362 resultados para Dormancy
A series of trials to increase understanding of the summer dormancy trait in Dactylis glomerata was conducted. Autumn-sown reproductive and younger, spring-sown plants of 2 drought-resistant cultivars, contrasting for summer dormancy, were established and then tested in summer 2002 under long drought, drought + midsummer storm, or full irrigation. The autumn-sown reproductive plants of cv. Kasbah were summer dormant under all moisture regimes and exhibited the characteristic traits including growth cessation, rapid herbage senescence, and dehydration of surviving organs (-6.7MPa). Cultivar Kasbah used 8% less soil water over the summer and also began to rehydrate its leaf bases from conserved soil water before the drought broke. The non-dormant cv. Medly grew for 10 days longer under drought and whenever moisture was applied; Medly also responded to the storm with a decline in dehydrin expression in leaf bases, whereas no decline occurred in Kasbah, presumably because it remained dormant and therefore much drier. The irrigated, younger, spring-sown swards of cv. Kasbah had restrained growth and produced only about 25% of the herbage of cv. Medly. Drought reduced activity and growth of young plants of both cultivars, but whereas Medly regrew in response to the storm, cv. Kasbah did not, indicating that dormancy, although only partially expressed after spring sowing, was reinforced by summer drought. A longer drought in 2003 caused a 22% loss of the basal cover in cv. Medly, whereas Kasbah fully maintained its sward and therefore produced a higher post-drought autumn yield. This work confirms summer dormancy as a powerful trait for improving persistence over long, dry summers.
Background and Aims Dormancy has been extensively studied in plants which experience severe winter conditions but much less so in perennial herbaceous plants that must survive summer drought. This paper reviews the current knowledge on summer dormancy in both native and cultivated perennial temperate grasses originating from the Mediterranean Basin, and presents a unified terminology to describe this trait. Scope Under severe drought, it is difficult to separate the responses by which plants avoid and tolerate dehydration from those associated with the expression of summer dormancy. Consequently, this type of endogenous (endo-) dormancy can be tested only in plants that are not subjected to moisture deficit. Summer dormancy can be defined by four criteria, one of which is considered optional: (1) reduction or cessation of leaf production and expansion; (2) senescence of mature foliage; (3) dehydration of surviving organs; and (4, optional) formation of resting organs. The proposed terminology recognizes two levels of summer dormancy: (a) complete dormancy, when cessation of growth is associated with full senescence of foliage and induced dehydration of leaf bases; and (b) incomplete dormancy, when leaf growth is partially inhibited and is associated with moderate levels of foliage senescence. Summer dormancy is expressed under increasing photoperiod and temperature. It is under hormonal control and usually associated with flowering and a reduction in metabolic activity in meristematic tissues. Dehydration tolerance and dormancy are independent phenomena and differ from the adaptations of resurrection plants. Conclusions Summer dormancy has been correlated with superior survival after severe and repeated summer drought in a large range of perennial grasses. In the face of increasing aridity, this trait could be used in the development of cultivars that are able to meet agronomic and environmental goals. It is therefore important to have a better understanding of the genetic and environmental control of summer dormancy.
Due to the shortage of information on summer dormancy in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, syn. Lolium arundinaceum), we tested the response of 2 cultivars of differing dormancy expression and growth stage to a range of summer moisture conditions, including full irrigation, drought, and a simulated mid-summer storm and analysed whether traits associated with summer dormancy conferred better survival under severe field drought. Autumn-sown reproductive and younger, spring-sown plants of 2 cultivars, claimed to exhibit contrasting summer dormancy, were established and then tested in summer 2002 under either long drought, drought+ simulated mid-summer storm, or full irrigation. The autumn-sown reproductive plants of cv. Flecha exhibited traits that can be associated with partial summer dormancy since under summer irrigation they reduced aerial growth significantly and exhibited earlier herbage senescence. Moreover, cv. Flecha used 35% less soil water over the first summer. However, the water status of leaf bases of young vegetative tillers of both cultivars was similar under irrigation and also throughout most of the drought (leaf potential and water content maintained over -4MPa and at approx. 1 g H2O/g DM, respectively). The summer-active cv. Demeter did not stop leaf elongation even in drought and produced twice as much biomass as Flecha under irrigation. Cultivar Demeter responded to the simulated storm with a decline in dehydrin expression in leaf bases, whereas no decline occurred in Flecha, presumably because it remained partially dormant. The younger, spring-sown swards of both cultivars had similar biomass production under summer irrigation but whereas Demeter regrew in response to the simulated storm, cv. Flecha did not, indicating that dormancy, although only partially expressed, was reinforced by summer drought. In all trials, cv. Flecha out-yielded Demeter in autumn regrowth. In particular, the severe drought in 2003 caused a 25% loss of the basal cover in cv. Demeter, whereas Flecha fully maintained its sward allowing it to produce a higher post-drought autumn yield. This work links summer dormancy with higher persistence over long, dry summers.
Malva parviflora L. (Malvaceae) is rapidly becoming a serious weed of Australian farming systems. An understanding of the variability of its seed behaviour is required to enable the development of integrated weed management strategies. Mature M. parviflora seeds were collected from four diverse locations in the Mediterranean-type climatic agricultural region of Western Australia. All of the seeds exhibited physical dormancy at collection; manual scarification or a period of fluctuating summer temperatures (50/20 degrees C or natural) were required to release dormancy. When scarified and germinated soon (1 month) after collection, the majority of seeds were able to germinate over a wide range of temperatures (5-37 degrees C) and had no light requirement. Germination was slower for seeds stored for 2 months than seeds stored for 2 years, suggesting the presence of shallow physiological dormancy. Seed populations from regions with similar annual rainfall exhibited similar dormancy release patterns; seeds from areas of low rainfall (337-344mm) were more responsive to fluctuating temperatures, releasing physical dormancy earlier than those from areas of high rainfall (436-444mm). After 36 months, maximum seedling emergence from soil in the field was 60%, with buried seeds producing 13-34% greater emergence than seeds on the surface. Scanning electron microscopy of the seed coat revealed structural differences in the chalazal region of permeable and impermeable seeds, suggesting the importance of this region in physical dormancy breakdown of M. parviflora seeds. The influence of rainfall during plant growth in determining dormancy release, and hence, germination and emergence timing, must be considered when developing management strategies for M. parviflora.
A impermeabilidade do tegumento das sementes é um fenômeno observado em várias espécies tropicais. Essa condição causa germinação baixa e desuniforme. O presente estudo objetivou identificar métodos para superar a dormência em sementes de Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum. Sementes de quatro matrizes foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: imersão em ácido sulfúrico por 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 min e escarificação com lixa. As sementes foram semeadas em substrato de areia e serragem (1:1). Avaliou-se os dias para iniciar a emergência de plântulas (DIE), emergência de plântulas (EP), índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE), germinação (G), sementes duras (SD), sementes mortas (SM), sementes dormentes (SDM) plântulas anormais (PA), massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e massa seca das raízes (MSR). O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualisado com quatro repetições de 25 sementes por tratamento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). Diferenças significativas entre tratamentos foram observadas para IVE, EP, G, SD, MSPA e MSR. Maior porcentagem de SD foi observada nas sementes não escarificadas (85%). Maior porcentagem de germinação foi observada nas sementes escarificadas em ácido sulfúrico por 10 min (82%) e 12 min (74%). Esses tratamentos também mostraram maiores IVE, MSPA e MSR, indicando serem os mais eficientes para superar a dormência.