133 resultados para Diairaea saccharalis
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
The objective was to evaluate the genetic diversity of cultivars in sugar cane for resistance to D. saccharalis. The experiment was carried out in the laboratory in completely randomized design with 11 treatments (one control and 10 treatments) in ten replications. The replications were made from artificial diets (food and refood) made with dry steam crushed from sugar cane cultivars stems, except for one of them considered standard diet. The cultivars used were: RB867515, RB855453, RB855536, CTC 15, CTC 9, SP80-1842, SP79-1011, SP89-1115, SP81-3250 and SP87-365. In the evaluation biological characteristics of the insect considered were: larval development (days), larval viability (%), pupal development (days), pupal weight (g), pupal viability (%), period of hatched larvae to adults emergence (days), total viability (%) and adults longevity without food (days). The generalized Mahalanobis distance (D-2) for the cluster analysis by the method of average linkage between groups (UPGMA) and Tocher's method optimization was determined. Four and five groups were formed, respectively, by the method of average linkage between groups (UPGMA) and Tocher's method optimization. We concluded that the cultivar CTC 15 standed out as highly susceptible to D. saccharalis, while the cultivar SP87-365 behaved as moderately resistant by antibiosis to D. saccharalis.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Talisin is a seed-storage protein from Talisia esculenta that presents lectin-like activities, as well as proteinase-inhibitor properties. The present study aims to provide new in vitro and in silico biochemical information about this protein, shedding some light on its mechanistic inhibitory strategies. A theoretical three-dimensional structure of Talisin bound to trypsin was constructed in order to determine the relative interaction mode. Since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated, Talisin-trypsin docking was carried out using Hex v5.1, since the structure of non-competitive inhibition has not been elucidated. The predicted non-coincidence of the trypsin binding site is completely different from that previously proposed for Kunitz-type inhibitors, which demonstrate a substitution of an Arg(64) for the Glu(64) residue. Data, therefore, provide more information regarding the mechanisms of non-competitive plant proteinase inhibitors. Bioassays with Talisin also presented a strong insecticide effect on the larval development of Diatraea saccharalis, demonstrating LD50 and ED50 of ca. 2.0% and 1.5%, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diatraea saccharalis, is a major sugarcane pest, causing damage to the stalks of sugarcane plants. In this study, a trypsin inhibitor (ApTI) was purified from Adenanthera pavonina seeds and was tested for its insect growth regulatory effect. ApTI showed a dose-dependent effect on average larval weight and survival. 0.1% ApTI produced approximately 67% and 50% decreases in weight and survival larval, respectively. The results from dietary utilization experiments with D. saccharalis larvae showed a reduction in the efficiency of conversion of ingested food and digested food, and an increase in approximate digestibility and metabolic cost. The level of trypsin was significantly decreased (ca. 55%) in the midgut of larvae reared on a diet containing 0.05% ApTI and the trypsin activity in ApTI-fed larvae demonstrated sensitivity to ApTI. The action of ApTI on the development of D. saccharalis larvae shows that this protein may have great toxic potential. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Native Inga laurina (Fabaceae) trypsin inhibitor (ILTI) was tested for anti-insect activity against Diatraea saccharalis and Heliothis virescens larvae. The addition of 0.1% ILTI to the diet of D. saccharalis did not alter larval survival but decreased larval weight by 51%. The H. virescens larvae that were fed a diet containing 0.5% ILTI showed an 84% decrease in weight. ILTI was not digested by the midgut proteinases of either species of larvae. The trypsin levels were reduced by 55.3% in the feces of D. saccharalis and increased by 24.1% in the feces of H. virescens. The trypsin activity in both species fed with ILTI was sensitive to the inhibitor, suggesting that no novel proteinase resistant to ILTI was induced. Additionally, ILTI exhibited inhibitory activity against the proteinases present in the larval midgut of different species of Lepidoptera. The organization of the ilti gene was elucidated by analyzing its corresponding genomic sequence. The recombinant ILTI protein (reILTI) was expressed and purified, and its efficacy was evaluated. Both native ILTI and reILTI exhibited a similar strong inhibitory effect on bovine trypsin activity. These results suggest that ILTI presents insecticidal properties against both insects and may thus be a useful tool in the genetic engineering of plants. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
El control biológico aumentativo de Diatrae saccharalis Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) requiere la cría masiva del parasitoide Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) y por ello, es necesario el desarrollo de dietas artificiales eficientes. El objetivo fue examinar los efectos de distintos tipos de dieta sobre parámetros biológicos de D. saccharalis y su impacto en la producción de cocones de C. flavipes. Se sembraron 46136 huevos de D. saccharalis en once combinaciones de dietas artificiales, con dos tipos de harinas y tres tipos de antibióticos. Los resultados mostraron que la composición de la dieta afectó los parámetros biológicos de ambas especies. La mayor eficiencia en la cría se obtuvo con el empleo de combinaciones de harina de poroto y ampicilina. Sin embargo, si se considera la relación entre costos de producción y parámetros biológicos, la dieta con harina de poroto, oxitetraciclina y estreptomicina resulta más adecuada para la cría masiva.
A tecnica do Inseto Esteril (SIT) e um tipo de controle especifico e nao poluente de pragas tem sido ja utilizado com sucesso por alguns paises. A Broca da cana-de-acucar, D. saccharolla (F.), e um dos insetos candidatos ao controle por meio desta tecnica. No presente trabalho procurou-se estabelecer a dose de radiacao gama, que aplicada na fase pupal, torna os machos adultos estereis. utilizou-se crisalidas com idade de 5 a 7 dias, as quais foram irradiadas com doses de 3, 5, 7, e 9 Krad, mais a testemunha. Foram irradiados sob uma taxa de 35 Krad/hora. A medida que os machos emergiam dos pulparios, eram colocados junto com femeas normais para acasalamento. Atraves da contagem dos ovos ferteis, obteve-se 45%, 56%, 24%, 4% e 16% de fertilidade, respectivamentepara as doses de 0,3, 5, 7 e 9 Krad. O numero medio dos ovos por femea foi respectivamente de 69, 97, 100, 83, e 37. Pelos resultados nota-se que a dose de 7 Krad foi a que proporcionou maior esterelidade. O que esperava e que a porcentagem de fertilidade fosse inversamente proporcional as doses de radiacao, mas tal nao ocorreu pois a de Krad apresentou uma fertilidade maior em relacao a dose de 7 Krad. Em compensacao o numero de ovos por femea decresceu em funcao do aumento da dose de radiacao empregada.