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Se ha estudiado la determinación de especies de arsénico y de contenidos totales de arsénico y metales pesados, específicamente cadmio, cromo, cobre, níquel, plomo y cinc, en muestras de interés medioambiental por su elevada capacidad acumuladora de metales, concretamente algas marinas comestibles y plantas terrestres procedentes de suelos contaminados por la actividad minera. La determinación de contenidos totales se ha llevado a cabo mediante espectrometría de emisión atómica con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐AES), así como por espectrometría de fluorescencia atómica con generación de hidruros (HG‐AFS), para bajos contenidos de arsénico. Las muestras fueron mineralizadas en medio ácido y calentamiento en horno de microondas. Los métodos fueron validados a través de su aplicación a materiales de referencia de matriz similar a la de las muestras, certificados en contenidos totales de los elementos seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron su elevada capacidad de bioabsorción, especialmente en relación a los elevados contenidos de arsénico encontrados en algunas especies de algas pardas (Phaeophytas). En las plantas, se calcularon los factores de translocación, acumulación y biodisponibilidad de los elementos estudiados, permitiendo identificar a la especie Corrigiola telephiifolia como posible acumuladora de plomo e hiperacumuladora de arsénico. La determinación de especies de arsénico hidrosolubles en las muestras objeto de estudio, se llevó a cabo por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) acoplado a ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES y HG‐AFS, incluyendo una etapa previa de foto‐oxidación. Los métodos desarrollados, mediante intercambio aniónico y catiónico, permitieron la diferenciación de hasta once especies de arsénico. Para el análisis de las muestras, fue necesaria la optimización de métodos de extracción, seleccionándose la extracción asistida por microondas (MAE) con agua desionizada. Asimismo, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad de arsénico total y de las especies hidrosolubles presentes en las algas, tanto sobre la muestra sólida como en sus extractos acuosos, evaluando las condiciones de almacenamiento adecuadas. En el caso de las plantas, la aplicación del diseño factorial de experimentos permitió optimizar el método de extracción y diferenciar entre las especies de arsénico presentes en forma de iones sencillos de mayor movilidad y el arsénico más fuertemente enlazado a componentes estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar la presencia de arseniato (As(V)) y arsenito (As(III)) en las plantas, así como de ácido monometilarsónico (MMA) y óxido de trimetilarsina (TMAO) en algunas especies. En la mayoría de las algas se encontraron especies tóxicas, tanto mayoritarias (arseniato) como minoritarias (ácido dimetilarsínico (DMA)), así como hasta cuatro arsenoazúcares. Los resultados obtenidos y su estudio a través de la legislación vigente, mostraron la necesidad de desarrollar una reglamentación específica para el control de este tipo de alimentos. La determinación de especies de arsénico liposolubles en las muestras de algas se llevó a cabo mediante HPLC, en modo fase inversa, acoplado a espectrometría de masas con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐MS) y con ionización por electrospray (ESI‐MS), permitiendo la elucidación estructural de estos compuestos a través de la determinación de sus masas moleculares. Para ello, fue necesaria la puesta a punto de métodos extracción y purificación de los extractos. La metodología desarrollada permitió identificar hasta catorce especies de arsénico liposolubles en las algas, tres de ellas correspondientes a hidrocarburos que contienen arsénico, y once a arsenofosfolípidos, además de dos especies desconocidas. Las masas moleculares de las especies identificadas fueron confirmadas mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC‐MS) y espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HR‐MS). ABSTRACT The determination of arsenic species and total arsenic and heavy metal contents (cadmium, chromium, cooper, nickel, lead and zinc) in environmental samples, with high metal accumulator capacity, has been studied. The samples studied were edible marine algae and terrestrial plants from soils polluted by mining activities. The determination of total element contents was performed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES), as well as by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG‐AFS) for low arsenic contents. The samples studied were digested in an acidic medium by heating in a microwave oven. The digestion methods were validated against reference materials, with matrix similar to sample matrix and certified in total contents of the elements studied. The results showed the high biosorption capacity of the samples studied, especially regarding the high arsenic contents in some species of brown algae (Phaeophyta division). In terrestrial plants, the translocation, accumulation and bioavailability factors of the elements studied were calculated. Thus, the plant species Corrigiola telephiifolia was identified as possible lead accumulator and arsenic hyperaccumulator. The determination of water‐soluble arsenic species in the samples studied was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES and HG‐AFS, including a prior photo‐oxidation step. The chromatographic methods developed, by anion and cation exchange, allowed us to differentiate up to eleven arsenic species. The sample analysis required the optimization of extraction methods, choosing the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) with deionized water. On the other hand, the stability of total arsenic and water‐soluble arsenic species in algae, both in the solid samples and in the water extracts, was studied, assessing the suitable storage conditions. In the case of plant samples, the application of a multivariate experimental design allowed us to optimize the extraction method and differentiate between the arsenic species present as simple ions of higher mobility and the arsenic more strongly bound to structural components. The presence of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) was identified in plant samples, as well as monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) in some cases. Regarding algae, toxic arsenic species were found in most of them, both As(V) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), as well as up to four arsenosugars. These results were discussed according to the current legislation, showing the need to develop specific regulations to control this kind of food products. The determination of lipid‐soluble arsenic species in alga samples was performed by reversed‐phase HPLC coupled to inductively coupled plasma and electrospray mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS and ESI‐MS), in order to establish the structure of these compounds by determining the corresponding molecular masses. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop an extraction method, as well as a clean‐up method of the extracts. The method developed permitted the identification of fourteen lipid‐soluble arsenic compounds in algae, corresponding to three arsenic‐hydrocarbons and eleven arsenosugarphospholipids, as well as two unknown compounds. Accurate mass measurements of the identified compounds were performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HR‐MS).


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C-mannosylation of Trp-7 in human ribonuclease 2 (RNase 2) is a novel kind of protein glycosylation that differs fundamentally from N- and O-glycosylation in the protein-sugar linkage. Previously, we established that the specificity determinant of the acceptor substrate (RNase 2) consists of the sequence W-x-x-W, where the first Trp becomes C-mannosylated. Here we investigated the reaction with respect to the mannosyl donor and the involvement of a glycosyltransferase. C-mannosylation of Trp-7 was reduced 10-fold in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) Lec15 cells, which are deficient in dolichyl-phosphate-mannose (Dol-P-Man) synthase activity, compared with wild-type cells. This was not a result of a decrease in C-mannosyltransferase activity. Rat liver microsomes were used to C-mannosylate the N-terminal dodecapeptide from RNase 2 in vitro, with Dol-P-Man as the donor. This microsomal transferase activity was destroyed by heat and protease treatment, and displayed the same acceptor substrate specificity as the in vivo reaction studied previously. The C-C linkage between the indole and the mannosyl moiety was demonstrated by tandem electrospray mass spectrometry analysis of the product. GDP-Man, in the presence of Dol-P, functioned as a precursor in vitro with membranes from wild-type but not CHO Lec15 cells. In contrast, with Dol-P-Man both membrane preparations were equally active. It is concluded that a microsomal transferase catalyses C-mannosylation of Trp-7, and that the minimal biosynthetic pathway can be defined as: Man –> –> GDP-Man –> Dol-P-Man –> (C2-Man-)Trp.


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The vitamin K-dependent carboxylase modifies and renders active vitamin K-dependent proteins involved in hemostasis, cell growth control, and calcium homeostasis. Using a novel mechanism, the carboxylase transduces the free energy of vitamin K hydroquinone (KH2) oxygenation to convert glutamate into a carbanion intermediate, which subsequently attacks CO2, generating the γ-carboxylated glutamate product. How the carboxylase effects this conversion is poorly understood because the active site has not been identified. Dowd and colleagues [Dowd, P., Hershline, R., Ham, S. W. & Naganathan, S. (1995) Science 269, 1684–1691] have proposed that a weak base (cysteine) produces a strong base (oxygenated KH2) capable of generating the carbanion. To define the active site and test this model, we identified the amino acids that participate in these reactions. N-ethyl maleimide inhibited epoxidation and carboxylation, and both activities were equally protected by KH2 preincubation. Amino acid analysis of 14C- N-ethyl maleimide-modified human carboxylase revealed 1.8–2.3 reactive residues and a specific activity of 7 × 108 cpm/hr per mg. Tryptic digestion and liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry identified Cys-99 and Cys-450 as active site residues. Mutation to serine reduced both epoxidation and carboxylation, to 0.2% (Cys-99) or 1% (Cys-450), and increased the Kms for a glutamyl substrate 6- to 8-fold. Retention of some activity indicates a mechanism for enhancing cysteine/serine nucleophilicity, a property shared by many active site thiol enzymes. These studies, which represent a breakthrough in defining the carboxylase active site, suggest a revised model in which the glutamyl substrate indirectly coordinates at least one thiol, forming a catalytic complex that ionizes a thiol to initiate KH2 oxygenation.


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Epigenetic silencing of foreign genes introduced into plants poses an unsolved problem for transgenic technology. Here we have used the simple multicellular green alga Volvox carteri as a model to analyse the relation of DNA methylation to transgenic silencing. Volvox DNA contains on average 1.1% 5-methylcytosine and 0.3% N6-methyladenine, as revealed by electrospray mass spectrometry and phosphoimaging of chromatographically separated 32P-labelled nucleotides. In two nuclear transformants of V.carteri, produced in 1993 by biolistic bombardment with a foreign arylsulphatase gene (C-ars), the transgene is still expressed in one (Hill 181), but not in the other (Hill 183), after an estimated 500–1000 generations. Each transformant clone contains multiple intact copies of C-ars, most of them integrated into the genome as tandem repeats. When the bisulphite genomic sequencing protocol was applied to examine two select regions of transgenic C-ars, we found that the inactivated copies (Hill 183) exhibited a high-level methylation (40%) of CpG dinucleotides, whereas the active copies (Hill 181) displayed low-level (7%) CpG methylation. These are average values from 40 PCR clones sequenced from each DNA strand in the two portions of C-ars. The observed correlation of CpG methylation and transgene inactivation in a green alga will be discussed in the light of transcriptional silencing.


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Escherichia coli RTEM beta-lactamase reversibly forms a stable complex with GroEL, devoid of any enzymatic activity, at 48 degrees C. When beta-lactamase is diluted from this complex into denaturant solution, its unfolding rate is identical to that from the native state, while the unfolding rate from the molten globule state is too fast to be measured. Electrospray mass spectrometry shows that the rate of proton exchange in beta-lactamase in the complex at 48 degrees C is slower than in the absence of GroEL at the same temperature, and resembles the exchange of the native state at 25 degrees C. Similarly, the final number of protected deuterons is higher in the presence of GroEL than in its absence. We conclude that, for beta-lactamase, a state with significant native structure is bound to GroEL. Thus, different proteins are recognized by GroEL in very different states, ranging from totally unfolded to native-like, and this recognition may depend on which state can provide sufficient accessible hydrophobic amino acids in a suitably clustered arrangement. Reversible binding of native-like states with hydrophobic patches may be an important property of GroEL to protect the cell from aggregating protein after heat-shock.


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Neste trabalho são apresentados processos de microfabricação de estruturas contendo microcanais e sistemas de manipulação hidrodinâmica e eletroosmótica de fluídos. Foram desenvolvidos processos de microfabricação utilizando toner sobre poliéster, toner sobre vidro, toner como resiste, além de métodos alternativos de perfuração de lâminas e selagem de microestruturas em vidro, desenvolvimento de microestruturas para eletroforese capilar e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletronebulização. A caracterização dos materiais e processos permitiu uma ampla visão das potencialidades e alternativas dos processos de microfabricação, tendo sido demonstrado que os dispositivos produzidos em toner-poliéster são quimicamente resistentes às substâncias tipicamente utilizadas em eletroforese capilar. Neste trabalho, um detector condutométrico sem contato foi implementado em microestruturas de toner-poliéster e a separação eletroforética de alguns metais alcalinos é demonstrada. A microestrutura foi projetada no formato padrão em cruz, tendo o canal de separação 22 mm de comprimento, 12 µm de profundidade e largura típica. A cela condutométrica foi construída sobre o canal de separação utilizando-se fita adesiva de cobre (1 mm de largura) como eletrodos. O sinal aplicado na cela foi de 530 kHz e 10 Vpp . A separação de K+, Na+ e Li+ na concentração de 100 µmol L-1 foi efetuada em torno de 0,8 min, utilizando-se 1 kV como potencial de separação. Foram desenvolvidos microchips para análise por espectrometria de massas com introdução de amostra por eletronebulização, sendo determinado cluster do íon cloreto em concentração de 1 mmol L+. Também solução com 1 mmol/L de glucosamina em água/metanol 1: 1 (v/v), sob corrente de 100 nA gerou sinal estável e livre de descarga corona. Utilizando detecção amperométrica, obteve-se eletroferogramas mostrando a separação de iodeto (10 mmol L-1) e ascorbato (40 mmol L-1) em potencial de separação de 4,0 kV (800 V cm-1 potencial de detecção de 0,9 V (vs. Ag/AgCI), injeção com 1,0 kV/1°s, tampão borato de sódio 10 mmol L+ com CTAH 0,2 mmol L-1, pH 9,2. Obteve-se eficiência de 1,6.104 pratos/m e foi possível obter limites de detecção de 500 nmol L-1 (135 amol) e 1,8 µmol L-1 (486 amol) para iodeto e ascorbato, respectivamente. O processo de fabricação utilizando toner como material estrutural para microchips em vidro foi bem estabelecido, assim como os modos de detecção fotométrico e condutométrico foram demonstrados. Foram obtidos eletroferogramas par detecção condutométrica sem contato de solução 200 µmol L-1 de K+, Na+ e U+, em tampão histidina/ácido lático 30 mmol L-1 9:1 (v/v) água:metanol, injeção eletrocinética de 2,0 kV/5,0 s, potencial de separação de 1 kV, 530 kHz de frequência e tensão de 2,0 Vpp. Também foi implementado um sistema de detecção fotométrico para microchip operando em 660 nm, tendo sido utilizado para a detecção de azul de metileno 1,0 mmol L-1 em tampão de corrida de barato de sódio 20 mmol L-1 (pH 9,2), com o detector posicionado a 40 mm do ponto de injeção e com injeção eletrocinética a 2,0 kV por 12 s com picos bem resolvidos em menos de 1 min.


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Climatic change is an increasing challenge for agriculture that is driving the development of suitable crops in order to ensure supply for both human nutrition and animal feed. In this context, it is increasingly important to understand the biochemical responses of cells to environmental cues at the whole system level, an aim that is being brought closer by advances in high throughput, cost-efficient plant metabolomics. To support molecular breeding activities, we have assessed the economic, technical and statistical feasibility of using direct mass spectrometry methods to evaluate the physiological state of maize (Zea mays L.) plants grown under different stress conditions.


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Eugenin [pGluGlnAspTyr(SO3)ValPheMetHisProPhe-NH2] has been isolated from the pouches of female Tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) carrying young in the early lactation period. The sequence of eugenin has been determined using a combination of positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectrometry. This compound bears some structural resemblance to the mammalian neuropeptide cholecystokinin 8 [AspTyr(SO3)MetGlyTrpMetAspPhe-NH2] and to the amphibian caerulein peptides [caerulein: pGluGlnAspTyr(SO3)ThrGlyTrpMetAspPhe-NH2]. Eugenin has been synthesized by a route which causes only minor hydrolysis of the sulfate group when the peptide is removed from the resin support. Biological activity tests with eugenin indicate that it contracts smooth muscle at a concentration of 10(-9) m, and enhances the proliferation of splenocytes at 10(-7) M, probably via activation of CCK2 receptors. The activity of eugenin on splenocytes suggests that it is an immunomodulator peptide which plays a role in the protection of pouch young.


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The complex nature of venom from spider species offers a unique natural source of potential pharmacological tools and therapeutic leads. The increased interest in spider venom molecules requires reproducible and precise identification methods. The current taxonomy of the Australian Funnel-web spiders is incomplete, and therefore, accurate identification of these spiders is difficult. Here, we present a study of venom from numerous morphologically similar specimens of the Hadronyche infensa species group collected from a variety of geographic locations in southeast Queensland. Analysis of the crude venoms using online reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (rp-HPLC/ESI-MS) revealed that the venom profiles provide a useful means of specimen identification, from the species level to species variants. Tables defining the descriptor molecules for each group of specimens were constructed and provided a quick reference of the relationship between one specimen and another. The study revealed that the morphologically similar specimens from the southeast Queensland region are a number of different species/species variants. Furthermore, the study supports aspects of the current taxonomy with respect to the H. infensa species group. Analysis of Australian Funnel-web spider venom by rp-HPLC/ESI-MS provides a rapid and accurate method of species/species variant identification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hypochlorite generated in vivo under pathological conditions is a known oxidant and chlorinating agent, able to react with proteins and lipids, which affects the stability of biological membranes. Reaction with unsaturated fatty acyl chains in glycerophospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine results in the formation of chlorohydrins. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of chlorohydrins formed by the reaction of hypochlorite with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonylphosphatidylcholine on biophysical properties of bilayers and their effects on human erythrocytes. Using electrospray mass spectrometry we observed complete conversion of the lipids into chlorohydrins, which resulted in a decrease in the rotational correlation time and an increase in the order parameter of liposomes. Unilamellar chlorohydrin liposomes had a lower permeation coefficient for calcein than liposomes made of parent lipids. Flow cytometry demonstrated fast incorporation of uni and multilamellar chlorohydrin liposomes labeled with NBD-phosphatidylethanolamine into erythrocytes. This effect was accompanied by changes in erythrocyte shape (echinocyte formation) and aggregation. Similar but less pronounced effects were noticed for parent lipids only after longer incubation. Chlorohydrins showed also a stronger hemolytic action, proportional to the lipid:erythrocyte ratio. These results are important for understanding the effects of HOCl on mammalian cells, such as might occur in inflammatory pathology.


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A series of simple copper N(2)S(2) macrocycles were examined for their potential as biological redox sensors, following previous characterization of their redox potentials and crystal structures. The divalent species were reduced by glutathione or ascorbate at a biologically relevant pH in aqueous buffer. A less efficient reduction was also achieved by vitamin E in DMSO. Oxidation of the corresponding univalent copper species by sodium hypochlorite resulted in only partial (~65 %) recovery of the divalent form. This was concluded to be due to competition between metal oxidation and ligand oxidation, which is believed to contribute to macrocycle demetallation. Electrospray mass spectrometry confirmed that ligand oxidation had occurred. Moreover, the macrocyclic complexes could be demetallated by incubation with EDTA and bovine serum albumin, demonstrating that they would be inappropriate for use in biological systems. The susceptibility to oxidation and demetallation was hypothesized to be due to oxidation of the secondary amines. Consequently these were modified to incorporate additional oxygen donor atoms. This modification led to greater resistance to demetallation and ligand oxidation, providing a better platform for further development of copper macrocycles as redox sensors for use in biological systems.


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Phagocytic cells produce a variety of oxidants as part of the immune defence, which react readily both with proteins and lipids, and could contribute to the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis. We have investigated the oxidation of phospholipid vesicles by neutrophils and mononuclear cells, to provide a model of lipid oxidation in the absence of competing protein. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated neutrophils were incubated with phospholipid vesicles containing dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC) and stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine, before extraction of the lipids for analysis by HPLC coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry. The formation of monohydroperoxides (814 m/z) and bis-hydroperoxides (846 m/z) of PAPC was observed. However, the major oxidized product occurred at 828 m/z, and was identified as 1-palmitoyl-2-(5,6-epoxyisoprostane E-2)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. These products were also formed in incubations where the neutrophils were replaced by mononuclear cells, and the amounts produced per million cells were similar. These results show that following oxidative attack by phagocytes stimulated by PMA, intact phospholipid oxidation products can be detected. The identification of an epoxyisoprostane phospholipid as the major product of phagocyte-induced phospholipid oxidation is novel, and in view of its inflammatory properties has implications for phagocyte involvement in atherogenesis.


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Phagocytic cells produce a variety of oxidants as part of the immune defence, which react readily both with proteins and lipids, and could contribute to the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis. We have investigated the oxidation of phospholipid vesicles by isolated human polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes, to provide a model of lipid oxidation in the absence of competing protein. PMA-stimulated cells were incubated with phospholipid vesicles contammg dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC), and stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SOPC), before extraction of the lipids for analysis by HPLC coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry. In this system, oxidized phosphatidylcholines elute earlier than the native lipids owing to their decreased hydrophobicity, and can be identified according to their molecular mass. The formation of monohydroperoxides of P APC was observed routinely, together with low levels of hydroxides, but no chlorohydrin derivatives of P APC or SOPC were detected. However, the major oxidized product occurred at 828 m/z, and was identified as I-palmitoyl-2-(5,6-epoxyisoprostane E2)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. These results show that phagocytes triggered by PMA cause oxidative damage to lipids predominantly by free radical mechanisms, and that electrophilic addition involving HOCl is not a major mechanism of attack. The contribution of myeloperoxidase and metal ions to the oxidation process is currently being investigated, and preliminary data suggest that myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants are responsible for the epoxyisoprostane phospholipid formation. The identification of an epoxyisoprostane phospholipid as the major product following phagocyte-induced phospholipid oxidation is novel and has implications for phagocyte involvement in atherogenesis.


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Salvia species are used worldwide for medicine purposes. In general, these medicinal plants have high amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids, that are thought to be closely related to their health properties [1,2]. In this work, the aerial parts of Salvia farinacea, Salvia mexico, Salvia greggii and Salvia officinalis were extracted with hot water [3]. Extracts were evaluated for their total phenolic content by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method and further analysed by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative ion mode [4], in order to identify their individual phenolic constituents. The aqueous extracts of S. farinacea, S. mexico, S. officinalis and S. greggii contained, respectively, 106±13, 159±38, 175±46 and 136±1 μg GAE/mg of total phenolics. These four species were characterized by a clear prevalence of caffeic acid derivatives, in particular of rosmarinic acid (MW 360), that is generally the most abundant phenolic compound in Salvia species [2,3]. In addition, S. mexico and S. officinalis contained moderate amounts of salvianolic acid B (MW 718). Among these two, S. mexico was richer in O-caffeoylquinic acid (MW 354), while the latter presented high amounts of salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and moderate amounts of its structural isomer. All the extracts were enriched in flavones: S. farinacea and S. officinalis contained high amounts of luteolin-O-glucuronide while S. mexico contained luteolin-C-glucoside with respective characteristic mass spectrometry fragmentation pattern m/z at 461→285 and m/z at 447→357, 327. Similarly, S. greggii extract presented high content of luteolin-7-O-glucoside ([M-H]− at m/z 447→ 285) and luteolin-C-glucoside and moderate quantities of apigenin-C-hexoside ([M-H]− at m/z 431→341, 311). Further studies are being undertaken in order to understand the contribution of these phenolic constituents in the biological activities of Salvia plants.


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Salvia species are used worldwide for medicine purposes. In general, these medicinal plants have high amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids, that are thought to be closely related to their health properties [1,2]. In this work, the aerial parts of Salvia farinacea, Salvia mexico, Salvia greggii and Salvia officinalis were extracted with hot water [3]. Extracts were evaluated for their total phenolic content by an adaptation of the Folin-Ciocalteu method and further analysed by high performance liquid chromatography associated with electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn) in the negative ion mode [4], in order to identify their individual phenolic constituents. The aqueous extracts of S. farinacea, S. mexico, S. officinalis and S. greggii contained, respectively, 106±13, 159±38, 175±46 and 136±1 μg GAE/mg of total phenolics. These four species were characterized by a clear prevalence of caffeic acid derivatives, in particular of rosmarinic acid (MW 360), that is generally the most abundant phenolic compound in Salvia species [2,3]. In addition, S. mexico and S. officinalis contained moderate amounts of salvianolic acid B (MW 718). Among these two, S. mexico was richer in O-caffeoylquinic acid (MW 354), while the latter presented high amounts of salvianolic acid K (MW 556) and moderate amounts of its structural isomer. All the extracts were enriched in flavones: S. farinacea and S. officinalis contained high amounts of luteolin-O-glucuronide while S. mexico contained luteolin-C-glucoside with respective characteristic mass spectrometry fragmentation pattern m/z at 461→285 and m/z at 447→357, 327. Similarly, S. greggii extract presented high content of luteolin-7-O-glucoside ([M-H]− at m/z 447→ 285) and luteolin-C-glucoside and moderate quantities of apigenin-C-hexoside ([M-H]− at m/z 431→341, 311). Further studies are being undertaken in order to understand the contribution of these phenolic constituents in the biological activities of Salvia plants.