, with Glyphis forming a distinct clade from Carcharhinus. This study provides the basis for future molecular studies required to better address conservation issues confronting G. glyphis and G. garricki in Australia.


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Terrestrial water storage (TWS) plays a key role in the global water cycle and is highly influenced by climate variability and human activities. In this study, monthly TWS, rainfall and Ganga-Brahmaputra river discharge (GBRD) are analysed over India for the period of 2003-12 using remote sensing satellite data. The spatial pattern of mean TWS shows a decrease over a large and populous region of Northern India comprising the foothills of the Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic Plains and North East India. Over this region, the mean monthly TWS exhibits a pronounced seasonal cycle and a large interannual variability, highly correlated with rainfall and GBRD variations (r > 0.8) with a lag time of 2 months and 1 month respectively. The time series of monthly TWS shows a consistent and statistically significant decrease of about 1 cm year(-1) over Northern India, which is not associated with changes in rainfall and GBRD. This recent change in TWS suggests a possible impact of rapid industrialization, urbanization and increase in population on land water resources. Our analysis highlights the potential of the Earth-observation satellite data for hydrological applications.


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Freshwater ecosystems are highly dynamic and change on time-scales that range from a few hours to several months. The development of models that simulate these processes is often hampered by the lack of sufficient data to parameterize the processes and validate the models. In this article, I review some of the challenges posed by this lack of information and suggest ways in which they can be met by using automatic monitoring systems. One of these studies is the project tempQsim (EVK1-CT2002-00112) funded by the European Commission. In this project, detailed field and model analyses have been performed at eight catchment study sites in south and south-east Europe. A number of perceptual models for the study sites have been established, and results are being used to improve selected catchment models and provide a more adequate description of pollution dynamics. Results from the extensive field studies and model tests are now being used to derive recommendations for more tailored monitoring concepts in highly dynamic, but ‘data scarce’ environments, such as are frequently found in Mediterranean river basins. The author includes implications of the EU Water Framework Directive on monitoring methods.


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This investigation was carried out to provide information on fish stocks and angling activity during 1997 in relation to the drought and, in particular, flows as influenced by Time Limited Licences. These abstractions will be for review in 1999. This report extends and updates the data presented for 1996. Fish population surveys (including eels) were undertaken on the main river and selected tributaries. Angler caught brown trout were examined, angler catch data have been reviewed, and observations by Environment Agency fisheries staff collated. It appeared that in River Wharfe both the fish populations and individual fish appeared to be in good condition and limited changes had occurred since the 1996 survey.


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This survey was the second year of a three year study to examine fish populations in relation to low flows, drought and abstraction in the River Ouse. To fully evaluate the possible effects on fisheries the study set out to encompass fish population surveys from fry to adult stock, analysis of angler catch data, reports from anglers and river reports from Environment Agency Fisheries staff.


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This is the River Dart, Weir and Fish Pass Survey 1992 report produced by the National Rivers Authority. It goes through the general condition of Weirs and fish passes to determine the extent of problems associated with the upstream and downstream migration of salmonids. It considers solutions where problems exist and investigates the exact use of the resource. It looks at the following Weirs: Totnes, Staverton, Hood, Kilbury, Buckfast, Holne, Mardle (River Mardle), Holybrook (Holybrook), Jordan (West Webburn), Swincombe Intake (River Swincombe), Blackbrook, West Dart, Cowsic (Devonport Leat), Kingfisher Press (Bidwell Brook) and Bagpark (East Webburn). It also contains location maps of the weirs and individual fact sheets along detailed pictures and diagrams.


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This is the River Goyt & Etherow Crayfish Survey report from the Environment Agency held between August and November 2000. The report focuses on the need to verify the presence of the non-native American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in the main River Goyt, and determine its distribution. Signal crayfish have been reported in the River Goyt after spreading from a known population centre in Hollywood End Brook, to the east of Marple Bridge. The report contains sections on results, discussion and a summary. The section on results shows maps of presence or absence of different crayfish species in River Goyt, and the Mersey/ Weaver river systems such American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and European freshwater crayfish (Austopotamobius pallipes).


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This is the Irwell: Story of an industrial river document produced by the North West Water in 1979. This report is a leaflet format document. It focuses on the historical evolution of River Irwell, since it was “born” the river Irwell, about three hundred million years ago when shallow seas covered most of south east Lancashire and Europe to present years. It looks at Irwell’s pollution, highlighting the Irwell’s lower stretches were some of the region was the most polluted due to the population growth and establishment of industrial activities i.e. Lancashire’s great cotton industry, breach and dye works, paper mills, tanneries, chemical and gas works. Wastes from these industries were discharged directly to the river, together with crude sewage from an ever increasing population. However over the years the condition of the Irwell was gradually improved.


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This is the River Gowy and Thornton Brook improvements: Environmental Action Plan report produced by the Environment Agency in 2000. This Environmental Action Plan relates to the proposals by the Environment Agency to improve the flood defences of land adjacent to the River Gowy, about 3 km east of Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. The purpose of the Environmental Action Plan (EAP) is to provide details of how the issues addressed in the Environmental Statement (ES) will be carried through to the completion of the project. The EAP represents a commitment to the environmental recommendations formulated during the environmental assessment process and should be closely adhered to during the design, construction and post project monitoring o f the works. For any matters that cannot be finalised until during construction the constraints will be detailed in the plan so they are implemented in the contracts.


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The construction of several barrages in order to develop the hydroelectric and irrigation potential of the Tana river has been proposed and the probable effects of these developments upon the fish and fisheries of the area' has been investigated. Briefly in the highest reaches the sport fishery will be unaffected, in the middle reaches the sparse subsistence fisheries will be only slightly inconvenienced but in the terminal reaches of the river the subsistence and commercial fishing enterprises are expected to be seriously reduced by the progressive re-regulation of river-flow. However each new dam will support a new and productive reservoir fishery and with proper development the annual yield of fish from the Tana basin is expected to increase considerably.


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The Annual report presents Scientific work carried out during the report year 1961 under the following: Scientific Work of the Organization Fisheries of Lake Victoria Commercial records Population analysis Rational exploitation Other species of Tilapia Small mesh gill net fisheries Bagrus docmac Investigation Lates Investigation Breeding studies on T. zillii & T. nigra The culture of Tilapia in ponds Migration of River Fish Hydrology and Algology Gear Research Buoy releases Vertical gill nets and lastly publications.


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Feeding habits of many animals have been used widely in animal classifications. This is so, because the type of diet an organism requires demands structural specialisation which will utilise the available resource. Many animals may however have many structural modifications to enable them to be described as omnivourous or generalised feeders such as H. empodisma and H. riponianus (GREENWOOD 1960) which may show varying degrees of structural and adaptational intermediacy between two trophic groups. Generally, however, the diet of many animals including fish changes as the animal grow larger. The change in structural modifications is usually correlated with changes in the diet. In fishes the change may involve change from tricuspid to biscuspid and finally to unicuspid type of teeth. The degree of modification in the structure depends on the diet, thus Haplochromis that feeds on soft tissues of snails only requires modifications in oral dentition while Haplochromis that feeds on both soft tissues and shells of snails require modification in the lower pharyngeal bone for grinding purposes. Other modifications connected with food utilisation may be located in the alimentary canal. (I) The fish species that are commercially exploited are Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias mossambicus, Tilapia esculenta, Tilapia amphimelas and Tilapia hybrids. The other fish species present in the lake but not commercially exploited are: Gnathonemus sp. Alestes sp. Labeo sp., Barbus paludinoses, Barbus jacksoni, Barbus lineomaculatus, Barbus regersi, Leptogrlanis sp., Schilbe sp., Haplochromis spp. and Hemihaplochromis sp. (2) Protopterus sp. and Clarias sp. are mostly caught with hooks on long lines. There has been a steady increase in number of hooks on the lake. Since the stocks of Protopterus and C/arias in the lake have a limit, we should control the number of hooks used by each of the fishermen in order to avoid overharvesting. (3) All the previous studies on Lake Kitangiri fisheries suggested the use of gill nets with mesh size greater than 88.9 mm in order to avoid the capture of immature Ti/apia spp. But if the fishermen are to obtain economic gains from the fishery, the optimum mesh size for use is 88.9 -101.6 mm. (4) The gillnet is a passive gear with very beneficial selective characteristics. Unfortunately the drive-in fishery which exists on Lake Kitangiri more or less destroys the gillnet selectivity characteristics. It is therefore recommended that the beating of water with poles be discouraged and stopped. (5) There is need for provision of stable fishing canoes to replace the unstable bottle palm dug-out canoes which are currently being used and which are very risky to operate. (6) The fish processing facilities on Lake Kitangiri are still inadequate. Most of the fish is sun dried, Since sun drying is very difficult during the rainy season, most fishermen carry out intensive fishing during the dry season, Concentrating most of the fishing effort in anyone season instead of spreading evenly this effort over the whole year could damage the age structure of the exploitable stocks. (7) There are considerable fluctuations in the volume of water of the lake. The feasibility of regulating the water loss through the effluent Sibiti river should be investigated by the Water Development Department. (8) Damming the Sibiti river is an expensive undertaking and therefore, the Rural Development Bank of Tanzania should be asked to assess the economic feasibility of such a project.


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Thirty-three groups of geochemically related natural lake and river waters collected from 368 sites scattered over East and West Africa, were investigated to determine correlations between their various ions and the patterns of change in their ionic composition across the African continent. The following nine significant correlations were found to exist in the entire area or in a major part of it: sodium and potassium; sodium and chloride; sodium and sulphate; potassium and ammonium; potassium and chloride; ammonium and nitrate; calcium and magnesium; magnesium and chloride; sulphate and chloride. When compared with the world average composition. The concentration of potassium in these waters was found to be high, that of calcium and nitrate was low. With respect to the area of East Africa only, trends in the pattern of change involving the ionic composition of the lake and river water and the longitude at which the sites were present, were found to exist for the ratio of sodium: conductivity (which showed an increase in the direction of West to East), magnesium: conductivity, and for the sum of calcium and magnesium: phosphate was generally found to increase in East Africa in the direction of west to East.