319 resultados para E E-ANNIHILATION


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The pseudoscalar mesons η(547), η′(958) and η″(1410) are studied in the gluonium-quarkonium mixing framework. The SU(3)-flavor symmetry breaking and annihilation effects are considered. Estimates of the glueball mass and of the ms/mu ratio are provided. The system η(1295) and η(1490) is also considered in a mixing scheme.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The mass splitting of the pseudoscalar mesons η and η′ is approached by taking into account the SU(3)-flavor symmetry breaking and annihilation effects. An extended version of the Schwinger sum rule and a mixing angle equal to -19.51° are obtained.


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Excesses on positron and electron fluxes-measured by ATIC and the PAMELA and Fermi-LAT telescopes-can be explained by dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy, however, it requires large boosts on the dark matter annihilation rate. There are many possible enhancement mechanisms such as the Sommerfeld effect or the existence of dark matter clumps in our halo. If enhancements on the dark matter annihilation cross section are taking place, the dark matter annihilation in the core of the Earth will be enhanced. Here we use recent results from the IceCube 40-string configuration to probe generic enhancement scenarios. We present results as a function of the dark matter-proton interaction cross section, sigma(chi p) weighted by the branching fraction into neutrinos f(nu(nu) over bar) as a function of a generic boost factor B-F, which parametrizes the expected enhancement of the annihilation rate. We find that dark matter models that require annihilation enhancements of O(100) or more and that annihilate significantly into neutrinos are excluded as an explanation for these excesses. We also determine the boost range that can be probed by the full IceCube telescope.


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Positronium formation in the bimary molecular solid solutions Tb1-xEux (dpm)(3) (dpm = dipivaloylmethanate) has been investigated. A strong linear correlation between the D-5(4) Tb(III) energy level excited state lifetime and the positronium formation probability has been observed. This correlation indicates that the ligand-to-metal charge transfer LMCT states act in both luminescence quenching and positronium formation inhibition, as previously proposed. A kinetic mechanism is proposed to explain this correlation and shows that excited electronic states have a very important role in the positronium formation mechanism.


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Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy of the large Ge crystal of an HPGe detector was perforrned using positrons from pair production of 6.13 MeV ϒ-rays from the 19F(p,αϒ) 16O reaction. Two HPGe detectors facing opposite sides of the Ge crystal acting as target provided both coincidence and singles spectra. Changes in the shape of the annihilation peak were observed when the high voltage applied to the target detector was switched on or off, amounting to somewhat less than 20% when the areas of equivalent energy intervals in the corresponding normalized spectra are compared.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode zur Berechnung derLebensdauern von Ortho-Positronium in Polymerenbeschrieben. Zur Auswertung vonPositronium-Annihilations-Experimenten wurde bislang eineinfaches Modell verwendet, dessen Gültigkeit im Falle vonPolymeren fragwürdig ist. Durch ein verbessertes Modell wirdeine realistischere Beschreibung der Lebensdauernmöglich. Mit verschiedenen quantenmechanischen Methoden wirdeine Näherung für das Wechselwirkungspotential desPositroniums mit der Polymermatrix bestimmt. DieElektronendichte im Polymer wird mit quantenchemischenRechnungen ermittelt, während die Polymerstruktur selbst mitMolekulardynamik-Simulationen auf atomistis cher Ebeneberechnet wird. Die Pfad-integral-Monte-Carlo-Methodegestattet es dann, die Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit unddaraus die Lebensdauer von Ortho-Positronium in den zumfreien Volumen gehörenden Löchern im Polymer zuberechnen. Diese werden mit Ergebnissen ausPositroniu-Annihilations-Experimenten verglichen. Wenn sieübereinstimmen, läßt sich schließen, daß diezugrundeliegenden simulierten Polymerkonfigurationen inBezug auf das freie Volumen ein realistisches Abbild desrealen Polymers sind. Da die Positionen der Atome in der Simulation bekannt sind,wird das freie Volumen mit der Gittermethode bestimmt undmit einem Clusteralgorithmus zu Löchern zusammengefaßt, diedann geometrisch analysiert werden. So können Informationenüber Gestalt, Größe und Verteilung der Löcher gewonnenwerden, die weit über das bislang verwendete Standardmodellhinausgehen. Es zeigt sich, daß einige der Annahmen desStandardmodells nicht erfüllt sind. Die Möglichkeiten des neuen Verfahrens werden an Polystyrolund Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonat demonstriert. ExperimentelleLebensdauerspektren können gut reproduziert werden. Eswurden umfangreiche Analysen des freien Volumensdurchgeführt. Im Falle des Polystyrols wurde auch seineTemperaturabhängigkeit untersucht. Des weiteren werden Simulationen zur Diffusion vonKohlendioxid in Polystyrol bei verschiedenen Temperaturenund Drücken präsentiert. Die Berechnung vonDiffusionskoeffizienten in NpT-Simulationen wird diskutiert;es wird eine Methode dargestellt, die die Berechnung derVerschiebung der Teilchen in ungefalteten Koordinatenerlaubt, auch wenn die Größe der Simulationszellefluktuiert, weil eine automatische Druckkontrolle verwendetwird. Damit werden Diffusionskoeffizientenermittelt. Außerdem wird der Frage nachgegangen, welcheLöcher die Kohlendioxidmoleküle besetzen. Dies ist von derexperimentellen Seite interessant, weil häufig gasbeladenePolymere durch Positronium untersucht werden, um dieAnzahldichte der Löcher zu bestimmen; diese wird wiederumbenötigt, um aus dem mittleren Volumen eines Loches dasgesamte freie Volumen zu berechnen.


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The completion of the third-order QCD corrections to the inclusive top-pair production cross section near threshold demonstrates that the strong dynamics is under control at the few percent level. In this paper we consider the effects of the Higgs boson on the cross section and, for the first time, combine the third-order QCD result with the third-order P-wave, the leading QED and the leading non-resonant contributions. We study the size of the different effects and investigate the sensitivity of the cross section to variations of the top-quark Yukawa coupling due to possible new physics effects.


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We present the third-order QCD prediction for the production of top antitop quark pairs in electron-positron collisions close to the threshold in the dominant S-wave state. We observe a significant reduction of the theoretical uncertainty and discuss the sensitivity to the top quark mass and width.


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The AEgIS experiment is an interdisciplinary collaboration between atomic, plasma and particle physicists, with the scientific goal of performing the first precision measurement of the Earth's gravitational acceleration on antimatter. The principle of the experiment is as follows: cold antihydrogen atoms are synthesized in a Penning-Malmberg trap and are Stark accelerated towards a moiré deflectometer, the classical counterpart of an atom interferometer, and annihilate on a position sensitive detector. Crucial to the success of the experiment is an antihydrogen detector that will be used to demonstrate the production of antihydrogen and also to measure the temperature of the anti-atoms and the creation of a beam. The operating requirements for the detector are very challenging: it must operate at close to 4 K inside a 1 T solenoid magnetic field and identify the annihilation of the antihydrogen atoms that are produced during the 1 μs period of antihydrogen production. Our solution—called the FACT detector—is based on a novel multi-layer scintillating fiber tracker with SiPM readout and off the shelf FPGA based readout system. This talk will present the design of the FACT detector and detail the operation of the detector in the context of the AEgIS experiment.


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We study dynamics of the bistable logistic map with delayed feedback, under the influence of white Gaussian noise and periodic modulation applied to the variable. This system may serve as a model to describe population dynamics under finite resources in noisy environment with seasonal fluctuations. While a very small amount of noise has no effect on the global structure of the coexisting attractors in phase space, an intermediate noise totally eliminates one of the attractors. Slow periodic modulation enhances the attractor annihilation.


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We present the first joint analysis of gamma-ray data from the MAGIC Cherenkov telescopes and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) to search for gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilation in dwarf satellite galaxies. We combine 158 hours of Segue 1 observations with MAGIC with 6-year observations of 15 dwarf satellite galaxies by the Fermi-LAT. We obtain limits on the annihilation cross-section for dark matter particle masses between 10 GeV and 100 TeV – the widest mass range ever explored by a single gamma-ray analysis. These limits improve on previously published Fermi-LAT and MAGIC results by up to a factor of two at certain masses. Our new inclusive analysis approach is completely generic and can be used to perform a global, sensitivity-optimized dark matter search by combining data from present and future gamma-ray and neutrino detectors.


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"A translation from the German of Part I of an anonymous work 'Elpizon' by Ch. Friedrich Sintenis." Halkett & Laing, 1928. v.3, p. 135.