991 resultados para Digital image storage


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Although the hydrophobicity is usually an arduous parameter to be determined in the field, it has been pointed out as a good option to monitor aging of polymeric outdoor insulators. Concerning this purpose, digital image processing of photos taken from wet insulators has been the main technique nowadays. However, important challenges on this technique still remain to be overcome, such as; images from non-controlled illumination conditions can interfere on analyses and no existence of standard surfaces with different levels of hydrophobicity. In this paper, the photo image samples were digitally filtered to reduce the illumination influence, and hydrophobic surface samples were prepared from wetting silicon surfaces with solution of water-alcohol. Furthermore norevious studies triying to quantify and relate these properties in a mathematical function were found, that could be used in the field by the electrical companies. Based on such considerations, high quality images of countless hydrophobic surfaces were obtained and three different image processing methodologies, the fractal dimension and two Haralick textures descriptors, entropy and homogeneity, associated with several digital filters, were compared. The entropy parameter Haralick's descriptors filtered with the White Top-Hat filter presented the best result to classify the hydrophobicity.


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Morphometric investigations using a point and intersection counting strategy in the lung often are not able to reveal the full set of morphologic changes. This happens particularly when structural modifications are not expressed in terms of volume density changes and when rough and fine surface density alterations cancel each other at different magnifications. Making use of digital image processing, we present a methodological approach that allows to easily and quickly quantify changes of the geometrical properties of the parenchymal lung structure and reflects closely the visual appreciation of the changes. Randomly sampled digital images from light microscopic sections of lung parenchyma are filtered, binarized, and skeletonized. The lung septa are thus represented as a single-pixel wide line network with nodal points and end points and the corresponding internodal and end segments. By automatically counting the number of points and measuring the lengths of the skeletal segments, the lung architecture can be characterized and very subtle structural changes can be detected. This new methodological approach to lung structure analysis is highly sensitive to morphological changes in the parenchyma: it detected highly significant quantitative alterations in the structure of lungs of rats treated with a glucocorticoid hormone, where the classical morphometry had partly failed.


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Glucocorticoids (GC) are successfully applied in neonatology to improve lung maturation in preterm born babies. Animal studies show that GC can also impair lung development. In this investigation, we used a new approach based on digital image analysis. Microscopic images of lung parenchyma were skeletonised and the geometrical properties of the septal network characterised by analysing the 'skeletal' parameters. Inhibition of the process of alveolarisation after extensive administration of small doses of GC in newborn rats was confirmed by significant changes in the 'skeletal' parameters. The induced structural changes in the lung parenchyma were still present after 60 days in adult rats, clearly indicating a long lasting or even definitive impairment of lung development and maturation caused by GC. Conclusion: digital image analysis and skeletonisation proved to be a highly suited approach to assess structural changes in lung parenchyma.


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Monument conservation is related to the interaction between the original petrological parameters of the rock and external factors in the area where the building is sited, such as weather conditions, pollution, and so on. Depending on the environmental conditions and the characteristics of the materials used, different types of weathering predominate. In all, the appearance of surface crusts constitutes a first stage, whose origin can often be traced to the properties of the material itself. In the present study, different colours of “patinas” were distinguished by defining the threshold levels of greys associated with “pathology” in the histogram. These data were compared to background information and other parameters, such as mineralogical composition, porosity, and so on, as well as other visual signs of deterioration. The result is a map of the pathologies associated with “cover films” on monuments, which generate images by relating colour characteristics to desired properties or zones of interest.


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Mining in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the biggest VMS metallogenetic province known in the world to date, has to face a deep crisis in spite of the huge reserves still known after ≈5 000 years of production. This is due to several factors, as the difficult processing of complex Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag- Au ores, the exhaustion of the oxidation zone orebodies (the richest for gold, in gossan), the scarce demand for sulphuric acid in the world market, and harder environmental regulations. Of these factors, only the first and the last mentioned can be addressed by local ore geologists. A reactivation of mining can therefore only be achieved by an improved and more efficient ore processing, under the constraint of strict environmental controls. Digital image analysis of the ores, coupled to reflected light microscopy, provides a quantified and reliable mineralogical and textural characterization of the ores. The automation of the procedure for the first time furnishes the process engineers with real-time information, to improve the process and to preclude or control pollution; it can be applied to metallurgical tailings as well. This is shown by some examples of the IPB.


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Digital image correlation (DIC) is applied to analyzing the deformation mechanisms under transverse compression in a fiber-reinforced composite. To this end, compression tests in a direction perpendicular to the fibers were carried out inside a scanning electron microscope and secondary electron images obtained at different magnifications during the test. Optimum DIC parameters to resolve the displacement and strain field were computed from numerical simulations of a model composite and they were applied to micrographs obtained at different magnifications (250_, 2000_, and 6000_). It is shown that DIC of low-magnification micrographs was able to capture the long range fluctuations in strain due to the presence of matrix-rich and fiber-rich zones, responsible for the onset of damage. At higher magnification, the strain fields obtained with DIC qualitatively reproduce the non-homogeneous deformation pattern due to the presence of stiff fibers dispersed in a compliant matrix and provide accurate results of the average composite strain. However, comparison with finite element simulations revealed that DIC was not able to accurately capture the average strain in each phase.


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In recent years, interest in digital watermarking has grown significantly. Indeed, the use of digital watermarking techniques is seen as a promising mean to protect intellectual property rights of digital data and to ensure the authentication of digital data. Thus, a significant research effort has been devoted to the study of practical watermarking systems, in particular for digital images. In this thesis, a practical and principled approach to the problem is adopted. Several aspects of practical watermarking schemes are investigated. First, a power constaint formulation of the problem is presented. Then, a new analysis of quantisation effects on the information rate of digital watermarking scheme is proposed and compared to other approaches suggested in the literature. Subsequently, a new information embedding technique, based on quantisation, is put forward and its performance evaluated. Finally, the influence of image data representation on the performance of practical scheme is studied along with a new representation based on independent component analysis.


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The aim of this Interdisciplinary Higher Degrees project was the development of a high-speed method of photometrically testing vehicle headlamps, based on the use of image processing techniques, for Lucas Electrical Limited. Photometric testing involves measuring the illuminance produced by a lamp at certain points in its beam distribution. Headlamp performance is best represented by an iso-lux diagram, showing illuminance contours, produced from a two-dimensional array of data. Conventionally, the tens of thousands of measurements required are made using a single stationary photodetector and a two-dimensional mechanical scanning system which enables a lamp's horizontal and vertical orientation relative to the photodetector to be changed. Even using motorised scanning and computerised data-logging, the data acquisition time for a typical iso-lux test is about twenty minutes. A detailed study was made of the concept of using a video camera and a digital image processing system to scan and measure a lamp's beam without the need for the time-consuming mechanical movement. Although the concept was shown to be theoretically feasible, and a prototype system designed, it could not be implemented because of the technical limitations of commercially-available equipment. An alternative high-speed approach was developed, however, and a second prototype syqtem designed. The proposed arrangement again uses an image processing system, but in conjunction with a one-dimensional array of photodetectors and a one-dimensional mechanical scanning system in place of a video camera. This system can be implemented using commercially-available equipment and, although not entirely eliminating the need for mechanical movement, greatly reduces the amount required, resulting in a predicted data acquisiton time of about twenty seconds for a typical iso-lux test. As a consequence of the work undertaken, the company initiated an 80,000 programme to implement the system proposed by the author.