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The dissociative recombination of the acetaldehyde cation, CH3CHO+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. The dependence of the absolute cross section of the reaction on the relative kinetic energy has been determined and a thermal rate coefficient of k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.70 +/- 0.02) cm(3) s(-1) has been deduced, which is valid for electron temperatures between similar to 10 and 1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction were studied at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy and we found that breaking one of the bonds between two of the heavy atoms occurs in 72 +/- 2% of the reactions. In the remaining events the three heavy atoms stay in the same product fragment. While the branching fractions are fairly similar to the results from an earlier investigation into the dissociative recombination of the fully deuterated acetaldehyde cation, CD3CDO+, the thermal rate coefficient is somewhat larger for CH3CHO+. Astrochemical implications of the results are discussed.


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The dissociative recombination of protonated propionitrile, CH3CH2CNH+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring, CRYRING, at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden. The thermal rate coefficient has been deduced to follow k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.76) (+/-) (0.02) cm(3) s(-1) for electron temperatures ranging from similar to 10 to similar to 1000 K. Measurements of the branching fractions were performed at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy. It has been found that in 43% +/- 2% of the reactions the four heavy atoms remain in the same product fragment. An equal portion of the reactions leads to products where one of the heavy atoms is split off from the other three and 14% +/- 1% result in a breakup into two heavy fragments containing two heavy atoms each. We discuss the significance of the data to Titan's upper atmosphere.


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本论文主要解决CSR真空系统的控制实现与连锁保护问题。 HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家重大科学工程。为了保证CSR正常运行,超高真空系统的平均真空度必须达到6×10-9Pa,超高的真空度来之不易,CSR上任何一处真空设备发生故障,就会破坏真空度,所以CSR必须具有响应速度快、安全可靠,稳定性好的真空控制与连锁保护系统。 HIRFL-CSR真空设备有离子泵电源、分子泵、钛升华泵、阀门、真空计等。分子泵只在粗抽时使用,钛升华泵为间歇升华,因此不需要监控。需要显示和控制的设备为离子泵电源、真空计和真空阀门。通过对CSR上每个真空计的真空度数据的监测和真空阀门状态的采集,一旦真空度降低到一定阈值,立即关闭相应位置阀门(保护真空),并给出故障报警,从而实现真空系统的连锁保护。 真空控制系统以嵌入式处理器ARM、复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD和微控制器MSP430为核心,实现了远程数据采集、数据显示和自动控制等功能。本系统可以进行现场监控与调试,也可以通过集成的100Mbps以太网接口电路进行远程监测与控制,CSR上各处真空度和真空阀门状态自动传送到中央控制中心,中控中心也可以发送命令查询当前真空设备状态和各种读数。 本文主要介绍了基于ARM、CPLD和MSP430的嵌入式真空控制系统的设计与实现。内容主要包括(1)系统各部分硬件电路设计与真空控制功能实现 ,硬件系统调试 。(2)嵌入式uClinux操作系统构建和在其上进行的应用程序,设备驱动程序,串行通信程序的开发。(3)CPLD的VHDL程序和MSP430的C430程序设计。 本文目的是解决CSR真空控制系统问题,但对于许多远程数据采集与控制等问题的解决有重要参考价值


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HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家重大科学工程,其控制系统是一个庞大的系统,由许多分控制系统组成,高频系统是其重要组成部分之一。加速器的加速过程都是由高频系统来完成的。由于高频控制系统的控制对象就是高频腔体,控制系统的稳定性和输出频率的精确性将直接影响到加速器系统的正常工作,而对于高频系统的状态回读又直接决定了对于高频系统的远程监控能力,所以高频控制系统的设计非常重要。本设计基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列FPGA和数字信号专用处理器DSP搭建, 一方面可以完成从控制中心远程控制高频腔体,另一方面也可以完成对于当前状态的读取,所经过的通道也是多样化的,包括CPCI总线通信,CANBUS总线通信或者是485总线通信。本文的内容包括了1>对于高频控制系统控制对象的分析以及各种控制参数要求。2>组成此系统的硬件部分分析选择以及硬件系统的搭建过程。3>对FPGA和DSP进行程序设计的过程和方法。本文的价值不仅在于对高频系统的控制上,对于其他数据采集系统,远程控制系统以及总线通信和数据分析算法上也有着参考价值


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HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家重大科学工程,其控制系统是一个庞大的系统,由许多分控制系统组成,磁场电源控制系统是CSR控制系统中很重要的一部分。加速器运行的所有过程都为电源所控制,所以我们的控制系统的直接控制对象就是磁场电源。为了保证CSR正常运行,控制过程波形的跟踪精度、速度和稳定度,是数字电源调节器的关键所在。电源控制系统以嵌入式处理器ARM、现场可编程门阵列FPGA为核心,实现了远程数据采集、网络通讯和自动控制等功能。本系统可以进行现场监控与调试,也可以通过集成的100Mbps以太网接口电路进行远程监测与控制,CSR上各处输出电压值和电源运行状态自动传送到中央控制中心,中控中心也可以发送命令查询当前电源设备状态和各种读数。本文主要介绍了基于ARM和FPGA的嵌入式电源控制系统的设计与实现。内容主要包括:(1)系统各部分硬件电路设计与电源控制功能实现 ,硬件系统调试 。(2)装载嵌入式Linux操作系统,测试平台接口信号,通过FPGA生成多路数字PWM波形。本文目的是解决CSR电源控制系统问题,但对于许多远程数据采集与控制等问题的解决有重要参考价值


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中国科学院近代物理研究所大科学工程HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)已建成并处于调试和验收阶段,实验探测系统也正在建设当中。CSRm实验探测系统由外靶系统和内靶系统构成,主要用于核物理实验研究。CSRm TOF测量系统是现阶段CSRm实验探测系统的主要任务之一。 针对CSRm TOF测量系统电荷测量部分,论文阐述了一种采用前端ASIC-SFE16(Saclay Front End 16)芯片实现电荷测量的新型方法。它替代了采用分立元件和电子学插件构建系统的传统方法,着重解决了近代核物理实验中越来越突出的多路多道需求和高性能指标要求。根据我所多丝漂移室探测器的实际情况,我们设计了基于ASIC芯片的电荷测量前端电路板,结合中国科技大学的时间测量数字获取板,我们初步完成了对系统软硬件的测试,给出的实验室性能测试指标,为其在实验探测系统中的应用奠定了坚实的基础。 同时为了选出测量中的有用事例,需要进行事例判选,因此我们研制了多路延迟/脉宽调节时序逻辑电路,主要功能是针对提供的多路逻辑时序信号进行延迟和脉宽调节,支持NIM负信号输入和输出。 文中最后一部分论述了根据在调试过程中出现的实际问题所提出的解决方法,主要是针对电路的可靠性设计和噪声的处理


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兰州CSRm内靶终端是进行强子物理实验的平台,可开展奇异介子产生和衰变的研究、重子谱的研究、多夸克态的研究及介子介质效应和手征对称破缺与恢复等多方面的研究。这些物理目标都需要内靶实验终端提供足够多的事件率,并能进行准确的径迹构建。在众多候选的内靶装置中,小丸靶具有其它内靶所欠缺的优点,如可以获得与外靶实验相比拟的实验亮度,可以配置4π立体角的探测器单元等。因此,小丸靶被确定为CSRm内靶实验终端中的主要内靶之一。小丸内靶(Pellet Internal Target)就是将氦以外的某种气体通过低温冷却而形成的固体微球。小丸内靶靶束与储存环离子束在反应室正交并发生相互作用,其反应事例被反应室周围环绕的探测器单元探测到并被记录下来。这篇论文对小丸内靶装置的结构进行了简要的介绍,并对小丸在反应室内的热力学行为进行了模拟。计算表明,靶丸速度是影响靶丸在反应区正常运行的重要因素之一。靶丸速度越大,靶丸在反应室内爆炸的可能性越小。通过对小丸的速度进行的流体动力学分析,发现即使对所有实验条件进行优化,小丸内靶的速度至多能达到100 m/s左右


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国家重大科学工程兰州重离了冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)正在兴建当中,本文对其中的束流输运系统进行了详细的光学设计及束流动力学研究。低能束运线传输来自分离扇回旋加速器的束流并匹配注入CSR主环。高能束运线连接着主环和实验环,它的中间一段是放射性次级束流线,设计最大磁刚度为10.64Tm。经过细致的三阶像差校正后,次级束流线的实际动量分辨本领为1200。在研究过程中,用李代数方法证明了一般的四极磁铁在孔径增加时三阶像差反而减小。高能束线有两个分支,分别给物理实验提供高品质的初级束和中高能放射性次级束。另外还设计了一条特殊的束运线,它是基于圆形束方法和能动扫描方案的旋转机架,用重离子(3 < Z < 10)治疗人体深部的肿瘤,并对各种机架的结构进行了比较。最后,讨论了磁铁的误差影响,并简要介绍了束流线的诊断系统。


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Absolute cross sections for single and double detachment from H– following electron impact have been measured over a range of collision energies from the thresholds to 170 eV. The measurements were made using a magnetic storage ring. The ions in the ring were merged with a monoenergetic electron beam and neutral and positively charged fragments were detected. We cover larger energy ranges than in many of the previous experiments, and this is the first time both single and double detachment have been measured simultaneously. This allows us to present accurate ratios between the single and double detachment cross sections. On the basis of these ratio measurements we discuss possible mechanisms leading to double detachment.


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We present a technique for measuring the radiative lifetimes of metastable states of negative ions that involves the use of a heavy-ion storage ring. The method has been applied to investigate the radiative decay of the np3 2P1/2 levels of Te–(n=5) and Se–(n=4) and the 3p3 2D state of Si– for which the J=3/2 and 5/2 levels were unresolved. All of these states are metastable and decay primarily by emission of E2 and M1 radiation. Multi Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of rates for the transitions in Te– and Se– yielded lifetimes of 0.45 s and 4.7 s, respectively. The measured values agree well with these predicted values. In the case of the 2D state of Si–, however, our measurement was only able to set a lower limit on the lifetime. The upper limit of the lifetime that can be measured with our apparatus is set by how long the ions can be stored in the ring, a limit determined by the rate of collisional detachment. Our lower limit of 1 min for the lifetime of the 2D state is consistent with both the calculated lifetimes of 162 s for the 2D3/2 level and 27.3 h for the 2D5/2 level reported by O'Malley and Beck and 14.5 h and 12.5 h, respectively, from our Breit-Pauli calculations.


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Measurements on the dissociative recombination (DR) of protonated acrylonitrile, CH2CHCNH+, have been performed at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING located in the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been found that at~2meV relative kinetic energy about 50% of the DR events involve only ruptures of X–H bonds (where X=C or N)while the rest leads to the production of a pair of fragments each containing two heavy atoms (alongside H and/or H2). The absolute DR cross section has been investigated for relative kinetic energies ranging from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been determined to follow the expression k(T) = 1.78 × 10-6 (T/300)-0.80 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures ranging from ~10 to 1000 K. Gas-phase models of the nitrile chemistry in the dark molecular cloud TMC-1 have been run and results are compared with observations. Also, implications of the present results for the nitrile chemistry of Titan’s upper atmosphere are discussed.


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Absolute rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination (DR) of H-like U91+ ions have been measured. The electron-ion merged-beam technique at a heavy-ion storage ring was employed using a stochastically cooled ion beam. Thereby, the previously accessible electron-ion collision energies could be greatly extended to the range 63-90 keV. High-resolution DR spectra were measured covering all KLL and KLM resonances. For the resonance strengths, excellent agreement between relativistic theory and experiment is found only if the Breit contribution to the electron-electron interaction is included in the calculations. For the KL1/2L1/2 and KL1/2M1/2 groups the Breit contribution amounts to 44% of their total resonance strengths.


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Dielectronic recombination was investigated for He+, the simplest ion for which this process is possible. This work was done using the light-ion storage ring and electron cooler at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. Resonant recombination yields resulting from 1s +e- --> nln'l' transitions were observed with sufficient resolution (about 1 eV in the center of mass) to isolate and obtain cross sections for the 2s 2p 3P0 and 2p2 1D terms. The measured cross sections, integrated over the DELTAn = 1 2ln'l' states, agree in magnitude with theoretical calculations. Additionally, DELTAn = 2 dielectronic recombination events associated with 3ln'l' intermediate states were observed.


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Nearby charges affect the electronic energy levels of chromophores, with the extent of the effect being determined by the magnitude of the charge and degree of charge-chromophore separation. The molecular configuration dictates the charge chromophore distance. Hence, in this study, we aim to assess how the location of the charge influences the absorption of a set of model protonated and diprotonated peptide ions, and whether spectral differences are large enough to be identified. The studied ions were the dipeptide YK, the tripeptide KYK (Y = tyrosine; K = lysine) and their complexes with 18-crown-6-ether (CE). The CE targets the ammonium group by forming internal ionic hydrogen bonds and limits the folding of the peptide. In the tripeptide, the distance between the chromophore and the backbone ammonium is enlarged relative to that in the dipeptide. Experiments were performed in an electrostatic ion storage ring using a tunable laser system, and action spectra based on lifetime measurements were obtained in the range from 210 to 310 nm. The spectra are all quite similar though there seems to be some changes in the absorption band between 210 and 250 nm, while in the lower energy band all ions had a maximum absorption at similar to 275 nm. Lifetimes after photoexcitation were found to shorten upon protonation and lengthen upon CE complexation, in accordance with the increased number of degrees of freedom and an increase in activation energies for dissociation as the mobile proton model is no longer operative.


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We investigate the backflow of information in a system with a second-order structural phase transition, namely, a quasi-one-dimensional Coulomb crystal. Using standard Ramsey interferometry which couples a target ion (the system) to the rest of the chain (a phononic environment), we study the non-Markovian character of the resulting open system dynamics. We study two different time scales and show that the backflow of information pinpoints both the phase transition and different dynamical features of the chain as it approaches criticality. We also establish an exact link between the backflow of information and the Ramsey fringe visibility.