912 resultados para Drop-In Clinics


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Thermocapillary motion of a drop in a uniform temperature gradient is investigated numerically. The three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes and energy equations are solved by the finite-element method. The front tracking technique is employed to describe the drop interface. To simplify the calculation, the drop shape is assumed to be a sphere. It has been verified that the assumption is reasonable under the microgravity environment. Some calculations have been performed to deal with the thermocapillary motion for the drops of different sizes. It has been verified that the calculated results are in good agreement with available experimental and numerical results. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An investigation has been made into the effect of microstructural parameters on the propensity for forming shear localization produced during high speed torsional testing by split Hopkinson bar with different average rates of 610, 650 and 1500 s(-1) in low carbon steels. These steels received the quenched, quenched and tempered as well as normalized treatments that provide wide microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the occurrence of the shear localization is susceptible to the strength of the steels. In other words, the tendency of the quenched steel to form a shear band is higher than that of the other two steels. It is also found that there is a critical strain at which the shear localization occurs in the steels. The critical strain value is strongly dependent on the strength of the steels. Before arriving at this point, the material undergoes a slow work-hardening. After this point, the material suffers work-softening, corresponding to a process during which the deformation is gradually localized and eventually becomes spatially correlated to form a macroscopic shear band. Examinations by SEM reveal that the shear localization within the band involves a series of sequential crystallographic and non-crystallographic events including the change in crystal orientation, misorientation, generation and even perhaps damage in microstructures such as the initiation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks. It is expected that the sharp drop in the load-carrying capacity is associated with the growth and coalescence of the microcracks rather than the occurrence of the shear localization, but the shear localization is seen to accelerate the growth and coalescence of the microcracks. The thin foil observations by TEM reveal that the density of dislocations in the band is extremely high and the tangled arrangement and cell structure of dislocations tends to align along the shear direction. The multiplication and interaction of dislocations seems to be responsible for work-hardening of the steels. The avalanche of the dislocation cells corresponds to the sharp drop in shear stress at which the deformed specimen is broken. Double shear bands and kink bands are also observed in the present study. The principal band develops first and its width is narrower than that of the secondary band.


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Presentation to elected officials [and American Fisheries Society] on the wealth of research to be done in the Chesapeake Bay. Citing drop in oyster production from a high of 17,000,000 bushels in 1885 to 2,000,000 bushels in 1925 or one-eighth of its one-time abundance. Citing water studies through the late 1880's-90's. Report of experiments with the Japanese Oyster O. gigas. Also addresses Crab, Callinectes sapidus and classes held. (PDF contains 7 pages)


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Common carp is one of the most important cultured freshwater fish species in the world. Its production in freshwater areas is the second largest in Europe after rainbow trout. Common carp production in Europe was 146,845 t in 2004 (FAO Fishstat Plus 2006). Common carp production is concentrated mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. In Hungary, common carp has been traditionally cultured in earthen ponds since the late 19th century, following the sharp drop in catches from natural waters, due to the regulation of main river systems. Different production technologies and unintentional selection methods resulted in a wide variety of this species. Just before the intensification of rearing technology and the exchange of stocking materials among fish farms (early sixties), “landraces” of carp were collected from practically all Hungarian fish farms into a live gene bank at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) at Szarvas (Bakos and Gorda 1995; Bakos and Gorda 2001). In order to provide highly productive hybrids for production purposes starting from 1964, different strains and crosses between Hungarian landraces were created and tested. During the last 40 years, approximately 150 two-, three-, and four-line hybrids were produced. While developing parental lines, methods of individual selection, inbreeding, backcrossing of lines, gynogenesis and sex reversal were used. This breeding program resulted in three outstanding hybrids: “Szarvas 215 mirror” and “Szarvas P31 scaly” for pond production, and “Szarvas P34 scaly” for angling waters. Besides satisfying the needs of industry, the live gene bank helped to conserve the biological diversity of Hungarian carp landraces. Fifteen Hungarian carp landraces are still maintained today in the gene bank. Through exchange programs fifteen foreign carp strains were added to the collection from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Southeast Asia (Bakos and Gorda 2001). Besides developing the methodology to maintain live specimens in the gene bank, the National Carp Breeding Program has been initiated in cooperation with all the key stakeholders in Hungary, namely the National Association of Fish Producers (HOSZ), the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control (OMMI), and the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI). In addition, methodologies or technologies for broodstock management and carp performance testing have been developed. This National Carp Breeding Program is being implemented successfully since the mid-1990s.


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The trends of malformation prevalence in embryos of dab, Limanda limanda, in the southern North Sea after the year 1990 mirrored the drop in major pollutants in the rivers draining into the German Bight. Despite this general decline we detected a pollution event in the southern North Sea in winter 1995/1996 employing the prevalence of malformations in dab embryos as an indicator. An abrupt rise in malformation prevalence in the embryos of dab, corresponded to a dramatic increase in DDT levels in parent fish from the same area, indicating a hitherto unnoticed introduction of considerable quantities of DDT into the system. This input could be traced back to discharges of unknown origen into the River Elbe.


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Fish samples were collected using seine and trawl nets in Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria (Kenya) in order to study the reproductive and gonadal patterns of Oreochromis niloticus; samples were collected from June 1998 to February 1999. The variation in relative condition factor and monthly variation in gonad weight showed spawning took place between June and July. Most ripe fish were recovered between November and February, while a slight drop in GSI for males was noted between November and January. External factors triggering reproductive strategy are now being addressed


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During 1994, weekly spot-sampling of open water sites on Loch Leven took place from 16th March onwards. Very little difference between spot-sampling sites was observed from 16th March to 5th July. Throughout April and May there was a slow increase in levels of chlorophyll-a, followed by a rapid increase through June, reaching a maximum of 230 micrograms per litre. On 8th July there was a very rapid rise in water temperature, with a corresponding increase in dissolved oxygen and pH. At 0915 hours on 9th July there was a drop in all three variables. These changes were coincident with a marked reduction in chlorophyll-a values falling to 70 micrograms per litre on 12th July. On 16th July evidence of a resurgence of photosynthesis was observed.


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A decline in the abundance of blackback flounders, together with the withdrawal of vessels from this fishery, has resulted in a lowered catch in recent years compared to the peak period 1928 through 1931. Data obtained from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hatchery catch records and from fishermen's log book records show a drop in abundance of 63 per cent from the early 1930's to the present in the Boothbay Harbor region and of 31 to 40 per cent in the area south of Cape Cod. Information on the early life history and distribution of young blackback flounders and the size and age composition and distribution of fish subject to the commercial and sport fisheries indicates that the young are the product of local spawning and that the sport and commercial fisheries draw on a resident stock of primarily adult fish.


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The potential for growth overfishing in the white shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, fishery of the northern Gulf of Mexico appears to have been of limited concern to Federal or state shrimp management entities, following the cataclysmic drop in white shrimp abundance in the 1940’s. As expected from surplus production theory, a decrease in size of shrimp in the annual landings accompanies increasing fishing effort, and can eventually reduce the value of the landings. Growth overfishing can exacerbate such decline in value of the annual landings. We characterize trends in size-composition of annual landings and other annual fishery-dependent variables in this fishery to determine relationships between selected pairs of these variables and to determine whether growth overfishing occurred during 1960–2006. Signs of growth overfishing were equivocal. For example, as nominal fishing effort increased, the initially upward, decelerating trend in annual yield approached a local maximum in the 1980’s. However, an accelerating upward trend in yield followed as effort continued to increase. Yield then reached its highest point in the time series in 2006, as nominal fishing effort declined due to exogenous factors outside the control of shrimp fishery managers. The quadratic relationship between annual yield and nominal fishing effort exhibited a local maximum of 5.24(107) pounds (≈ MSY) at a nominal fishing effort level of 1.38(105) days fished. However, annual yield showed a continuous increase with decrease in size of shrimp in the landings. Annual inflation-adjusted ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1989, preceded by a peak in annual inflation-adjusted ex-vessel value per pound (i.e. price) in 1983. Changes in size composition of shrimp landings and their economic effects should be included among guidelines for future management of this white shrimp


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California’s Monterey Bay area is an important center of recreational fishing for rockfish of various Sebastes species. The species composition of commercial passenger fishing vessel catches from 1959 to 1994 varied with changes in fishing location and depth. The shift from shallow nearshore locations to deeper offshore locations in the late 1970’s and 1980’s changed the emphasis from the blue rockfish, S. mystinus, of shallow waters to the deeper, commercially fished chilipepper, S. goodei, and bocaccio, S. paucispinis. The mean size of rockfish in the catch increased as the latter species were targeted at greater depths but then declined as stocks of older fish disappeared by the mid 1980’s. During 1960–94 the mean size of all ten leading species in the recreational catch declined. The declines ranged from 1% for canary rockfish, S. pinniger, to 27% for chilipepper. The sizes of the deeper living species declined more than those of shallower species. The low frequency of strong recruitment events and increase in fishing mortality and natural mortality appear to have contributed to the declining mean size. The scarcity of older fish, observed as a drop in mean size to below the size of maturity for 50% of females, leads to concern for future recruitment of the larger species, especially bocaccio, chilipepper, yellowtail rockfish, S. flavidus, and canary rockfish.


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Os elásticos ortodônticos intermaxilares sintéticos vem sendo cada vez mais utilizados, sendo principalmente indicados para pacientes que apresentam hiper-sensibilidade ao látex. Afim de avaliar e comparar o comportamento de elásticos de látex e sintéticos quanto a perda de força ao longo do tempo, este estudo foi realizado tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. Para o estudo in vitro foram avaliados 15 elásticos de cada material, para cada tempo: 0, 1, 3, 12 e 24 horas. No estudo in vivo, pacientes foram avaliados (N=15), utilizando elásticos de ambos os materiais (látex e sintético), nos mesmos tempos do estudo in vitro. Os elásticos foram transferidos para a máquina de ensaios mecânicos (EMIC DL-500 MF). Os valores da força gerada foram registrados após a distensão dos elásticos a uma distância de 25mm. Foi aplicado o teste t pareado para a amostra clínica e independente para a amostra laboratorial. Foi utilizada a análise de variância (ANOVA) para verificar a variação das forças geradas entre os tempos determinados e o teste post-hoc para identificar entre quais tempos houve diferença significativa. Quanto às forças iniciais geradas (zero hora), os valores para os elásticos sintéticos foram bastante semelhantes entre os estudos laboratorial e clínico e ligeiramente superiores aos dos elásticos de látex. Nos tempos subsequentes, as forças geradas pelos elásticos de látex apresentaram valores superiores. Em relação à degradação do material, ao final de 24 horas, maior percentual foi observado para os elásticos sintéticos, tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. A maior queda nos valores das forças liberadas pelos elásticos de ambos os materiais e nos estudos clínico e laboratorial, ocorreu entre os tempos de 0 e 1 hora, seguida de uma queda gradativa e progressiva até o tempo de 24 horas. Os elásticos de látex apresentaram um comportamento mais estável no período estudado em relação aos sintéticos, em ambos os estudos.


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Physical model experiments on compensation grouting in sands were performed in two different setups (Cambridge and Delft). The effect of water-cement (w/c) ratio, bentonite content (b.c.) and injection rate on compensation efficiency was investigated. Results show a considerable drop in compensation efficiency resulted from reducing the soil density. Injection in dense sand (R.D. = 93%) resulted in efficiencies between 40-90%, whereas injection in medium-dense sand (R.D. = 60-75%) yielded in reduced efficiencies between 10-40%. When the w/c ratio increased from 0.5 to 1.5 for a given density (R.D. = 93%) and the b.c. of 4%, the compensation efficiency value decreased. Typical efficiencies were between 60% and 40-50% for w/c ratios of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively. The values of compensation and grout efficiencies were almost equal, suggesting that pressure filtration happens mainly during injection. Increasing the b.c. improved the compensation efficiency. When a higher b.c. of 12% to 14% was used, typical compensation efficiencies in dense sand were 78 and 90% for w/c ratios of 1.5 and 1.8 respectively. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The trapped magnetic field is examined in bulk high-temperature superconductors that are artificially drilled along their c-axis. The influence of the hole pattern on the magnetization is studied and compared by means of numerical models and Hall probe mapping techniques. To this aim, we consider two bulk YBCO samples with a rectangular cross-section that are drilled each by six holes arranged either on a rectangular lattice (sample I) or on a centered rectangular lattice (sample II). For the numerical analysis, three different models are considered for calculating the trapped flux: (i), a two-dimensional (2D) Bean model neglecting demagnetizing effects and flux creep, (ii), a 2D finite-element model neglecting demagnetizing effects but incorporating magnetic relaxation in the form of an E-J power law, and, (iii), a 3D finite element analysis that takes into account both the finite height of the sample and flux creep effects. For the experimental analysis, the trapped magnetic flux density is measured above the sample surface by Hall probe mapping performed before and after the drilling process. The maximum trapped flux density in the drilled samples is found to be smaller than that in the plain samples. The smallest magnetization drop is found for sample II, with the centered rectangular lattice. This result is confirmed by the numerical models. In each sample, the relative drops that are calculated independently with the three different models are in good agreement. As observed experimentally, the magnetization drop calculated in the sample II is the smallest one and its relative value is comparable to the measured one. By contrast, the measured magnetization drop in sample (1) is much larger than that predicted by the simulations, most likely because of a change of the microstructure during the drilling process.


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High strength steels can suffer from a loss of ductility when exposed to hydrogen, and this may lead to sudden failure. The hydrogen is either accommodated in the lattice or is trapped at defects, such as dislocations, grain boundaries and carbides. The challenge is to identify the effect of hydrogen located at different sites upon the drop in tensile strength of a high strength steel. For this purpose, literature data on the failure stress of notched and un-notched steel bars are re-analysed; the bars were tested over a wide range of strain rates and hydrogen concentrations. The local stress state at failure has been determined by the finite element (FE) method, and the concentration of both lattice and trapped hydrogen is predicted using Oriani's theory along with the stress-driven diffusion equation. The experimental data are rationalised in terms of a postulated failure locus of peak maximum principal stress versus lattice hydrogen concentration. This failure locus is treated as a unique material property for the given steel and heat treatment condition. We conclude that the presence of lattice hydrogen increases the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement whereas trapped hydrogen has only a negligible effect. It is also found that the observed failure strength of hydrogen charged un-notched bars is less than the peak local stress within the notched geometries. Weakest link statistics are used to account for this stressed volume effect. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Circulatory responses of crucian carp injected intraperitoneally with extracted micro-cystins (MCs) were studied at sublethal and lethal doses (150 and 600 mu g MC kg(-1) body mass, respectively). Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate, hematocrit (Hct), red blood cell (RBC) counts, and circulating blood volume (BV) were assayed at 0, 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h post-toxin administration. MAP decreased significantly in a dose-dependent manner over time. Within the 48-h test period, the lethal dose as well as the sublethal dose resulted in a steady decline of MAP without recovery. Heart rate significantly increased within 24 h post-injection as blood pressure significantly dropped, then showed a terminal decline to the control level. The dose-dependent decreases in BV and Hct were directly related to the drop in MAP. Intraperitoneal injection of a lethal dose of MCs led to hepatic and gill hemorrhage. Consequently, crucian carp given MCs suffered from hypovolemic hypotensive shock. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.