303 resultados para ENDOTOXIN


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BACKGROUND: Intermittent (IT) and continuous (CT) thermodilution and esophageal Doppler (ED), are all used for hemodynamic monitoring. The aim of this study was to test the agreement between these methods during endotoxin (ET) and dobutamine infusion. METHODS: Twenty-two pigs (39 +/- 1.8 kg body weight) were randomized to general anesthesia and either continuous ET (n = 9) or placebo (PL, n = 13) infusion. After 18 hours of ET or PL infusion, the animals were further randomized to receive dobutamine (n = 3 in ET, n = 5 in PL) or PL. A set of measurements using the three methods were obtained every hour, and the relative blood flow changes between two subsequent measurements were calculated. RESULTS: Bias or limits of agreement for flows were 0.73 L/min or 1.80 L/min for IT and CT, -0.33 L/min or 4.29 L/min for IT and ED, and -1.06 or 3.94 for CT and ED (n = 515, each). For flow changes they were 1% or 44%, 2% or 59%, and 3% or 45%, respectively. Bias and limits of agreement did not differ in ET- and PL-treated animals or in animals with or without dobutamine. Despite significant correlation between any two methods, the respective correlation coefficients (r) were small (IT vs. CT: 0.452; IT vs. ED: 0.042; CT vs. ED: 0.069; all p < 0.001). The same directional changes were measured by any two methods in 49%, 40%, and 50%. When IT flows >5 L/min were compared with IT flows 5 L/min.


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INTRODUCTION: Inhaled nitric oxide (INO) allows selective pulmonary vasodilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome and improves PaO2 by redistribution of pulmonary blood flow towards better ventilated parenchyma. One-third of patients are nonresponders to INO, however, and it is difficult to predict who will respond. The aim of the present study was to identify, within a panel of inflammatory mediators released during endotoxin-induced lung injury, specific mediators that are associated with a PaO2 response to INO. METHODS: After animal ethics committee approval, pigs were anesthetized and exposed to 2 hours of endotoxin infusion. Levels of cytokines, prostanoid, leucotriene and endothelin-1 (ET-1) were sampled prior to endotoxin exposure and hourly thereafter. All animals were exposed to 40 ppm INO: 28 animals were exposed at either 4 hours or 6 hours and a subgroup of nine animals was exposed both at 4 hours and 6 hours after onset of endotoxin infusion. RESULTS: Based on the response to INO, the animals were retrospectively placed into a responder group (increase in PaO2 > or = 20%) or a nonresponder group. All mediators increased with endotoxin infusion although no significant differences were seen between responders and nonresponders. There was a mean difference in ET-1, however, with lower levels in the nonresponder group than in the responder group, 0.1 pg/ml versus 3.0 pg/ml. Moreover, five animals in the group exposed twice to INO switched from responder to nonresponder and had decreased ET-1 levels (3.0 (2.5 to 7.5) pg/ml versus 0.1 (0.1 to 2.1) pg/ml, P < 0.05). The pulmonary artery pressure and ET-1 level were higher in future responders to INO. CONCLUSIONS: ET-1 may therefore be involved in mediating the response to INO.


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BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), produced by endotoxin-activated Kupffer cells, play a key role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC). Alleles TNFA -238A, IL1B -31T and variant IL1RN*2 of repeat polymorphism in the gene encoding the IL-1 receptor antagonist increase production of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta, respectively. Alleles CD14 -159T, TLR4 c.896G and TLR4 c.1196T modify activation of Kupffer cells by endotoxin. We confirmed the published associations between these common variants and genetic predisposition to ALC by means of a large case-control association study conducted on two Central European populations. METHODS: The study population comprised a Czech sample of 198 ALC patients and 370 controls (MONICA project), and a German sample of 173 ALC patients and 331 controls (KORA-Augsburg), and 109 heavy drinkers without liver disease. RESULTS: Single locus analysis revealed no significant difference between patients and controls in all tested loci. Diplotype [IL1RN 2/ 2; IL1B -31T+] was associated with increased risk of ALC in the pilot study, but not in the validation samples. CONCLUSIONS: Although cytokine mediated immune reactions play a role in the pathogenesis of ALC, hereditary susceptibility caused by variants in the corresponding genes is low in Central European populations.


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Catecholamines are frequently used in sepsis, but their interaction with mitochondrial function is controversial. We incubated isolated native and endotoxin-exposed swine liver mitochondria with either dopamine, dobutamine, noradrenaline or placebo for 1 h. Mitochondrial State 3 and 4 respiration and their ratio (RCR) were determined for respiratory chain complexes I, II and IV. All catecholamines impaired glutamate-dependent RCR (p = 0.046), predominantly in native mitochondria. Endotoxin incubation alone induced a decrease in glutamate-dependent RCR compared to control samples (p = 0.002). We conclude that catecholamines and endotoxin impair the efficiency of mitochondrial complex I respiration in vitro.


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Perinatal brain damage is associated not only with hypoxic-ischemic insults but also with intrauterine inflammation. A combination of antenatal inflammation and asphyxia increases the risk of cerebral palsy >70 times. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of intracisternal (i.c.) administration of endotoxin [lipopolysaccharides (LPS)] on subsequent hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats. Seven-day-old Wistar rats were subjected to i.c. application of NaCl or LPS (5 microg/pup). One hour later, the left common carotid artery was exposed through a midline neck incision and ligated with 6-0 surgical silk. After another hour of recovery, the pups were subjected to a hypoxic gas mixture (8% oxygen/92% nitrogen) for 60 min. The animals were randomized to four experimental groups: 1) sham control group, left common carotid artery exposed but not ligated (n = 5); 2) LPS group, subjected to i.c. application of LPS (n = 7); 3) hypoxic-ischemic study group, i.c. injection of NaCl and exposure to hypoxia after ligation of the left carotid artery (n = 17); or 4) hypoxic-ischemic/LPS study group, i.c. injection of LPS and exposure to hypoxia after ligation of the left carotid artery (n = 19). Seven days later, neonatal brains were assessed for neuronal cell damage. In a second set of experiments, rat pups received an i.c. injection of LPS (5 microg/pup) and were evaluated for tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression by immunohistochemistry. Neuronal cell damage could not be observed in the sham control or in the LPS group. In the hypoxic-ischemic/LPS group, neuronal injury in the cerebral cortex was significantly higher than in animals that were subjected to hypoxia/ischemia after i.c. application of NaCl. Injecting LPS intracisternally caused a marked expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the leptomeninges. Applying LPS intracisternally sensitizes the immature rat brain to a subsequent hypoxic-ischemic insult.


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INTRODUCTION Results on mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis are controversial. We aimed to assess effects of LPS at wide dose and time ranges on hepatocytes and isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria. METHODS Human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) were exposed to placebo or LPS (0.1, 1, and 10 μg/mL) for 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours and primary human hepatocytes to 1 μg/mL LPS or placebo (4, 8, and 16 hours). Mitochondria from porcine skeletal muscle samples were exposed to increasing doses of LPS (0.1-100 μg/mg) for 2 and 4 hours. Respiration rates of intact and permeabilized cells and isolated mitochondria were measured by high-resolution respirometry. RESULTS In HepG2 cells, LPS reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular ATP content but did not modify basal respiration. Stimulated complex II respiration was reduced time-dependently using 1 μg/mL LPS. In primary human hepatocytes, stimulated mitochondrial complex II respiration was reduced time-dependently using 1 μg/mL LPS. In isolated porcine skeletal muscle mitochondria, stimulated respiration decreased at high doses (50 and 100 μg/mL LPS). CONCLUSION LPS reduced cellular ATP content of HepG2 cells, most likely as a result of the induced decrease in membrane potential. LPS decreased cellular and isolated mitochondrial respiration in a time-dependent, dose-dependent and complex-dependent manner.


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The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of membrane insertion and the structural organization of pores formed by Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin. We determined the relative affinities for membranes of peptides corresponding to the seven helices that compose the toxin pore-forming domain, their modes of membrane interaction, their structures within membranes, and their orientations relative to the membrane normal. In addition, we used resonance energy transfer measurements of all possible combinatorial pairs of membrane-bound helices to map the network of interactions between helices in their membrane-bound state. The interaction of the helices with the bilayer membrane was also probed by a Monte Carlo simulation protocol to determine lowest-energy orientations. Our results are consistent with a situation in which helices α4 and α5 insert into the membrane as a helical hairpin in an antiparallel manner, while the other helices lie on the membrane surface like the ribs of an umbrella (the “umbrella model”). Our results also support the suggestion that α7 may serve as a binding sensor to initiate the structural rearrangement of the pore-forming domain.


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The presence of endotoxin from Gram-negative bacteria signals the innate immune system to up-regulate bacterial clearance and/or killing mechanisms. Paradoxically, such responses also contribute to septic shock, a clinical problem occurring with high frequency in Gram-negative septicemia. CD14 is a receptor for endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) and is thought to have an essential role in innate immune responses to infection and thereby in the development of septic shock. Using a novel rabbit model of endotoxic shock produced by multiple exposures to endotoxin, we show that anti-rabbit CD14 mAb, which blocks LPS-CD14 binding, protects against organ injury and death even when the antibody is administered after initial exposures to LPS. In contrast, anti-rabbit tumor necrosis factor mAb treatment fails to protect when administered after LPS injections. These results support the concept that anti-CD14 treatment provides a new therapeutic window for the prevention of pathophysiologic changes that result from cumulative exposures to LPS during septic shock in man.


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We have investigated whether exposure to Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin in early neonatal life can alter neuroendocrine and immune regulation in adult animals. Exposure of neonatal rats to a low dose of endotoxin resulted in long-term changes in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity, with elevated mean plasma corticosterone concentrations that resulted from increased corticosterone pulse frequency and pulse amplitude. In addition to this marked effect on the development of the HPA axis, neonatal endotoxin exposure had long-lasting effects on immune regulation, including increased sensitivity of lymphocytes to stress-induced suppression of proliferation and a remarkable protection from adjuvant-induced arthritis. These findings demonstrate a potent and long-term effect of neonatal exposure to inflammatory stimuli that can program major changes in the development of both neuroendocrine and immunological regulatory mechanisms.


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Substitutions or deletions of domain II loop residues of Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin CryIAb were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis techniques to investigate their functional roles in receptor binding and toxicity toward gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Substitution of loop 2 residue N372 with Ala or Gly (N372A, N372G) increased the toxicity against gypsy moth larvae 8-fold and enhanced binding affinity to gypsy moth midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) ≈4-fold. Deletion of N372 (D3), however, substantially reduced toxicity (>21 times) as well as binding affinity, suggesting that residue N372 is involved in receptor binding. Interestingly, a triple mutant, DF-1 (N372A, A282G and L283S), has a 36-fold increase in toxicity to gypsy moth neonates compared with wild-type toxin. The enhanced activity of DF-1 was correlated with higher binding affinity (18-fold) and binding site concentrations. Dissociation binding assays suggested that the off-rate of the BBMV-bound mutant toxins was similar to that of the wild type. However, DF-1 toxin bound 4 times more than the wild-type and N372A toxins, and it was directly correlated with binding affinity and potency. Protein blots of gypsy moth BBMV probed with labeled N372A, DF-1, and CryIAb toxins recognized a common 210-kDa protein, indicating that the increased activity of the mutants was not caused by binding to additional receptor(s). The improved binding affinity of N372A and DF-1 suggest that a shorter side chain at these loops may fit the toxin more efficiently to the binding pockets. These results offer an excellent model system for engineering δ-endotoxins with higher potency and wider spectra of target pests by improving receptor binding interactions.


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Spodoptera species, representing widespread polyphagous insect pests, are resistant to Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxins used thus far as insecticides in transgenic plants. Here we describe the chemical synthesis of a cryIC gene by a novel template directed ligation–PCR method. This simple and economical method to construct large synthetic genes can be used when routine resynthesis of genes is required. Chemically phosphorylated adjacent oligonucleotides of the gene to be synthesized are assembled and ligated on a single-stranded, partially homologous template derived from a wild-type gene (cryIC in our case) by a thermostable Pfu DNA ligase using repeated cycles of melting, annealing, and ligation. The resulting synthetic DNA strands are selectively amplified by PCR with short specific flanking primers that are complementary only to the new synthetic DNA. Optimized expression of the synthetic cryIC gene in alfalfa and tobacco results in the production of 0.01–0.2% of total soluble proteins as CryIC toxin and provides protection against the Egyptian cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) and the beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua). To facilitate selection and breeding of Spodoptera-resistant plants, the cryIC gene was linked to a pat gene, conferring resistance to the herbicide BASTA.


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The tyrosine nitration of proteins has been observed in diverse inflammatory conditions and has been linked to the presence of reactive nitrogen species. From many in vitro experiments, it is apparent that tyrosine nitration may alter the function of proteins. A limited number of experiments under in vivo conditions also demonstrate that protein nitration is associated with altered cellular processes. To understand the association of protein nitration with the pathogenic mechanism of the disease, it is essential to identify specific protein targets of nitration with in vivo or intact tissue models. Using anti-nitrotyrosine antibodies, we demonstrated the accumulation of nitrotyrosine in a 52-kDa protein in rat kidney after lipopolysaccharide treatment. The 52-kDa protein was purified and identified with partial sequence as succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA-transferase (SCOT; EC Western blot analysis revealed that the nitration of this mitochondrial enzyme increased in the kidneys and hearts of lipopolysaccharide-treated rats, whereas its catalytic activity decreased. These data suggest that tyrosine nitration may be a mechanism for the inhibition of SCOT activity in inflammatory conditions. SCOT is a key enzyme for ketone body utilization. Thus, tyrosine nitration of the enzyme with sepsis or inflammation may explain the altered metabolism of ketone bodies present in these disorders.


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Septic shock is a cytokine-mediated process typically caused by a severe underlying infection. Toxins generated by the infecting organism trigger a cascade of events leading to hypotension, to multiple organ system failure, and frequently to death. Beyond supportive care, no effective therapy is available for the treatment of septic shock. Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator generated late in the sepsis pathway leading to hypotension; therefore, NO represents a potential target for therapy. We have previously demonstrated that transforming growth factor (TGF) beta1 inhibits inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA and NO production in vascular smooth muscle cells after its induction by cytokines critical in the sepsis cascade. Thus, we hypothesized that TGF-beta1 may inhibit iNOS gene expression in vivo and be beneficial in the treatment of septic shock. In a conscious rat model of septic shock produced by Salmonella typhosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS), TGF-beta1 markedly reduced iNOS mRNA and protein levels in several organs. In contrast, TGF-beta1 did not decrease endothelium-derived constitutive NOS mRNA in organs of rats receiving LPS. We also performed studies in anesthetized rats to evaluate the effect of TGF-beta1 on the hemodynamic compromise of septic shock; after an initial 25% decrease in mean arterial pressure, TGF-beta1 arrested LPS-induced hypotension and decreased mortality. A decrease in iNOS mRNA and protein levels in vascular smooth muscle cells was demonstrated by in situ hybridization and NADPH diaphorase staining in rats treated with TGF-beta1. Thus these studies suggest that TGF-beta1 inhibits iNOS in vivo and that TGF-beta1 may be of future benefit in the therapy of septic shock.


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Binding of the lipid A portion of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to leukocyte CD14 activates phagocytes and initiates the septic shock syndrome. Two lipid A analogs, lipid IVA and Rhodobacter sphaeroides lipid A (RSLA), have been described as LPS-receptor antagonists when tested with human phagocytes. In contrast, lipid IVA activated murine phagocytes, whereas RSLA was an LPS antagonist. Thus, these compounds displayed a species-specific pharmacology. To determine whether the species specificity of these LPS antagonists occurred as a result of interactions with CD14, the effects of lipid IVA and RSLA were examined by using human, mouse, and hamster cell lines transfected with murine or human CD14 cDNA expression vectors. These transfectants displayed sensitivities to lipid IVA and RSLA that reflected the sensitivities of macrophages of similar genotype (species) and were independent of the source of CD14 cDNA. For example, hamster macrophages and hamster fibroblasts transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA responded to lipid IVA and RSLA as LPS mimetics. Similarly, lipid IVA and RSLA acted as LPS antagonists in human phagocytes and human fibrosarcoma cells transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA. Therefore, the target of these LPS antagonists, which is encoded in the genomes of these cells, is distinct from CD14. Although the expression of CD14 is required for macrophage-like sensitivity to LPS, CD14 cannot discriminate between the lipid A moieties of these agents. We hypothesize that the target of the LPS antagonists is a lipid A recognition protein which functions as a signaling receptor that is triggered after interaction with CD14-bound LPS.


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Administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 mg/kg i.v.) to male Wistar rats caused within 240 min (i) a sustained fall (approximately 30 mmHg) in mean arterial blood pressure, (ii) a reduction (> 75%) in the pressor responses to norepinephrine (1 microgram/kg i.v.), and (iii) an induction of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) as measured in the lung. Dexamethasone (1 mg/kg i.p. at 2 h prior to LPS) attenuated the hypotension and the vascular hyporeactivity to norepinephrine and reduced (by approximately 77%) the expression of iNOS in the lung. These effects of dexamethasone were prevented by pretreatment of LPS-treated rats with a neutralizing antiserum to lipocortin 1 (anti-LC1; 60 mg/kg s.c. at 24 h prior to LPS) but not by a control nonimmune sheep serum. Stimulation of J774.2 macrophages with LPS (1 microgram/ml for 24 h) caused the expression of iNOS and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) protein and significantly increased nitrite generation; this was prevented by dexamethasone (0.1 microM at 1 h prior to LPS), which also increased cell surface lipocortin 1. Pretreatment of J774.2 cells with anti-LC1 (1:60 dilution at 4 h prior to LPS) also abolished the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on iNOS expression and nitrite accumulation but not that on COX-2 expression. A lipocortin 1 fragment (residues 1-188 of human lipocortin 1; 20 micrograms/ml at 1 h prior to LPS) also blocked iNOS in J774.2 macrophages activated by LPS (approximately 78% inhibition), and this too was prevented by anti-LC1. We conclude that the extracellular release of endogenous lipocortin 1 (i) mediates the inhibition by dexamethasone of the expression of iNOS, but not of COX-2, and (ii) contributes substantially to the beneficial actions of dexamethasone in rats with endotoxic shock.