991 resultados para Duker, Karl Andreas, 1670-1752.
9 cartas + 2 tarjetas postales (manuscritas) ; entre 330x225mm y 100x60mm
14 cartas + 3 tarjetas postales (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 210x295mm y 150x105mm
16 cartas + 1 tarjeta postal (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 210x300mm y 150x105mm
14 cartas + 3 archivos con bibliografía (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 210x300mm y 210x150mm
Esta tese tem como ponto de partida a identificação, resgate e reconstrução de um programa de pesquisas delineado por Karl-Otto Apel perifericamente à fração intermediária de seu pensamento, ao qual se referirá como "fenomenologia positivamente orientada do ser-no-mundo". Oriundo de uma leitura fenomenológica que vincula o projeto do "segundo" L. Wittgenstein à analítica do ser-aí do "primeiro" M. Heidegger, o programa de Apel tem como eixo principal a retomada e aprimoramento do que ele denomina, conforme com o vocabulário de Heidegger, crítica à "ontologia da pré-manualidade" (Vorhandenheitsontologie). Da formulação por Apel da "crítica à ontologia da pré-manualidade", então aprofundada e recomposta como "crítica à pré-manualidade", conduzir-se-á à reivindicação e ao delineamento primário de uma agenda de pesquisas que, no propósito da confrontação de questões pertinentes à fundamentação e à validação científica da sociologia, desdobrar-se-á em três distintos planos de investigação: o problema do fundamento, o problema cientificamente relevante da verdade (empírica) e o problema da sociologia enquanto ciência empírica.
This recording dissertation surveys post-1945 literature written for piano trio (violin, violoncello and piano) by ten Danish composers. The literature was first considered for inclusion by searching a database provided by the Danish Music Information Center (www.mic.dk). Scores were rented from the publisher Edition Wilhelm Hansen AS, or purchased from the publisher Samfundet til Udgivelse af Dansk Musik. An additional score published by Viking Musikforlag was used as well. The music was then studied and evaluated for selection. During the selection process, the following criteria were considered: 1) quality of the compositions; 2) recognition of the composers at the national or international level; 3) whether the compositions had been previously recorded; and 4) variety of compositional styles. The selected works are written by Niels Viggo Bentzon, Vagn Holmboe, Anders Koppel, Herman D. Koppel, Bent Lorentzen, Anders Nordentoft, Per Norgard, Michael Nyvang, Karl Aage Rasmussen, and Poul Rovsing Olsen. The selected compositions were practiced, rehearsed, and performed under direct supervision of the composers and other expert musicians. In order to better understand the compositional style of each composer, relevant books, articles, and recordings were researched and studied. This recording dissertation is supported by a written document. A subjective preference for program balance was exercised to determine the order of recorded works. The written document is divided into chapters defined by composer, following the order of the recorded document, which include the composers' biographies and notes referring to the recorded compositions. The recording took place at the Manzius Gaarden, Birkerod, Denmark during three sessions: July 31-August 2, 2002, March 2 and 3, 2003, and June 2-4, 2003. The music for this dissertation was recorded by the members of the Jalina Trio; Line Fredens, violin, Janne Fredens, cello and Natsuki Fukasawa, piano. Aksel Trige, a well-respected recording engineer, was engaged for the recording and editing. Additionally, a Hamburg Steinway concert grand piano was rented and a Joseph Guarnerius filius Andreas Cremona violin (1706) was provided by the Augustinus Fonden, Denmark. The cellist used her own instrument, Vuillaume of Paris (c. 1850). The expense of this recording was partially paid by generous grants from the Augustinus Fonden, the Solist Foreningen af 1921, and the Dansk Musikerforbunds Kollective Rettighedsmidler. The compositions selected for this recording dissertation are assumed to be previously unrecorded, with the exception of Poul Rovsing Olsen's Trio II.