955 resultados para ENTRANCE GUARDS


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We studied the statistical distribution of student's performance, which is measured through their marks, in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) with respect to (i) period of study - day versus night period (ii) teaching conditions - private versus public school (iii) economical conditions - high versus low family income. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in physical and biological sciences in all cases. The mean value increases with better study conditions followed by better teaching and economical conditions. In humanities, the distribution is close to normal distribution with very small tail. This indicates that these power law tails in science subjects axe due to the nature of the subjects themselves. Further and better study, teaching and economical conditions axe more important for physical and biological sciences in comparison to humanities at this level of study. We explain these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.


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We studied the statistical distribution of candidate's performance which is measured through their marks in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) for years 1998, 1999, and 2000. All students are divided in three groups: Physical, Biological and Humanities. We paid special attention to the examination of Portuguese language which is common for all and examinations for the particular area. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in Physical and Biological sciences. This indicate the presence of strong positive feedback in sciences. We are able to explain completely these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions which we developed recently to explain statistical behavior of financial market. The statistical distribution in case of Portuguese language and humanities is close to normal distribution. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.


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This study aims the evaluation of the radiation dose levels involved in veterinary radiology and to contribute to review the procedures for performing radiographic exams in animals in the Department of Veterinary Radiology of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia of Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Brazil). The obtained results has shown to be extremely important the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures both to protect the occupationally exposed workers and to optimize the delivered doses to the animals. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.


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White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) causing damage is a reoccurring theme in the realm of wildlife damage management, especially regarding human safety, disease transmission, and agricultural losses. Fences often are the only reliable long-term nonlethal means of controlling deer damage. The efficacy of fences, however, relies on their weakest link: human-operated gates. Although not overly time-consuming, the act of closing a gate appears to be a burden to individuals, resulting in open-access to an otherwise protected resource. We examined the efficacy of 2 alternatives to traditional gates to evaluate their potential to be used for excluding or containing deer. We evaluated a commercially available kit for mechanically opening and closing gates and a modified deer guard that resembles a common cattle guard but incorporates bearing-mounted rollers as cross members. The gate kit proved effective in restricting deer access to bait throughout the study, but, in supplemental evaluations, we observed excessive rates of functional failure. Deer guards reduced deer entry into exclosures, but efficacy declined with time as deer walked and jumped across guards. With some refining, both guards and gates have potential to be useful components of an integrated biosecurity strategy.


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Division of labor among workers is common in insect societies and is thought to be important in their ecological success. In most species, division of labor is based on age (temporal castes), but workers in some ants and termites show morphological specialization for particular tasks (physical castes). Large-headed soldier ants and termites are well-known examples of this specialization. However, until now there has been no equivalent example of physical worker subcastes in social bees or wasps. Here we provide evidence for a physical soldier subcaste in a bee. In the neotropical stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula, nest defense is performed by two groups of guards, one hovering near the nest entrance and the other standing on the wax entrance tube. We show that both types of guards are 30% heavier than foragers and of different shape; foragers have relatively larger heads, whereas guards have larger legs. Low variation within each subcaste results in negligible size overlap between guards and foragers, further indicating that they are distinct physical castes. In addition, workers that remove garbage from the nest are of intermediate size, suggesting that they might represent another unrecognized caste. Guards or soldiers are reared in low but sufficient numbers (1-2% of emerging workers), considering that <1% usually perform this task. When challenged by the obligate robber bee Lestrimelitta limao, an important natural enemy, larger workers were able to fight for longer before being defeated by the much larger robber. This discovery opens up opportunities for the comparative study of physical castes in social insects, including the question of why soldiers appear to be so much rarer in bees than in ants or termites.


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Durch das Anlegen eines elektrischen Feldes an eine Feldeffektanordung kann die Anzahl der freien Ladungstraeger im Kanalmaterial direkt moduliert und der Einfluá auf die Transporteigenschaften und den damit zusammenhaengenden typischen Energieskalen untersucht werden. Mit der Konzeption und dem Aufbau einer Praeparationsapparatur, sowie der Etablierung eines Praeparationsprozesses zur Herstellung duenner epitaktischer Schichten des Kondo-Halbmetalls CeSb sollte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der Grundstein fuer die Realisierung einer dazu notwendigen Feldeffektanordnung gelegt werden. Mit dem Verfahren der Molekularstrahlepitaxie konnten sowohl (100)- als auch (111)-orientierte phasenreine CeSb-Schichten hergestellt werden. In Abhaengigkeit der Sb-Verdampfertemperatur wurden fuer das Schichtwachstum auf Saphir (1120) zwei voneinander getrennte Bereiche der Phasenbildung gefunden, in denen jeweils die (111)- respektive die (100)-Wachstumsrichtung dominiert. Das beobachtete Re-Entrance-Verhalten beruht auf dem Einfluss der Sb-Tiegeltemperatur auf Verdampfungsrate und Strahlzusammensetzung. Durch die Verwendung von Saphir (0001)-Substraten konnte das Wachstum (111)-orientierter Schichten massgeblich verbessert werden. Die Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften mittels Magnetotransportmessungen ergab eine weitreichende šbereinstimmung mit den bekannten Einkristallergebnissen. In Uebereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der an der ETH Zuerich durchgefuehrten MOKE-Untersuchungen laesst sich aus den Hallmessungen auf eine Reduktion der freien Ladungstraeger in den duennen Schichten schliessen.