996 resultados para EPR spectroscopy


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We present the results of a study on vinyl bromide for the search for new far infrared (FIR) laser lines. As the pump source, we use a CW waveguide CO2 laser with a tunability of 290 MHz around each line in order to pump large offset vibrational transitions. As a consequence, we obtained 28 new FIR laser emissions; 24 of them have wavelengths greater than 500 mum and are, therefore, suitable to be used in high-field EPR spectroscopy, For each of the new lines, we give the wavelength, the offset of the pumping transition with respect to the center Frequency of the CO2 emission, the polarization relative to that of the pumping laser line, the operating pressure, and the relative intensity. We also present a catalog including data of all of the FIR laser lines observed from this molecule up to now.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of the cationic iron porphyrins Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 in the epoxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene by PhIO in homogeneous solution and supported on silica gel (SG), imidazole propyl gel (IPG) or SG modified with 2-(4-sulfonatophenyl)ethyl groups (SiSO3) have been accomplished. When supported on IPG, both cationic FeP bind to the support via Fe-imidazole coordination. Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]IPG contains a mixture of low-spin bis-coordinated (FeP)-P-III and high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III species, whereas Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]IPG only contains high-spin mono-coordinated (FeP)-P-III. These FePIPG catalysts also contain (FeP)-P-II species, whose presence was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using NO as a paramagnetic probe. Both cationic FePs coordinate to SG through Fe-O ligation and they are present as high-spin (FeP)-P-III species. The cationic FePs supported on SiSO3- are also high-spin (FeP)-P-III species and they bind to the support via electrostatic interaction between the 4-N-methylpyridyl groups and the SO3- groups present on the matrix. In homogeneous solution, both Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]Cl-2 and Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TFPP]Cl-2 have similar catalytic activity to Fe(TDCPP)Cl and Fe(TFPP)Cl, leading to cis-epoxycyclooctane yields of 92%. When supported on inorganic matrices,both FePs lead to epoxide yields comparable to their homogeneous analogues and their anchoring enables catalyst recovery and re-use. Recycling of Fe[M(4-N-MePy)TDCPP]SiSO3- shows that this FeP maintains its activity in a second reaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resin solvation properties affect the efficiency of the coupling reactions in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Here we report a novel approach to evaluate resin solvation properties, making use of spin label electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The aggregating VVLGAAIV and ING sequences were assembled in benzhydrylamine-resin with different amino group contents (up to 2.6 mmol/g) to examine the extent of chain association within the beads. These model peptidyl-resins were first labeled at their N-terminus with the amino acid spin label 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (Toac). Their solvation properties in different solvents were estimated, either by bead swelling measurement or by assessing the dynamics of their polymeric matrixes through the analysis of Toac EPR spectra, and were correlated with the yield of the acylation reaction. In most cases the coupling rate was found to depend on bead swelling. Comparatively, the EPR approach was more effective. Line shape analysis allowed the detection of more than one peptide chain population, which influenced the reaction. The results demonstrated the unique potential of EPR spectroscopy not only for improving the yield of peptide synthesis, even in challenging conditions, but also for other relevant polymer-supported methodologies in chemistry and biology.


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[GRAPHICS]This work proposes a combined swelling-electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approach aiming at determining some unusual polymer solvation parameters relevant for chemical processes occurring inside beads. Batches of benzhydrylamine-resin (BHAR), a copolymer of styrene-1% divinylbenzene containing phenylmethylamine groups were, labeled with the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amine-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC), and their swelling properties and EPR spectra were examined in DCM and DMF. By taking into account the BHARs labeling degrees, the corresponding swelling values, and some polymer structural characteristics, it was possible to calculate polymer swelling parameters, among them, the volume and the number of sites per bead, site-site distances and site concentration. The latter values ranged from 17 to 170 angstrom and from 0.4 to 550 mM, respectively. EPR spectroscopy was applied to validate the multistep calculation strategy of these swelling parameters. Spin-spin interaction was detected in the labeled resins at site-site distances less than approximately 60 A or probe concentrations higher than approximately 1 x 10(-2) M, in close agreement with the values obtained for the spin probe free in solution. Complementarily, the yield of coupling reactions in different resins indicated that the greater the inter-site distance or the lower the site concentration, the faster the reaction. The results suggested that the model and the experimental measurements developed for the determination of solvation parameters represent a relevant step forward for the deeper understanding and improvement of polymer-related processes.


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In this work, the catalytic intermediates for Fe(TPP)(+), Fe(TDCPP)(+), Fe(TFPP)(+), Mn(TPP)(+) and Mn(TDCPP)(+) supported on imidazole propyl gel with PhIO were studied by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. For Fe(TPP)+ and Fe(TFPP)+ the study was also monitored by EPR spectroscopy. The active catalytic intermediate observed for FeP-IPG is the ore-iron (IV) porphyrin pi cation radical Fe-IV(O)P.+, which is evidenced by a decrease in the intensity of the Sorer band. The total re-establishment of the initial Soret band intensity for Fe(TDCPP)IPG and Fe(TFPP)IPG at the end of the reaction shows that they were completely recovered, There are advantages in following the reactions of PNO with unsubstituted Fe(TPP)(+) and Mn(TPP)(+) on IPG by UV-Vis, since they were slower and allowed to 'see' the intermediate species without spectral interference from the recovered catalyst, since they are only partially recovered. With Fe(TPP)IPG, a band at 580 nm was detected at the beginning of the reaction, indicating the possible formation of a Fe-OIPh intermediate. Supporting Mn(TPP)(+) on IPG leads to a shift of band V from 478 nm to 488 nm. In the reaction of MnP-IPG with PhIO, we observed the disappearance of the band in 488 nm and the appearance of a band in 412 nm, which corresponds to the active catalytic intermediate Mn-V(O)P as the main component, as is expected for a more efficient system. The recovery of supported catalysts observed in these experiments was further proved with the possibility of their successive recyclings in cyclohexane oxidation reactions by PhIO.


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In the search for new therapeutic tools against tuberculosis two novel iron complexes, [Fe(L-H)3], with 3-aminoquinoxaline-2-carbonitrile N(1),N(4)-dioxide derivatives (L) as ligands, were synthesized, characterized by a combination of techniques, and in vitro evaluated. Results were compared with those previously reported for two analogous iron complexes of other ligands of the same family of quinoxaline derivatives. In addition, the complexes were studied by cyclic voltammetry and EPR spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammograms of the iron compounds showed several cathodic processes which were attributed to the reduction of the metal center (Fe(III)/Fe(II)) and the coordinated ligand. EPR signals were characteristic of magnetically isolated high-spin Fe(III) in a rhombic environment and arise from transitions between m(s) = +/- 1/2 (geff-9) or m(s) = +/- 3/2 (g(eff)similar to 4.3) states. Mossbauer experiments showed hyperfine parameters that are typical of high-spin Fe(III) ions in a not too distorted environment. The novel complexes showed in vitro growth inhibitory activity on Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv (ATCC 27294), together with very low unspecific cytotoxicity on eukaryotic cells (cultured murine cell line J774). Both complexes showed higher inhibitory effects on M. tuberculosis than the "second-line" therapeutic drugs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Miltefosine (MT) is an alkylphospholipid approved for breast cancer metastasis and visceral leishmaniasis treatments, although the respective action mechanisms at the molecular level remain poorly understood. In this work, the interaction of miltefosine with the lipid component of stratum corneum (SC), the uppermost skin layer, was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of several fatty acid spin-labels. In addition, the effect of miltefosine on (i) spherical lipid vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and (ii) lipids extracted from SC was also investigated, by EPR and time-resolved polarized fluorescence methods. In SC of neonatal Wistar rats, 4% (w/w) miltefosine give rise to a large increase of the fluidity of the intercellular membranes, in the temperature range from 6 to about 50 degrees C. This effect becomes negligible at temperatures higher that ca. 60 degrees C. In large unilamelar vesicles of DPPC no significant changes could be observed with a miltefosine concentration 25% molar, in close analogy with the behavior of biomimetic vesicles prepared with bovine brain ceramide, behenic acid and cholesterol. In these last samples, a 25 mol% molar concentration of miltefosine produced only a modest decrease in the bilayer fluidity. Although miltefosine is not a feasible skin permeation enhancer due to its toxicity, the information provided in this work could be of utility in the development of a MT topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert die Expression der Gene der anaeroben Fumaratatmung in E. coli in Abhängigkeit von externen C4-Dicarbonsäuren. Die membranständige Histidinkinase DcuS detektiert den Reiz und leitet ihn über die Membran an den Responseregulaor DcuR weiter, der die Aktivität der Zielgene reguliert. Das Substratspektrum von DcuS wurde näher untersucht und strukturelle Eigenschaften der Substrate sowie ihre Affinität zu DcuS bestimmt. Es wird vermutet, dass Histidinkinasen im aktiven Zustand als Dimere oder höhere Oligomere vorliegen. Der Oligomerisierungszustand von DcuS in der Membran wurde mittels EPR-Spektroskopie untersucht. Es wurden funktionelle Cysteinmutanten von DcuS hergestellt, die nur an bestimmten Positionen der periplasmatischen Domäne Cysteinreste, aber sonst keine weiteren Cysteinreste, enthielten. Die Proteine wurden isoliert, über die Cysteinreste mit Nitroxiden markiert und in Liposomen rekonstituiert. Erste EPR-Messungen zeigten, dass rekonstituiertes DcuS in einem geordneten Zustand in der Membran vorliegt, der diskrete Abstände zwischen den Monomeren aufweist. Die Struktur von rekonstituiertem DcuS in der Membran soll durch Festkörper-NMR aufgeklärt werden. Ein geeignetes C-terminal verkürztes Konstrukt, DcuS-PD/PAS wurde zu diesem Zweck hergestellt. Das Protein ließ sich in hoher Reinheit isolieren und konnte wieder in Liposomen rekonstituiert werden. Vorbereitende NMR-Messungen zeigten, dass eine Strukturaufklärung an diesem Protein möglich ist. Weitere Strukturuntersuchungen werden zur Zeit durchgeführt.


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We investigated at the molecular level protein/solvent interactions and their relevance in protein function through the use of amorphous matrices at room temperature. As a model protein, we used the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a pigment protein complex which catalyzes the light-induced charge separation initiating the conversion of solar into chemical energy. The thermal fluctuations of the RC and its dielectric conformational relaxation following photoexcitation have been probed by analyzing the recombination kinetics of the primary charge-separated (P+QA-) state, using time resolved optical and EPR spectroscopies. We have shown that the RC dynamics coupled to this electron transfer process can be progressively inhibited at room temperature by decreasing the water content of RC films or of RC-trehalose glassy matrices. Extensive dehydration of the amorphous matrices inhibits RC relaxation and interconversion among conformational substates to an extent comparable to that attained at cryogenic temperatures in water-glycerol samples. An isopiestic method has been developed to finely tune the hydration level of the system. We have combined FTIR spectral analysis of the combination and association bands of residual water with differential light-minus-dark FTIR and high-field EPR spectroscopy to gain information on thermodynamics of water sorption, and on structure/dynamics of the residual water molecules, of protein residues and of RC cofactors. The following main conclusions were reached: (i) the RC dynamics is slaved to that of the hydration shell; (ii) in dehydrated trehalose glasses inhibition of protein dynamics is most likely mediated by residual water molecules simultaneously bound to protein residues and sugar molecules at the protein-matrix interface; (iii) the local environment of cofactors is not involved in the conformational dynamics which stabilizes the P+QA-; (iv) this conformational relaxation appears to be rather delocalized over several aminoacidic residues as well as water molecules weakly hydrogen-bonded to the RC.


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Bei den schweren Tetrylenen [ERR’, E = Si—Pb; R, R’ = Organyl-, elementorganischer Rest] zeigt sich ein Lewis-amphoterer Charakter, der bei den silylsubstituierten besonders ausgeprägt ist, wodurch sie wertvolle Vorstufen für Folgereaktionen darstellen. Bis zur Fertigstellung der Arbeit waren von den schwersten Vertretern lediglich vier homoleptische silylsubstituierte Stannylene/Distannene und zwei Plumbylene bekannt und strukturell charakterisiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden nun zwei weitere homoleptische silylsubstituierte Stannylene und zwei Plumbylene charakterisiert [E{Si(SiMe3)2SiMe2t-Bu}2, E{Si(SiMe3)2Sii-Pr3}2, E =Sn, Pb]. Diese Stannylene und Sn[Si(SiMe3)3]2 reagieren mit AlH3NMe3 beziehungsweise LiAlH4 in einer α-Addition. Geht man zu dem sterisch weniger anspruchsvollen Silylsubstituenten Si(SiMe3)2Et über, so lassen sich ein neues Kaliumplumbanid und das bislang erste stabile einkernige Blei(III)-Radikal Pb[Si(SiMe3)2Et]3 synthetisieren. Analog lassen sich E[Si(SiMe3)3]3 [E = Sn, Pb] darstellen, von denen bislang nur die Zinnverbindung isoliert werden konnte. Pb[Si(SiMe3)3]2 reagiert mit Lewis-Basen [THF, NH3, KN(SiMe3)2, „KI"] zu den entsprechenden Addukten. Darüberhinaus wurden zwei Aluminiumsilylverbindungen [AlH2[Si(SiMe3)2SiMe2t-Bu]NMe3, LiAlH3[Si(SiMe3)3]] und die bislang ersten röntgenographisch charakterisierten tetrasilylsubstituierten Plumbane [Pb[Si(SiMe3)2Et]3R, R = SiMe3, Si(SiMe3)2Et] isoliert.


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Bei der Untersuchung molekularer magnetischer Materialien spielen Metall-Radikal Verbindungen eine bedeutende Rolle. Ein Forschungsschwerpunkt stützt sich auf die Familie der Nitronyl-Nitroxid (NIT) Radikale, die sich durch eine hohe chemische Stabilität auszeichnen. Im sogenannten „Metall-Radikal Ansatz“ wurden die starken Austauschwechselwirkungen zwischen stabilen Radikalen und Übergangsmetallionen in mehrdimensionalen Netzwerken ausgiebig untersucht. Um diese Netzwerke mit NIT Radikalen aufzubauen, müssen zusätzliche funktionelle Gruppen, mit einem Abstand zur spintragenden Einheit, in das Molekül eingebaut werden. Dies kann zu einer zusätzlichen schwachen Spinaustauschwechselwirkung führen. Um diese Wechselwirkung zwischen Metalldimeren mit einem einzelnen Benzoat annalogen NIT-Radikal zu untersuchen, wurden dimere Mangan(II), Kobalt(II) und Zink(II) Komplexe mit dem Chelatliganden N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-benzimid-azolylalkyl)-2-hydroxy-1,3-diamino-propan synthetisiert und zusätzlich über eine periphere Carboxylat Gruppe eines NIT Radikals verbrückt.rnDie Messungen der magnetischen Suszeptibilität weisen auf eine dominante antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkung in der Metall-Radikal Verbindung hin, bei der es sich um die Spin-Austauschwechselwirkung innerhalb des Metalldimers handelt. Durch den Vergleich mit analogen Nitrobenzoat- verbrückten Mangan(II) und Kobalt(II) Verbindungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass keine Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung beobachtet wird, obwohl eine Wechselwirkung der pi*-orbitale mit den delokalisierten pi-System des Phenylrings durch Spin-Polarisation grundsätzlich möglich ist. Auch ESR - Messungen bestätigen dies, da der Spingrundzustand das anisotrope Signal des freien NIT Radikals aufweist. Das Radikal verhält sich somit wie ein isoliertes S=1/2 Spin-Zentrum, was zusätzlich durch DFT-Rechnungen bekräftigt werden konnte. Zusammenfassend führt also die Koordination eines NIT-Benzoats an ein antiferromagnetisch gekoppeltes Metalldimer nur zur Anhebung des Spingrundzustandes und hat keinen signifikanten Effekt auf die Austauschwechselwirkung. Um trotzdem eine Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung beobachten zu können, ist es notwendig Koordinationsverbindungen zu synthetisieren in denen hohe Spingrundzustände besetzt werden. Dies trifft auf das analoge Kupferdimer zu, wofür eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung zu beobachten ist.rnNach den Regeln der Spin-Polarisation müsste die Verkürzung des Austauschpfades um eine Bindung zu einer Umkehrung des Vorzeichens der magnetischen Wechselwirkung führen. Diese Verkürzung kann man durch die Verwendung des alternativen stabilen NOA-Radikals (tert-Butyl Nitroxid) erreichen. Sowohl das NIT als auch das NOA-Radikal werden an ein Kupfer(II)-dimer koordiniert, das durch die Verwendung des oben erwähnten N6O-Liganden gebildet wurde. In der Modellverbindung, ohne einen paramagnetischen Substituenten am Benzoat, zeigen die Kupferionen eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung mit einem Triplett Grundzustand, dessen Existenz durch die Messung der magnetischen Suszeptibilität und ESR-Spektroskopie belegt werden kann. Aufgrund der nahezu identischen Koordinationsumgebung bleibt bei allen synthetisierten Verbindungen die Kupfer-Kupfer Wechselwirkung dabei gleich. Die Daten von ESR und magnetischen Messungen zeigen weiterhin auf eine signifikante zusätzliche Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung hin. Bei der NIT-Verbindung ist diese Austauschwechselwirkung schwach antiferromagnetisch, während die NOA-Verbindung eine schwache ferromagnetische Kopplung aufzeigt. Diese Resultate können durch DFT Rechnungen bekräftigt werden. Der Vorzeichenwechsel des Kopplungsparameters kann durch die Verkürzung des Austauschpfades vom NIT zum NOA-Benzoat um eine Bindung erklärt werden. Durch die Wahl von geeigneten Radikal- Liganden und Metallionen, zeigt sich die Möglichkeit, Systeme zu erzeugen, in denen die Radikal-Metall Wechselwirkung auch über größere Distanzen den Spin-Grundzustand des gesamten Systems signifikant beeinflussen kann. die Anwendung dieses Konzeptes auf Metall-Radikal Cluster System sollte Von großem Interesse sein.rn


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The dissertation entitled "Tuning of magnetic exchange interactions between organic radicals through bond and space" comprises eight chapters. In the initial part of chapter 1, an overview of organic radicals and their applications were discussed and in the latter part motivation and objective of thesis was described. As the EPR spectroscopy is a necessary tool to study organic radicals, the basic principles of EPR spectroscopy were discussed in chapter 2. rnAntiferromagnetically coupled species can be considered as a source of interacting bosons. Consequently, such biradicals can serve as molecular models of a gas of magnetic excitations which can be used for quantum computing or quantum information processing. Notably, initial small triplet state population in weakly AF coupled biradicals can be switched into larger in the presence of applied magnetic field. Such biradical systems are promising molecular models for studying the phenomena of magnetic field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state. To observe such phenomena it is very important to control the intra- as well as inter-molecular magnetic exchange interactions. Chapters 3 to 5 deals with the tuning of intra- and inter-molecular exchange interactions utilizing different approaches. Some of which include changing the length of π-spacer, introduction of functional groups, metal complex formation with diamagnetic metal ion, variation of radical moieties etc. During this study I came across two very interesting molecules 2,7-TMPNO and BPNO, which exist in semi-quinoid form and exhibits characteristic of the biradical and quinoid form simultaneously. The 2,7-TMPNO possesses the singlet-triplet energy gap of ΔEST = –1185 K. So it is nearly unrealistic to observe the magnetic field induced spin switching. So we studied the spin switching of this molecule by photo-excitation which was discussed in chapter 6. The structural similarity of BPNO with Tschitschibabin’s HC allowed us to dig the discrepancies related to ground state of Tschitschibabin’s hydrocarbon(Discussed in chapter 7). Finally, in chapter 8 the synthesis and characterization of a neutral paramagnetic HBC derivative (HBCNO) is discussed. The magneto liquid crystalline properties of HBCNO were studied by DSC and EPR spectroscopy.rn


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Chapter 1 of this thesis comprises a review of polyether polyamines, i.e., combinations of polyether scaffolds with polymers bearing multiple amino moieties. Focus is laid on controlled or living polymerization methods. Furthermore, fields in which the combination of cationic, complexing, and pH-sensitive properties of the polyamines and biocompatibility and water-solubility of polyethers promise enormous potential are presented. Applications include stimuli-responsive polymers with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and/or the ability to gel, preparation of shell cross-linked (SCL) micelles, gene transfection, and surface functionalization.rnIn Chapter 2, multiaminofunctional polyethers relying on the class of glycidyl amine comonomers for anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP) are presented. In Chapter 2.1, N,N-diethyl glycidyl amine (DEGA) is introduced for copolymerization with ethylene oxide (EO). Copolymer microstructure is assessed using online 1H NMR kinetics, 13C NMR triad sequence analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The concurrent copolymerization of EO and DEGA is found to result in macromolecules with a gradient structure. The LCSTs of the resulting copolymers can be tailored by adjusting DEGA fraction or pH value of the environment. Quaternization of the amino moieties by methylation results in polyelectrolytes. Block copolymers are used for PEGylated gold nanoparticle formation. Chapter 2.2 deals with a glycidyl amine monomer with a removable protecting group at the amino moiety, for liberation of primary amines at the polyether backbone, which is N,N-diallyl glycidyl amine (DAGA). Its allyl groups are able to withstand the harsh basic conditions of AROP, but can be cleaved homogeneously after polymerization. Gradient as well as block copolymers poly(ethylene glycol)-PDAGA (PEG-PDAGA) are obtained. They are analyzed regarding their microstructure, LCST behavior, and cleavage of the protecting groups. rnChapter 3 describes applications of multi(amino)functional polyethers for functionalization of inorganic surfaces. In Chapter 3.1, they are combined with an acetal-protected catechol initiator, leading to well-defined PEG and heteromultifunctional PEG analogues. After deprotection, multifunctional PEG ligands capable of attaching to a variety of metal oxide surfaces are obtained. In a cooperative project with the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz, their potential is demonstrated on MnO nanoparticles, which are promising candidates as T1 contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. The MnO nanoparticles are solubilized in aqueous solution upon ligand exchange. In Chapter 3.2, a concept for passivation and functionalization of glass surfaces towards gold nanorods is developed. Quaternized mPEG-b-PqDEGA diblock copolymers are attached to negatively charged glass surfaces via the cationic PqDEGA blocks. The PEG blocks are able to suppress gold nanorod adsorption on the glass in the flow cell, analyzed by dark field microscopy.rnChapter 4 highlights a straightforward approach to poly(ethylene glycol) macrocycles. Starting from commercially available bishydroxy-PEG, cyclic polymers are available by perallylation and ring-closing metathesis in presence of Grubbs’ catalyst. Purification of cyclic PEG is carried out using α-cyclodextrin. This cyclic sugar derivative forms inclusion complexes with remaining unreacted linear PEG in aqueous solution. Simple filtration leads to pure macrocycles, as evidenced by SEC and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. Cyclic polymers from biocompatible precursors are interesting materials regarding their increased blood circulation time compared to their linear counterparts.rnIn the Appendix, A.1, a study of the temperature-dependent water-solubility of polyether copolymers is presented. Macroscopic cloud points, determined by turbidimetry, are compared with microscopic aggregation phenomena, monitored by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectroscopy in presence of the amphiphilic spin probe and model drug (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO). These thermoresponsive polymers are promising candidates for molecular transport applications. The same techniques are applied in Chapter A.2 to explore the pH-dependence of the cloud points of PEG-PDEGA copolymers in further detail. It is shown that the introduction of amino moieties at the PEG backbone allows for precise manipulation of complex phase transition modes. In Chapter A.3, multi-hydroxyfunctional polysilanes are presented. They are obtained via copolymerization of the acetal-protected dichloro(isopropylidene glyceryl propyl ether)methylsilane monomer. The hydroxyl groups are liberated through acidic work-up, yielding versatile access to new multifunctional polysilanes.