171 resultados para Digging


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Many observations show that seismic anisotropy is very common in the crust and upper mantle of the Earth. Seismic anisotropy can provide some clue about the changing and transporting process inside the earth. in recent years, abundant earthquake travel time data are accumulated, computers become more powerful, and these make the inversion of earthquake travel time data practical. In this thesis we studied the theory of elastic wave in anisotropic media, some formule for travel time inversion were derived. We present an iterative procedure to determine 21 elastic parameters from qP wave travel times. No a priori assumptions about heterogeneity and anisotropy of the model are made. The procedure is suitable for the case when we know nothing about the symmetry of anisotropy of the media, as well as for the case of earthquake travel time inversion which may contain various symmetry of anisotropy. The procedure is tested with a synthetic multiple-source offset VSP experiment. The results proved that the formulae are correct, and the procedure is practical. The results and the related theory indicate that the anisotropic inversion needs more rays than isotropic case. For a 2-D weak anisotropic (WA) medium, we need at least 5 rays in different directions to retrieve the elastic parameters on one grid point, and for a 3-D WA medium we need at least 15 rays in different directions to retrieve the elastic parameters on one grid point. The results also indicate that the starting background velocity has no influence on the final results, at least for the model we specified. Our results also show that insufficient illumination coverage will slow down the convergence rate, and make the results more sensitive to noise. We apply the procedure to a set of field travel time data. The data is from an artificial seismic observation. This observation is for locating micro-seismic events around a tunnel, its purpose is to find out if the digging process and the stress condition around the tunnel can generate micro-cracks. The size of this area is around 100m. The anisotropy derived from qP travel times is the same as the anisotropy showed by apparent velocities, and is also consistent with the anisotropy derived from S-wave splitting phenomena.


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Different reproductive strategies of males and females may lead to the evolution of differences in their energetic costs of reproduction, overall energetic requirements and physiological performances. Sexual dimorphism is often associated with costly behaviours (e.g. large males might have a competitive advantage in fighting, which is energetically expensive). However, few studies of mammals have directly compared the energy costs of reproductive activities between sexes. We compared the daily energy expenditure (DEE) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) of males and females of two species of mole-rat, Bathyergus janetta and Georychus capensis (the former is sexually dimorphic in body size and the latter is not) during a period of intense digging when males seek females. We hypothesized that large body size might be indicative of greater digging or fighting capabilities, and hence greater mass-independent DEE values in males of the sexually dimorphic species. In contrast to this prediction, although absolute values of DEE were greater in B. janetta males, mass-independent values were not. No differences were apparent between sexes in G. capensis. By comparison, although RMR values were greater in B. janetta than G. capensis, no differences were apparent between the sexes for either species. The energy cost of dimorphism is most likely to be the cost of maintenance of a large body size, and not the cost of behaviours performed when an individual is large.


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Two Old English versions of a sunshine prognostication survive in the mid-eleventh century Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 391, p. 713, and in a twelfth-century addition to Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 115, 149v–150r. Among standard predictions promising joy, peace, blossom, abundance of milk and fruit, and a great baptism sent by God, one encounters an enigmatic prophecy which involves camels stealing gold from the ants. These gold-digging ants have a long pedigree, one which links Old English with much earlier literature and indicates the extent to which Anglo-Saxon culture had assimilated traditions of European learning. It remains difficult to say what is being prophesied, however, or to explain the presence of the passage among conventional predictions. Whether the prediction was merely a literary exercise or carried a symbolic implication, it must have originated in an ecclesiastical context. Its mixture of classical learning and vernacular tradition, Greek and Latin, folklore and Christian, implies an author with some knowledge of literary and scholarly traditions.


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Animal populations generally increase after release from hunting pressure and/or cessation of illegal persecution. Implementation of full legislative protection of the Eurasian badger Meles meles in Great Britain is thought to have led to increases in badger abundance due to reduced levels of persecution. Conversely, prevalence of badger persecution in Northern Ireland was historically much higher than in Great Britain, and badger abundance remained stable over time despite similar legislative protection. We examined temporal changes in the prevalence of badger sett disturbance in Northern Ireland from 1990/1993 to 2007/2008 in relation to population status. A total of 56 (12.6%) of 445 setts surveyed during 1990/1993 had been disturbed compared to 29 (4.4%) of 653 setts during 2007/2008. This was a significant decline (-65%) in the incidence of sett disturbance over the 14–18-year period. Most notably, the incidence of digging at badger setts, indicative of local badger baiting activity, declined from 50% to 3.5% of disturbed setts. Signs of recent disturbance were significantly more frequent at disused setts suggesting that once disturbed, badgers may vacate a sett. The number of badger social groups in Northern Ireland did not differ between the two study periods, suggesting that previously high levels of badger persecution did not limit the number of badger social groups. The stability of the badger population in Northern Ireland compared to the growing population in Great Britain cannot be attributed to changes in the prevalence of persecution. Differences in the trajectories of both populations could be due to a range of factors including climate, habitat composition and structure, farming practices or food availability. More work is needed to determine how such factors influence badger population dynamics.


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Exploitation of intertidal Zostera spp by Pale-bellied Brent geese Branta bernicla hrota in Strangford Lough, Co. Down, was studied with respect to feeding method employed, plant parts exploited, the quality of the forage, and assimilation efficiency. Most Brent geese feeding activity involved digging behaviour, which, along with faecal analyses, indicated that birds were exploiting above (shoot) and below ground portions (rhizome) of the food plant. Nutritional information indicated that while rhizome was lower in overall energy, it contained more accessible energy in the form of water soluble carbohydrate and was lower in indigestible fibre than shoot. Feeding experiments indicated that Brent geese feeding on whole plants of Zostera noltii achieved 43% assimilation efficiency. Dig feeding of intertidal Zostera spp by Brent geese is likely to significantly increase the amount and quality of the forage available. Why dig feeding is not employed on all intertidal systems, and its potential effects on the food plants are discussed.


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Os anelídeos poliquetas são elementos importantes em ambientes estuarinos e costeiros, pela sua elevada biodiversidade e abundância e pelo papel que têm nas cadeias tróficas. Algumas espécies são intensivamente exploradas para serem utilizadas como isco na pesca desportiva e profissional, como é o caso de Diopatra neapolitana. Apesar da importância económica, existem poucos estudos sobre a sua biologia e ecologia. No decorrer deste estudo foram identificadas duas outras espécies do género Diopatra em Portugal: D. marocensis, inicialmente descrita para a costa de Marrocos e cuja distribuição actual se sabe estender-se a toda a costa Portuguesa e Norte de Espanha e, D. micrura, espécie nova para a ciência. O presente estudo tem como objectivos principais estudar a diversidade e reprodução do género Diopatra, bem como a capacidade de regeneração da espécie D. neapolitana. Este trabalho aborda a distribuição espacial de D. marocensis ao longo da costa Portuguesa e descreve a espécie D. micrura, uma nova espécie do género Diopatra Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1833. As três espécies coabitam em águas transicionais, onde as espécies D. micrura e D. marocensis facilmente se confundem com juvenis de D. neapolitana. Foi realizada uma comparação morfológica e genética entre as três espécies. A espécie D. neapolitana coexiste em algumas áreas da Ria de Aveiro com a D. marocensis. Apesar destas duas espécies apresentarem padrões reprodutivos muito diferentes, Maio a Agosto é o período principal para a reprodução de ambas as espécies. D. neapolitana apresenta um desenvolvimento larvar planctónico, e os óocitos presentes na cavidade celómica são esverdeados e apresentam um diâmetro de 40-240 μm (média = 164.39±40.79 μm) e as fêmeas contêm no celoma milhares de óocitos. Contrariamente, a espécie D. marocensis reproduz-se por desenvolvimento directo no interior do tubo parental. Os óocitos observados no celoma são amarelos com um diâmetro entre 180 e 740 μm (média = 497.65 ± 31.38 μm) e o seu número varia entre 44 e 624 (276.85 ± 161.54). Por seu turno, o número de ovos observados no interior dos tubos varia entre 75 e 298, com um diâmetro entre 600 e 660 μm, e o número de larvas entre 60 e 194. A proporção machos: fêmeas foi de 1:1 para a população de D. neapolitana e entre 1:2 e 1:4 para a população de D. marocensis, em que as fêmeas dominam a população durante todo o ano. O estudo da capacidade de regeneração da espécie D. neapolitana, avaliada a partir de experiências de laboratório, revelou que esta espécie é capaz de sobreviver à perda de alguns setígeros. Durante a captura de D. neapolitana para vender como isco são normalmente cortados mais de 20 setígeros e de acordo com os nossos resultados a extremidade posterior que fica no tubo não é capaz de regenerar a extremidade anterior; a espécie consegue no entanto recuperar de ataques por predadores.


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Atualmente, a escavação de poços em locais densamente ocupados requer medidas severas para reduzir riscos e possíveis influências quer na própria obra quer em estruturas próximas. Neste campo, a instrumentação geotécnica e a sua monitorização tem um papel determinante na execução de obras geotécnicas, sendo que neste trabalho é dado um especial realce à instrumentação utilizada, às atividades de observação geotécnica, bem como à análise e interpretação das leituras para o controlo de movimentos induzidos no terreno pelas escavações. Este acompanhamento é baseado num plano de instrumentação, sendo descrito de uma forma transversal a importância do projeto e em particular das fases do processo de investigação geotécnica. O acompanhamento da execução dos poços para a futura Estação da Reboleira, permitiu validar as soluções de projeto para um determinado método construtivo, determinadas através de métodos numéricos e semi-empíricos, e abordados neste trabalho. A monitorização sistemática desde o início das escavações até ao revestimento secundário, permitiu tecer apreciações sobre os valores obtidos, apresentando-se alguns registos. Todas estas ações visam controlar e antecipar riscos de acidentes provocados pela execução de escavações, pelo que nesta tese é também realçada a importância da segurança e higiene no trabalho na prevenção dos riscos profissionais, independentemente da sua origem.


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Digging the foundation of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, 1997. Architect: Dworsky Associates; Contractor: Turner Construction.


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Digging the foundation for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1997. Turner Construction, contractor.


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Digging the foundation for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1997. Turner Construction, contractor.


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Digging the foundation for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1997. Turner Construction, contractor.


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- The first part of the document traces Mr. Haile’s lineage. His father, James Haile was a farmer. His grandfather, Amos Haile was a sailor for the early part of his life. He was placed on a British man-of- war in about 1758. He escaped and settled in Putney. (p.1) - His father’s mother’s maiden name was Parker. His mother’s maiden name was Campbell. Her father was a captain in the Revolutionary Army. (p.2) - His earliest memories revolve around the death of his aunt and the funeral of General Washington (although he did not witness this). At the time, his father was a Lieutenant in a regiment militia of Light Dragoons who wore red coats. (p.3) - In 1804, an addition was added to the Haile house which necessitated that William was to stay home to help with the building. He continued to study and read on his own. He was particularly interested in Napoleon Bonaparte’s victories. In that same year he was sent to Fairfield Academy where Reverend Caleb Alexander was the principal. (p.4) - On June 1, 1812, William was appointed as an Ensign in the Infantry of the Army of the United States. He was put into the recruiting service at Nassau (20 miles east of Albany) where he remained until September. (p.4) - He was assigned to the 11th Regiment of the W.S. Infantry and directed to proceed to Plattsburgh to report to Colonel Isaac Clark. (p.7) - He was assigned to the company commanded by Captain Samuel H. Halley who was not in the best of health and often absent. For a good part of the time William was in charge of the company. (p.8) - The 11th Regiment was encamped beside the 15th Regiment commanded by Col. Zebulon Montgomery Pike [Pike’s Peak was named after him]. Col. Pike generously drilled and disciplined the 11th Regiment since their officers didn’t seem capable of doing so. (p.8) - The first brigade to which William’s regiment was attached to was commanded by Brigadier General Bloomfield of New Jersey. Brigadier Chandler of Maine commanded the second brigade. (p.9) - At the beginning of November, Major General Dearborn took command of the army. He had been a good officer in his time, but William refers to him as “old and inefficient” earning him the nickname “Granny Dearborn” (p.9) - On November 17th, 1812, General Dearborn moved north with his army. The troops ended up in Champlain. There was no fighting, only a skirmish between a party of men under Colonel Pike and a few British troops who he succeeded in capturing. (p.10) - The troops were moved to barracks for the winter. Colonel Pike’s troops were put into suitable barracks and kept healthy but another part of the army (including the 11th Regiment) were sent to a barracks of green lumber north of Burlington. Disease soon broke out in the damp barracks and the hundreds of deaths soon followed. One morning, William counted 22 bodies who had died the previous night. He puts a lot of this down to an inexperienced commanding officer, General Chandler. (p.11) - At the beginning of 1813, William was stationed as a recruiter on the shore of Shoreham across from Fort Ticonderoga. In February, he returned to Burlington with his recruits. In March he received an order from General Chandler to proceed to Whitehall and take charge of the stores and provisions. In April and May it was decided that his half of the regiment (the First Battalion) should march to Sackett’s Harbour, Lake Ontario. They arrived at Sackett’s Harbour about the 10th of June, a few days after the Battle of Sackett’s Harbour. (p.12) - He was camped near the site of Fort Oswego and got word to head back to Sackett’s Harbour. A storm overtook the schooner that he was on. (p.14) - William was involved in the Battle of Williamsburg (or Chrysler’s Farm) which he calls a “stupid and bungling affair on the part of our generals”.(p. 18) - General Covington was wounded and died a few days after the battle. (p.19) - William speaks of being ill. The troops were ordered to march to Buffalo, but he is able to go to his father’s house in Fairfield where his mother nursed him back to health (p.23) - Upon arrival at Buffalo, the “old fogy Generals” were replaced with younger, more efficient men. (p.25) - On page 27 he sums up a few facts: In 1812, the army was assembled on Lake Champlain with the intention of capturing Montreal, and then Quebec. That year, under General Dearborn the army marched as far as Champlain, then turned back and went into winter quarters. In 1813, the army was assembled at Sackett’s Harbour and that year the campaign ended at French Mills which was 70 or 80 miles from Montreal. In 1814, the army at Buffalo were some 400 miles from Montreal with still the same object in view. - He says that these facts make “a riddle – difficult to explain”. (p.27) - On the evening of July 2nd they embarked on the boats with the objective of capturing Fort Erie. The enemy were all made prisoners of war (p.27) - On July 4th they went to Street’s Creek, 2 miles above the Chippewa [Chippawa] River (p.28) - Page 29 is titled The Battle of Chippewa [Chippawa] - He speaks of 2 drummers who were fighting over the possession of a drum when a cannonball came along and took of both of their heads (p.29) - He proclaims that this was one of the “most brilliant battles of the war”. The battle was fought and won in less than an hour after they left their tents. He credits General Scott with this success and states that was due to his rapid orders and movements. (p.30) - The dead of the battle remained on the field during the night. He describes this as quite gloomy seeing friend and foe lying side by side. At daybreak they set to work digging trenches to bury the dead. (p.31) - Colonel Campbell was wounded and advised to have his leg amputated. He refused, and subsequently died. (p.32) - It is said that the British threw several of their dead into the river and they went over the Falls. (p.32) - His troops repaired the bridge over Chippawa which the enemy had partially destroyed and then pursued the British as far as Queenston Heights. (p.32) - On pages 33 and 34 he speaks about meeting an old friend of his, Philip Harter. - The account ends at Queenston Heights


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Using this metaphoric framework as a starting point, I would like to focus on the characteristics of the District Six Museum which extend its work beyond being that of representation (of traumatic memory). Representation signifies in some ways distance and separation, a telling of a story depicted for others. The work of the Museum is more akin to what could broadly speaking be described as ‘engagement’. Although this is word is much over-used, it nonetheless indicates more closely an embodied practice which invites personal insertion, empathy and emplacement. It includes a whole range of sense-making practices by those closest to the Museum’s story – the dispossessed ex-residents – who participate in the memorialisation practices of the Museum in both harmonious and dissonant ways. The architectural metaphor of this seminar is key to this approach, indicating a practice which is constructed and layered, fixed yet changeable. It speaks to a spectrum of activities related to the imperatives to develop as well as conserve – elements which are central to the Museum’s work in relation to the process of return and restitution. To signify the unfinished business of representation, the permanent exhibition is called Digging Deeper, a framework which allows for an always further uncovering of facts, meanings and perspectives.


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This article describes work undertaken by the VERA project to investigate how archaeologists work with information technology (IT) on excavation sites. We used a diary study to research the usual patterns of behaviour of archaeologists digging the Silchester Roman town site during the summer of 2007. Although recording had previously been undertaken using pen and paper, during the 2007 season a part of the dig was dedicated to trials of IT and archaeologists used digital pens and paper and Nokia N800 handheld PDAs to record their work. The goal of the trial was to see whether it was possible to record data from the dig whilst still on site, rather than waiting until after the excavation to enter it into the Integrated Archaeological Database (IADB) and to determine whether the archaeologists found the new technology helpful. The digital pens were a success, however, the N800s were not successful given the extreme conditions on site. Our findings confirmed that it was important that technology should fit in well with the work being undertaken rather than being used for its own sake, and should respect established work flows. We also found that the quality of data being entered was a recurrent concern as was the reliability of the infrastructure and equipment.


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Effective conservation of important bird areas requires insight in the number of birds an area can support, and how this carrying capacity changes with habitat modifications. When food depletion is the dominant mechanism of competition, it should in principle be possible to calculate the total time foragers can spend per patch from their functional response (intake rate as a function of food density). However, in the field there are likely to be factors modulating the functional response. In this study previously published results of experiments on captive Bewick's swans were used to obtain functional responses of swans digging for tubers of Fennel pondweed on different foraging substrates: sandy and clayey sediment, and in shallow and deep water. In a field study, four 250×250 m sections belonging to different types (sandy–shallow, clayey–shallow, sandy–deep and clayey–deep) were delineated. Here tubers were sampled with sediment corers in three years, both before and after swan exploitation in autumn, and swans were observed and mapped from a hide in two of these years. Giving-up tuber biomass densities varied among sections. Substitution of these giving-up densities in the derived patch-type-specific functional responses yielded the quitting net energy intake rates in the four sections. As expected from the marginal value theorem, the quitting net energy intake rates did not vary among sections. Moreover, the observed foraging pressure (total foraging time per area) per patch type was in quantitative agreement with the integrated functional responses. These results suggest that in spatially heterogeneous environments, patch exploitation by foragers can be predicted from their functional responses after accounting for foraging substrate.