Objectives: To examine the effects of triiodothyronine (T(3)), 17 beta-estradiol (E(2)), and tamoxifen (TAM) on transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha gene expression in primary breast cancer cell cultures and interactions between the different treatments. Methods and results: Patients included in the study (no.=12) had been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Fresh human breast carcinoma tissue was cut into 0.3-mm slices. These slices were placed in six 35-mm dishes on 2-ml organ culture medium. Dishes received the following treatments: dish 1: ethanol; dish 2: T(3); dish 3: T(3)+TAM; dish 4: TAM; dish 5: E(2); dish 6: E(2)+TAM. TGF-alpha mRNA content was normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA levels. All tissues included in this study were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor expression. Treatment with T(3) for 48 h significantly increased TGF-alpha mRNA levels compared to controls (15-fold), and concomitant treatment with TAM reduced expression to 3.4-fold compared to controls. When only TAM was added to the culture medium, TGF-alpha mRNA expression increased 5.3-fold, significantly higher than with all other treatment modalities. Conclusion: We demonstrate that TGF-alpha mRNA expression is more efficiently upregulated by T(3) than E(2). Concomitant treatment with TAM had a mitigating effect on the T(3) effect, while E(2) induced TGF-alpha upregulation. Our findings show some similarities between primary culture and breast cancer cell lines, but also some important differences: a) induction of TGF-alpha, a mitogenic protein, by TAM; b) a differential effect of TAM that may depend on relative expression of ER alpha and beta; and c) supraphysiological doses of T3 may induce mitogenic signals in breast cancer tissue under conditions of low circulating E(2).. Endocrinol. Invest. 31: 1047-1051, 2008) (c) 2008, Editrice Kurtis
Using cDNA microarray analysis, we previously identified a set of differentially expressed genes in primary breast tumors based on the status of estrogen and progesterone receptors. In the present study, we performed an integrated computer-assisted and manual search of potential estrogen response element (ERE) binding sites in the promoter region of these genes to characterize their potential to be regulated by estrogen receptors (ER). Publicly available databases were used to annotate the position of these genes in the genome and to extract a 5’flanking region 2 kb upstream to 2 kb downstream of the transcription start site for transcription binding site analysis. The search for EREs and other binding sites was performed using several publicly available programs. Overall, approximately 40% of the genes analyzed were potentially able to be regulated by estrogen via ER. In addition, 17% of these genes are located very close to other genes organized in a head-to-head orientation with less than 1.0 kb between their transcript units, sharing a bidirectional promoter, and could be classified as bidirectional gene pairs. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we further investigated the effects of 17β-estradiol and antiestrogens on the expression of the bidirectional gene pairs in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Our results showed that some of these gene pairs, such as TXNDC9/EIF5B, GALNS/TRAPPC2L, and SERINC1/PKIB, are modulated by 17β-estradiol via ER in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Here, we also characterize the promoter region of potential ER-regulated genes and provide new information on the transcriptional regulation of bidirectional gene pairs.
HYAL-1 (hyaluronidase-1) appartient à la famille des hyaluronidases connues pour leur rôle dans la dégradation de l’acide hyaluronique. L’expression de HYAL-1 est élevée dans de nombreux type de cancers, notamment dans le cancer de la prostate, de la vessie, des reins et du sein où il est impliqué dans la croissance tumorale et les métastases. Récemment notre laboratoire a aussi démontré une expression élevée de HYAL-1 dans le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire (CEO) de type mucineux et à cellules claires, expression qui est inversement corrélée à celle du récepteur de l’oestrogène alpha (REα). Cependant, malgré le fait que le rôle de HYAL-1 dans le cancer soit bien établit, le mécanisme de sa régulation reste encore inconnu. Le REα est un facteur de transcription qui suite à sa liaison avec son ligand va réguler l’expression de plusieurs gènes. Le REα ainsi stimulé par l’hormone va activer la transcription de ces gènes cibles mais il est connu maintenant qu’une grande partie des gènes régulés par le REα sont en réalité réprimés par ce récepteur. Dans ce travail nous proposons d’étudier le mécanisme de la régulation du gène HYAL-1 par le REα dans le CEO à cellules claires et dans le cancer du sein. L’expression ectopique du REα dans la lignée TOV21G (RE-) de même que le traitement de la lignée MCF-7 (RE+) avec de l’oestrogène a induit une diminution du niveau d’expression de l’ARN m de HYAL-1. Ces résultats nous ont permis de confirmer que HYAL-1 est un gène cible du REα. Il est aussi connu que le REα peut exercer son action par différents mécanismes d’action, entre autres en interagissant avec une séquence d’ADN appelée élément de réponse à l’oestrogène (ERE), retrouvé sur le promoteur des gènes cibles ou bien indirectement par des interactions protéine-protéine en se liant à d’autres facteur de transcription tels que Sp1. Après avoir identifiés de telles séquences sur le promoteur proximal de HYAL-1, (1 ERE proximal à -900 pb, 3 distaux à -32350 pb, 48430, -50130 pb du site d’initiation de la transcription) en plus des 2 Sp1 connus (-60 et – 1020pb), nous avons démontrés par immunoprécipitation de la chromatine que le REα est recruté sur le promoteur de HYAL-1 au niveau de l’ERE proximal -900 pb et du distal -32350 pb de même que sur le site Sp1 -1020 pb. De plus, l’activité biologique de l’ERE -900 pb et du ii Sp1-1020pb à été confirmée par des essais de gènes rapporteurs à la luciférase. Avec son rôle connu dans la tumorigenèse, l’identification de HYAL-1 comme gène cible du REα pourrait être une avenue intéressante pour le traitement des cancers hormono-indépendants.
Estrogen is a ligand for the estrogen receptor (ER), which on binding 17beta-estradiol, functions as a ligand-activated transcription factor and regulates the transcription of target genes. This is the slow genomic mode of action. However, rapid non-genomic actions of estrogen also exist at the cell membrane. Using a novel two-pulse paradigm in which the first pulse rapidly initiates non-genomic actions using a membrane-limited estrogen conjugate (E-BSA), while the second pulse promotes genomic transcription from a consensus estrogen response element (ERE), we have demonstrated that rapid actions of estrogen potentiate the slower transcriptional response from an ERE-reporter in neuroblastoma cells. Since rapid actions of estrogen activate kinases, we used selective inhibitors in the two-pulse paradigm to determine the intracellular signaling cascades important in such potentiation. Inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA), PKC, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) or phosphatidylinositol 3-OH kinase (PI-3K) in the first pulse decreases potentiation of transcription. Also, our data with both dominant negative and constitutive mutants of Galpha subunits show that Galpha(q) initiates the rapid signaling cascade at the membrane in SK-N-BE(2)C neuroblastoma cells. We discuss two models of multiple kinase activation at the membrane Pulses of estrogen induce lordosis behavior in female rats. Infusion of E-BSA into the ventromedial hypothalamus followed by 17beta-estradiol in the second pulse could induce lordosis behavior, demonstrating the applicability of this paradigm in vivo. A model where non-genomic actions of estrogen couple to genomic actions unites both aspects of hormone action.
Estrogens have been demonstrated to rapidly modulate calcium levels in a variety of cell types. However, the significance of estrogen-mediated calcium flux in neuronal cells is largely unknown. The relative importance of intra- and extracellular sources of calcium in estrogenic effects on neurons is also not well understood. Previously, we have demonstrated that membrane-limited estrogens, such as E-BSA given before an administration of a 2-hour pulse of 17beta-estradiol (E(2)), can potentiate the transcription mediated by E(2) from a consensus estrogen response element (ERE)-driven reporter gene. Inhibitors to signal transduction cascades given along with E-BSA or E(2) demonstrated that calcium flux is important for E-BSA-mediated potentiation of transcription in a transiently transfected neuroblastoma cell line. In this report, we have used inhibitors to different voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) and to intracellular store receptors along with E-BSA in the first pulse or with E(2) in the second pulse to investigate the relative importance of these channels to estrogen-mediated transcription. Neither L- nor P-type VGCCs seem to play a role in estrogen action in these cells; while N-type VGCCs are important in both the non-genomic and genomic modes of estrogen action. Specific inhibitors also showed that the ryanodine receptor and the inositol trisphosphate receptor are important to E-BSA-mediated transcriptional potentiation. This report provides evidence that while intracellular stores of calcium are required to couple non-genomic actions of estrogen initiated at the membrane to transcription in the nucleus, extracellular sources of calcium are also important in both non-genomic and genomic actions of estrogens. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Estrogens and thyroid hormones are regulators of important diverse physiological processes such as reproduction, thermogenesis, neural development, neural differentiation and cardiovascular functions. Both are ligands for receptors in the nuclear receptor superfamily, which act as ligand-dependent transcription factors, regulating transcription. However, estrogens and thyroid hormones also rapidly (within minutes or seconds) activate kinase cascades and calcium increases, presumably initiated at the cell membrane. We discuss the relevance of both modes of hormone action, including the membrane estrogen receptor, to physiology, with particular reference to lordosis behavior. We first showed that estrogen restricted to the membrane can, in fact, lead to subsequent increases in transcription from a consensus estrogen response element-based reporter in the neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-BE(2)C. Using a novel hormonal paradigm, we also showed that the activation of protein kinase A, protein kinase C, mitogen activated protein kinase and increases in calcium were important in the ability of the membrane-limited estrogen to potentiate transcription. We discuss the source of calcium important in transcriptional potentiation. Since estrogens and thyroid hormones have common effects on neuroprotection, cognition and mood, we also hypothesized that crosstalk could occur between the rapid actions of thyroid hormones and the genomic actions of estrogens. In neural cells, we showed that triiodothyronine acting rapidly via MAPK can increase transcription by the nuclear estrogen receptor ERa from a consensus estrogen response element, possibly by the phosphorylation of the ERa. Novel mechanisms that link signals initiated by hormones from the membrane to the nucleus are physiologically relevant and can achieve neuroendocrine integration
Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. Estrogen exerts its effects on healing via numerous cell types by signalling through the receptors ERα and ERβ, which bind to the Estrogen Responsive Element (ERE) and initiate gene transcription. The ERE-luciferase transgenic mouse model has been influential in assessing real-time in vivo estrogen receptor activation across a range of tissues and pathologies. Using this model we demonstrate novel temporally regulated peri-wound activation of estrogen signalling in female mice. Using histological methods we reveal that this signal is specifically localised to keratinocytes of the neoepidermis and wound margin dermal cells. Moreover using pharmacological agonists we reveal that ERβ induces ERE-mediated signal in both epidermal and dermal cells while ERα induces ERE-mediated signal in dermal cells alone. Collectively these novel data demonstrate rapid and regional activation of estrogen signalling in wounded skin. A more complete understanding of local hormonal signalling during repair is essential for the focussed development of new therapies for wound healing.
Environmental perturbations that increase plasma thyroid hormone (T3) concentrations also profoundly affect female reproductive behavior and physiology. We explored whether these effects were mediated by interactions between T3 receptor (TR) and estrogen receptor (ER). This hypothesis was of interest because the half-site of a consensus T3 response element DNA sequence is identical to an ER response element (ERE), and TRs bind to a consensus ERE. Molecular data presented in the accompanying paper [Zhu, Y.-S., Yen, P.M., Chin, W.W.& Pfaff, D.W. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 12587-12592] demonstrate that TRs and ERs are both present in rat hypothalamic nuclear extracts and that both can bind to the promoter the hypothalamic gene preproenkephalin and that interations between liganded TRs and ERs affect preproenkephalin transcription. In this paper, we show that molecular interactions between TRs and ERs are sufficient to mediate environmental effects on estrogen-controlled reproductive behavior. Ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with high doses of T3 showed significantly lower levels of lordosis behavior in response to estradiol benzoate (EB) compared with OVX females treated with EB alone. Conversely, thyroidectomized/OVX females treated with EB showed significantly greater levels of lordosis behavior compared with OVX females treated with EB, showing the effect of endogenous T3. Thyroid hormone interference with EB-induced behavior could not be explained by a reduction in plasma E2 concentrations or by a general reduction in responsiveness of EB-sensitive tissues. Moreover, numbers of hypothalamic ER-immunoreactive cells increased dramatically following T3 treatment. These data suggest that T3 may reduce EB-dependent sexual behavior through interactions between TR and ER in the nuclei of behaviorally relevant hypothalamic neurons, envisioning for the first time a functional consequence of interactions between two nuclear hormone receptors in brain. These results also open up the possibility of molecular interactions on DNA encoding environmental signals, a new field for the study of neuronal integration.
Estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent nuclear transcription factors that can bind to an identical half-site, AGGTCA, of their cognate hormone response elements. By in vitro transfection analysis in CV-1 cells, we show that estrogen induction of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activity in a construct containing a CAT reporter gene under the control of a minimal thymidine kinase (tk) promoter and a copy of the consensus ER response element was attenuated by cotransfection of TR alpha 1 plus triiodothyronine treatment. This inhibitory effect of TR was ligand-dependent and isoform-specific. Neither TR beta 1 nor TR beta 2 cotransfection inhibited estrogen-induced CAT activity, although both TR alpha and TR beta can bind to a consensus ER response element. Furthermore, cotransfection of a mutated TR alpha 1 that lacks binding to the AGGTCA sequence also inhibited the estrogen effect. Thus, the repression of estrogen action by liganded TR alpha 1 may involve protein-protein interactions although competition of ER and TR at the DNA level cannot be excluded. A similar inhibitory effect of liganded TR alpha 1 on estrogen induction of CAT activity was observed in a construct containing the preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter. A study in hypophysectomized female rats demonstrated that the estrogen-induced increase in PPE mRNA levels in the ventromedial hypothalamus was diminished by coadministration of triiodothyronine. These results suggest that ER and TR may interact to modulate estrogen-sensitive gene expression, such as for PPE, in the hypothalamus.
The human estrogen receptor (hER) is a trans-acting regulatory protein composed of a series of discrete functional domains. We have microinjected an hER expression vector (HEO) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei and demonstrate, using Western blot assay, that the hER is synthesized. When nuclear extracts from oocytes were prepared and incubated in the presence of a 2.7 kb DNA fragment comprising the 5' end of the vitellogenin gene B2, formation of estrogen-dependent complexes could be visualized by electron microscopy over the estrogen responsive element (ERE). Of crucial importance is the observation that the complex formation is inhibited by the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen, is restored by the addition of the hormone and does not take place with extracts from control oocytes injected with the expression vector lacking the sequences encoding the receptor. The presence of the biologically active hER is confirmed in co-injection experiments, in which HEO is co-introduced with a CAT reporter gene under the control of a vitellogenin promoter containing or lacking the ERE. CAT assays and primer extensions analyses reveal that both the receptor and the ERE are essential for estrogen induced stimulation of transcription. The same approach was used to analyze selective hER mutants. We find that the DNA binding domain (region C) is essential for protein--DNA complex formation at the ERE but is not sufficient by itself to activate transcription from the reporter gene. In addition to region C, both the hormone binding (region E) and amino terminal (region A/B) domains are needed for an efficient transcription activation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Macrophage migration-inhibitory factor (MIF) has recently been identified as a pituitary hormone that functions as a counterregulatory modulator of glucocorticoid action within the immune system. In the anterior pituitary gland, MIF is expressed in TSH- and ACTH-producing cells, and its secretion is induced by CRF. To investigate MIF function and regulation within pituitary cells, we initiated the characterization of the MIF 5'-regulatory region of the gene. The -1033 to +63 bp of the murine MIF promoter was cloned 5' to a luciferase reporter gene and transiently transfected into freshly isolated rat anterior pituitary cells. This construct drove high basal transcriptional activity that was further enhanced after stimulation with CRF or with an activator of adenylate cyclase. These transcriptional effects were associated with a concomitant rise in ACTH secretion in the transfected cells and by an increase in MIF gene expression as assessed by Northern blot analysis. A cAMP-responsive element (CRE) was identified within the MIF promoter region which, once mutated, abolished the cAMP responsiveness of the gene. Using this newly identified CRE, DNA-binding activity was detected by gel retardation assay in nuclear extracts prepared from isolated anterior pituitary cells and AtT-20 corticotrope tumor cells. Supershift experiments using antibodies against the CRE-binding protein CREB, together with competition assays and the use of recombinant CREB, allowed the detection of CREB-binding activity with the identified MIF CRE. These data demonstrate that CREB is the mediator of the CRF-induced MIF gene transcription in pituitary cells through an identified CRE in the proximal region of the MIF promoter.
Two distinct, TATA box-containing promoters regulate the transcriptional activity of the Xenopus vitellogenin A1 gene. These two promoters are of different strength and are separated by 1.8 kilobase pairs of untranslated sequence. Estrogen receptor (ER) and its ligand, 17beta-estradiol, induce the activity of both promoters. The estrogen response elements (EREs) are located proximal to the downstream i promoter while no ERE-like sequences have been identified in the vicinity of the upstream io promoter. We show here, that transcriptional activity of the upstream io promoter is Sp1-dependent. Moreover, we demonstrate that estrogen inducibility of the io promoter results from functional interactions between the io bound Sp1 and the ER bound at the proximity of i. Functional interactions between Sp1 and ER do not require the presence of a TATA box for transcriptional activation, as is demonstrated using the acyl-CoA oxidase promoter. The relative positions that ER and Sp1 occupy with respect to the initiation site determines whether these two transcription activators can synergize for transcription initiation.
The three subtypes of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARalpha, beta/delta, and gamma) form heterodimers with the 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor (RXR) and bind to a common consensus response element, which consists of a direct repeat of two hexanucleotides spaced by one nucleotide (DR1). As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms determining PPAR subtype specificity, we evaluated by electrophoretic mobility shift assays the binding properties of the three PPAR subtypes, in association with either RXRalpha or RXRgamma, on 16 natural PPAR response elements (PPREs). The main results are as follows. (i) PPARgamma in combination with either RXRalpha or RXRgamma binds more strongly than PPARalpha or PPARbeta to all natural PPREs tested. (ii) The binding of PPAR to strong elements is reinforced if the heterodimerization partner is RXRgamma. In contrast, weak elements favor RXRalpha as heterodimerization partner. (iii) The ordering of the 16 natural PPREs from strong to weak elements does not depend on the core DR1 sequence, which has a relatively uniform degree of conservation, but correlates with the number of identities of the 5'-flanking nucleotides with respect to a consensus element. This 5'-flanking sequence is essential for PPARalpha binding and thus contributes to subtype specificity. As a demonstration of this, the PPARgamma-specific element ARE6 PPRE is able to bind PPARalpha only if its 5'-flanking region is exchanged with that of the more promiscuous HMG PPRE.
Three classes of thyroid hormone response elements have been described. They are composed of two half-sites arranged either as a palindromic, a direct repeat or as an inverted palindromic array. Receptor homodimers as well as heterodimers can bind to all three types of response element. While the ligand binding domain of the receptors provides the major dimerization surface, asymmetric contacts between the DNA binding domains are necessary for binding to a direct repeat. Moreover, some recent findings suggest that in TR, compared to RXR, the ligand binding domain has a 180 degrees rotation with respect to the DNA binding domain. This feature could explain the preferential binding of the RXR-TR heterodimer to the direct repeat response element, in which RXR exclusively binds the 5' half-site, and of the TR homodimer to the inverted palindrome response element.
Transfection of a human estrogen receptor cDNA expression vector (HEO) into cultured Xenopus kidney cells confers estrogen responsiveness to the recipient cells as demonstrated by the hormone dependent expression of co-transfected Xenopus vitellogenin-CAT chimeric genes. The estrogen stimulation of these vit-CAT genes is dependent upon the presence of the vitellogenin estrogen responsive element (ERE) in their 5' flanking region. Thus, functional human estrogen receptor (hER) can be synthesized in heterologous lower vertebrate cells and can act as a trans-acting regulatory factor that is necessary, together with estradiol, for the induction of the vit-CAT constructs in these cells. In addition, vitellogenin minigenes co-transfected with the HEO expression vector also respond to hormonal stimulation. Their induction is not higher than that of the vit-CAT chimeric genes. It suggests that in the Xenopus kidney cell line B 3.2, the structural parts of the vitellogenin minigenes do not play a role in the induction process. Furthermore, no stabilizing effect of estrogen on vitellogenin mRNA is observed in these cells. In contrast to the transfected genes, the endogenous chromosomal vitellogenin genes remain silent, demonstrating that in spite of the presence of the hER and the hormone, the conditions necessary for their activation are not fulfilled.