975 resultados para Design for Repair,DfR,Design for X,sostenibilità,turbina eolica,riduttore,riparazione


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation associated with modified atmosphere in cold storage of guava ‘Pedro Sato’ minimally processed, checking their physical-chemical characteristics. Were used guavas from the region of Vista Alegre do Alto/São Paulo/Brazil. After harvest, fruits were immediately transported to the Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory from the Agroindustrial Management and Technology Department, Agronomic Sciences College - UNESP - Botucatu / SP, where they were kept at 10 ° C and 90-95% RH in cold storage, for 12 days. In the laboratory, fruits were selected by size and lack of defects in order to standardize the lot and then were cut into slices 0.5 cm thick. We used the completely randomized design, with factorial design 5 x 5, with three replications. The first factor consisted of the following effects: control 1 (without package or irradiation), control 2 (polystyrene package/PS + package low density polyethylene/LDPE and without irradiation), treatment 1 (PS + LDPE and 0.2 kGy ), treatment 2 (PS + LDPE and 0.6 kGy) and treatment 3 (PS + LDPE and 1.0 kGy). The second factor consisted of the evaluation periods: 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. The analyses were: firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index, pH, breathing behavior. In the end of this work it was concluded that the lower dose of radiation associated with modified atmosphere promoted positive effect on physical-chemical characteristics of guava ‘Pedro Sato’, providing fruits with higher quality and durability, due to higher maintenance of pulp firmness, the highest pH and soluble solids obtained. Regarding the storage days, there were no beneficial effect of the treatments during storage, mainly due to the sensitivity of fruits submitted to gamma irradiation, where only the early days provided better values for the variables.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir mittels zeitaufgelöster Abbildungen die Gigahertz-Dynamik von magnetischen Skyrmionen, um die Bewegungsgleichungen für diese Quasiteilchen zu bestimmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen haben wir zunächst ein CoB/Pt Schichtsystem entwickelt, das starke senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie mit einer besonders geringen Rauigkeit der Energielandschaft verbindet. Diese Eigenschaften sind für das repetitive dynamische Abbildungsverfahren unerlässlich. In einem zweiten Schritt haben wir das Probendesign optimiert und so weiterentwickelt, dass eine Beobachtung der Skyrmionenbewegung mit einer Auflösung von besser als 3 nm möglich wurde. Aufgrund dieser Verbesserungen ist es uns gelungen, die Trajektorie eines Skyrmionen aufzuzeichnen. Diese Bewegung ist eine Superposition von zwei Drehbewegungen, einer im Uhrzeigersinn und einer gegen läufigen. Aus der Existenz dieser zwei Moden lässt sich schließen, dass Skyrmionen träge Quasiteilchen sind, und aus den Frequenzen können wir einen Wert für die träge Masse ableiten. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Masse von Skyrmion fünfmal größer ist als von existierenden Theorien vorhergesagt. Die Masse wird folglich durch einen neuartigen Mechanismus bestimmt, der sich aus der räumlichen Beschränkung der Skyrmionen ergibt, welche sich direkt aus der Topologie bleitenrnlässt.


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Mit der Entwicklung der losgrößenunabhängigen, additiven Fertigungsverfahren eröffnen sich vollkommen neue Wege zur Realisierung von komplexen Integralbauteilen bei niedrigen Stückzahlen. Bei der Bauteilgestaltung müssen (verglichen mit traditionellen Herstellverfahren, beispielsweise Spritzgießen) weniger Fertigungsrestriktionen beachtet werden. Dennoch ist die Gestaltungsfreiheit nicht unbegrenzt. In diesem Beitrag werden basierend auf dem Gedanken des Fertigungsgerechten Konstruierens Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei der Gestaltung von additiv gefertigten Bauteilen herausgestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden Potenziale aufgezeigt, wie Produktentwickler in Zukunft bei der Auslegung und Gestaltung solcher Produkte unterstützt werden können.


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La colonia experimental de Schorlemerallee y las villas Am Rupenhorn son dos proyectos concluidos en 1930 por los hermanos Wassili y Hans Luckhardt con Alfons Anker en Berlín. Ambos proyectos forman parte del mismo proceso, que comienza en la Colonia -una exploración sobre el lenguaje moderno en una serie de fases sucesivas- y culmina con las Villas. Éstas últimas, realizadas inmediatamente después de la Colonia, son la síntesis de esa experiencia, aunque finalmente acabaron trascendiéndola, ya que se convirtieron en un modelo sobre la casa en la naturaleza, sobre la idea de la villa clásica y sobre los nuevos modos de habitar, alcanzando con el tiempo la condición de canon moderno. A pesar de ello, no es esta condición lo más importante. Lo singular en este caso, es el propio proceso de proyecto –Colonia versus Villas- un verdadero experimento en su concepción, método y resultados, a través del cual sus autores investigan nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a nuevas formas de habitar y desarrollan un nuevo lenguaje, cuyo resultado son unos prototipos tecnológicos, con los que pretenden, como diría Mies van der Rohe: “Me he esforzado por construir una arquitectura para una sociedad tecnológica. He intentado que todo resultara razonable y claro.....para que cualquiera pueda hacer arquitectura.” El momento y lugar no pueden ser más propicios: Berlín entre 1924 y 1930, en el mismo origen del Movimiento Moderno. El experimento se plantea con auténtico rigor científico. Los arquitectos diseñan, construyen y financian su proyecto, controlando todas sus variables. Especialmente, por lo insólito, es el control de la variable económica. Porque este factor, la economía, es para ellos una clave fundamental del proceso. Se trataba de demostrar que la Nueva Arquitectura (o Neues Bauen, como les gustaba denominarla) era capaz de construir mejor y más rápido la vivienda para una nueva sociedad. La revolución y la vanguardia van de la mano: son el Zeitgeist o espíritu de la época, un contexto que es parte sustancial del proceso, y como lo calificarían los Smithson, un contexto heroico. El concepto se centra en la tríada Bauhaus: diseño + tecnología x economía. En cuanto al método, se fijan una serie de parámetros –las variables del experimento- que se agrupan en tres categorías distintas: topología, tipología y tecnología. La combinación de las variables de cada categoría dará lugar a un sistema con unas características determinadas: una definición del espacio, una forma, un lenguaje y una tecnología, características que permiten establecer las reglas para su desarrollo. Los sistemas resultantes son tres, denominados según su doble condición tipológica/ tecnológica: 1. Sistema de muro de carga: Viviendas adosadas en zig-zag o Mauerwerksbauten. 2. Sistema de esqueleto de acero: Viviendas aisladas o Stahlskelettbauten 3. Sistema de hormigón armado: Viviendas en hilera recta o Betonbauten Las villas Am Rupenhorn se plantean a continuación como verificación de este proceso: la síntesis de las categorías desarrolladas en la Colonia. Pero llegan en un momento de gracia, justo cuando los Luckhardt y Anker se encuentran profundamente implicados en el proceso de desarrollo de un nuevo lenguaje y con la reciente experiencia de la Colonia, que ha sido un éxito en casi todos los aspectos posibles. “En 1930, están en la cumbre”, como diría su mejor crítico y antiguo colaborador: Achim Wendschuh. En las Villas, los arquitectos integran su lenguaje, ya plenamente moderno, con sus experiencias previas: las que los relacionan con su reciente expresionismo (que se podría calificar como Kunstwollen) y con la tradición clásica de la cultura arquitectónica alemana: el sentido del material que deben a Semper y la sensibilidad hacia el paisaje, que toman de Schinkel. El extraordinario interés de las Villas se debe a factores como el tratamiento de la relación dual, poco habitual en la arquitectura moderna, la síntesis de lenguajes y las circunstancias de su momento histórico, factores que las han convertido en una propuesta única e irrepetible de una de las vías experimentales más interesantes y desconocidas de la Modernidad. ABSTRACT The experimental Housing Estate of Schorlemerallee and the Am Rupenhorn Villas are two projects completed by the brothers Wassili and Hans Luckhardt with Alfons Anker in Berlin in 1930. Both projects are part of the same process, starting with the Housing Estate --an exploration of the modern language in a series of phases- which culminates with the Villas project. The Villas Am Ruperhorn, designed immediately after the Housing development, are the synthesis and crowning point of this experience, even finally over passing it, since they have become a model of the house in nature, related with both the ideal of the classical villa and the new ways of life, reaching the condition of a modern canon. However, this is not its most important issue. The most remarkable condition is the project process itself -Housing versus Villas- a true experiment in concept, method and results, in which the authors research new technologies for new ways of living, developing an innovative language, with results in new prototypes, in the way Mies van der Rohe was looking for: “I have tried to make an architecture for a technological society. I have wanted to keep everything reasonable and clear… to have an architecture that anybody can do." The time and place could not be more favourable: Berlin from 1924 to 1930, in the very origin of Modern Movement. The experiment takes place with genuine scientific accuracy. Architects design, build and finance their own project, controlling all variables. Especially, and quite unusual, the control of the economic variable. Precisely the economic factor is for them a fundamental key to the process. It was shown to prove that the new architecture (or Neues Bauen, as they liked to call it) was able to build not only faster, better and more efficient dwellings for a new society, but also at lower cost. Revolution and Avant-garde use to move forward together, because they share the Zeitgeist --or time's spirit--, a context which is a substantial part of the process, and as the Alison & Peter Smithsons would describe, an heroic context. The concept focuses on the Bauhaus triad: Design + Technology x Economy. For the method, a number of variables are fixed --the experimental parameters-- that are later grouped into three distinct categories: Topology, Typology and Technology. The combination of these variables within each category gives way to several systems, with specific characteristics: a definition of space, a form, a language and a technology, thus allowing to establish the rules for its development: The resulting systems are three, called by double typological / technological issue: 1. Terraced Housing in zig-zag or Mauerwerksbauten (bearing wall system) 2. Detached Housing or Stahlskelettbauten (steel skeleton system) 3. Terraced Housing in one row or Betonbauten (reinforced concrete system) The Am Rupenhorn Villas are planned as the check of this process: the synthesis of the categories developed all through the Housing Estate research. The Am Ruperhorn project is developed in a crucial moment, just as the Luckhardts and Anker are deeply involved in the definition process of a new language after the recent experience of Schorlemerallee, which has been a success in almost all possible aspects. "In 1930, they are on the top” has said his best critic and long-time collaborator, Achim Wendschuh. In the Villas, the authors make up their fully modern language with their own background, related with their recent Expressionist trend (Kunstwollen) and with the classical tradition of the German architectural culture: the notion of material related with Semper and the sensible approach to the landscape, linked with Schinkel. Its extraordinary interest lay on diverse factors, such as dual relationships, unusual in modern architecture, synthesis of languages and circumstances of their historical moment, all factors that have become a unique and unrepeatable proposal in one of the most extraordinary experimental ways of Modernity.


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O processo de beneficiamento do zinco, extraído em Vazante pela Companhia Mineira de Metais - CMM produz um rejeito alcalino e com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de espécies leguminosas noduladas e micorrizadas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Neste sentido, foram instalados dois experimentos de campo onde foi realizado o plantio prévio de Brachiaria sp. O primeiro experimento foi composto por 36 tratamentos que foram formados por uma combinação de 17 espécies + 1 testemunha (ausência de plantas) na presença e na ausência de esterco de curral (2,0 L) na cova de plantio. Cada unidade experimental foi formada por 20 exemplares da mesma espécie que foram plantadas em covas abertas manualmente (25 x 25 x 25 cm) num espaçamento de 2 x 2 m. Todas as covas receberam a adubação básica formada por 125 g de superfosfato simples e 60 g de cloreto de potássio. Entre as 17 espécies avaliadas, 3 não pertencem a família Leguminosae e receberam, além da adubação básica, cerca de 25 g de sulfato de amônio por cobertura. O segundo experimento foi montado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de espécies leguminosas beneficiarem o estabelecimento e crescimento de espécies não leguminosas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Foram utilizadas três espécies leguminosas (Enterolobium scomburkii, Acacia mangium e Acacia holosericea) e três não leguminosas (Lithraea brasiliensis, Cinnamomum glaziovii e Eugenia jambolana) num esquema fatorial (3 x 3) + 1 testemunha, formando dez tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Cada parcela foi formada por 20 plantas (10 leguminosas + 10 não leguminosas) plantadas em espaçamento 2 x 2 m e com a mesma adubação básica utilizada no primeiro experimento. Todas as espécies leguminosas utilizadas foram previamente inoculadas com estirpes selecionadas de bactérias fixadoras de Nitrogênio atmosférico e com uma mistura de fungos micorrízicos provenientes da Embrapa/Agrobiologia. Os experimentos foram avaliados quanto ao estabelecimento e crescimento de plantas (altura e diâmetro do colo) aos 4, 12 e 24 meses após o plantio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que dentre as espécies avaliadas, as mais indicadas para a primeira etapa da revegetação da barragem de rejeito da CMM são: Acacia holosericea, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia auriculiformis, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa birmucronata, Enterolobium schomburkii e Prosopis juliflora. O sucesso do consórcio de espécies leguminosas e não leguminosas depende da escolha das espécies a serem combinadas, de maneira que não exista uma efetiva competição por água, nutrientes e luz que possa prejudicar as espécies de menor plasticidade. Das combinações avaliadas, as de maiores potencialidades para o programa de revegetação das barragens de rejeito da CMM são aquelas envolvendo a espécieLithraea brasiliensis.


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A produção de metano entérico está entre as principais fontes de emissão de gases de efeito estufa dentre as atividades agropecuárias, além de gerar perda energética ao animal de até 12% da energia bruta consumida. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de nitrato de cálcio encapsulado na alimentação de ruminantes como estratégia nutricional a mitigação de metano entérico. O experimento consistiu de duas fases. Fase I: Foram testadas dietas suplementadas com produto comercial de nitrato de cálcio encapsulado utilizando a técnica semiautomática de produção de gases in vitro. Meio grama de substrato com 50 mL de meio de incubação e 25 mL de inóculo ruminal foram incubados em frascos de vidro (160 mL) à 39 ºC por 24 horas para determinação da melhor dieta a ser testada in vivo. O primeiro ensaio testou a associação entre a monensina (dietas com e sem adição de monensina) e doses de nitrato encapsulado (0; 1,5 e 3% da matéria seca (MS)) para mitigação de metano in vitro. Não foi observada interação entre monensina e nitrato para as variáveis testadas. O segundo ensaio in vitro testou a interação do tipo de dieta com duas relações concentrado:volumoso, 20:80 e 80:20, e a inclusão de doses de nitrato encapsulado (0; 1,5; 3 e 4,5% MS). Embora não foi observado efeito associativo entre dieta e nitrato para redução de metano, foi observada mudança nos produtos da fermentação ruminal, com redução de propionato, em decorrência da concorrência de nitrato e propianogênicas por hidrogênio mais escasso em dietas com menor fermentação. Fase II: Conforme os resultados obtidos na Fase I, na segunda fase foi avaliado o efeito associativo da relação de concentrado:volumoso da dieta e a dose de nitrato sobre a emissão de metano, constituintes ruminais e toxicidade do nitrato in vivo. Utilizou-se seis borregos canulados no rúmen, distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 6 x 6, em fatorial 2 x 3. Os fatores foram tipo de dieta (relação concentrado:volumoso 20:80 e 80:20) e inclusão de doses de nitrato encapsulado na dieta (0; 1,5 e 3% MS) em substituição gradual ao farelo de soja, totalizando seis tratamentos. Os teores de substituição do farelo de soja pelo nitrato foram em equivalente proteico de maneira a deixar as dietas isonitrogenadas. Os animais foram adaptados gradualmente a oferta de nitrato dietético para evitar problemas com toxidez. A análise de toxicidade foi avaliada pela taxa de metahemoglobina no sangue dos ovinos 3 horas após a alimentação. Nitrato reduziu a produção de metano em ambas as dietas. Os níveis de metahemoglobina no sangue dos animais não foram alterados pela adição de nitrato. Foi observado efeito associativo entre o tipo de dieta e nitrato para os produtos da fermentação ruminal, como acetato, que aumentou linearmente nas dietas com 80% de concentrado quando nitrato foi adicionado. Concluí-se que nitrato, utilizado de forma segura, é uma promissora estratégia para redução de metano entérico independentemente do tipo de dieta com que está sendo suplementado


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the supply of five types of native and exotic cacti Brazilian semiarid northeast on the sensory characteristics of milk of Saanen goats. Five multiparous goats were used with nine weeks of lactation, average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg., confined and distributed in a Latin square design 5 x 5 with five experimental diets and five periods. Each period lasted 17 days, with 10 days of adaptation to the diets of the animals and seven days for the data collection. The treatments were defined based on dry matter consisted of: 47.33 to 50.12% of a cactus (“Xiquexique”, “Mandacaru”, “Facheiro” or two species of forage cactus “Miúda” or “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) more 18.78 to 19.79% hay of plant “Sabiá” and 31.10 to 32.89% of concentrate. There was not effect of the experimental diets in the physical and chemical composition of milk for fat, total solids and salts, which showed mean values of 3.24%; 11.30% and 0.66%, respectively. However the protein, lactose, nonfat dry extract and freezing point were affected by diets. In the profile of fatty acids was higher concentration of fatty short and medium chain fatty acids, however, there were not changes between treatments, except for the butyric acid (C4:0), with mean values of 4.24% (“Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) to 6.05% (“Facheiro”). The diets also did not provide sensory changes in milk for the parameters: odor, flavor, aftertaste and overall assessment. The use of the five cactus in the diet of dairy goats do not influence the sensory characteristics and lipid profile of milk. The physical and chemical composition of milk was showed within the minimum requirements of current legislation, except for nonfat dry extract and freezing point.


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Electric cars are increasingly popular due to a transition of mobility towards more sustainable forms. From an increasingly green and pollution reduction perspective, there are more and more incentives that encourage customers to invest in electric cars. Using the Industrial Design and Structure (IDeS) research method, this project has the aim to design a new electric compact SUV suitable for all people who live in the city, and for people who move outside urban areas. In order to achieve the goal of developing a new car in the industrial automotive environment, the compact SUV segment was chosen because it is a vehicle very requested by the costumers and it is successful in the market due to its versatility. IDeS is a combination of innovative and advanced systematic approaches used to set up a new industrial project. The IDeS methodology is sequentially composed of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Benchmarking (BM), Top-Flop analysis (TFA), Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE), Design for X, Prototyping, Testing, Budgeting, and Planning. The work is based on a series of steps and the sequence of these must be meticulously scheduled, imposing deadlines along the work. Starting from an analysis of the market and competitors, the study of the best and worst existing parameters in the competitor’s market is done, arriving at the idea of a better product in terms of numbers and innovation. After identifying the characteristics that the new car should have, the other step is the styling part, with the definition of the style and the design of the machine on a 3D CAD. Finally, it switches to the prototyping and testing phase to see if the product is able to work. Ultimately, intending to place the car on the market, it is essential to estimate the necessary budget for a possible investment in this project.


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L'oggetto della tesi è la modellazione numerica di pali di fondazione per turbine eoliche in ambiente offshore. Il metodo di modellazione comprende l'interpretazione di prove CPT per l'estrapolazione dei parametri geotecnici del terreno, la creazione di un modello dell'interazione tra struttura e terreno tramite il software agli elementi finiti Abaqus, la sua verifica, l'ottimizzazione dell'estensione del modello del terreno e della mesh e la simulazione numerica del comportamento di pali caricati assialmente in compressione. Grazie al confronto con i risultati di test su modelli fisici, eseguiti nel laboratorio dell'istituto Fraunhofer IWES di Hannover, di tre pali aventi la stessa geometria ma installati in punti con diverse condizioni di compattazione della sabbia, è stata possibile la messa a punto di una strategia di simulazione più accurata possibile e la sua validazione. A conclusione del lavoro è stato eseguito un esempio di design di una fondazione jacket per una turbina eolica offshore.


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The aim of this paper is to present an economical design of an X chart for a short-run production. The process mean starts equal to mu(0) (in-control, State I) and in a random time it shifts to mu(1) > mu(0) (out-of-control, State II). The monitoring procedure consists of inspecting a single item at every m produced ones. If the measurement of the quality characteristic does not meet the control limits, the process is stopped, adjusted, and additional (r - 1) items are inspected retrospectively. The probabilistic model was developed considering only shifts in the process mean. A direct search technique is applied to find the optimum parameters which minimizes the expected cost function. Numerical examples illustrate the proposed procedure. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The design and development of two X-band amplifying reflectarrays is presented. The arrays use dual-polarized aperture coupled patch antennas with FET transistors and phasing circuits to amplify a microwave signal and to radiate it in a chosen direction. Two cases are considered, one when a reflectarray converts a spherical wave due to a feed horn into a plane wave radiated into a boresight direction, and two, when the reflectarray converts a spherical wave due to a dual-polarized four-element feed array into a co-focal spherical wave. This amplified signal is received in an orthogonal port of the feed array so that the entire structure acts as a spatial power combiner. The two amplifying arrays are tested in the near-field zone for phase distribution over their apertures to achieve the required beam formation. Alternatively, their radiation patterns or gains are investigated.


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Bridge approach settlement and the formation of the bump is a common problem in Iowa that draws upon considerable resources for maintenance and creates a negative perception in the minds of transportation users. This research study was undertaken to investigate bridge approach problems and develop new concepts for design, construction, and maintenance that will reduce this costly problem. As a result of the research described in this report, the following changes are suggested for implementation on a pilot test basis: • Use porous backfill behind the abutment and/or geocomposite drainage systems to improve drainage capacity and reduce erosion around the abutment. • On a pilot basis, connect the approach slab to the bridge abutment. Change the expansion joint at the bridge to a construction joint of 2 inch. Use a more effective joint sealing system at the CF joint. Change the abutment wall rebar from #5 to #7 for non-integral abutments. • For bridges with soft foundation or embankment soils, implement practices of better compaction, preloading, ground improvement, soil removal and replacement, or soil reinforcement that reduce time-dependent post construction settlements.