940 resultados para Early viral gene


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Connexin-36 (Cx36) is a gap junction protein expressed by the insulin-producing beta-cells. We investigated the contribution of this protein in normal beta-cell function by using a viral gene transfer approach to alter Cx36 content in the insulin-producing line of INS-1E cells and rat pancreatic islets. Transcripts for Cx43, Cx45, and Cx36 were detected by reverse transcriptase-PCR in freshly isolated pancreatic islets, whereas only a transcript for Cx36 was detected in INS-1E cells. After infection with a sense viral vector, which induced de novo Cx36 expression in the Cx-defective HeLa cells we used to control the transgene expression, Western blot, immunofluorescence, and freeze-fracture analysis showed a large increase of Cx36 within INS-1E cell membranes. In contrast, after infection with an antisense vector, Cx36 content was decreased by 80%. Glucose-induced insulin release and insulin content were decreased, whether infected INS-1E cells expressed Cx36 levels that were largely higher or lower than those observed in wild-type control cells. In both cases, basal insulin secretion was unaffected. Comparable observations on basal secretion and insulin content were made in freshly isolated rat pancreatic islets. The data indicate that large changes in Cx36 alter insulin content and, at least in INS-1E cells, also affect glucose-induced insulin release.


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The relative ease to concentrate and purify adenoviruses, their well characterized mid-sized genome, and the ability to delete non-essential regions from their genome to accommodate foreign gene, made adenoviruses a suitable candidate for the construction of vectors. The use of adenoviral vectors in gene therapy, vaccination, and as a general vector system for expressing foreign genes have been documented for some time. In this study, the objective was to rescue a BAV3 E1 or E3 recombinant vector carrying the kanamycin resistant gene, a dominant selectable marker with useful applications in studying vectored gene expression in mammalian cells. To accomplish the objective of this study, more information about BAV3 DNA sequences was required in order to make the manipulation of the virus genome accessible. Therefore, sequencing of the BAV3 genome from 1 1 .7% to 30.8% was carried out. Analysis of the determined sequences revealed the primary structure of important viral gene products coded by E2 including BAV3 DNA pol and precursor to terminal protein. Comparative analysis of these proteins with their counterparts from human and non human adenoviruses revealed important insights as to the evolutionary lineage of BAV3. In order to insert the kanamycin resistance gene in either E1 or E3, it was necessary to delete BAV3 sequences to accommodate the foreign gene so as not to exceed the limit of the packaging capacity of the virus. To construct a recombinant BAV3 in which a foreign gene was inserted in the deleted E1 region, an E1 shuttle vector was constructed. This involved the deletion from the viral sequences a region between 1.3% to 9% and inserting the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deletion. The E1 shuttle vector contained the left (0%- 53.9%) segment of the genome and was expected to generate BAV3 recombinants that can be grown and propagated in cells that can complement the missing E1 functions. To construct a similar shuttle vector for E3 deletion, DNA sequences extending from 78.9% to 82.5% (1281 bp) were deleted from within the E3 region that had been cloned into a plasmid vector. The deleted region corresponds to those that have been shown to be non-essential for viral replication in cell culture. The resulting plasmid was used to construct another recombinant plasmid with BAV3 DNA sequences extending from 37.1% to 100% and with a deletion of E3 sequences that were replaced by kanamycin resistance gene. This shuttle plasmid was used in cotransfections with digested viral DNA in an attempt to rescue a recombinant BAV3 carrying the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deleted E3. In spite of repeated attempts of transfection, El or E3 recombinant BAV3 were not isolated. It seems that other approaches should be applied to make a final conclusion on BAV3 infectivity.


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La thérapie génique représente l'un des défis de la médecine des prochaines décennies dont la réussite dépend de la capacité d'acheminer l'ADN thérapeutique jusqu'à sa cible. Des structures non virales ont été envisagées, dont le chitosane, polymère cationique qui se combine facilement à l’ADN. Une fois le complexe formé, l’ADN est protégé des nucléases qui le dégradent. Le premier objectif de l'étude est de synthétiser et ensuite évaluer différentes nanoparticules de chitosane et choisir la mieux adaptée pour une efficacité de transfection sélective in vitro dans les cellules carcinomes épidermoïdes (KB). Le deuxième objectif de l'étude est d'examiner in vivo les effets protecteurs du gène de l'IL-1Ra (bloqueur naturel de la cytokine inflammatoire, l’Interleukine-1β) complexé aux nanoparticules de chitosane sélectionnées dans un modèle d'arthrite induite par un adjuvant (AIA) chez le rat. Les nanoparticules varient par le poids moléculaire du chitosane (5, 25 et 50 kDa), et la présence ou l’absence de l’acide folique (FA). Des mesures macroscopiques de l’inflammation seront évaluées ainsi que des mesures de concentrations de l’Interleukine-1β, Prostaglandine E2 et IL-1Ra humaine secrétés dans le sérum. Les nanoparticules Chitosane-ADN en présence de l’acide folique et avec du chitosane de poids moléculaire de 25 kDa, permettent une meilleure transfection in vitro. Les effets protecteurs des nanoparticules contenant le gène thérapeutique étaient évidents suite à la détection de l’IL-1Ra dans le sérum, la baisse d'expressions des facteurs inflammatoires, l’Interleukine-1 et la Prostaglandine-E2 ainsi que la diminution macroscopique de l’inflammation. Le but de cette étude est de développer notre méthode de thérapie génique non virale pour des applications cliniques pour traiter l’arthrite rhumatoïde et d’autres maladies humaines.


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Les virus exploitent la machinerie cellulaire de l’hôte de façon très variée et plusieurs types vont même jusqu’à incorporer certaines protéines cellulaires. Nous avons récemment effectué la première analyse protéomique du virion mature de l’Herpès simplex de type 1 (HSV-1), ce qui nous a permis de déterminer que jusqu’à 49 protéines cellulaires différentes se retrouvaient dans ce virus (Loret, S. et al. (2008). "Comprehensive characterization of extracellular herpes simplex virus type 1 virions." J Virol 82(17): 8605-18.). Afin de déterminer leur importance dans le cycle de réplication d’HSV-1, nous avons mis au point un système de criblage nous permettant de quantifier le virus produit et relâché dans le milieu extracellulaire en utilisant un virus marqué à la GFP ainsi que des petits ARN interférents (pARNi) ciblant spécifiquement ces protéines cellulaires. Cette approche nous a permis de démontrer que 17 des protéines identifiées précédemment jouaient un rôle critique dans la réplication d’HSV-1, suggérant ainsi que leur incorporation dans le virus n’est pas aléatoire. Nous avons ensuite examiné le rôle d’une de ces protéines, DDX3X (DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 3, X-linked), une protéine multifonctionnelle connue pour son implication dans les cycles de réplication de plusieurs virus humains. À l’aide de pARNi ainsi que de différentes lignées cellulaires, dont une lignée DDX3X thermosensible, nous avons démontré que l’inhibition de DDX3X résultait en une diminution du nombre de capsides intracellulaires et induisait une importante diminution de l’expression des gènes viraux. Nous avons aussi démontré que la fraction de DDX3X incorporée dans le virion contribuait activement au cycle infectieux d’HSV-1. Ces résultats confirment l’intérêt de notre approche afin d’étudier les interactions hôte-pathogène en plus de démontrer la contribution des protéines cellulaires incorporées à HSV-1 dans l’infection virale.


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Les papillomavirus sont de petits virus à ADN double brin qui infectent les cellules de l’épithélium de la peau et des muqueuses d’une variété de vertébrés causant des lésions bénignes telles des verrues. Certains de ces virus sont également associés au développement de lésions malignes, notamment le cancer du col utérin. La protéine régulatrice E2 des papillomavirus est impliquée dans diverses fonctions contribuant à l’établissement de l’infection par ces virus. Entre autre, E2 régule la transcription des gènes viraux, participe à l’initiation de la réplication de l’ADN viral en s’associant à l’hélicase virale E1 et est responsable du maintien et de la ségrégation de l’épisome viral au cours de la division cellulaire. Toutes ces activités sont attribuables à la capacité de E2 à s’associer au génome viral et à interagir avec des protéines virales et cellulaires. De plus, ces fonctions sont elles-mêmes régulées par des modifications post-traductionnelles de la protéine E2. Plusieurs études ont été réalisées afin de découvrir les mécanismes de régulation des fonctions de E2 mais le rôle exact des différents domaines de E2 dans ces contrôles reste à être défini. En premier lieu, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’interaction entre E2 et Brd4(L) qui avait été définie comme étant essentielle à la ségrégation de l’épisome. Plusieurs caractéristiques associées à la protéine Brd4(L) telles que sa capacité à lier les lysines acétylées des histones, son interaction avec le complexe Mediator et sa participation à l’activation de la transcription en formant un complexe avec pTEFb, nous ont permis d’émettre l’hypothèse que l’interaction E2-Brd4(L) est nécessaire à l’activité transcriptionnelle de E2. Nous avons démontré que la protéine Brd4(L) interagit avec le domaine de transactivation de E2 de divers types de papillomavirus. De plus, cette interaction implique les résidus de E2 essentiels à son activité transcriptionnelle. Ainsi, ces résultats proposent que l’association E2-Brd4(L) serve à la régulation de la transcription des gènes viraux. Dans un second temps, nos recherches se sont concentrées sur l’existence d’une interface de dimérisation au sein du domaine de transactivation de E2 et de son implication dans les activités transcriptionnelles et réplicatives de la protéine. Nos études ont aussi mis en évidence que l’intégrité de la structure de ce domaine contribue au bon fonctionnement de la réplication du génome viral. Cette découverte suggère que la dimérisation de E2 peut réguler l’initiation de la réplication et propose l’existence d’un niveau de régulation additionnel impliquant l’état de la structure quaternaire de la protéine E2 et une modulation de l’interaction entre E1 et E2 à cette étape du cycle viral. Finalement, l’étude de l’instabilité de la protéine E2 nous a permis de définir une région importante dans le domaine flexible de la protéine, nécessaire à sa dégradation par le protéasome. De plus, la présence de résidus conservés localisés dans ce domaine, sont associés à la dégradation et portent la signature d’un signal de localisation nucléaire de type PY-NLS, suggérant que la stabilité de la protéine E2 est régulée par sa localisation au sein de la cellule. Ces études démontrent l’existence de nouvelles stratégies de régulation des activités transcriptionnelle et réplicative de la protéine E2 des papillomavirus. La compréhension de ces mécanismes nous permet de mieux cerner les étapes favorisant l’établissement et la progression du cycle viral et d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques contre les infections aux papillomavirus.


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Recombinant baculoviruses have established themselves as a favoured technology for the high-level expression of recombinant proteins. The construction of recombinant viruses, however, is a time consuming step that restricts consideration of the technology for high throughput developments. Here we use a targeted gene knockout technology to inactivate an essential viral gene that lies adjacent to the locus used for recombination. Viral DNA prepared from the knockout fails to initiate an infection unless rescued by recombination with a baculovirus transfer vector. Modified viral DNA allows 100% recombinant virus formation, obviates the need for further virus purification and offers an efficient means of mass parallel recombinant formation.


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Several studies indicate that molecular variants of HPV-16 have different geographic distribution and risk associated with persistent infection and development of high-grade cervical lesions. In the present study, the frequency of HPV-16 variants was determined in 81 biopsies from women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III or invasive cervical cancer from the city of Belem, Northern Brazil. Host DNAs were also genotyped in order to analyze the ethnicity-related distribution of these variants. Ninie different HPV-16 LCR variants belonging to four phylogenetic branches were identified. Among these, two new isolates were characterized. The most prevalent HPV-16 variant detected was the Asian-American B-2,followed by the European B-12 and the European prototype. Infections by multiple variants were observed in both invasive cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III cases. The analysis of a specific polymorphism within the E6 viral gene was performed in a subset of 76 isolates. The E6-350G polymorphism was significantly more frequent in Asian-American variants. The HPV-16 variability detected followed the same pattern of the genetic ancestry observed in Northern Brazil, with European, Amerindian and African roots. Although African ancestry was higher among women infected by the prototype, no correlation between ethnical origin and HPV-16 variants was found. These results corroborate previous data showing a high frequency of Asian-American variants in cervical neoplasia among women with multiethnic origin.


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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sequencing of specific viral gene segments was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among the orbiviruses. Sequence comparisons of the bluetongue virus (BTV) RNA3 from different regions of the world (North America, South Africa, India, Indonesian, Malaysia, Australia and the Caribbean region) showed that geographic separation had resulted in significant divergence, consistent with the evolution of distinct viral populations. There were at least 3 topotypes (Gould, 1987); the Australasian, African - American and another topotype represented by BTV 15 isolated in Australia in 1986. The topotypes of BTV had RNA3 nucleotide sequences that differed by approximately 20 per cent. Analysis of BTV-specific gene segments from animal and insect specimens showed that bluetongue viruses had entered northern Australia from South East Asia, possibly by wind-borne vectors. Nucleotide sequence comparisons were used to show the close genetic relationship between BTV 2 (Ona-A strain) from Florida and BTV 12 from Jamaica, and to investigate the reassortment of BTV genome segments in nature. The mutation rates of the BTV RNA2 and RNA3 segments were estimated to be of the order of 10(-4) nucleotide changes/site/year, similar in magnitude to that reported for other RNA viruses.


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Successful vaccination against HIV should limit viral replication sufficiently to prevent the emergence of viral immune escape mutations. Broadly directed immunity is likely to be required to limit opportunities for immune escape variants to flourish. We studied the emergence of an SIV Gag cytotoxic T cell immune escape variant in pigtail macaques expressing the Mane-A*10 MHC I allele using a quantitative RT-PCR to measure viral loads of escape and wild type variants. Animals receiving whole Gag expressing vaccines completely controlled an SIVmac251 challenge, had broader CTL responses and exhibited minimal CTL escape. In contrast, animals vaccinated with only a single CTL epitope and challenged with the same SIVmac251 stock had high levels of viral replication and rapid CTL escape. Unvaccinated naïve animals exhibited a slower emergence of immune escape variants. Thus narrowly directed vaccination against a single epitope resulted in rapid immune escape and viral levels equivalent to that of naïve unvaccinated animals. These results emphasize the importance of inducing broadly directed HIV-specific immunity that effectively quashes early viral replication and limits the generation of immune escape variants. This has important implications for the selection of HIV vaccines for expanded human trials.


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A recently described non-viral gene delivery system [dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB)/monoolein (MO)] has been studied in detail to improve knowledge on the interactions between lamellar (DODAB) and non-lamellar-forming (MO) lipids, as a means to enhance their final cell transfection efficiency. Indeed, the morphology, fluidity, and size of these cationic surfactant/neutral lipid mixtures play an important role in the ability of these systems to complex nucleic acids. The different techniques used in this work, namely dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), light microscopy (LM), and surface pressure-area isotherms, allowed fully characterization of the phase behavior and aggregate morphology of DODAB/MO mixtures at different molar ratios. Overall, the results indicate that the final morphology of DODAB/MO aggregates depends on the balance between the tendency of DODAB to form zero-curvature bilayer structures and the propensity of MO to form non-bilayer structures with negative curvature. These results also show that in the MO-rich region, an increase in temperature has a similar effect on aggregate morphology as an increase in MO concentration. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aims The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an intracellular inhibitor of the central nervous system actions of angiotensin II on blood pressure. Considering that angiotensin II actions at the nucleus of the solitary tract are important for the maintenance of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), we tested if increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHR alters the baseline high blood pressure in these rats.Methods and resultsEight-week-old SHRs or normotensive rats were microinjected with the vector AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract, resulting in MIF expression predominantly in neurons. Rats also underwent recordings of the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (via telemetry devices implanted in the abdominal aorta), cardiac- and baroreflex function. Injections of AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHRs produced significant decreases in the MAP, ranging from 10 to 20 mmHg, compared with age-matched SHRs that had received identical microinjections of the control vector AAV2-CBA-eGFP. This lowered MAP in SHRs was maintained through the end of the experiment at 31 days, and was associated with an improvement in baroreflex function to values observed in normotensive rats. In contrast to SHRs, similar increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of normotensive rats produced no changes in baseline MAP and baroreflex function.ConclusionThese results indicate that an increased expression of MIF within the nucleus of the solitary tract neurons of SHRs lowers blood pressure and restores baroreflex function. © 2012 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.


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Given that cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, many efforts have been directed toward discovering new treatments and approaches to cure or control this group of diseases. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for cancer; however, a conventional schedule based on maximum tolerated dose (MTD) shows several side effects and frequently allows the development of drug resistance. On the other side, low dose chemotherapy involves antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory processes that help host to fight against tumor cells, with lower grade of side effects. In this review, we present evidence that metronomic chemotherapy, based on the frequent administration of low or intermediate doses of chemotherapeutics, can be better than or as efficient as MTD. Finally, we present some data indicating that noncytotoxic concentrations of antineoplastic agents are able to both up-regulate the immune system and increase the susceptibility of tumor cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Taken together, data from the literature provides us with sufficient evidence that low concentrations of selected chemotherapeutic agents, rather than conventional high doses, should be evaluated in combination with immunotherapy. Copyright © 2012 UICC.


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE