959 resultados para ESTÍMULOS EMOCIONAIS
A progressiva valorização científica dos estudos na área da inteligência emocional (IE)levou a que a sua importância em vários contextos do desenvolvimento humano fosse reconhecida. No entanto, são escassos os estudos que abordam a IE de crianças, jovens ou adultos com necessidades especiais (NE), mais especificamente Deficiência Intelectual. No contexto português, estes estudos são ainda mais escassos. Nesta investigação realizou-se um estudo de caso, com o principal objetivo de compreender o efeito do desenvolvimento de um programa de promoção de competências emocionais em jovens e adultos com Deficiência Intelectual ligeira e moderada, que frequentam um Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO) na Região Autónoma da Madeira(RAM). No estudo combinaram-se dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Os primeiros foram obtidos através da aplicação de um questionário para avaliar as competências emocionais construído para o efeito e os segundos através da observação e das notas de campo. A triangulação dos dados obtidos remete para aspetos interessantes que sugerem um efeito favorável do programa em algumas competências emocionais e em aspetos do relacionamento social bem como a satisfação dos participantes em integrar programas nesta área. Os resultados apontam ainda para possibilidades de ação em relação à Deficiência Intelectual, ampliando o leque de ferramentas disponíveis para intervir com esta população.
BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008
Objective: Investigating the indicators of stress, anxiety, depression and the cognitive changes in members of the nursing team at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Assis - SP. Methods: 66 nursing professionals participated in the study, evaluated by psychological and cognitive tracking instruments. Results: The stress experience was not homogenous in the nursing team; high scores in the depression tracking were associated to low cognitive scores. Conclusion: Nursing auxiliaries and technicians were affected by stress. Therefore, workers healthcare should be provided for the whole nursing team.
O extrato de folhas de estévia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) é o único edulcorante utilizado na substituição da sacarose, que pode ser produzido totalmente no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os comportamentos de características temporais dos estímulos doce e amargo da estevia em doçuras equivalentes a soluções de sacarose (DESS) a 3 e 10%. As curvas tempo-intensidade (T-I) para cada substância foram coletadas utilizando-se o programa Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI para Windows, onde os provadores registravam com auxílio do mouse a percepção de cada estímulo solicitado em função do tempo, para cada amostra. Os parâmetros das curvas T-I coletados foram: tempo de intensidade máxima (TImax), intensidade máxima (Imax), tempo onde a intensidade máxima começa a declinar (Td), tempo de platô (Platô), área sob a curva (Área) e tempo total de duração do estímulo (Ttot). Os parâmetros Td, Ttot, Área e Platô das curvas T-I para o estímulo doce nos dois níveis de doçura foram significativamente superiores para estévia, enquanto TImax e Imax foram significativamente menores (p£0,05), sendo que as diferenças entre os valores para as duas substâncias foram muito maiores a DESS a 10%. A sacarose não apresentou nenhum registro para o estímulo amargo tanto a 3 como a 10%, enquanto a estévia apresentou curvas T-I características, com intensidade e o tempo total de duração dependente da concentração.
The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic
Parental care in mammals is influenced by somatosensory stimuli from infants, such as vocalization and sight and by changes in the hormone levels of caretakers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral and hormonal responses of twelve non reproductive adult male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to infant cues, vocalization recordings, sight and physical contact with newborn. Six out of twelve males had previous experience in caretaking. In article 1, adult males were exposed to newborn vocalizations for 10 minutes. On control condition no sound was presented. In article 2, males were tested on two conditions: a) Control: an empty acrylic transparent box (test box) was placed in male s cage for 15 minutes, and b) Experimental: males were exposed to newborns into a closed text box for 15 minutes. The cage was kept closed to prevented from tactile, smell and acoustic stimulation by the infant on common marmoset males. In article 3, males were exposed to an open or closed text box, which allowed or not their access to and social interaction with the infants. After each observation sessions, blood samples were collected to evaluate the cortisol levels of males. In all studies, behavioral response of adult males was significantly modified by newborns sight, vocalization and physical contact. Males approached and spent more time near the sound source and showed an increase in locomotion during sound exposure. Furthermore, males approached, smelled and spent more time near the test box when the newborn was inside it. There was no difference in behavioral pattern between experienced and non-experienced males in articles 1 and 2. In article 3, behavioral pattern of males was influence by previous caretaking experience. Experienced males recovered quicker and carried the infants more than the inexperienced ones. However, inexperienced males showed a decrease in recovery latency and an increase in carrying time after successive exposure to infants. Cortisol levels changed after exposure to infant s vocalization, especially for experienced adult males. Male hormonal profile was not affected by the sight of infants neither by their previous experienced in caretaking. The occurrence of social interaction between the caretaker and infant did not modify the hormonal profile of common marmoset males; however, as much as experienced males carried the infants their cortisol levels decreased. Thus, members of a social group or potential caretakers common marmosets exposed to sensory cues from dependent infant such as vocalization, sight, smell and physical contact, changed their behavioral and hormonal responses that are physiological modulators of parental behavior in common marmoset
Highly emotional itens are best remembered in emotional memory tasks than neutral items. An example of emotional item that benefits declarative memory processes are the taboo words. These words undergo from a conventional prohibition, imposed by tradition or custom. Literature suggests that the strongest recollection these words is due to emotional arousal, as well as, the fact that they form a cohesive semantic group, which is a positive additive effect. However, studies with semantic lists show that cohesion can have a negative effect of interference, impairing memory. We analyzed, in two experiments, the effect of arousal and semantic cohesion of taboo words on recognition tests, comparing with into two other word categories: semantically related and without emotional arousal (semantic category) and neutral, with low semantic relation (objects). Our results indicate that cohesion has interfered whith the performance of the test by increasing the number of false alarms. This effect was strongly observed in the semantic category of words in both experiments, but also in the neutral and taboo words, when both were explicitly considered as semantic categories through the instruction of the test in Experiment 2. Despite the impairment induced by semantic cohesion in both experiments, the taboo words were more discriminated than others, and this result agrees with the indication of the emotional arousal as the main factor for the best recollection of emotional items in memory tests
There is a need for multi-agent system designers in determining the quality of systems in the earliest phases of the development process. The architectures of the agents are also part of the design of these systems, and therefore also need to have their quality evaluated. Motivated by the important role that emotions play in our daily lives, embodied agents researchers have aimed to create agents capable of producing affective and natural interaction with users that produces a beneficial or desirable result. For this, several studies proposing architectures of agents with emotions arose without the accompaniment of appropriate methods for the assessment of these architectures. The objective of this study is to propose a methodology for evaluating architectures emotional agents, which evaluates the quality attributes of the design of architectures, in addition to evaluation of human-computer interaction, the effects on the subjective experience of users of applications that implement it. The methodology is based on a model of well-defined metrics. In assessing the quality of architectural design, the attributes assessed are: extensibility, modularity and complexity. In assessing the effects on users' subjective experience, which involves the implementation of the architecture in an application and we suggest to be the domain of computer games, the metrics are: enjoyment, felt support, warm, caring, trust, cooperation, intelligence, interestingness, naturalness of emotional reactions, believabiliy, reducing of frustration and likeability, and the average time and average attempts. We experimented with this approach and evaluate five architectures emotional agents: BDIE, DETT, Camurra-Coglio, EBDI, Emotional-BDI. Two of the architectures, BDIE and EBDI, were implemented in a version of the game Minesweeper and evaluated for human-computer interaction. In the results, DETT stood out with the best architectural design. Users who have played the version of the game with emotional agents performed better than those who played without agents. In assessing the subjective experience of users, the differences between the architectures were insignificant
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a formação de classes ordinais a partir do ensino de uma única sequência de estímulos sob controle da numerosidade. Participaram cinco crianças na faixa etária de 4 a 5 anos. Os estímulos foram formas abstratas referentes à numerosidade de 1 a 5. Usou-se um procedimento de ensino por sobreposição de estímulos. Todos os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto na linha de base. Nos testes de transitividade e conectividade, os cincos participantes responderam prontamente. Houve generalização para duas novas classes ordinais. Nos testes de manutenção três participantes apresentaram responder consistente e um dos participantes respondeu parcialmente. Este estudo é uma contribuição para o estabelecimento de uma análise funcional da aprendizagem de repertórios numéricos.
Este estudo avaliou se relações entre os componentes do estímulo modelo complexo exerceriam controle condicional em tarefas de matching-to-sample simultâneo. Na Fase 1, 3 crianças com necessidades especiais de ensino foram expostas ao treino das relações A1B1 e A2B2 e ao teste das respectivas relações simétricas. em seguida, as contingências de treino exigiram respostas de observação diferenciais que consistiram no estabelecimento de relações condicionais de identidade entre estímulos complexos (relações AB-AB) precedendo o acesso ao treino das relações condicionais ABX. Neste treino, diante de estímulos modelos complexos cujos componentes sustentavam condicionalidade treinada (A1B1 e A2B2), X1 foi o estímulo de escolha correto; X2 exerceu esta função quando os componentes do estímulo modelo não sustentavam tal relação (A1B2 e A2B1). Na Fase 2, ocorreria o treino PQ, testes QP e PQX que avaliariam a extensão do controle condicional definido pelas relações entre os estímulos P e Q. As três crianças registraram a aprendizagem das relações AB, a emergência das relações simétricas e índices elevados de acerto nas respostas de observação diferenciais, ou seja, no estabelecimento das relações condicionais de identidade com estímulos complexos. Contudo, as três demonstraram relações de controle distintas das previstas no treino ABX, sendo, portanto, o experimento finalizado na Fase 1. Tais resultados sugerem uma independência funcional entre as habilidades discriminativas exigidas nas duas contingências de ensino de relações condicionais com estímulos modelo complexos.
Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de comparar a influência dos estímulos visual e/ou químico de náuplios de Artemia e de dieta microencapsulada sobre a taxa de ingestão da dieta microencapusulada por larvas de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus. Utilizou-se um esquema fatorial 7 x 4 (estímulos e idades) com duas repetições. Verificou-se efeito da idade das larvas e dos estímulos, mas não houve efeito para a interação idade ´ estímulos. O estímulo químico da Artemia e ambos os estímulos da Artemia resultaram em maior taxa de ingestão de dieta inerte. Resultado intermediário foi obtido com o estímulo visual da dieta microencapsulada. O estímulo químico, em comparação ao estímulo visual da Artemia, resultou em maiores taxas de ingestão da dieta. Com o aumento da idade, houve incremento na taxa de ingestão. Os estímulos visual e químico dos náuplios e o estímulo visual da ração aumentaram a ingestão de dieta inerte por larvas de pacu. Náuplios de Artemia devem ser oferecidos antes do fornecimento da dieta inerte, pois podem auxiliar no processo de transição alimentar. Os resultados deste trabalho apontaram novas possibilidades de estudos com larvas de peixes neotropicais visando a substituição precoce do alimento vivo para o inerte.
Swallowing function may be impaired by a number of conditions involving primary or associated emotional distress. When psychogenic dysphagia is suspected, routine investigation using radiological and manometric examination is inappropriate. These cases demand an evaluation of the individual as a whole, interesting the disease as well as the patient's personal problems and concerns. Five cases of patients complaining of swallowing difficulty and showing concurrent emotional distress were studied. Four individuals were anxious and one was depressed. Because of our approach, a close medical-patient-relationship was established. Afterwards, an explanation about the normal swallowing mechanisms and the role of the emotions on it was provided. All patients showed improvement of the symptom in the following 24 hours. Dysphagia can be found in anxiety, depression and conversion hysteria, with high incidence in the urban population of the third world countries. However, several professionals are unaware of these disorders. Our results suggest that this plain approach is an useful tool in managing dysphagic patients and it has validity even in individuals bearing dysphagia due to comproved organic disease. The results also emphasize the importance of the medical patient relationship and the utility of a hollistic evaluation of the disease.
Documento elaborado a solicitud de la Dirección de Empleo de la Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social de México
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC