966 resultados para Dual role


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An adenylyl cyclase from Mycobacterium avium, Mal 120, is a functional orthologue of a pseudogene Rv1120c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We report the crystal structure of Mal 120 in a monomeric form and its truncated construct as a dimer. Mal 120 exists as a monomer in solution and crystallized as a monomer in the absence of substrate or inhibitor. An additional alpha-helix present at the N-terminus of the monomeric structure blocks the active site by interacting with the substrate binding residues and occupying the dimer interface region. However, the enzyme has been found to be active in solution, indicating the movement of the helix away from the interface to facilitate the formation of active dimers in conditions favourable for catalysis. Thus, the N-terminal helix of Ma1120 keeps the enzyme in an autoinhibited state when it is not active. Deletion of this helix enabled us to crystallize the molecule as an active homodimer in the presence of a P-site inhibitor 2',5'-dideoxy-3'-ATP, or pyrophosphate along with metal ions. The substrate specifying lysine residue plays a dual role of interacting with the substrate and stabilizing the dimer. The dimerization loop region harbouring the second substrate specifying residue, an aspartate, shows significant differences in conformation and position between the monomeric and dimeric structures. Thus, this study has not only revealed that significant structural transitions are required for the interconversion of the inactive and the active forms of the enzyme, but also provided precise nature of these transitions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background: There is growing evidence that microglia are key players in the pathological process of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is suggested that microglia have a dual role in motoneurone degeneration through the release of both neuroprotective and neurotoxic factors. Results: To identify candidate genes that may be involved in ALS pathology we have analysed at early symptomatic age (P90), the molecular signature of microglia from the lumbar region of the spinal cord of hSOD1(G93A) mice, the most widely used animal model of ALS. We first identified unique hSOD1(G93A) microglia transcriptomic profile that, in addition to more classical processes such as chemotaxis and immune response, pointed toward the potential involvement of the tumour suppressor gene breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (Brca1). Secondly, comparison with our previous data on hSOD1(G93A) motoneurone gene profile substantiated the putative contribution of Brca1 in ALS. Finally, we established that Brca1 protein is specifically expressed in human spinal microglia and is up-regulated in ALS patients. Conclusions: Overall, our data provide new insights into the pathogenic concept of a non-cell-autonomous disease and the involvement of microglia in ALS. Importantly, the identification of Brca1 as a novel microglial marker and as possible contributor in both human and animal model of ALS may represent a valid therapeutic target. Moreover, our data points toward novel research strategies such as investigating the role of oncogenic proteins in neurodegenerative diseases.


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An efficient one-pot synthesis of substituted quinolines from alpha-arylamino ketones in the presence of PBr3 in DMF has been developed. This general protocol provides a novel and facile access to substituted quinolines by sequential Vilsmeier-Haack reaction, intramolecular cyclization and aromatization reactions of alpha-arylamino ketones. PBr3 plays a dual role in the quinoline synthesis: as a key component of the Vilsmeier reagent (PBr3/DMF) and as a reducing reagent.


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The monolayer of cytochrome c oxidase maintaining physiological activity and attached covalently to the self-assembled monolayers of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) on a gold electrode was obtained. The results of cyclic voltammetry show that direct electron transfer between cytochrome c oxidase and the electrode surface is a fast and diffusionless process. MPA has a dual role as both electrode modifier and the bridging molecule which: keeps cytochrome c oxidase at an appropriate orientation without denaturation and enables direct electron transfer between the protein and the modified electrode. Immobilized cytochrome c oxidase exhibits biphasic phenomena between the concentration of the electrolyte and the normal potentials; meanwhile its electrochemical behavior is also influenced by the buffer components. The quasi-reversible electron transfer process of cytochrome c oxidase with formal potential 385 mV vs. SHE in 5mM phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.4) corresponds to the redox reaction of cyt a(3) in cytochrome c oxidase, and the heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant obtained is 1.56 s(-1). By cyclic voltammetry measurements, it was observed that oxidation and reduction of cytochrome c in solution were catalyzed by the immobilized cytochrome c oxidase. This cytochrome c oxidase/MPA/Au system provides a good mimetic model to study the physiological functions of membrane-associated enzymes and hopefully to build a third-generation biosensor without using a mediator.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The ability of the Gram-positive foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to survive and grow in environments of elevated osmolarity can be attributed, at least in part, to the accumulation of a restricted range of low molecular mass solutes compatible with cellular function. Accumulated to high internal concentrations in hyper-saline environments, compatible solutes, either transported into the cell or synthesized de novo, play a dual role: helping to stabilize protein structure and function while also counterbalancing external osmotic strength, thus preventing water loss from the cell and plasmolysis. While previous physiological investigations identified glycine betaine, carnitine, and proline as the principal compatible solutes in the listerial osmostress response, genetic alanysis of the uptake/synthesis systems governing the accumulation of these compounds has, until now, remained largely unexplored. Representing the first genetic analysis of compatible solute accumulation in L. monocytogenes, this thesis describes the molecular characterization of BetL; a highly specific secondary glycine betaine transport system, OpuC; a multicomponent carnitine/glycine betaine transporter, and finally proBA; a two-gene operon encoding the first two enzymes of the listerial proline piosynthesis pathway. In addition to their role in osmotolerance, the potential of each system in contributing to listerial pathogenesis was investigated. While mutations in each gene cluster exhibited dramatic reductions in listerial osmotolerance, OpuC- mutants were additionally shown to exhibit reduced virulence when admisistered via the oral route. This represents the first direct link between the salt stress response and virulence in L. monocytogenes.


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This dissertation project focuses on J.S. Bach's Six Suites and explores the ideology of the Suites as etudes versus concert pieces. It is my belief that the evolution of the rank of the Suites in a cellist's repertoire today represents more than just historical coincidence. My premise is that the true genius of the Suites lies in their dual role as !&I efficient teaching pieces and superior performance works. Consequently, the maximum use of Bach's Six Suites as pedagogical material heightens both technical ability and deeper appreciation of the art. The dual nature of the Suites must always be emphasized: not only do these pieces provide innumerable opportunities for building cello technique, but they also offer material for learning the fundamentals of melody, harmony, dynamics, phrasing and texture. It is widely accepted among academic musicians that Bach's keyboard music serves as perfect compositions -- the model for music theory, music form and music counterpoint. I argue that we should employ the Cello Suites to this same end. The order in which the Suites are presented was deliberately chosen to highlight the contrasts in the pieces. Because the technical demands of each suite grow progressively from the previous one, they were performed non-consecutively in order to balance the difficulty and depth of each recital. The first compact disc consists of the Third Suite in C Major and Fifth Suite in C minor (with scordatura tuning), emphasizing the parallel keys. The Second Suite in D Minor and the Fourth Suite in E-flat Major comprises the compact disc. Finally, in the third compact disc, the First Suite in G Major and the Sixth Suite in D Major (composed for the five string cello piccola, but played here on a four-string cello) highlights the progression of the Suites.


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Addressing the multitude of challenges in marine policy requires an integrated approach that considers the multitude of drivers, pressures, and interests, from several disciplinary angles. Scenarios are needed to harmonise the analyses of different components of the marine system, and to deal with the uncertainty and complexity of the societal and biogeophysical dynamics in the system. This study considers a set of socio-economic scenarios to (1) explore possible futures in relation to marine invasive species, outbreak forming species, and gradual changes in species distribution and productivity; and (2) harmonise the projection modelling performed within associated studies. The exercise demonstrates that developing interdisciplinary scenarios as developed in this study is particularly complicated due to (1) the wide variety in endogeneity or exogeneity of variables in the different analyses involved; (2) the dual role of policy decisions as variables in a scenario or decisions to be evaluated and compared to other decisions; and (3) the substantial difference in time scale between societal and physical drivers.


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Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins are key regulators of CD4+ T cell differentiation, and in particular, we have recently shown that SOCS2 inhibits the development of Th2 cells and allergic immune responses. Interestingly, transcriptome analyses have identified SOCS2 as being preferentially expressed in both natural regulatory T cells (Tregs) and inducible Tregs (iTregs); however, the role of SOCS2 in Foxp3+ Treg function or development has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we show that despite having no effect on natural Treg development or function, SOCS2 is highly expressed in iTregs and required for the stable expression of Foxp3 in iTregs in vitro and in vivo. Indeed, SOCS2-deficient CD4+ T cells upregulated Foxp3 following in vitro TGF-ß stimulation, but failed to maintain stable expression of Foxp3. Moreover, in vivo generation of iTregs following OVA feeding was impaired in the absence of SOCS2 and could be rescued in the presence of IL-4 neutralizing Ab. Following IL-4 stimulation, SOCS2-deficient Foxp3+ iTregs secreted elevated IFN-? and IL-13 levels and displayed enhanced STAT6 phosphorylation. Therefore, we propose that SOCS2 regulates iTreg stability by downregulating IL-4 signaling. Moreover, SOCS2 is essential to maintain the anti-inflammatory phenotype of iTregs by preventing the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Collectively, these results suggest that SOCS2 may prevent IL-4-induced Foxp3+ iTreg instability. Foxp3+ iTregs are key regulators of immune responses at mucosal surfaces; therefore, this dual role of SOCS2 in both Th2 and Foxp3+ iTregs reinforces SOCS2 as a potential therapeutic target for Th2-biased diseases.


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Clinical psychologists often use qualitative methods to explore sensitive topics with vulnerable individuals, yet there has been little discussion of the specific ethical issues involved. For clinicians conducting qualitative research, there are likely to be ethical dilemmas associated with being both a researcher and a practitioner. We argue that this overarching issue frames all other ethical issues raised. This article provides an overview of the range of ethical issues that have been discussed in general in relation to qualitative research and considers the specific nature of these in relation to the discipline of clinical psychology. Such issues will be exemplified by reference to some of our own research and practice and the extant literature. We conclude with some suggestions for good practice, although our aim is to trigger debate rather than to establish prescriptive guidelines.


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Studies on terrorism have traditionally focused on non-state actors who direct violence against liberal states. These studies also tend to focus on political motivations and, therefore, have neglected the economic functions of terrorism. This article challenges the divorce of the political and economic spheres by highlighting how states can use terrorism to realise interconnected political and economic goals. To demonstrate this, we take the case of the paramilitary demobilisation process in Colombia and show how it relates to the US-Colombian free trade agreement. We argue that the demobilisation process fulfils a dual role. First, the process aims to improve the image of the Colombian government required to pass the controversial free trade agreement through US Congress to protect large amounts of US investment in the country. Second, the demobilisation process serves to mask clear continuities in paramilitary terror that serve mutually supportive political and economic functions for US investment in Colombia.


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In acne vulgaris, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) could play a dual role; i.e., protective by acting against Propionibacterium acnes, pro-inflammatory by acting as signalling molecules. The cutaneous expression of 15 different AMPs was investigated in acne patients; furthermore, the impact of isotretinoin therapy on AMP expression was analysed in skin biopsies from 13 patients with acne vulgaris taken before, during and after a 6-month treatment cycle with isotretinoin using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cutaneous expression of the AMPs cathelicidin, human β-defensin-2 (HBD-2), lactoferrin, lysozyme, psoriasin (S100A7), koebnerisin (S100A15), and RNase 7 was upregulated in untreated acne vulgaris, whereas α-defensin-1 (HNP-1) was downregulated compared to controls. While relative expression levels of cathelicidin, HBD-2, lactoferrin, psoriasin (S100A7), and koebnerisin (S100A15) decreased during isotretinoin treatment, only those of cathelicidin and koebnerisin returned to normal after 6 months of isotretinoin therapy. The increased expression of lysozyme and RNase 7 remained unaffected by isotretinoin treatment. The levels of granulysin, RANTES (CCL5), perforin, CXCL9, substance P, chromogranin B, and dermcidin were not regulated in untreated acne patients and isotretinoin had no effect on these AMPs. In conclusion, the expression of various AMPs is altered in acne vulgaris. Isotretinoin therapy normalizes the cutaneous production of distinct AMPs while the expression of others is still increased in healing acne. Considering the antimicrobial and pro-inflammatory role of AMPs, these molecules could serve as specific targets for acne therapy and maintenance of clinical remission.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are effectors of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. An array of AMPs can be found in and on the skin. Those include peptides that were first discovered for their antimicrobial properties but also proteins with antimicrobial activity first characterized for their activity as chemokines, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors and neuropeptides. Cathelicidins were among the first families of AMPs discovered in skin. They are now known to exert a dual role in innate immune defense: they have direct antimicrobial activity and will also initiate a host cellular response resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and angiogenesis. Altered cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis. Until recently the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were not known. Lately, vitamin D3 was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression and entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both, innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signalling may provide novel approaches for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions through AMP regulation.


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Constant exposure to a wide variety of microbial pathogens represents a major challenge for our skin. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are mediators of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. Cathelicidins were among the first AMPs identified in human skin and recent evidence suggests that they exert a dual role in innate immune defense: At first, due to their antimicrobial activity they kill pathogens directly. In addition, these peptides initiate a potent host response to infection resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and a cellular response. Disturbed cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis where cathelicidin peptide converts inert self-DNA and self-RNA into an autoimmune stimulus. In atopic dermatitis decreased levels of cathelicidin facilitating microbial superinfections have been discussed. Furthermore, abnormally processed cathelicidin peptides induce inflammation and a vascular response in rosacea. Until recently, the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were unknown. Recently, the vitamin D3 pathway was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression. Consequently, vitamin D3 entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signaling may provide new approaches for infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions.


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Chronic kidney disease is now regarded as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The impact of occupational or non-occupational physical activity (PA) on moderate decreases of renal function is uncertain.


We aimed to identify the potential association of PA (occupational and leisure-time) on early decline of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and to determine the potential mediating effect of PA on the relationship between eGFR and heart disease.


From the PRIME study analyses were conducted in 1058 employed men. Energy expended during leisure, work and commuting was calculated. Linear regression analyses were used to determine the link between types of PA and moderate decrements of eGFR determined with the KDIGO guideline at the baseline assessment. Cox proportional hazards analyses were used to explore the potential effect of PA on the relationship between eGFR and heart disease, ascertained during follow-up over 10 years.


For these employed men, and after adjustment for known confounders of GFR change, more time spent sitting at work was associated with increased risk of moderate decline in kidney function, while carrying objects or being active at work was associated with decreased risk. In contrast, no significant link with leisure PA was apparent. No potential mediating effect of occupational PA was found for the relationship between eGFR and coronary heart disease.


Occupational PA (potential modifiable factors) could provide a dual role on early impairment of renal function, without influence on the relationship between early decrease of e-GFR and CHD risk.