976 resultados para Distributed Network Protocol version 3 (DNP3)


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Questa dissertazione esamina le sfide e i limiti che gli algoritmi di analisi di grafi incontrano in architetture distribuite costituite da personal computer. In particolare, analizza il comportamento dell'algoritmo del PageRank così come implementato in una popolare libreria C++ di analisi di grafi distribuiti, la Parallel Boost Graph Library (Parallel BGL). I risultati qui presentati mostrano che il modello di programmazione parallela Bulk Synchronous Parallel è inadatto all'implementazione efficiente del PageRank su cluster costituiti da personal computer. L'implementazione analizzata ha infatti evidenziato una scalabilità negativa, il tempo di esecuzione dell'algoritmo aumenta linearmente in funzione del numero di processori. Questi risultati sono stati ottenuti lanciando l'algoritmo del PageRank della Parallel BGL su un cluster di 43 PC dual-core con 2GB di RAM l'uno, usando diversi grafi scelti in modo da facilitare l'identificazione delle variabili che influenzano la scalabilità. Grafi rappresentanti modelli diversi hanno dato risultati differenti, mostrando che c'è una relazione tra il coefficiente di clustering e l'inclinazione della retta che rappresenta il tempo in funzione del numero di processori. Ad esempio, i grafi Erdős–Rényi, aventi un basso coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso peggiore nei test del PageRank, mentre i grafi Small-World, aventi un alto coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso migliore. Anche le dimensioni del grafo hanno mostrato un'influenza sul tempo di esecuzione particolarmente interessante. Infatti, si è mostrato che la relazione tra il numero di nodi e il numero di archi determina il tempo totale.


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Mobile Mesh Network based In-Transit Visibility (MMN-ITV) system facilitates global real-time tracking capability for the logistics system. In-transit containers form a multi-hop mesh network to forward the tracking information to the nearby sinks, which further deliver the information to the remote control center via satellite. The fundamental challenge to the MMN-ITV system is the energy constraint of the battery-operated containers. Coupled with the unique mobility pattern, cross-MMN behavior, and the large-spanned area, it is necessary to investigate the energy-efficient communication of the MMN-ITV system thoroughly. First of all, this dissertation models the energy-efficient routing under the unique pattern of the cross-MMN behavior. A new modeling approach, pseudo-dynamic modeling approach, is proposed to measure the energy-efficiency of the routing methods in the presence of the cross-MMN behavior. With this approach, it could be identified that the shortest-path routing and the load-balanced routing is energy-efficient in mobile networks and static networks respectively. For the MMN-ITV system with both mobile and static MMNs, an energy-efficient routing method, energy-threshold routing, is proposed to achieve the best tradeoff between them. Secondly, due to the cross-MMN behavior, neighbor discovery is executed frequently to help the new containers join the MMN, hence, consumes similar amount of energy as that of the data communication. By exploiting the unique pattern of the cross-MMN behavior, this dissertation proposes energy-efficient neighbor discovery wakeup schedules to save up to 60% of the energy for neighbor discovery. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)-based inter-vehicle communications is by now growingly believed to enhance traffic safety and transportation management with low cost. The end-to-end delay is critical for the time-sensitive safety applications in VANETs, and can be a decisive performance metric for VANETs. This dissertation presents a complete analytical model to evaluate the end-to-end delay against the transmission range and the packet arrival rate. This model illustrates a significant end-to-end delay increase from non-saturated networks to saturated networks. It hence suggests that the distributed power control and admission control protocols for VANETs should aim at improving the real-time capacity (the maximum packet generation rate without causing saturation), instead of the delay itself. Based on the above model, it could be determined that adopting uniform transmission range for every vehicle may hinder the delay performance improvement, since it does not allow the coexistence of the short path length and the low interference. Clusters are proposed to configure non-uniform transmission range for the vehicles. Analysis and simulation confirm that such configuration can enhance the real-time capacity. In addition, it provides an improved trade off between the end-to-end delay and the network capacity. A distributed clustering protocol with minimum message overhead is proposed, which achieves low convergence time.


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In this Master’s Thesis a new Distributed Award Protocol (DAP) for robot communication and cooperation is presented. Task assignment (contract awarding) is done dynamically with contracts assigned to robots based upon the best bid received. Instead of having a manager and a contractor it is proposed a fully distributed bidding/awarding mechanism without a distinguished master. The best bidding robots are awarded with contract for execution. The contractors make decisions locally. This brings the following benefits: no communication bottleneck, low computational power requirement, increased robustness. DAP can handle multitasking. Tasks can be injected into system during the execution of already allocated tasks. As tasks have priorities, in the next cycle after taking into account actual bid parameters of all robots, tasks can be re-allocated. The aim is to minimize a global cost function which is a compromise between cost of task execution and cost of resources usage. Information about tasks and bid values is spread among robots with the use of a Round Robin Route, which is a novel solution proposed in this work. This method allows also identifying failed robots. Such failed robot is eliminated from the list of awarded robots and its replacement is found so the task is still executed by a team. If the failure of a robot was temporary (e.g. communication noise) and the robot can recover, it can again participate in the next bidding/awarding process. Using a bidding/awarding mechanism allows robots to dynamically relocate among tasks. This is also contributes to system robustness. DAP was evaluated through multiple experiments done in the multi-robot simulation system. Various scenarios were tested to check the idea of the main algorithm. Different failures of robots (communication failures, partial hardware malfunctions) were simulated and observations were made regarding how DAP recovers from them. Also the DAP flexibility to environment changes was watched. The experiments in the simulated environment confirmed the above features of DAP.


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Connection establishment is a fundamental function for any connection-oriented network protocol and the efficiency of this function defines the flexibility and responsiveness of the protocol. This process initializes data transmission and performs transmission parameters negotiation, what makes it mandatory process and integral part of entire transmission. Thus, the duration of the connection establishment will affect the transmission process duration. This paper describes an implementation of a handshake algorithm, designed for connection with multiple peers, that is used in Reliable Multi-Destination Transport(RMDT) protocol, its optimization and testing.


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Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Marine phytoplankton can evolve rapidly when confronted with aspects of climate change because of their large population sizes and fast generation times. Despite this, the importance of environment fluctuations, a key feature of climate change, has received little attention-selection experiments with marine phytoplankton are usually carried out in stable environments and use single or few representatives of a species, genus or functional group. Here we investigate whether and by how much environmental fluctuations contribute to changes in ecologically important phytoplankton traits such as C:N ratios and cell size, and test the variability of changes in these traits within the globally distributed species Ostreococcus. We have evolved 16 physiologically distinct lineages of Ostreococcus at stable high CO2 (1031±87?µatm CO2, SH) and fluctuating high CO2 (1012±244?µatm CO2, FH) for 400 generations. We find that although both fluctuation and high CO2 drive evolution, FH-evolved lineages are smaller, have reduced C:N ratios and respond more strongly to further increases in CO2 than do SH-evolved lineages. This indicates that environmental fluctuations are an important factor to consider when predicting how the characteristics of future phytoplankton populations will have an impact on biogeochemical cycles and higher trophic levels in marine food webs.


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The program PanTool was developed as a tool box like a Swiss Army Knife for data conversion and recalculation, written to harmonize individual data collections to standard import format used by PANGAEA. The format of input files the program PanTool needs is a tabular saved in plain ASCII. The user can create this files with a spread sheet program like MS-Excel or with the system text editor. PanTool is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.


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Ocean acidification (OA), induced by rapid anthropogenic CO2 rise and its dissolution in seawater, is known to have consequences for marine organisms. However, knowledge on the evolutionary responses of phytoplankton to OA has been poorly studied. Here we examined the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica, while growing it for 2000 generations under ambient and elevated CO2 levels. While OA stimulated growth in the earlier selection period (from generations 700 to 1550), it reduced it in the later selection period up to 2000 generations. Similarly, stimulated production of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen reduced with increasing selection period and decreased under OA up to 2000 generations. The specific adaptation of growth to OA disappeared in generations 1700 to 2000 when compared with that at 1000 generations. Both phenotypic plasticity and fitness decreased within selection time, suggesting that the species' resilience to OA decreased after 2000 generations under high CO2 selection.


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La normalización facilita la comunicación y permite el intercambio de información con cualquier institución nacional o internacional. Este objetivo es posible a través de los formatos de comunicación para intercambio de información automatizada como CEPAL, MARC., FCC.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional utiliza el software MICROISIS en red para la enseñanza. Las bases de datos que se diseñan utilizan el formato MARC y para la descripción bibliográfica las RCAA2.Se presenta la experiencia con la base de datos “I&D” sobre desarrollo rural, presentando la Tabla de Definición de Campos, la hoja de trabajo, el formato de despliegue y Tabla de selección de Campos.


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In this paper we present a novel distributed coding protocol for multi-user cooperative networks. The proposed distributed coding protocol exploits the existing orthogonal space-time block codes to achieve higher diversity gain by repeating the code across time and space (available relay nodes). The achievable diversity gain depends on the number of relay nodes that can fully decode the signal from the source. These relay nodes then form space-time codes to cooperatively relay to the destination using number of time slots. However, the improved diversity gain is archived at the expense of the transmission rate. The design principles of the proposed space-time distributed code and the issues related to transmission rate and diversity trade off is discussed in detail. We show that the proposed distributed space-time coding protocol out performs existing distributed codes with a variable transmission rate.


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IEC Technical Committee 57 (TC57) published a series of standards and technical reports for “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation” as the IEC 61850 series. Sampled value (SV) process buses allow for the removal of potentially lethal voltages and damaging currents inside substation control rooms and marshalling kiosks, reduce the amount of cabling required in substations, and facilitate the adoption of non-conventional instrument transformers. IEC 61850-9-2 provides an inter-operable solution to support multi-vendor process bus solutions. A time synchronisation system is required for a SV process bus, however the details are not defined in IEC 61850-9-2. IEEE Std 1588-2008, Precision Time Protocol version 2 (PTPv2), provides the greatest accuracy of network based time transfer systems, with timing errors of less than 100 ns achievable. PTPv2 is proposed by the IEC Smart Grid Strategy Group to synchronise IEC 61850 based substation automation systems. IEC 61850-9-2, PTPv2 and Ethernet are three complementary protocols that together define the future of sampled value digital process connections in substations. The suitability of PTPv2 for use with SV is evaluated, with preliminary results indicating that steady state performance is acceptable (jitter < 300 ns), and that extremely stable grandmaster oscillators are required to ensure SV timing requirements are met when recovering from loss of external synchronisation (such as GPS).


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SAP and its research partners have been developing a lan- guage for describing details of Services from various view- points called the Unified Service Description Language (USDL). At the time of writing, version 3.0 describes technical implementation aspects of services, as well as stakeholders, pricing, lifecycle, and availability. Work is also underway to address other business and legal aspects of services. This language is designed to be used in service portfolio management, with a repository of service descriptions being available to various stakeholders in an organisation to allow for service prioritisation, development, deployment and lifecycle management. The structure of the USDL metadata is specified using an object-oriented metamodel that conforms to UML, MOF and EMF Ecore. As such it is amenable to code gener-ation for implementations of repositories that store service description instances. Although Web services toolkits can be used to make these programming language objects available as a set of Web services, the practicalities of writing dis- tributed clients against over one hundred class definitions, containing several hundred attributes, will make for very large WSDL interfaces and highly inefficient “chatty” implementations. This paper gives the high-level design for a completely model-generated repository for any version of USDL (or any other data-only metamodel), which uses the Eclipse Modelling Framework’s Java code generation, along with several open source plugins to create a robust, transactional repository running in a Java application with a relational datastore. However, the repository exposes a generated WSDL interface at a coarse granularity, suitable for distributed client code and user-interface creation. It uses heuristics to drive code generation to bridge between the Web service and EMF granularities.


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X.509 public key certificates use a signature by a trusted certification authority to bind a given public key to a given digital identity. This document specifies how to use X.509 version 3 public key certificates in public key algorithms in the Secure Shell protocol.


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This paper presents a group maintenance scheduling case study for a water distributed network. This water pipeline network presents the challenge of maintaining aging pipelines with the associated increases in annual maintenance costs. The case study focuses on developing an effective maintenance plan for the water utility. Current replacement planning is difficult as it needs to balance the replacement needs under limited budgets. A Maintenance Grouping Optimization (MGO) model based on a modified genetic algorithm was utilized to develop an optimum group maintenance schedule over a 20-year cycle. The adjacent geographical distribution of pipelines was used as a grouping criterion to control the searching space of the MGO model through a Judgment Matrix. Based on the optimum group maintenance schedule, the total cost was effectively reduced compared with the schedules without grouping maintenance jobs. This optimum result can be used as a guidance to optimize the current maintenance plan for the water utility.