304 resultados para Dictyostelium Orthologs


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Actin polymerization drives multiple cell processes involving movement and shape change. SCAR/WAVE proteins connect signaling to actin polymerization through the activation of the Arp2/3 complex. SCAR/WAVE is normally found in a complex with four other proteins: PIR121, Nap1, Abi2,and HSPC300 (Figure S1A available online) [1-3]. However,there is no consensus as to whether the complex functions as an unchanging unit or if it alters its composition in response to stimulation, as originally proposed by Edenet al. [1]. It also is unclear whether complex members exclusively regulate SCAR/WAVEs or if they have additional targets [4-6]. Here, we analyze the roles of the unique Dictyostelium Abi. We find that abiA null mutants show less severe defects in motility than do scar null cells, indicating--unexpectedly--that SCAR retains partial activity in the absence of Abi. Furthermore, abiA null mutants have a serious defect in cytokinesis, which is not seen in other SCAR complex mutants and is seen only when SCAR itself is present. Detailed examination reveals that normal cytokinesis requires SCAR activity, apparently regulated through multiple pathways.


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Dictyostelium is a popular experimental organism, in particular for studies of actin dynamics, cell motility and chemotaxis. We find that the motility of axenic cells is unexpectedly different from other strains during growth. In particular, vegetative AX3 cells do not show detectable localisation of SCAR and its regulatory complex to actin-rich protrusions such as filopodia and pseudopodia. Similarly, a range of different mutations, in particular knockouts of members of the SCAR complex and Ras proteins, cause different phenotypes during vegetative growth in different parental strains. Development reverses this unusual behaviour; aggregation-competent AX3 cells localise SCAR in the same way as cells of other strains and species. Studies on cell motility using vegetative cells should therefore be interpreted with caution.


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To investigate protein import into the mitochondria of Dictyostelium discoideum, green fluorescent protein (GFP) was fused as a reporter protein either to variable lengths of the N-terminal region of chaperonin 60 (the first 23, 40, 80, 97, and 150 amino acids) or to the mitochondrial targeting sequence of DNA topoisomerase II. The fusion proteins were expressed in AX2 cells under the actin-15 promoter. Fluorescence images of GFP transformants confirmed that Dictyostelium chaperonin 60 is a mitochondrial protein. The level of the mitochondrially targeted GFP fusion proteins was unexpectedly much lower than the nontargeted (cytoplasmic) forms. The distinction between targeted and nontargeted protein activities was investigated at both the transcriptional and translational levels in vivo. We found that targeting GFP to the mitochondria results in reduced levels of the fusion protein even though transcription of the fusion gene and the stability of the protein are unaffected. [35S]methionine labeling and GFP immunoprecipitation confirmed that mitochondrially targeted GFP is translated at much slower rates than nontargeted GFP. The results indicate a novel phenomenon, import-associated translational inhibition, whereby protein import into the mitochondria limits the rate of translation. The simplest explanation for this is that import of the GFP fusion proteins occurs cotranslationally, i.e., protein synthesis and import into mitochondria are coupled events. Consistent with cotranslational import, Northern analysis showed that the GFP mRNA is associated with isolated mitochondria. This association occurred regardless of whether the GFP was fused to a mitochondrial leader peptide. However, the presence of an import-competent leader peptide stabilized the mRNA-mitochondria association, rendering it more resistant to extensive EDTA washing. In contrast with GFP, the mRNA of another test protein, aequorin, did not associate with the mitochondria, and its translation was unaffected by import of the encoded polypeptide into the mitochondria.


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Human patients with mitochondrial diseases are more susceptible to bacterial infections, particularly of the respiratory tract. To investigate the susceptibility of mitochondrially diseased cells to an intracellular bacterial respiratory pathogen, we exploited the advantages of Dictyostelium discoideum as an established model for mitochondrial disease and for Legionella pneumophila pathogenesis. Legionella infection of macrophages involves recruitment of mitochondria to the Legionella-containing phagosome. We confirm here that this also occurs in Dictyostelium and investigate the effect of mitochondrial dysfunction on host cell susceptibility to Legionella. In mitochondrially diseased Dictyostelium strains, the pathogen was taken up at normal rates, but it grew faster and reached counts that were twofold higher than in the wild-type host. We reported previously that other mitochondrial disease phenotypes for Dictyostelium are the result of the activity of an energy-sensing cellular alarm protein, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Here, we show that the increased ability of mitochondrially diseased cells to support Legionella proliferation is suppressed by antisense-inhibiting expression of the catalytic AMPKα subunit. Conversely, mitochondrial dysfunction is phenocopied, and intracellular Legionella growth is enhanced, by overexpressing an active form of AMPKα in otherwise normal cells. These results indicate that AMPK signalling in response to mitochondrial dysfunction enhances Legionella proliferation in host cells.


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The correct identification of all human genes, and their derived transcripts, has not yet been achieved, and it remains one of the major aims of the worldwide genomics community. Computational programs suggest the existence of 30,000 to 40,000 human genes. However, definitive gene identification can only be achieved by experimental approaches. We used two distinct methodologies, one based on the alignment of mouse orthologous sequences to the human genome, and another based on the construction of a high-quality human testis cDNA library, in an attempt to identify new human transcripts within the human genome sequence. We generated 47 complete human transcript sequences, comprising 27 unannotated and 20 annotated sequences. Eight of these transcripts are variants of previously known genes. These transcripts were characterized according to size, number of exons, and chromosomal localization, and a search for protein domains was undertaken based on their putative open reading frames. In silico expression analysis suggests that some of these transcripts are expressed at low levels and in a restricted set of tissues.


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The unicellular amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum embarks on a developmental program upon starvation. During development, extracellular oscillatory cAMP signaling orchestrates the chemotaxis-mediated aggregation of ∼105 amoebae and is required for optimal induction of so-called pulse-induced genes. This requirement for pulsatile CAMP reflects adaptation of the cAMP-receptor-mediated pathways that regulate these genes. Through examination of a collection of pulse-induced genes, we defined two distinct gene classes based on their induction kinetics and the impact of mutations that impair PKA signaling. The first class (represented by D2 and prtA) is highly dependent on PKA signaling, whereas the second class (represented by carA, gpaB, and acaA) is not. Analysis of expression kinetics revealed that these classes are sequentially expressed with the PKA-independent genes peaking in expression before the PKA-dependent class. Experiments with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of translation, demonstrated that the pulse induction of both classes depends on new protein synthesis early in development. carA and gpaB also exhibit pulse-independent, starvation-induced expression which, unlike their pulse induction, was found to be insensitive to cycloheximide added at the outset of starvation. This result indicates that the mechanism of starvation induction pre-exists in growing cells and is distinct from the pulse induction mechanism for these genes. In order to identify cis-acting elements that are critical for induction of carA, we constructed a GFP reporter controlled by a 914-base-pair portion of its promoter and verified that its expression was PKA-independent, pulse-inducible, and developmentally regulated like the endogenous carA gene. By a combination of truncation, internal deletion, and site-directed mutation, we defined several distinct functional elements within the carA promoter, including a 39-bp region required for pulse induction between base pairs -321 and -282 (relative to the transcription start site), a 131-bp region proximal to the start site that is sufficient for starvation induction, and two separate enhancer domains. Identification of factors that interact with these promoter elements and genetic approaches exploiting the GFP reporter described here should help complete our understanding of the mechanisms regulating these genes, including adaptation mechanisms that likely also govern chemotaxis of Dictyostelium and mammalian cells. ^


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The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, undergoes a remarkable starvation-induced program of development that transforms a population of unicellular amoebae into a fruiting body composed of resistant spores suspended on a stalk. During this development, secreted cAMP drives chemotaxis of the amoebae, leading to their aggregation, and subsequent differentiation and morphogenesis. Four sequentially expressed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for cAMP play critical roles in this process. The first of these, cAR1, is essential for aggregation as it mediates chemotaxis as well as the propagation of secreted cAMP waves throughout aggregating populations. Ligand-induced internalization has been shown to regulate a variety of GPCRs. However, little was known at the outset of this study about the role of internalization in the regulation of cAR1 function or, for that matter, in developmental systems in general. For this study, cAMP-induced cAR1 internalization was assessed by measuring (1) the reduction of cell surface binding sites for [ 3H]cAMP and (2) the redistribution of YFP-tagged receptors to the cell's interior, cAMP was found to induce little or no loss of ligand binding (LLB) in vegetative cells. However, the ability to induce LLB increased progressively over the initial 6 hrs of development, reaching ∼70% in cells undergoing aggregation. Despite these reductions in surface binding, detectable cAR1-YFP redistribution could be induced by cAMP only after the cells reached the mound stage (10 hrs) and was found to occur naturally by the ensuing slug stage (18 hrs). Site-directed substitution of a cluster of 5 serines in the receptor's cytoplasmic tail that was previously shown to be the principal site of cAMP-induced cAR1 phosphorylation impaired both LLB and receptor redistribution and furthermore resulted in mound-stage developmental arrest, suggesting that phosphorylation of cAR1 is a prerequisite for its internalization and that cAR1 internalization is required for post-aggregative development. To assess the involvement of clathrin mediated endocytosis, Dictyostelium cells lacking the clathrin light chain gene (clc-) or either of two dynamin genes were examined and found to be defective in LLB and, in the case of clc- cells, also cAR1 redistribution and turnover. Furthermore, cAR1 overexpression in clc- cells (like the serine mutant in wild-type cells) promoted developmental arrest in mounds. The mound-arrest phenotype was also recapitulated in a wild-type background by the specific expression of cAR1 in prestalk cells (but not prespore cells), suggesting that development depends critically on internalization and clearance of cAR1 from these cells. Persistent cAR1 expression following aggregation was found to be associated with aberrant expression of prestalk and prespore genes, which may adversely affect development in the prestalk cell lineage. The PI3 kinase-TORC2 signal transduction pathway, known to be important for Dictyostelium chemotaxis and internalization of yeast pheromone receptors, was examined using chemical inhibitors and null cells and found to be necessary for cAR1 internalization. In conclusion, cAR1 was shown to be similar to other GPCRs in that its internalization depends on phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain serines, utilizes clathrin and dynamin, and involves the TORC2 complex. In addition, the findings presented here that cAR1 internalization is both developmentally regulated and required for normal development represent a novel regulatory paradigm that might pertain to other GPCRs known to play important roles in the development of humans and other metazoans. ^


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Dictyostelium, a soil amoeba, is able to develop from free-living cells to multicellular fruiting bodies upon starvation using extracellular cAMP to mediate cell-cell communication, chemotaxis and developmental gene expression. The seven transmembrane G protein-coupled cAMP receptor-1 (cAR1) mediated responses, such as the activation of adenylyl cyclase and guanylyl cyclase, are transient, due to the existence of poorly understood adaptation mechanisms. For this dissertation, the powerful genetics of the Dictyostelium system was employed to study the adaptation mechanism of cAR1-mediated cAMP signaling as well as mechanisms intrinsic to cAR1 that regulate its activation. ^ We proposed that constitutively active cAR1 would cause constant adaptation, thus inhibiting downstream pathways that are essential for aggregation and development. Therefore, a screen for dominant negative cAR1 mutants was undertaken to identify constitutively active receptor mutants. Three dominant negative cAR1 mutants were identified. All appear to be constitutively active receptor mutants because they are constitutively phosphorylated and possess high affinity for cAMP. Biochemical studies showed that these mutant receptors prevented the activation of downstream effectors, including adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. In addition, these cells also were defective in cAMP chemotaxis and cAR1-mediated gene expression. These findings suggest that the mutant receptors block development by constantly activating multiple adaptation pathways. ^ Sequence analysis revealed that these mutations (I104N, L100H) are clustered in a conserved region of the third transmembrane helix (TM3) of cAR1. To investigate the role of this region in receptor activation, one of these residues, I104, was mutated to all the other 19 possible amino acids. We found that all but the most conservative substitutions increase the receptor's affinity about 20- to 70-fold. However, only highly polar substitutions of I104, particularly basic residues, resulted in receptors that are constitutively phosphorylated and dominantly inhibit development, suggesting that highly polar substitutions not only disrupt an interaction constraining the receptor in its low-affinity, inactive state but also promote an additional conformational change that resembles the ligand-bound conformation. Our findings suggest that I104 plays a specific role in constraining the receptor in its inactive state and that substituting it with highly polar residues results in constitutive activation. ^


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Whereas it is relatively easy to account for the formation of concentric (target) waves of cAMP in the course of Dictyostelium discoideum aggregation after starvation, the origin of spiral waves remains obscure. We investigate a physiologically plausible mechanism for the spontaneous formation of spiral waves of cAMP in D. discoideum. The scenario relies on the developmental path associated with the continuous changes in the activity of enzymes such as adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase observed during the hours that follow starvation. These changes bring the cells successively from a nonexcitable state to an excitable state in which they relay suprathreshold cAMP pulses, and then to autonomous oscillations of cAMP, before the system returns to an excitable state. By analyzing a model for cAMP signaling based on receptor desensitization, we show that the desynchronization of cells on this developmental path triggers the formation of fully developed spirals of cAMP. Developmental paths that do not correspond to the sequence of dynamic transitions no relay-relay-oscillations-relay are less able or fail to give rise to the formation of spirals.


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Cross-linked antigens on the surface of a motile cell cap at the trailing end of the cell. In Dictyostelium discoideum, myosin II null mutants have previously been reported to be unable to cap Con A receptors, although they are able to locomote. This finding implicated myosin II as an essential component of the capping mechanism, although not of the machinery for locomotion. Here we show that myosin II null mutants do cap Con A receptors, albeit less efficiently than does wild type. This shows that cap formation is not absolutely dependent on myosin II and that a close mechanistic relationship between capping, particle movement, and cell migration may still exist.


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In skeletal muscle myosin, the reactive thiols (SH1 and SH2) are close to a proposed fulcrum region that is thought to undergo a large conformational change. The reactive thiol region is thought to transmit the conformational changes induced by the actin–myosin–ATP interactions to the lever arm, which amplifies the power stroke. In skeletal muscle myosin, SH1 and SH2 can be chemically cross-linked in the presence of nucleotide, trapping the nucleotide in its pocket. Although the flexibility of the reactive thiol region has been well studied in skeletal muscle myosin, crystal structures of truncated nonmuscle myosin II from Dictyostelium in the presence of various ATP analogs do not show changes at the reactive thiol region that would be consistent with the SH1–SH2 cross-linking observed for muscle myosin. To examine the dynamics of the reactive thiol region in Dictyostelium myosin II, we have examined a modified myosin II that has cysteines at the muscle myosin SH1 and SH2 positions. This myosin is specifically cross-linked at SH1–SH2 by a chemical cross-linker in the presence of ADP, but not in its absence. Furthermore, the cross-linked species traps the nucleotide, as in the case of muscle myosin. Thus, the Dictyostelium myosin II shares the same dynamic behavior in the fulcrum region of the molecule as the skeletal muscle myosin. This result emphasizes the importance of nucleotide-dependent changes in this part of the molecule.


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Dictyostelium myosin II is activated by phosphorylation of its regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase A (MLCK-A), an unconventional MLCK that is not regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin. MLCK-A is activated by autophosphorylation of threonine-289 outside of the catalytic domain and by phosphorylation of threonine-166 in the activation loop by an unidentified kinase, but the signals controlling these phosphorylations are unknown. Treatment of cells with Con A results in quantitative phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain by MLCK-A, providing an opportunity to study MLCK-A’s activation mechanism. MLCK-A does not alter its cellular location upon treatment of cells with Con A, nor does it localize to the myosin-rich caps that form after treatment. However, MLCK-A activity rapidly increases 2- to 13-fold when Dictyostelium cells are exposed to Con A. This activation can occur in the absence of MLCK-A autophosphorylation. cGMP is a promising candidate for an intracellular messenger mediating Con A-triggered MLCK-A activation, as addition of cGMP to fresh Dictyostelium lysates increases MLCK-A activity 3- to 12-fold. The specific activity of MLCK-A in cGMP-treated lysates is 210-fold higher than that of recombinant MLCK-A, which is fully autophosphorylated, but lacks threonine-166 phosphorylation. Purified MLCK-A is not directly activated by cGMP, indicating that additional cellular factors, perhaps a kinase that phosphorylates threonine-166, are involved.


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The cluA gene of Dictyostelium discoideum encodes a novel 150-kDa protein. Disruption of cluA results in clustering of mitochondria near the cell center. This is a striking difference from normal cells, whose mitochondria are dispersed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cell populations also exhibit an increased frequency of multinucleated cells, suggesting an impairment in cytokinesis. Both phenotypes are reversed by transformation of cluA− cells with a plasmid carrying a constitutively expressed cluA gene. The predicted sequence of the cluA gene product is homologous to sequences encoded by open reading frames in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, but not to any known protein. The only exception is a short region with some homology to the 42-residue imperfect repeats present in the kinesin light chain, which probably function in protein–protein interaction. These studies identify a new class of proteins that appear to be required for the proper distribution of mitochondria.


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Phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain (RLC) activates the actin-dependent ATPase activity of Dictyostelium myosin II. To elucidate this regulatory mechanism, we characterized two mutant myosins, MyΔC1225 and MyΔC1528, which are truncated at Ala-1224 and Ser-1527, respectively. These mutant myosins do not contain the C-terminal assembly domain and thus are unable to form filaments. Their activities were only weakly regulated by RLC phosphorylation, suggesting that, unlike smooth muscle myosin, efficient regulation of Dictyostelium myosin II requires filament assembly. Consistent with this hypothesis, wild-type myosin progressively lost the regulation as its concentration in the assay mixture was decreased. Dephosphorylated RLC did not inhibit the activity when the concentration of myosin in the reaction mixture was very low. Furthermore, 3xAsp myosin, which does not assemble efficiently due to point mutations in the tail, also was less well regulated than the wild-type. We conclude that the activity in the monomer state is exempt from inhibition by the dephosphorylated RLC and that the complete regulatory switch is formed only in the filament structure. Interestingly, a chimeric myosin composed of Dictyostelium heavy meromyosin fused to chicken skeletal light meromyosin was not well regulated by RLC phosphorylation. This suggests that, in addition to filament assembly, some specific feature of the filament structure is required for efficient regulation.