999 resultados para Early embryogenesis
Confronting a recently mated female with a strange male can induce a pregnancy block ('Bruce effect'). The physiology of this effect is well studied, but its functional significance is still not fully understood. The 'anticipated infanticide hypothesis' suggests that the pregnancy block serves to avoid the cost of embryogenesis and giving birth to offspring that are likely to be killed by a new territory holder. Some 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses' suggest that the likelihood of a pregnancy block is also dependent on the female's perception of the stud's and the stimulus male's genetic quality. We used two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) to test all possible combinations of female strain, stud strain, and stimulus strain under experimental conditions (N(total) = 241 mated females). As predicted from previous studies, we found increased rates of pregnancy blocks if stud and stimulus strains differed, and we found evidence for hybrid vigour in offspring of between-strain mating. Despite the observed heterosis, pregnancies of within-strain matings were not more likely to be blocked than pregnancies of between-strain matings. A power analysis revealed that if we missed an existing effect (type-II error), the effect must be very small. If a female gave birth, the number and weight of newborns were not significantly influenced by the stimulus males. In conclusion, we found no support for the 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses'.
In recent years, numerous cases of morphological gonadal alterations in fish have been recorded throughout the world and across a wide range of species. In the whitefish Coregonus fatioi from the pre-alpine Lake Thun (Switzerland), the frequency of gonadal alterations is particularly high and the variety of alteration types large. Little is known about the proximal causes and the direct consequences of these morphological features on population persistence. In particular, the potential for the observed alterations to be the phenotypic expression of reduced genetic quality has not yet been addressed. In this study, we used offspring survival during embryogenesis as a proximate indicator of male genetic quality and tested whether the presence of gonadal alterations in males is an indicator of reduced quality. Embryos resulted from in vitro fertilizations of gametes from 126 males and females. We found no significant correlation between embryo survival and gonadal alteration in adults. Our findings suggest that in C. fatioi of Lake Thun, alterations in gonad morphology are not a phenotypic expression of variation in genetic quality.
Developmental constraints have been postulated to limit the space of feasible phenotypes and thus shape animal evolution. These constraints have been suggested to be the strongest during either early or mid-embryogenesis, which corresponds to the early conservation model or the hourglass model, respectively. Conflicting results have been reported, but in recent studies of animal transcriptomes the hourglass model has been favored. Studies usually report descriptive statistics calculated for all genes over all developmental time points. This introduces dependencies between the sets of compared genes and may lead to biased results. Here we overcome this problem using an alternative modular analysis. We used the Iterative Signature Algorithm to identify distinct modules of genes co-expressed specifically in consecutive stages of zebrafish development. We then performed a detailed comparison of several gene properties between modules, allowing for a less biased and more powerful analysis. Notably, our analysis corroborated the hourglass pattern at the regulatory level, with sequences of regulatory regions being most conserved for genes expressed in mid-development but not at the level of gene sequence, age, or expression, in contrast to some previous studies. The early conservation model was supported with gene duplication and birth that were the most rare for genes expressed in early development. Finally, for all gene properties, we observed the least conservation for genes expressed in late development or adult, consistent with both models. Overall, with the modular approach, we showed that different levels of molecular evolution follow different patterns of developmental constraints. Thus both models are valid, but with respect to different genomic features.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to estimate the genetic correlation among selection ages (juvenile - adult) and efficiency of early selection for the height, diameter, and volume traits of individuals from Pinus taeda families propagated via somatic embryogenesis. This study was carried out by genetic-statistical analysis, estimation procedure of variance (Reml), and prediction components of breeding values (Blup), using the Selegen-Reml/Blup software. Genetic correlations among juvenile ages and rotation age were performed by applying the linear model developed by Lambeth (1980). In accordance with results of the established model, the early selection can be performed in clones of Pinus taeda with high selection efficiency. Ages from 4 to 6 years old are enough to select Pinus taeda clones propagated via somatic embryogenesis for harvesting at 8 and 12 years old; and 6 to 10 years old are enough to select them for harvesting at 20 years old. On the basis of the genetic correlations estimates from the environments, the clones' selection of Pinus taeda propagated via somatic embryogenesis should be developed specifically for each environment. The clones' selection can be performed considering the diameter due to the high correlation between volume and diameter.
The present work analyzes the behavior of banana explants, cv. Nanicão (Musa spp. Group AAA) regarding somatic embryogenesis induction treatments with several auxins. Longitudinal segments of shoot meristematic apices of micropropagated banana plantlets cultivated and rooted in vitro were introduced in culture medium containing dicamba, picloram, 2,4-D or NAA in different concentrations. Explant samples were collected at 0, 7 and 10 days and prepared for light microscopy. Histological sections were used for comparison of the histological changes occurring after induction treatment with different auxins. Embryogenic response was observed only in treatments with picloram or dicamba, with distinct embryogenic regions observed at 14 and 21 days in culture, respectively. Histological sections of embryogenic regions of the explant at 26 days in culture revealed the formation of meristematic regions, structures with multiple root meristems, and somatic embryos at early globular stages. Embryo-like structures morphologically similar to Musa balbisiana zygotic embryos were sectioned and showed a lack of apical meristems and absence of procambial differentiation. These results indicate the induction of non-functional somatic embryos and the need for more studies on developmental aspects and maturation treatments for optimization of the process.
Changes in the polyamine content were analyzed in different embryo developmental stages and tissues during seed development in the conifer Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Free polyamine contents varied according to the tissue and stage of embryo development, the highest levels occurring in the embryonic axis at the early stages, when putrescine and spermidine were most abundant. The levels of spermidine were higher from the stage where cotyledons arise, whereas putrescine decreases. The putrescine/spermine+spermidine ratio was higher during the initial phases of seed development, corresponding to cell multiplication and elongation, with a decrease in the final stages, corresponding to stabilization of the dry matter content.
Background Somatic embryogenesis (SE) in plants is a process by which embryos are generated directly from somatic cells, rather than from the fused products of male and female gametes. Despite the detailed expression analysis of several somatic-to-embryonic marker genes, a comprehensive understanding of SE at a molecular level is still lacking. The present study was designed to generate high resolution transcriptome datasets for early SE providing the way for future research to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate this process. We sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana somatic embryos collected from three distinct developmental time-points (5, 10 and 15 d after in vitro culture) using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Results This study yielded a total of 426,001,826 sequence reads mapped to 26,520 genes in the A. thaliana reference genome. Analysis of embryonic cultures after 5 and 10 d showed differential expression of 1,195 genes; these included 778 genes that were more highly expressed after 5 d as compared to 10 d. Moreover, 1,718 genes were differentially expressed in embryonic cultures between 10 and 15 d. Our data also showed at least eight different expression patterns during early SE; the majority of genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos after 5 d. Comparison of transcriptomes derived from somatic embryos and leaf tissues revealed that at least 4,951 genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos than in the leaf; increased expression of genes involved in DNA cytosine methylation and histone deacetylation were noted in embryogenic tissues. In silico expression analysis based on microarray data found that approximately 5% of these genes are transcriptionally more active in somatic embryos than in actively dividing callus and non-dividing leaf tissues. Moreover, this identified 49 genes expressed at a higher level in somatic embryos than in other tissues. This included several genes with unknown function, as well as others related to oxidative and osmotic stress, and auxin signalling. Conclusions The transcriptome information provided here will form the foundation for future research on genetic and epigenetic control of plant embryogenesis at a molecular level. In follow-up studies, these data could be used to construct a regulatory network for SE; the genes more highly expressed in somatic embryos than in vegetative tissues can be considered as potential candidates to validate these networks.
Acca sellowiana (Berg.) Burr. is a native Myrtaceae from southern Brazil and Uruguay, now the subject of a domestication and breeding program. Biotechnological tools have been used to assist in this program. The establishment of a reliable protocol of somatic embryogenesis has been pursued, with a view to capturing and fixing genetic gains. The rationale behind this work relies on the fact that deepening comprehension of the general metabolism of zygotic embryogenesis may certainly improve the protocol for somatic embryogenesis. Thus, in the present work we studied the accumulation of protein, total sugars, starch, amino acids, polyamines (PAs), IAA and ABA, in different stages of A. sellowiana zygotic embryogenesis. Starch is the predominant storage compound during zygotic embryo development. Increased synthesis of amino acids in the cotyledonary stage, mainly of asparagine, was observed throughout development. Total free PAs showed increased synthesis, whereas total conjugated PAs were mainly observed in the early developmental stages. IAA decreased and ABA increased with the progression from early to late embryogenesis. Besides providing basic information on the morphophysiological and biochemical changes of zygotic embryogenesis, the results here obtained may provide adequate strategies towards the modulation of somatic embryogenesis in this species as well as in other woody angiosperms.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Endogenous levels of IAA, ABA and four types of CKs were analyzed in zygotic and indirect (ISE) and direct somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana. Zygotic and somatic embryos at different developmental stages were sampled for morphological and hormonal analysis. Both embryo types showed substantial asymmetry in hormone levels. Zygotic embryos displayed a conspicuous peak of IAA in early developmental stages. The results outlined the hormonal variations occurring during zygotic and somatic embryogenesis regarding the timing, nature and hormonal status involved in both processes. The short transient pulse of IAA observed on the 3rd day in culture was suggested to be involved with the signaling for the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Fertilized ovule development was associated with increased IAA levels 21-24 days after pollination, followed by a sharp decrease in the cotyledonary stage, both in zygotic and somatic embryos. There was a prominent increase in ABA levels in cultures which generated ISE 24-30 days after pollination, a period that corresponds to the heart and torpedo stages. The levels of total CKs (Z, [9R]Z, iP and [9R]iP) were also always higher in zygotic than in somatic embryogenesis. While zygotic embryogenesis was dominated by the presence of zeatin, the somatic process, contrarily, was characterized by a large variation of the other cytokinin forms and amounts studied. The above results, when taken together, could be related to the previously observed high frequency formation of anomalous somatic embryos formed in A. sellowiana, as well as to their low germination ability.
The physiological and molecular processes controlling zygotic and somatic embryo development in angiosperms are mediated by a hierarchically organized program of gene expression. Despite the overwhelming information available about the molecular control of the embryogenic processes in angiosperms, little is known about these processes in gymnosperms. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of the expression pattern of the Araucaria angustifolia putative homolog of a SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) gene family member, designated as AaSERK1. The Araucaria AaSERK1 gene encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase showing significant similarity to angiosperm homologs of SERK1, known to be involved in early somatic and zygotic embryogenesis. Accordingly, RT-PCR results showed that AaSERK1 is preferentially expressed in Araucaria embryogenic cell cultures. Additionally, in situ hybridization results showed that AaSERK1 transcripts initially accumulate in groups of cells at the periphery of the embryogenic calli and then are restricted to the developing embryo proper. Our results indicate that AaSERK1 might have a role during somatic embryogenesis in Araucaria, suggesting a potentially conserved mechanism, involving SERK-related leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases, in the embryogenic processes among all seed plants.
During the previous 10 years, global R&D expenditure in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector has steadily increased, without a corresponding increase in output of new medicines. To address this situation, the biopharmaceutical industry's greatest need is to predict the failures at the earliest possible stage of the drug development process. A major key to reducing failures in drug screenings is the development and use of preclinical models that are more predictive of efficacy and safety in clinical trials. Further, relevant animal models are needed to allow a wider testing of novel hypotheses. Key to this is the developing, refining, and validating of complex animal models that directly link therapeutic targets to the phenotype of disease, allowing earlier prediction of human response to medicines and identification of safety biomarkers. Morehover, well-designed animal studies are essential to bridge the gap between test in cell cultures and people. Zebrafish is emerging, complementary to other models, as a powerful system for cancer studies and drugs discovery. We aim to investigate this research area designing a new preclinical cancer model based on the in vivo imaging of zebrafish embryogenesis. Technological advances in imaging have made it feasible to acquire nondestructive in vivo images of fluorescently labeled structures, such as cell nuclei and membranes, throughout early Zebrafishsh embryogenesis. This In vivo image-based investigation provides measurements for a large number of features at cellular level and events including nuclei movements, cells counting, and mitosis detection, thereby enabling the estimation of more significant parameters such as proliferation rate, highly relevant for investigating anticancer drug effects. In this work, we designed a standardized procedure for accessing drug activity at the cellular level in live zebrafish embryos. The procedure includes methodologies and tools that combine imaging and fully automated measurements of embryonic cell proliferation rate. We achieved proliferation rate estimation through the automatic classification and density measurement of epithelial enveloping layer and deep layer cells. Automatic embryonic cells classification provides the bases to measure the variability of relevant parameters, such as cell density, in different classes of cells and is finalized to the estimation of efficacy and selectivity of anticancer drugs. Through these methodologies we were able to evaluate and to measure in vivo the therapeutic potential and overall toxicity of Dbait and Irinotecan anticancer molecules. Results achieved on these anticancer molecules are presented and discussed; furthermore, extensive accuracy measurements are provided to investigate the robustness of the proposed procedure. Altogether, these observations indicate that zebrafish embryo can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models for the preclinical test of anticancer drugs and it might also provides, in the near future, opportunities to accelerate the process of drug discovery.
The central point of this work is the investigation of neurogenesis in chelicerates and myriapods. By comparing decisive mechanisms in neurogenesis in the four arthropod groups (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Insecta, Myriapoda) I was able to show which of these mechanisms are conserved and which developmental modules have diverged. Thereby two processes of embryonic development of the central nervous system were brought into focus. On the one hand I studied early neurogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of the spiders Cupiennius salei and Achaearanea tepidariorum and the millipede Glomeris marginata and on the other hand the development of the brain in Cupiennius salei.rnWhile the nervous system of insects and crustaceans is formed by the progeny of single neural stem cells (neuroblasts), in chelicerates and myriapods whole groups of cells adopt the neural cell fate and give rise to the ventral nerve cord after their invagination. The detailed comparison of the positions and the number of the neural precursor groups within the neuromeres in chelicerates and myriapods showed that the pattern is almost identical which suggests that the neural precursors groups in these arthropod groups are homologous. This pattern is also very similar to the neuroblast pattern in insects. This raises the question if the mechanisms that confer regional identity to the neural precursors is conserved in arthropods although the mode of neural precursor formation is different. The analysis of the functions and expression patterns of genes which are known to be involved in this mechanism in Drosophila melanogaster showed that neural patterning is highly conserved in arthropods. But I also discovered differences in early neurogenesis which reflect modifications and adaptations in the development of the nervous systems in the different arthropod groups.rnThe embryonic development of the brain in chelicerates which was investigated for the first time in this work shows similarities but also some modifications to insects. In vertebrates and arthropods the adult brain is composed of distinct centres with different functions. Investigating how these centres, which are organised in smaller compartments, develop during embryogenesis was part of this work. By tracing the morphogenetic movements and analysing marker gene expressions I could show the formation of the visual brain centres from the single-layered precheliceral neuroectoderm. The optic ganglia, the mushroom bodies and the arcuate body (central body) are formed by large invaginations in the peripheral precheliceral neuroectoderm. This epithelium itself contains neural precursor groups which are assigned to the respective centres and thereby build the three-dimensional optical centres. The single neural precursor groups are distinguishable during this process leading to the assumption that they carry positional information which might subdivide the individual brain centres into smaller functional compartments.rn
Although bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were initially identified for their potent bone-inducing activity, their precise roles in processes of endochondral and intramembranous bone formation are far from being clear. Tissue-specific loss-of-function experiments using the BMP receptor type IA (BMPR-IA) are particularly attractive since this receptor is thought to be essential for signaling by the closely related BMPs -2, 4, and 7. To ablate signaling through this receptor during chondrogenesis, we have generated transgenic mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the collagen type II (Col2a1) gene regulatory sequences. Mice lacking BMPR-IA function in chondrocytes display a number of skeletal abnormalities, including defects in bones of the chondrocranium, abnormal dorsal vertebral processes, scapulae with severe hypoplasia of dorsal elements, and shortening of the long bones. Alterations in the growth plate of long bones in mutants suggest that BMPR-IA is not required for early steps of the chondrocyte specification, but is rather important in regulation of terminal differentiation. Molecular analysis revealed noticeable downregulation of the Ihh/Ptch signalling pathway, decreased chondrocyte proliferation rate and deregulation of hypertrophy. ^ In order to elucidate the role of BMP signalling in development of the limb and intramembranous ossification, we have used mice expressing Cre recombinase under control of the Prx1 (MHox) regulatory elements (M. Logan, pers comm.). Cre activity was found in those mice in the developing limb bud mesenchyme, as well as in a subset of cranial neural crest cells. Prx1-Cre-induced conditional mutants display prominent defects in distal limb outgrowth, as well as ossification defects in a number of neural crest-derived calvarial bones. Intriguingly, mutant limbs displayed alterations in patterning along all three axes. Molecular analysis revealed ectopic anterior Shh/Ptch signalling pathway activation and expression of some Hox genes. Observed loss of Msx1 and Msx2 expression in the progress zone correlates with downregulation of Cyclin D1 and decreased distal outgrowth. Abnormal ventral localization of Lmx1b-expressing cells along with observed later morphological abnormalities suggest a novel role for BMP signalling in establishment or maintaining of the dorso-ventral polarity in the limb mesoderm. ^