982 resultados para Dual Specificity Phosphatase 1


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It is recognised that individuals do not always respond honestly when completing psychological tests. One of the foremost issues for research in this area is the inability to detect individuals attempting to fake. While a number of strategies have been identified in faking, a commonality of these strategies is the latent role of long term memory. Seven studies were conducted in order to examine whether it is possible to detect the activation of faking related cognitions using a lexical decision task. Study 1 found that engagement with experiential processing styles predicted the ability to fake successfully, confirming the role of associative processing styles in faking. After identifying appropriate stimuli for the lexical decision task (Studies 2A and 2B), Studies 3 to 5 examined whether a cognitive state of faking could be primed and subsequently identified, using a lexical decision task. Throughout the course of these studies, the experimental methodology was increasingly refined in an attempt to successfully identify the relevant priming mechanisms. The results were consistent and robust throughout the three priming studies: faking good on a personality test primed positive faking related words in the lexical decision tasks. Faking bad, however, did not result in reliable priming of negative faking related cognitions. To more completely address potential issues with the stimuli and the possible role of affective priming, two additional studies were conducted. Studies 6A and 6B revealed that negative faking related words were more arousing than positive faking related words, and that positive faking related words were more abstract than negative faking related words and neutral words. Study 7 examined whether the priming effects evident in the lexical decision tasks occurred as a result of an unintentional mood induction while faking the psychological tests. Results were equivocal in this regard. This program of research aligned the fields of psychological assessment and cognition to inform the preliminary development and validation of a new tool to detect faking. Consequently, an implicit technique to identify attempts to fake good on a psychological test has been identified, using long established and robust cognitive theories in a novel and innovative way. This approach represents a new paradigm for the detection of individuals responding strategically to psychological testing. With continuing development and validation, this technique may have immense utility in the field of psychological assessment.


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The role of the immune system is to protect an organism against pathogens while maintaining tolerance against self. T cells are an essential component of the immune system and they develop in the thymus. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) gene product plays an important role in T cell development, as it promotes expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus. Developing T cells, thymocytes, which recognize self-antigens with high affinity are deleted. However, this deletion process is not perfect and not all autoreactive T cells are destroyed. When the distinction between self and non-self fails, tolerance breaks and the immune system attacks the host s own tissues. This results in autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells contribute to the maintenance of self-tolerance. They can actively suppress the function of autoreactive cells. Several populations of cells with regulatory properties have been described, but the best characterized population is the natural regulatory T cells (Treg cells), which develop in the thymus and express the transcription factor FOXP3. The thymic development of Treg cells in humans is the subject of this thesis. Thymocytes at different developmental stages were analyzed using flow cytometry. The CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes are the earliest T cell precursors in the T cell lineage. My results show that the Treg cell marker FOXP3 is up-regulated already in a subset of these DN thymocytes. FOXP3+ cells were also found among the more mature CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) cells and among the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes. The different developmental stages of the FOXP3+ thymocytes were isolated and their gene expression examined by quantitative PCR. T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis was used to compare these different thymocyte populations. My data show that in humans commitment to the Treg cell lineage is an early event and suggest that the development of Treg cells follows a linear developmental pathway, FOXP3+ DN precursors evolving through the DP stage to become mature CD4+ Treg cells. Most T cells have only one kind of TCR on their cell surface, but a small fraction of cells expresses two different TCRs. My results show that the expression of two different TCRs is enriched among Treg cells. Furthermore, both receptors were capable of transmitting signals when bound by a ligand. By extrapolating flow cytometric data, it was estimated that the majority of peripheral blood Treg cells are indeed dual-specific. The high frequency of dual-specific cells among human Treg cells suggests that dual-specificity has a role in directing these cells to the Treg cell lineage. It is known that both genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of autoimmunity. It is also known that the dysfunction or absence of Treg cells leads to the development of autoimmune manifestations. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare monogenic autoimmune disease, caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In the absence of AIRE gene product, deletion of self-specific T cells is presumably disturbed and autoreactive T cells escape to the periphery. I examined whether Treg cells are also affected in APECED. I found that the frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells and the level of FOXP3 expression were significantly lower in APECED patients than in controls. Additionally, when studied in cell cultures, the suppressive capacity of the patients' Treg cells was impaired. Additionally, repertoire analysis showed that the TCR repertoire of Treg cells was altered. These results suggest that AIRE contributes to the development of Treg cells in humans and the selection of Treg cells is impaired in APECED patients. In conclusion, my thesis elucidates the developmental pathway of Treg cells in humans. The differentiation of Tregs begins early during thymic development and both the cells dual-specificity and AIRE probably affect the final commitment of Treg cells.


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Background: Resistin is a cysteine rich protein, mainly expressed and secreted by circulating human mononuclear cells. While several factors responsible for transcription of mouse resistin gene have been identified, not much is known about the factors responsible for the differential expression of human resistin.Methodology/Principal Finding: We show that the minimal promoter of human resistin lies within similar to 80 bp sequence upstream of the transcriptional start site (-240) whereas binding sites for cRel, CCAAT enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBP-alpha), activating transcription factor 2 (ATF-2) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors, important for induced expression, are present within sequences up to -619. Specificity Protein 1(Sp1) binding site (-276 to -295) is also present and an interaction of Sp1 with peroxisome proliferator activating receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) is necessary for constitutive expression in U937 cells. Indeed co-immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated a direct physical interaction of Sp1 with PPAR gamma in whole cell extracts of U937 cells. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) upregulated the expression of resistin mRNA in U937 cells by increasing the recruitment of Sp1, ATF-2 and PPAR gamma on the resistin gene promoter. Furthermore, PMA stimulation of U937 cells resulted in the disruption of Sp1 and PPAR gamma interaction. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay confirmed the recruitment of transcription factors phospho ATF-2, Sp1, Sp3, PPAR gamma, chromatin modifier histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and the acetylated form of histone H3 but not cRel, C/EBP-alpha and phospho c-Jun during resistingene transcription.Conclusion: Our findings suggest a complex interplay of Sp1 and PPAR gamma along with other transcription factors that drives the expression of resistin in human monocytic U937 cells.


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Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV astrocytoma) is a very aggressive form of brain cancer with a poor survival and few qualified predictive markers. This study integrates experimentally validated genes that showed specific upregulation in GBM along with their protein-protein interaction information. A system level analysis was used to construct GBM-specific network. Computation of topological parameters of networks showed scale-free pattern and hierarchical organization. From the large network involving 1,447 proteins, we synthesized subnetworks and annotated them with highly enriched biological processes. A careful dissection of the functional modules, important nodes, and their connections identified two novel intermediary molecules CSK21 and protein phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1A) connecting the two subnetworks CDC2-PTEN-TOP2A-CAV1-P53 and CDC2-CAV1-RB-P53-PTEN, respectively. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed CSK21 to be moderately upregulated and PP1A to be overexpressed by 20-fold in GBM tumor samples. Immunohistochemical staining revealed nuclear expression of PP1A only in GBM samples. Thus, CSK21 and PP1A, whose functions are intimately associated with cell cycle regulation, might play key role in gliomagenesis. Cancer Res; 70(16); 6437-47. (C)2010 AACR.


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The expression of a biologically active human IFN4 depends on the presence of a frameshift deletion polymorphism within the first exon of the interferon lambda 4 (IFNL4) gene. In this report, we use the lung carcinoma-derived cell line, A549, which is genetically viable to express a functional IFN4, to address transcriptional requirements of the IFNL4 gene. We show that the GC-rich DNA-binding transcription factor (TF) specificity protein 1 (Sp1) is recruited to the IFNL4 promoter and has a role in induction of gene expression upon stimulation with viral RNA mimic poly(I:C). By using RNAi and overexpression strategies, we also show key roles in IFNL4 gene expression for the virus-inducible TFs, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-B), IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3), and IRF7. Interestingly, we also observe that overexpression of IFN4 influences IFNL4 promoter activity, which may further be dependent on the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptor pathway. Together, our work for the first time reports on the functional characterization of the human IFNL4 promoter.


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大气CO2浓度升高可以通过植物间接影响土壤生态系统。土壤生态系统的结构和功能改变将影响有机质矿化和营养物质循环,进而可能对CO2浓度升高产生正反馈或负反馈。微生物是土壤生态系统的主体,在对CO2浓度升高的反馈中起着至关重要的作用。本研究以开顶箱系统为平台,采用微生物分子生态学技术和现代酶学技术,通过对长期接受500 ppm CO2的红松幼树、长白赤松幼树和蒙古栎幼树非根际土壤连续两个生长季的测定,系统研究了高浓度CO2对温带森林土壤微生物群落的生物量和微生物活性的影响,检测了土壤微生物群落的结构和功能以及土壤化学性质变化,主要结论如下: (1)高浓度CO2处理提高了土壤有机碳含量。与对照组相比较,红松幼树土壤有机碳含量提高9.4%;长白赤松幼树土壤提高0.6%;蒙古栎幼树土壤提高1.3%。 (2)高浓度CO2处理使土壤磷酸酶(phosphatase)、几丁质酶(1,4-β-acetylglucosaminidase, 1,4-β-NAG)和多酚氧化酶(phenol oxidase)活性发生了显著变化,高浓度CO2使红松土壤 1,4-β-NAG活性提高7-25%,长白松土壤1,4-β-NAG平均活性降低14%,蒙古栎土壤1,4-β-NAG平均活性提高31%。 同时研究还发现,过氧化物酶(peroxidase)和多酚氧化酶(phenol oxidase)活性与微生物量碳和微生物量氮呈显著的正相关。相关分析还显示,土壤湿度与1,4-α-葡萄糖苷酶(1,4-α-glucosidase)活性、 微生物生物量碳和微生物生物量氮呈显著的正相关。 高浓度CO2在不同程度上改变了土壤转化酶活性和脱氢酶活性。高浓度CO2显著提高了红松和长白赤松土壤硝化酶活性;而显著降低反硝化酶活性。 (3)研究发现三种树土壤的真菌和细菌群落存在着季节性演替,并且高浓度CO2熏蒸处理使真菌群落结构发生了显著的变化,表现为一些种群优势度下降,另一些升高。虽然,细菌群落没有如真菌群落变化的明显,但研究中也发现高浓度CO2的确使个别细菌种群的优势度发生了显著改变。 亲缘关系与Calocybe carnea,Magmatodrilus obscurus密切的真菌是红松土壤优势种群,与Humicola fuscoatra关系相近的是长白松土壤的优势种群,并且此三种真菌的季节性变化不显著。研究发现高浓度CO2使红松土壤中亲缘关系与Pachyella clypeata,Cochlonema euryblastum,Lepiota cristata,Eimeriidae sp., Trichoderma sp.相近的种群的丰富度显著提高,使蒙古栎土壤中亲缘关系与Serendipita vermifera,Calocybe carnea种群丰富度显著下降,使蒙古栎土壤中与Candida sp.,Magmatodrilus obscurus和Pachyella clypeata亲缘关系密切种群的丰富度显著提高。 (4)三种幼树叶的原位分解培养429天结果显示,红松和长白松凋落物的β-葡萄糖苷酶(1,4-β-glucosidase)和木糖苷酶(1,4-β-xylosidase)活性随着分解而逐渐增加,而这两种酶在蒙古栎凋落物分解过程中保持相对恒定;高浓度CO2显著影响叶凋落物分解磷酸酶(phosphatase),纤维二糖酶(cellobiohydrolase), 几丁质酶(1,4-β-NAG),多酚氧化酶(phenol oxidase)和过氧化物酶(peroxidase)的活性。研究发现,凋落物的生物化学性质变化能引起分解的微生物群落发生变化,进而引起分泌的胞外酶活性变化,科学印证了大气CO2浓度升高“通过影响凋落物质量进而影响分解叶凋落物的微生物群落的结构和功能”的猜测。 不同凋落物之间酶活性差异显著,真菌和细菌群落结构也显著不同。序列与Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus亲缘关系密切的真菌和亲缘关系与Verrucomicrobia bacterium密切的细菌是长白松凋落分解的最优势种群,序列与Lophium mytilinum亲缘关系密切的真菌是红松凋落分解的最优势种群。 另外,研究还发现,高浓度CO2使参与分解红松凋落物Beta proteobacterium OS-15A亲缘关系相近的细菌种群和与Azospirillum amazonense亲缘关系相近的种群丰富度显著降低;使与Luteibactor rhizovicina亲缘关系相近的种群和与Luteibactor rhizovicina亲缘关系相近的种群显著提高。高浓度CO2使定殖于长白松凋落物上Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus亲缘关系相近的种群和与Bionectria pityrodes亲缘关系相近的种群显著提高,而使与Neofabraea malicorticis亲缘关系相近的种群和与Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus亲缘关系相近的种群显著下降。


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DNA methyltransferase 2 (Dnmt2) is a dual-specificity DNA methyltransferase, which contains a weak DNA methyltransferase and novel tRNA methyltransferase activity. However, its biological function is still enigmatic. To elucidate the expression profiles of Dnmt2 in Artemia franciscana, we isolated the gene encoding a Dnmt2 from A. franciscana and named it as AfDnmt2. The cDNA of AfDnmt2 contained a 1140-bp open reading frame that encoded a putative Dnmt2 protein of 379 amino acids exhibiting 32%similar to 39% identities with other known Dnmt2 homologs. This is the first report of a DNA methyltransferase gene in Crustacean. By using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, A)Dnmt2 was found to be expressed through all developmental stages and its expression increased during resumption of diapause cysts development. Southern blot analysis indicated the presence of multiple copies of AfDnmt2 genes in A. franciscana. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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A dual task paradigm which consisted of RSVP task and orthogonal spatial cuing task was adopted to study the effects of perceptual load and cue modality on attention capture. This dual task paradigm was modified from Santangelo’s tasks in which only the high load condition used the dual task. Experiment 1 found that in the low perceptual load condition, the visual cues showed advantage in capturing attention compared with the audiovisual ones. While in the high perceptual load condition, the audiovisual cues were better to capture attention. SOA was introduced into Experiment 2, 3 and 4 in order to help clarify the relationship among perceptual load, cuing modality and attention capture. The low load visual cuing task testified the period time course characteristics in attention capture which was found by Liang et.al. Differing from Liang’s conclusion that attention capture occurred at 333ms, attention capture occurred at 50ms here which might be caused by the different paradigms used. Moreover, the similar period time course was found in high load audiovisual cuing task when SOA equaled 50ms. And no such period time course characteristics were found neither in the high load visual cuing task nor the low load audiovisual cuing task. These results found the period time course characteristics in attention capture. And it was suggested that these characteristics were influenced by perceptual load and cuing modality.


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We have previously demonstrated that histone deacetylase 7 (HDAC7) expression and splicing play an important role in smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation from embryonic stem (ES) cells, but the molecular mechanisms of increased HDAC7 expression during SMC differentiation are currently unknown. In this study, we found that platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) induced a 3-fold increase in the transcripts of HDAC7 in differentiating ES cells. Importantly, our data also revealed that PDGF-BB regulated HDAC7 expression not through phosphorylation of HDAC7 but through transcriptional activation. By dissecting its promoters with progressive deletion analysis, we identified the sequence between -343 and -292 bp in the 5'-flanking region of the Hdac7 gene promoter as the minimal PDGF-BB-responsive element, which contains one binding site for the transcription factor, specificity protein 1 (Sp1). Mutation of the Sp1 site within this PDGF-BB-responsive element abolished PDGF-BB-induced HDAC7 activity. PDGF-BB treatment enhanced Sp1 binding to the Hdac7 promoter in differentiated SMCs in vivo as demonstrated by the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Moreover, we also demonstrated that knockdown of Sp1 abrogated PDGF-BB-induced HDAC7 up-regulation and SMC differentiation gene expression in differentiating ES cells, although enforced expression of Sp1 alone was sufficient to increase the activity of the Hdac7 promoter and expression levels of SMC differentiation genes. Importantly, we further demonstrated that HDAC7 was required for Sp1-induced SMC differentiation of gene expression. Our data suggest that Sp1 plays an important role in the regulation of Hdac7 gene expression in SMC differentiation from ES cells. These findings provide novel molecular insights into the regulation of HDAC7 and enhance our knowledge in SMC differentiation and vessel formation during embryonic development.


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Virus infection-induced global protein synthesis suppression is linked to assembly of stress granules (SGs), cytosolic aggregates of stalled translation preinitiation complexes. To study long-term stress responses, we developed an imaging approach for extended observation and analysis of SG dynamics during persistent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In combination with type 1 interferon, HCV infection induces highly dynamic assembly/disassembly of cytoplasmic SGs, concomitant with phases of active and stalled translation, delayed cell division, and prolonged cell survival. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), independent of viral replication, is sufficient to trigger these oscillations. Translation initiation factor eIF2a phosphorylation by protein kinase R mediates SG formation and translation arrest. This is antagonized by the upregulation of GADD34, the regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 dephosphorylating eIF2a. Stress response oscillation is a general mechanism to prevent long-lasting translation repression and a conserved host cell reaction to multiple RNA viruses, which HCV may exploit to establish persistence.


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Cyanobacterial toxins present in drinking water sources pose a considerable threat to human health. Conventional water treatment systems have proven unreliable for the removal of these toxins and hence new techniques have been investigated. Previous work has shown that TiO2 photocatalysis effectively destroys microcystin-LR in aqueous solutions, however, a variety of by-products were generated. In this paper, we report a mechanistic study of the photocatalytic destruction of microcystin-LR. In particular, the toxicity by-products of the process have been studied using both brine shrimp and protein phosphatase bioassays. 


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Objective: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a microvascular complication of diabetes. Members of the WNT/ β-catenin pathways have been implicated in interstitial fibrosis and glomerular sclerosis, characteristic hallmarks of DN. These processes are controlled, in part, by transcription factors (TFs), proteins which bind to gene promoter regions attenuating their regulation. We sought to identify predicted cis-acting transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) over-represented within the promoter regions of WNT pathway members compared to genes across the genome.Methods: We assessed the frequency of 62 TFBS motifs from the JASPAR databases on 65 WNT pathway genes. P-values were estimated on the hypergeometric distribution for each TF. Gene expression profiles of enriched motifs were examined from DN-related datasets to assess clinical significance.Results: TFBS motifs transcription factor AP-2 alpha (TFAP2A), myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1), and specificity protein 1 (SP1) were significantly enriched within WNT pathway genes (P-values<6.83x10-29, 1.34x10-11 and 3.01x10-6 respectively). MZF1 gene expression was significantly increased in DN in a whole kidney dataset (fold change = 1.16; 16% increase; P = 0.03). TFAP2A gene expression was decreased in an independent dataset (fold change = -1.02; P = 0.03). SP1 was not differentially expressed in any datasets examined.Conclusions: Three TFBS profiles are significantly enriched within the WNT pathway genes examined highlighting the use of in silico analyses for identifying key regulators of this pathway. Modification of TF binding to gene promoter regions involved in DN pathology may limit progression, making refinement of targeted therapeutic strategies possible through clearer delineation of their role.


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A maioria das funções celulares, incluindo expressão de genes, crescimento e proliferação celulares, metabolismo, morfologia, motilidade, comunicação intercelular e apoptose, é regulada por interações proteína-proteína (IPP). A célula responde a uma variedade de estímulos, como tal a expressão de proteínas é um processo dinâmico e os complexos formados são constituídos transitoriamente mudando de acordo com o seu ciclo funcional, adicionalmente, muitas proteínas são expressas de uma forma dependente do tipo de célula. Em qualquer instante a célula pode conter cerca de centenas de milhares de IPPs binárias, e encontrar os companheiros de interação de uma proteína é um meio de inferir a sua função. Alterações em redes de IPP podem também fornecer informações acerca de mecanismos de doença. O método de identificação binário mais frequentemente usado é o sistema Dois Hibrido de Levedura, adaptado para rastreio em larga escala. Esta metodologia foi aqui usada para identificar os interactomas específicos de isoforma da Proteína Fosfatase 1 (PP1), em cérebro humano. A PP1 é uma proteína fosfatase de Ser/Thr envolvida numa grande variedade de vias e eventos celulares. É uma proteína conservada codificada por três genes, que originam as isoformas α, β, e γ, com a última a originar γ1 e γ2 por splicing alternativo. As diferentes isoformas da PP1 são reguladas pelos companheiros de interação – proteínas que interagem com a PP1 (PIPs). A natureza modular dos complexos da PP1, bem como a sua associação combinacional, gera um largo reportório de complexos reguladores e papéis em circuitos de sinalização celular. Os interactomas da PP1 específicos de isofoma, em cérebro, foram aqui descritos, com um total de 263 interações identificadas e integradas com os dados recolhidos de várias bases de dados de IPPs. Adicionalmente, duas PIPs foram selecionadas para uma caracterização mais aprofundada da interação: Taperina e Sinfilina-1A. A Taperina é uma proteína ainda pouco descrita, descoberta recentemente como sendo uma PIP. A sua interação com as diferentes isoformas da PP1 e localização celulares foram analisadas. Foi descoberto que a Taperina é clivada e que está presente no citoplasma, membrana e núcleo e que aumenta os níveis de PP1, em células HeLa. Na membrana ela co-localiza com a PP1 e a actina e uma forma mutada da Taperina, no motivo de ligação à PP1, está enriquecida no núcleo, juntamente com a actina. Mais, foi descoberto que a Taperina é expressa em testículo e localiza-se na região acrossómica da cabeça do espermatozoide, uma estrutura onde a PP1 e a actina estão também presentes. A Sinfilina-1A, uma isoforma da Sinfilina-1, é uma proteína com tendência para agregar e tóxica, envolvida na doença de Parkinson. Foi mostrado que a Sinfilina-1A liga às isoformas da PP1, por co-transformação em levedura, e que mutação do seu motivo de ligação à PP1 diminuiu significativamente a interação, num ensaio de overlay. Quando sobre-expressa em células Cos-7, a Sinfilina-1A formou corpos de inclusão onde a PP1 estava presente, no entanto a forma mutada da Sinfilina-1A também foi capaz de agregar, indicando que a formação de inclusões não foi dependente de ligação à PP1. Este trabalho dá uma nova perspetiva dos interactomas da PP1, incluindo a identificação de dezenas de companheiros de ligação específicos de isoforma, e enfatiza a importância das PIPs, não apenas na compreensão das funções celulares da PP1 mas também, como alvos de intervenção terapêutica.


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Les voies respiratoires sont exposées à une panoplie de pathogènes. Lors d’une infection virale respiratoire les cellules qui recouvrent ces voies participent activement à la défense immunitaire contre ces derniers en limitant la propagation du virus et en engendrant une réponse proinflammatoire. Un évènement clef dans ces processus est l’activation des facteurs de transcription, notamment le « Nuclear Factor » (NF)-κB et l’« Interferon Regulatory Factor -3 » (IRF-3), qui régulent l’expression des cytokines antivirales et proinflammatoires. Des données récentes démontrent que les dérivés actifs de l’oxygène (ROS), produits suite à une infection virale, ont la capacité de réguler les voies de signalisation enclenchées par NF-κB et IRF-3. Une source importante de ROS est la famille de NADPH oxydases (NOX), qui contient les membres NOX1-5 et DUOX1 et 2. L’objectif de notre étude était d’identifier la NOX qui régule les mécanismes antiviraux et proinflammatoires suite à l’infection avec le virus respiratoire syncytial (RSV), qui cause des complications respiratoires majeures, et le virus Sendai (SeV), un modèle viral non-pathogène. Nos travaux ont permis d’identifier que NOX2 est une molécule clef dans la réponse proinflammatoire suite à l’infection virale. Plus spécifiquement, NOX2 est important pour l’activation de NF-κB et la sécrétion des cytokines régulées par ce dernier. De plus, nous avons observé une forte augmentation de la présence de DUOX2 dans les cellules de voies respiratoires humaines infectées par SeV. Une étude plus approfondie nous a permis de caractériser qu’une synergie entre deux cytokines secrétées lors de l’infection, soit l’interféron (IFN)β et le TNFα est responsable de l’induction de DUOX2. Nous avons aussi découvert que DUOX2 confère une activité antivirale et est nécessaire pour maintenir les taux des cytokines antivirales tardives IFNβ et IFNλ. Lors d’une infection avec RSV, l’induction de DUOX2 n’est pas détectable. Nous avons mis en évidence que RSV interfère avec l’expression de DUOX2 ce qui pourrait suggérer sa pathogénicité. En conclusion, nos travaux démontrent pour la première fois une implication spécifique des NADPH oxydase NOX2 et DUOX suite aux infections virales respiratoires.


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L’auto-incompatibilité (AI) est une barrière reproductive prézygotique qui permet aux pistils d’une fleur de rejeter leur propre pollen. Les systèmes d’AI peuvent prévenir l’autofertilisation et ainsi limiter l’inbreeding. Dans l’AI gamétophytique, le génotype du pollen détermine son propre phénotype d’incompatibilité, et dans ce système, les déterminants mâles et femelles de l’AI sont codés par un locus multigénique et multi-allélique désigné le locus S. Chez les Solanaceae, le déterminant femelle de l’AI est une glycoprotéine stylaire extracellulaire fortement polymorphique possédant une activité ribonucléase et désignée S-RNase. Les S-RNases montrent un patron caractéristique de deux régions hypervariables (HVa et HVb), responsables de leur détermination allélique, et cinq régions hautement conservées (C1 à C5) impliquées dans l’activité catalytique ou la stabilisation structurelle de ces protéines. Dans ce travail, nous avons investigué plusieurs caractéristiques des S-RNases et identifié un nouveau ligand potentiel aux S-RNases chez Solanum chacoense. L’objectif de notre première étude était l’élucidation du rôle de la région C4 des S-RNases. Afin de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la région C4 serait impliquée dans le repliement ou la stabilité des S-RNases, nous avons généré un mutant dans lequel les quatre résidus chargés présents en région C4 furent remplacés par des résidus glycine. Cette protéine mutante ne s’accumulant pas à des niveaux détectables, la région C4 semble bien avoir un rôle structurel. Afin de vérifier si C4 est impliquée dans une liaison avec une autre protéine, nous avons généré le mutant R115G, dans lequel un acide aminé chargé fût éliminé afin de réduire les affinités de liaison dans cette région. Ce mutant n’affectant pas le phénotype de rejet pollinique, il est peu probable que la région C4 soit impliquée dans la liaison des S-RNases avec un ligand ou leur pénétration à l’intérieur des tubes polliniques. Enfin, le mutant K113R, dans lequel le seul résidu lysine conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases fût remplacé par un résidu arginine, fût généré afin de vérifier si cette lysine était un site potentiel d’ubiquitination des S-RNases. Toutefois, la dégradation des S-RNases ne fût pas inhibée. Ces résultats indiquent que C4 joue probablement un rôle structurel de stabilisation des S-RNases. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons analysé le rôle de la glycosylation des S-RNases, dont un site, en région C2, est conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases. Afin d’évaluer la possibilité que les sucres conjugués constituent une cible potentielle d’ubiquitination, nous avons généré une S11-RNase dont l‘unique site de glycosylation en C2 fût éliminé. Ce mutant se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage, démontrant que l’absence de glycosylation ne confère pas un phénotype de rejet constitutif du pollen. Afin de déterminer si l’introduction d’un sucre dans la région HVa de la S11-RNase pourrait affecter le rejet pollinique, nous avons généré un second mutant comportant un site additionnel de glycosylation dans la région HVa et une troisième construction qui comporte elle aussi ce nouveau site mais dont le site en région C2 fût éliminé. Le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage mais, de manière surprenante, le mutant uniquement glycosylé en région HVa peut aussi rejeter le pollen d’haplotype S13. Nous proposons que la forme non glycosylée de ce mutant constitue un allèle à double spécificité, semblable à un autre allèle à double spécificité préalablement décrit. Il est intéressant de noter que puisque ce phénotype n’est pas observé dans le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation, cela suggère que les S-RNases ne sont pas déglycosylées à l’intérieur du pollen. Dans la dernière étude, nous avons réalisé plusieurs expériences d’interactions protéine-protéine afin d’identifier de potentiels interactants polliniques avec les S-RNases. Nous avons démontré que eEF1A, un composant de la machinerie de traduction chez les eucaryotes, peut lier une S11-RNase immobilisée sur résine concanavaline A. Des analyses de type pull-down utilisant la protéine eEF1A de S. chacoense étiquetée avec GST confirment cette interaction. Nous avons aussi montré que la liaison, préalablement constatée, entre eEF1A et l’actine est stimulée en présence de la S11-RNase, bien que cette dernière ne puisse directement lier l’actine. Enfin, nous avons constaté que dans les tubes polliniques incompatibles, l’actine adopte une structure agrégée qui co-localise avec les S-RNases. Ces résultats suggèrent que la liaison entre eEF1A et les S-RNases pourrait constituer un potentiel lien fonctionnel entre les S-RNases et l’altération du cytosquelette d’actine observée lors des réactions d’AI. Par ailleurs, si cette liaison est en mesure de titrer les S-RNases disponibles à l’intérieur du tube pollinique, ce mécanisme pourrait expliquer pourquoi des quantités minimales ou « seuils » de S-RNases sont nécessaires au déclenchement des réactions d’AI.