865 resultados para ES-SAGD. Perda de carga. Óleo pesado. Modelagem de reservatório esimulação


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Exploration of heavy oil reservoirs is increasing every year in worldwide, because the discovery of light oil reservoirs is becoming increasingly rare. This fact has stimulated the research with the purpose of becoming viable, technically and economically, the exploration of such oil reserves. In Brazil, in special in the Northeast region, there is a large amount of heavy oil reservoir, where the recovery by the so called secondary methods Water injection or gas injection is inefficient or even impracticable in some reservoirs with high viscosity oils (heavy oils). In this scenario, steam injection appears as an interesting alternative for recover of these kinds of oil reservoirs. Its main mechanism consists of oil viscosity reduction through steam injection, increasing reservoir temperature. This work presents a parametric simulation study of some operational and reservoir variables that had influence on oil recovery in thin reservoirs typically found in Brazilian Northeast Basins, that use the steam injection as improved oil recovery method. To carry out simulations, it was used the commercial software STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modeling Group) version 2007.11. Reservoirs variables studied were horizontal permeability, vertical and horizontal permeability ratio, water zone and pay zone thickness ratio, pay zone thickness and thermal conductivity of the rock. Whereas, operational parameters studied were distance between wells and steam injection rate. Results showed that reservoir variables that had more influence on oil recovery were horizontal permeability and water zone and pay zone thickness ratio. In relation to operational variables, results showed that short distances between wells and low steam injection rates improved oil recovery


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Currently, due to part of world is focalized to petroleum, many researches with this theme have been advanced to make possible the production into reservoirs which were classified as unviable. Because of geological and operational challenges presented to oil recovery, more and more efficient methods which are economically successful have been searched. In this background, steam flood is in evidence mainly when it is combined with other procedures to purpose low costs and high recovery factors. This work utilized nitrogen as an alternative fluid after steam flood to adjust the best combination of alternation between these fluids in terms of time and rate injection. To describe the simplified economic profile, many analysis based on liquid cumulative production were performed. The completion interval and injection fluid rates were fixed and the oil viscosity was ranged at 300 cP, 1.000 cP and 3.000 cP. The results defined, for each viscosity, one specific model indicating the best period to stop the introduction of steam and insertion of nitrogen, when the first injected fluid reached its economic limit. Simulations in physics model defined from one-eighth nine-spot inverted were realized using the commercial simulator Steam, Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator STARS of Computer Modelling Group CMG


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Due to reservoirs complexity and significantly large reserves, heavy oil recovery has become one of the major oil industry challenges. Thus, thermal methods have been widely used as a strategic method to improve heavy oil recovery. These methods improve oil displacement through viscosity reduction, enabling oil production in fields which are not considered commercial by conventional recovery methods. Among the thermal processes, steam flooding is the most used today. One consequence in this process is gravity segregation, given by difference between reservoir and injected fluids density. This phenomenon may be influenced by the presence of reservoir heterogeneities. Since most of the studies are carried out in homogeneous reservoirs, more detailed studies of heterogeneities effects in the reservoirs during steam flooding are necessary, since most oil reservoirs are heterogeneous. This paper presents a study of reservoir heterogeneities and their influence in gravity segregation during steam flooding process. In this study some heterogeneous reservoirs with physical characteristics similar those found in the Brazilian Northeast Basin were analyzed. To carry out the simulations, it was used the commercial simulator STARS by CMG (Computer Modeling Group) - version 2007.11. Heterogeneities were modeled with lower permeability layers. Results showed that the presence of low permeability barriers can improve the oil recovery, and reduce the effects of gravity segregation, depending on the location of heterogeneities. The presence of these barriers have also increased the recovered fraction even with the reduction of injected steam rate


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The world has many types of oil that have a range of values of density and viscosity, these are characteristics to identify whether an oil is light, heavy or even ultraheavy. The occurrence of heavy oil has increased significantly and pointing to a need for greater investment in the exploitation of deposits and therefore new methods to recover that oil. There are economic forecasts that by 2025, the heavy oil will be the main source of fossil energy in the world. One such method is the use of solvent vaporized VAPEX which is known as a recovery method which consists of two horizontal wells parallel to each other, with a gun and another producer, which uses as an injection solvent that is vaporized in order to reduce the viscosity of oil or bitumen, facilitating the flow to the producing well. This method was proposed by Dr. Roger Butler, in 1991. The importance of this study is to analyze how the influence some operational reservoir and parameters are important in the process VAPEX, such as accumulation of oil produced in the recovery factor in flow injection and production rate. Parameters such as flow injection, spacing between wells, type of solvent to be injected, vertical permeability and oil viscosity were addressed in this study. The results showed that the oil viscosity is the parameter that showed statistically significant influence, then the choice of Heptane solvent to be injected showed a greater recovery of oil compared to other solvents chosen, considering the spacing between the wells was shown that for a greater distance between the wells to produce more oil


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Increase hydrocarbons production is the main goal of the oilwell industry worldwide. Hydraulic fracturing is often applied to achieve this goal due to a combination of attractive aspects including easiness and low operational costs associated with fast and highly economical response. Conventional fracturing usually involves high-flowing high-pressure pumping of a viscous fluid responsible for opening the fracture in the hydrocarbon producing rock. The thickness of the fracture should be enough to assure the penetration of the particles of a solid proppant into the rock. The proppant is driven into the target formation by a carrier fluid. After pumping, all fluids are filtered through the faces of the fracture and penetrate the rock. The proppant remains in the fracture holding it open and assuring high hydraulic conductivity. The present study proposes a different approach for hydraulic fracturing. Fractures with infinity conductivity are formed and used to further improve the production of highly permeable formations as well as to produce long fractures in naturally fractured formations. Naturally open fractures with infinite conductivity are usually encountered. They can be observed in rock outcrops and core plugs, or noticed by the total loss of circulation during drilling (even with low density fluids), image profiles, pumping tests (Mini-Frac and Mini Fall Off), and injection tests below fracturing pressure, whose flow is higher than expected for radial Darcian ones. Naturally occurring fractures are kept open by randomly shaped and placed supporting points, able to hold the faces of the fracture separate even under typical closing pressures. The approach presented herein generates infinite conductivity canal held open by artificially created parallel supporting areas positioned both horizontally and vertically. The size of these areas is designed to hold the permeable zones open supported by the impermeable areas. The England & Green equation was used to theoretically prove that the fracture can be held open by such artificially created set of horizontal parallel supporting areas. To assess the benefits of fractures characterized by infinite conductivity, an overall comparison with finite conductivity fractures was carried out using a series of parameters including fracture pressure loss and dimensionless conductivity as a function of flow production, FOI folds of increase, flow production and cumulative production as a function of time, and finally plots of net present value and productivity index


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O hidrociclone é um equipamento amplamente utilizado pela indústria em processos envolvendo separação sólido-líquido, porém ainda pouco utilizado na agricultura irrigada no Brasil. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o desempenho deste equipamento como pré-filtrante de partículas sólidas, oriundas dos processos erosivos e do assoreamento dos recursos hídricos. Os testes foram realizados com um hidrociclone de geometria Rietema, possuindo diâmetro de 19,2 cm na parte cilíndrica, operando com vazões variando entre 10 m³ h-1 e 27 m³ h-1. Os materiais particulados usados em suspensão foram: solo franco-argiloso e areia de rio. Os resultados mostraram que a perda de carga máxima média foi de 52 kPa e 47 kPa para as suspensões aquosas de areia e solo, respectivamente. Seu melhor desempenho ocorreu operando com suspensão aquosa de areia, apresentando eficiência total de 92,3% para a vazão de 26,9 m³ h-1. Concluiu-se que o equipamento avaliado é mais eficiente para remoção de partículas de areia, podendo ser utilizado como pré-filtro em sistemas de irrigação.


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It is presented the analysis of a retaining wall designed for the basement of a residential building, located in Natal/RN, which consists in a spaced pile wall, anchored by tiebacks, in sand. This structure was instrumented in order to measure the wall s horizontal movements and the load distribution throughout the anchor fixed length. The horizontal movements were measured with an inclinometer, and the loads in the anchors were measured with strain gages, installed in three places throughout the anchor fixed length. Measurements for displacement were done right after the implementation of each stage of the building and right after the conclusion of the building, and the measurements for loads in the anchors were done during the performance test, at the moment of the locking off and, also, right after the conclusion of the building. From the data of displacement were obtained velocity and acceleration data of wall. It was found that the time elapsed on braced installation was decisive in the magnitude of the displacements. The maximum horizontal displacement of wall ranged between 0,18 and 0,66% of the final depth of excavation. The loads in the anchors strongly reduced to approximately half the anchor fixed length, followed an exponential distribution. Furthermore, it was found that there was a loss of load in the anchors over time, reaching 50% loss in one of them


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A filtração em múltiplas etapas (FiME) se apresenta como uma alternativa para realizar o tratamento de água de comunidades de pequeno porte, entretanto, a eficiência quanto à remoção de cor verdadeira associada ao carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) ou às substâncias húmicas, tem sido questionada ou relatada como baixa. A presente pesquisa avaliou a remoção de substâncias húmicas na FiME com pré-oxidação, com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio, utilizando para essa avaliação parâmetros indiretos como cor verdadeira, absorvância UV (254 nm) e COD. Foram realizados cinco ensaios, utilizando quatro filtros lentos, sendo dois com camada de carvão ativado granular (CAG). Foram ensaiadas várias alternativas de pré-oxidação com ozônio e peróxido de hidrogênio. Foram obtidos bons resultados, tendo como principal conclusão que os filtros lentos com CAG, precedidos de oxidação com ozônio e depois peróxido de hidrogênio, apresentaram remoção média de cor verdadeira de 64%, mas que o peróxido de hidrogênio afeta o desenvolvimento da camada biológica, interferindo no desenvolvimento da perda de carga, na remoção de turbidez, na remoção de coliformes e na remoção de substâncias húmicas.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da unidade leito de contato na eficiência de remoção ferro em Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA) tipo desferrização que trata água subterrânea. Os ensaios foram realizados em uma instalação piloto, composta por um aerador tipo tabuleiro, um leito de contato de fluxo ascendente e um filtro rápido de fluxo descendente, que tem capacidade para tratar cerca de 1,7m3/h. A ETA - piloto foi instalada no Setor Profissional do Campus Guamá da UFPA, sendo a água bruta proveniente de manancial subterrâneo, que contem ferro em teores elevados (em torno de 2mg/L). Na ETA - Piloto foram aplicadas taxas de filtração de 180m3/m2xdia, 270m3/m2xdia e 360m3/m2xdia em triplicata em duas fases experimentais: a primeira com leito de contato e segunda sem leito de contato. Foram monitoradas a carreira de filtração, a perda de carga e as variáveis: pH, Cor Aparente, Ferro (Total e Ferroso) e Turbidez. Para a Fase I as eficiências de remoção de ferro total obtidas para as taxas de filtração de 180m3/m2xdia, 270m3/m2xdia e 360m3/m2xdia foram de 93% a 94%, 85% a 95% e 91% a 92%, respectivamente. Para a Fase II as eficiências de remoção de ferro total ficaram em torno de 91% a 93%, 91% a 93% e 88% a 93%, respectivamente. As carreiras de filtração com leito de contato para as taxas de 180m3/m2xdia, 270m3/m2xdia e 360m3/m2xdia apresentaram tempo de duração média de 41h, 30h e 22,7h respectivamente, enquanto que na ausência de leito de contato a duração média foi de 16h, 12h e 4,7h, respectivamente. Dessa forma pode-se concluir que o leito de contato é uma unidade indispensável em uma ETA tipo desferrização, pois melhora o desempenho de sistema, produzindo efluente de boa qualidade e carreiras de filtração mais prolongadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A indústria mineral representa um grande estimulador da economia do estado, e como destaque nessa indústria podemos mencionar o setor do beneficiamento de Caulim. As soluções dos problemas relacionados a essa atividade mostram-se como uma oportunidade rara de interação universidade-indústria, além de ser um campo fértil para o desenvolvimento científico. Um ponto importante a ser estudado trata do escoamento da suspensão de caulim em dutos e equipamentos relacionados; problemas como incrustação e calculo da perda de carga não foram ainda resolvidos de forma definitiva pela indústria. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho se dispõe a desenvolver uma metodologia para o cálculo dos parâmetros de escoamento principalmente da velocidade mínima necessária para que as partículas em suspensão não depositem no interior dos dutos. Assim o objetivo macro desta dissertação reside em analisar através da implementação de metodologia, o cálculo da velocidade de deposição durante o escoamento de polpas de caulim com diferentes frações mássicas (% em peso de sólidos) no interior de dutos circulares; a partir do estudo reológico de amostras obtidas no seu processo de beneficiamento; propiciando assim, subsídio teórico aos técnicos e Engenheiros que desejam dimensionar um sistema de bombeamento aplicado a polpas de caulim; minimizando seus problemas de sub e superdimensionamento, que acarreta a deposição do material, causando danos à produção e meio ambiente, visto que se fará necessário à abertura da tubulação para remoção dos depósitos oriundos da baixa velocidade.