313 resultados para EARS
[Es] La teoría creacionista, universalmente en vigor antes de Darwin (y aún hoy sostenida por más de uno) sostenía que había habido una mente (divina), encargada de diseñar al hombre; que le puso ojos para que viera, oídos, mente para que pensara...Desde Darwin, por el contrario, se opina que la necesidad de enfrentarse a problemas diversos hizo que la mente fuera diversificándose, a través de sucesivas selecciones de las mentes más adaptativas. Según esto: 1.-¿Existen maquinarias biológicas “especializadas” en nuestro cerebro?. Y si existieran, 2.-¿Se desarrollan de forma espontánea?; es decir, sin esfuerzo ni instrucción formal? 3.-¿Se despliegan de forma inconsciente, autónoma y similar en todos los seres humanos? En definitiva: ¿Existe algo (facultad psicológica, órgano mental, sistema neurológico, módulo computacional…) que permita decir que las personas saben esto… o aquello… en el mismo sentido que las arañas saben tejer o los pájaros construir sus nidos?
Mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar emits pulses of sound from an underwater transmitter to help determine the size, distance, and speed of objects. The sound waves bounce off objects and reflect back to underwater acoustic receivers as an echo. MFA sonar has been used since World War II, and the Navy indicates it is the only reliable way to track submarines, especially more recently designed submarines that operate more quietly, making them more difficult to detect. Scientists have asserted that sonar may harm certain marine mammals under certain conditions, especially beaked whales. Depending on the exposure, they believe that sonar may damage the ears of the mammals, causing hemorrhaging and/or disorientation. The Navy agrees that the sonar may harm some marine mammals, but says it has taken protective measures so that animals are not harmed. MFA training must comply with a variety of environmental laws, unless an exemption is granted by the appropriate authority. Marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and some under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The training program must also comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and in some cases the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). Each of these laws provides some exemption for certain federal actions. The Navy has invoked all of the exemptions to continue its sonar training exercises. Litigation challenging the MFA training off the coast of Southern California ended with a November 2008 U.S. Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court said that the lower court had improperly favored the possibility of injuring marine animals over the importance of military readiness. The Supreme Court’s ruling allowed the training to continue without the limitations imposed on it by other courts. (pdf contains 20pp.)
Mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar emits pulses of sound from an underwater transmitter to help determine the size, distance, and speed of objects. The sound waves bounce off objects and reflect back to underwater acoustic receivers as an echo. MFA sonar has been used since World War II, and the Navy indicates it is the only reliable way to track submarines, especially more recently designed submarines that operate more quietly, making them more difficult to detect. Scientists have asserted that sonar may harm certain marine mammals under certain conditions, especially beaked whales. Depending on the exposure, they believe that sonar may damage the ears of the mammals, causing hemorrhaging and/or disorientation. The Navy agrees that the sonar may harm some marine mammals, but says it has taken protective measures so that animals are not harmed. (PDF contains 20 pages)
Esta tese avalia como se dá a atuação da imprensa brasileira em relação a aspectos importantes para a qualidade de uma democracia, considerando o conceito de embedded democracy, segundo o qual democracias constitucionais são formadas por cinco regimes parciais: direitos civis; liberdade política; accountability horizontal; poder efetivo para governar; e regime eleitoral democrático, todos ligados a esferas externas responsáveis pela viabilização de condições para essas democracias, dentre elas, os media. Neste contexto, a imprensa teria algumas funções ser fórum de discussões; dar voz à opinião pública; servir de olhos e ouvidos dos cidadãos; fiscalizar e mostrar irregularidades , que podem ser prejudicadas pela mercantilização dos media e aspectos da produção da rotina jornalística. Para verificar isso, busco evidências empíricas da cobertura da imprensa escrita sobre a política nacional, especialmente sobre os dois principais atores, Legislativo e Executivo, por meio da análise de 1.768 notícias
O retardo mental (RM) representa um problema de saúde pública mundial ainda negligenciado no Brasil e, em especial nas regiões mais pobres como o Nordeste. A síndrome do X frágil (SXF) é uma das formas mais estudadas de RM hereditário em seres humanos. Esta doença monogênica, de herança ligada ao X dominante, é decorrente de uma mutação no exon 1 do gene FMR1, localizado na região Xq27.3. A mutação no FMR1 se caracteriza pelo aumento de repetições de trinucleotídios CGG em tandem na região 5 UTR desse gene, sendo a expansão dessas trincas o principal evento mutacional responsável pela SXF. De maneira geral, os fenótipos cognitivos de indivíduos do sexo masculino com a síndrome incluem deficiência intelectual de moderada à grave. No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo transversal da SXF em indivíduos portadores de retardo mental de causa desconhecida, engajados em Programas de Educação Especial e em instituições psiquiátricas de São Luís-MA, rastreando amplificações de sequências trinucleotídicas no gene FMR1. A amostra foi composta por 238 indivíduos do sexo masculino, não aparentados, na faixa etária de 4 a 60 anos (média = 21 9 anos). O DNA dos participantes foi obtido a partir de 5 mL de sangue coletados em tubos com anti-coagulante EDTA e a análise molecular da região gênica de interesse foi realizada através da reação em cadeia da polimerase, utilizando-se três primers. Dentre os indivíduos triados quanto à presença de mutações no gene FMR1, apenas um apresentou um resultado inconclusivo e 2 (0,84%) foram positivos para a SXF, sendo que um deles (3503) apresentou mais de 200 repetições CGG no locus FRAXA e o outro indivíduo (3660) apresentou uma deleção de ~197 pb envolvendo parte das repetições CGG e uma região proximal às repetições CGG. Ambos possuíam história familiar de RM ligado ao X. No indivíduo 3503 observamos as seguintes características clínicas: temperamento dócil, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente e flacidez ligamentar. O indivíduo 3660 apresentava hiperatividade, contato pobre com os olhos, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente, pectus excavatum, macroorquidismo e pouca comunicação. O esclarecimento sobre a doença oferecido às famílias de ambos contribuiu sobremaneira para o entendimento da condição, do prognóstico e dos riscos de recorrência. A prevalência da SXF em nossa amostra, 0,84%, embora relativamente baixa, encontra-se na faixa de incidência de casos diagnosticados em outras populações que, em sua maioria, relatam incidências variando de 0 a 3%. Em parte, atribuímos o percentual encontrado aos critérios de inclusão utilizados em nosso estudo. Concluímos que o protocolo de triagem molecular utilizado em nosso estudo se mostrou eficiente e adequado para a realidade do Maranhão, podendo constituir uma ferramenta auxiliar a ser aplicada na avaliação de rotina dos portadores de RM, com grandes benefícios para o Estado.
Introduction Hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is a major perinatal problem that results in severe damage to the brain impairing the normal development of the auditory system. The purpose of the present study is to study the effect of perinatal asphyxia on the auditory pathway by recording auditory brain responses in a novel animal experimentation model in newborn piglets. Method Hypoxia-ischemia was induced to 1.3 day-old piglets by clamping 30 minutes both carotid arteries by vascular occluders and lowering the fraction of inspired oxygen. We compared the Auditory Brain Responses (ABRs) of newborn piglets exposed to acute hypoxia/ischemia (n = 6) and a control group with no such exposure (n = 10). ABRs were recorded for both ears before the start of the experiment (baseline), after 30 minutes of HI injury, and every 30 minutes during 6 h after the HI injury. Results Auditory brain responses were altered during the hypoxic-ischemic insult but recovered 30-60 minutes later. Hypoxia/ischemia seemed to induce auditory functional damage by increasing I-V latencies and decreasing wave I, III and V amplitudes, although differences were not significant. Conclusion The described experimental model of hypoxia-ischemia in newborn piglets may be useful for studying the effect of perinatal asphyxia on the impairment of the auditory pathway.
Os fibrócitos foram inicialmente identificados pelo seu recrutamento rápido para os tecidos lesionados e por atuar diretamente na resposta imune através do reconhecimento, apresentação antigênica e produção de citocinas e quimiocinas. Segundo Grab (2004) fibrócitos podem participar da resposta imune na leishmaniaose e por isso no presente estudo propomos analisar a resposta celular e apresentação antigênica dos fibrócitos na infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis. Para os experimentos in vivo camundongos C57BL/6 e knockout para o receptor TLR-2 foram inoculados na derme auricular com 105 formas promastigotas de L. (L.) amazonensis e 1, 7, 15 dias após a infecção as regiões de inóculo e os linfonodos foram retirados e processados para citometria de fluxo. Para os experimentos in vitro fibrócitos foram obtidos de mononucleares do sangue periférico de camundongos C57BL/6. Os fibrócitos foram avaliados quanto às suas características morfológicas e fenotípicas, infecção, expressão de MHC-II/B7-1/B7-2 e ativação de linfócitos T CD4+. As análises na região de inóculo mostraram o aumento no percentual de fibrócito na derme de camundongos após 15 dias de infecção tanto em animais C57BL/6 quanto em animais KO TLR-2. Neste sítio, os fibrócitos produziram citocinas e expressaram MHC-II, B7-1 e B7-2 podendo participar da resposta imune. As análises no linfonodo mostraram a existência de um alto percentual de fibrócitos nos animais controle, contudo, após infecção este percentual foi reduzido. Após infecção verificamos que os fibrócitos de animais WT C57BL/6 foram capazes de produzir as citocinas IL-4, IL-10 e IFN- durante o primeiro dia. Entretanto, na ausência de TLR-2 os fibrócitos presentes no linfonodo produziram TNF-α e IFN- que podem estar relacionadas com a ativação celular e aumento da capacidade de apresentação antigênica destas células durante a infecção. No linfonodo verificamos que os fibrócitos podem participar da apresentação antigênica após a infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis. Contudo, nos linfonodos de animais WT C57BL/6 observamos a redução significativa no percentual destas células expressando MHC-II e B7-1, o que pode estar relacionada a presença do TLR-2. Nos ensaios in vitro fibrócitos de camundongos C57BL/6 apresentaram alta capacidade endocítica, eliminaram os parasitas nas primeiras 24 horas de infecção, expressaram MHC-II/B7-1/B7-2 e foram capazes de ativar linfócitos T CD4+. Com isso, nossos resultados sugerem que os fibrócitos podem atuar na resposta celular e na apresentação antigênica durante a infecção por L. (L.) amazonensis, contudo estas funções podem ser moduladas pela participação do TLR-2 e pelo microambiente onde estes se encontram.
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto as práticas de leitura com audiolivros. Nela, busca-se saber de que forma os audioleitores interagem com esse formato sonoro da literatura, como são suas apropriações, suas dificuldades e como produzem sentido. Para tanto, primeiro, são discutidos conceitos como texto e leitura e, pelas pertinentes referências teóricas da Comunicação e informações históricas sobre audiolivro, dá-se a esse meio uma historicidade, incluindo-o como parte da história da leitura. Além disso, as mudanças na fonografia são relacionadas com as transformações ocorridas no universo do livro sonoro. Forma parte do conteúdo deste estudo ainda a análise da edição de três audiolivros em comparação com suas respectivas versões impressas. Também foram realizadas 10 entrevistas com leitores de ficção em audiolivro. Ao final, a partir desse conjunto de audioleitores, podemos tratar do papel do corpo, da atenção e da concentração, da materialidade da obra e dos suportes na leitura de audiolivros.
大田条件下设置不同的施氮和灌水水平,研究施氮量和灌水量对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)叶片光合作用生理及籽粒形成的影响。结果表明,施氮和灌水提高叶片Fv/Fm和Pn,并显著提高冬小麦籽粒产量、单位面积穗数和每穗粒数。施氮明显降低千粒重,而适量灌水明显提高千粒重。
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 is the major insulin-like growth factor (IGF) carrier protein in the bloodstream. IGFBP-3 prolongs the half-life of circulating IGFs and prevents their potential hypo-glycemic effect. IGFBP-3 is also expressed in many peripheral tissues in fetal and adult stages. In vitro, IGFBP-3 can inhibit or potentiate IGF actions and even possesses IGF-independent activities, suggesting that local IGFBP-3 may also have paracrine/autocrine function(s). The in vivo function of IGFBP-3, however, is unclear. In this study, we elucidate the developmental role of IGFBP-3 using the zebrafish model. IGFBP-3 mRNA expression is first detected in the migrating cranial neural crest cells and subsequently in pharyngeal arches in zebrafish embryos. IGFBP-3 mRNA is also persistently expressed in the developing inner ears. To determine the role of IGFBP-3 in these tissues, we ablated the IGFBP-3 gene product using morpholino-modified antisense oligonucleotides (MOs). The IGFBP-3 knocked down embryos had delayed pharyngeal skeleton morphogenesis and greatly reduced pharyngeal cartilage differentiation. Knockdown of IGFBP-3 also significantly decreased inner ear size and disrupted hair cell differentiation and semicircular canal formation. Furthermore, reintroduction of a MO-resistant form of IGFBP-3 "rescued" the MO-induced defects. These findings suggest that IGFBP-3 plays an important role in regulating pharyngeal cartilage and inner car development and growth in zebrafish.
One can say that our times are dominated by visual communication. Usually all day long we have been faced by various pictures, visual forms and symbols. According to the subject of the book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies' I found it interesting to pay attention to the problem of visual representation, or better say visual symbols in nowadays communication and culture, their meaning and importance. From this point of view I would like to show the role of archaeologists who discover, interpret or even create some of them. The subject is not new of course, but the most often it is taken into consideration by the scholars who practice in social anthropology or philosophy and quite rarely it appear in studies of archaeologies, especially in Polish tradition. In my opinion the subject concerning visual symbols communication and archaeology arise several important questions that are also valid for the theme of book 'Archaeology-Culture-Ideologies'. The first is socio-cultural role of our discipline, next the danger of political and propaganda misuse of the results of archaeological research and then also commercialisation of the archaeological activities. The problem of visualisation and visual-communication can be the matter of various studies. In my paper from the beginning I would like to present the general view concerning visual symbols and figural motifs and the main ideas and approaches to study them from different humanistic perspectives. Then in my presentation I am going to discuss the question why in our culture the visual symbols and representations became so popular – compare to other ways of human expression, for example verbal symbol communication. I would like to see the problem in historical perspective as well. There are a lot of evidences, which support the statement about the power of visual symbols in history. In ancient times for example Horace in 'Ars Poetica' suggested that human mind usually is much more impressed by eyes than by ears. In my opinion that is quite often in human culture that visual impression is before mental one. Visual representations and symbols are very powerful, they can show and communicate various phenomena, they act immediately and quite often in easily way they can associate. So for archaeological research it could be very important to make some studies concerning the ancient symbols and general iconography and also it would be grateful to make some attempts for the study what kind of potential meaning could have visual symbols. In my paper I can only make some general statement about it. But the most important for the topic is reflection on prehistoric and ancient visual symbols and representation and their presence in contemporary culture. So after some general statements concerning the visual symbols examined from various perspectives finally I would like to point out with support of some examples how ancient and prehistoric visual symbols and images are still used and captured by contemporary culture and what is or should be the role of archaeologists activity concerning this matter.
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau Licenciada em Medicina Dentária
Multiple sound sources often contain harmonics that overlap and may be degraded by environmental noise. The auditory system is capable of teasing apart these sources into distinct mental objects, or streams. Such an "auditory scene analysis" enables the brain to solve the cocktail party problem. A neural network model of auditory scene analysis, called the AIRSTREAM model, is presented to propose how the brain accomplishes this feat. The model clarifies how the frequency components that correspond to a give acoustic source may be coherently grouped together into distinct streams based on pitch and spatial cues. The model also clarifies how multiple streams may be distinguishes and seperated by the brain. Streams are formed as spectral-pitch resonances that emerge through feedback interactions between frequency-specific spectral representaion of a sound source and its pitch. First, the model transforms a sound into a spatial pattern of frequency-specific activation across a spectral stream layer. The sound has multiple parallel representations at this layer. A sound's spectral representation activates a bottom-up filter that is sensitive to harmonics of the sound's pitch. The filter activates a pitch category which, in turn, activate a top-down expectation that allows one voice or instrument to be tracked through a noisy multiple source environment. Spectral components are suppressed if they do not match harmonics of the top-down expectation that is read-out by the selected pitch, thereby allowing another stream to capture these components, as in the "old-plus-new-heuristic" of Bregman. Multiple simultaneously occuring spectral-pitch resonances can hereby emerge. These resonance and matching mechanisms are specialized versions of Adaptive Resonance Theory, or ART, which clarifies how pitch representations can self-organize durin learning of harmonic bottom-up filters and top-down expectations. The model also clarifies how spatial location cues can help to disambiguate two sources with similar spectral cures. Data are simulated from psychophysical grouping experiments, such as how a tone sweeping upwards in frequency creates a bounce percept by grouping with a downward sweeping tone due to proximity in frequency, even if noise replaces the tones at their interection point. Illusory auditory percepts are also simulated, such as the auditory continuity illusion of a tone continuing through a noise burst even if the tone is not present during the noise, and the scale illusion of Deutsch whereby downward and upward scales presented alternately to the two ears are regrouped based on frequency proximity, leading to a bounce percept. Since related sorts of resonances have been used to quantitatively simulate psychophysical data about speech perception, the model strengthens the hypothesis the ART-like mechanisms are used at multiple levels of the auditory system. Proposals for developing the model to explain more complex streaming data are also provided.
What if the traditional relationship between touch and music was essentially turned upside down, making the tactile sensation the aesthetic end? This paper presents a novel coupling of haptics technology and music, introducing the notion of tactile composition or aesthetic composition for the sense of touch. A system that facilitates the composition and perception of intricate, musically structured spatio-temporal patterns of vibration on the surface of the body is described. Relevant work from disciplines including sensory substitution, electronic musical instrument design, simulation design, entertainment technology, and visual music is considered. The psychophysical parameter space for our sense of touch is summarized and the building blocks of a compositional language for touch are explored. A series of concerts held for the skin and ears is described, as well as some of the lessons learned along the way. In conclusion, some potential evolutionary branches of tactile composition are posited.
Influence of social status on the welfare of growing pigs housed in barren and enriched environments
One hundred and twenty-eight pigs were reared in barren or enriched environments from birth to slaughter at 21 weeks of age. Pigs remained as litter-mate groups until 8 weeks of age when they were mixed into groups of eight animals. These groups were balanced for gender and weight and contained two pigs from each of four different litters. Each pig was assigned high or low social status on the basis of relative success in aggressive interactions at mixing. Injury levels were assessed on a weekly basis from 8 to 2 1 weeks of age. Pigs were exposed to two group food competition tests after a period of food restriction at 10 weeks of age, and to an individual novel pen test at 11 weeks of age. Behavioural and plasma cortisol responses to both types of test were recorded. Low social status was associated with increased injuries to the head, neck and ears, and therefore reduced welfare. Pigs with low social status showed reduced resource-holding ability in the food competition test, and greater avoidance of a novel object during the novel pen test. It is suggested that avoidance of the novel object reflected 'learned' fearfulness in these individuals. Environmental enrichment did not negate the effect of low social status on injury levels, but did appear to reduce the negative influence of low social status on stress during food restriction, and led to a reduction in fearfulness in response to the novel pen test. These results suggest that environmental enrichment may improve the we/fare of growing pigs with low social status.