970 resultados para Desempenho no exercício


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The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of previous exercise on the determination of critical power (CP). Seven apparently healthy nontrained males, of 18 to 25 years, participated of this study. The subjects were submitted, in different days to the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) one progressive test until voluntary exhaustion for the determination of lactate threshold (LL), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and its corresponding intensity (IVO2max); 2) six constant workload tests at 95,100 and 110% IVO2max until exhaustion with and without a previous exercise at 70% , in random order. The exhaustion times (tlim) at 95, 100 and 110% IVO2max were adjusted forme thress models of two parameters to estimate CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) [P=CTAn/tlim)+CP; tlim = CTAn/(P-PC); P=PC.tlim+ CTAn]. The model with the lowest standard error was considered for the estimation of CP. The tlim at 95% IVO2max was similar without (501 ± 140 s) and with previous exercise (473 ± 99 s). However, the tlim at 100% (381 ± 103 s and 334 ± 101 s) and 110% IVO2max (267 ± 163 s and 227 ± 68 s) was significantly longer with previous exercise. There was no significant difference in CP and AWCat conditions without (200 ± 27 W and 23 ± 11 kJ, respectively) and with previous exercise (212 ± 30 W and 18 ± 8 kJ, respectively). It can be concluded that the parameters of the relationship between power and time were not modified by the previous severe exercise


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Os hormônios esteróides anabólico-androgênicos (EAA) compreendem a testosterona e seus derivados. Atletas e não atletas interessados em aumentar o desempenho esportivo, a força, a aparência física e a massa muscular têm utilizado esteróides anabólico-androgênicos sintéticos (EAAs) sem indicação médica. O uso de EAAs pode causar câncer de próstata, doença coronariana e esterilidade. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se os efeitos de altas doses de decanoato de nandrolona, do exercício físico resistido e da interação desses fatores sobre os lobos prostáticos de ratos machos adultos. Vinte ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais e tratados e pesados por oito semanas: Esteróide + Exercício (EE), Sedentário + Esteróide (ES), Veículo + Exercício (VE) e Veículo + Sedentário (VS). Eles receberam injeção i.m de decanoato de nandrolona (5mg/Kg) e veículo (propilenoglicol) (0,2 mL/Kg). O peso absoluto corpóreo e do lobo ventral da próstata foi aferido. Os lobos prostáticos foram coletados, dissecados e processados, empregando-se técnicas microscópicas (histológicas, histoquímicas e imunohistoquímicas) e morfométricas. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA bifatorial e Tukey (p<0,05). Alterações estatisticamente significativas nas massas corpórea, do lobo ventral, no índice de proliferação celular, na população de células basais e na análise dos volumes relativos dos componentes prostáticos (epitélio, estroma e lúmen) foram observadas. O decanoato de nandrolona determinou o aumento da proliferação celular, sugerindo o desenvolvimento da hiperplasia hormonal. De modo geral, as respostas não foram homogêneas para os parâmetros analisados, visto que os tecidos apresentam níveis de expressão de receptores de andrógenos, afinidade de ligação e vias metabólicas de conversão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research, based on authors such as Was (1999), Guarnieri (1996 and 2005), Freitas (2002 and 2007) argue that the understanding of teacher education as a complex continuum aimed at understanding the initiation of the educational performance in the first five years of professional practice, by analyzing the history of teaching teachers early in their career. As we contemplate the specific objectives of interest to examine the training received to enter and work in the classroom and the experiences in teaching at undergraduate students. To perform the empirical study we adopted the use of semi-structured, guided by an outline of issues significant to the conduct of the respondents' narratives. The main results can highlight the difficulties encountered at the beginning of the educational performance are recurrent, data analysis shows that there is a significant increase in the duties of the teacher. With the study arrives at the premise that we must rethink the quality and structure of training courses aimed at improving the quality of performance of professional education, but for this to occur there must be deepening of studies and improvements not only in initial training and in continuing education courses. It is understood here that the training is not solely responsible for the current educational scene, which encompasses the question of the beginner there are many issues to be studied, such as public policies, structuring the curriculum, pay, but the training is beginning to there are faculty prepared to act


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Among the numerous possibilities of physical exercise, it has been recommended that stretching routines should be incorporated into training programs focused on the elderly population, and that these routines should be preferentially performed on the same strength or aerobic training session. However, studies have shown that muscle strength production can be acutely impaired if it is preceded by static stretching exercises (AE). Although there seems to be a relationship between the number of stretched muscles and strength response, no studies were found examining such relationship in the same study, simultaneously. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the acute effect of stretching of different muscle groups on strength performance in older women. Nineteen physically active older women participated in the study (67.8 ± 5.3 years, 68.9 ± 12.4 kg, 157.2 ± 6.4 cm)-usar ponto final em inglês e não vírgula. The participants visited the lab for six consecutive days, three of which were intended to familiarization. Over the next three days, all the participants performed the experimental conditions: control; quadriceps stretching alone and complete stretching, involving the major extensors muscle groups of knees and hips. Both the two stretching conditions were realized with three series of 30s (total volume of 90 seconds for each exercise). All experimental conditions was be performed with an interval of at least 24 hours and order of execution was be randomized. The force transducer was connected to a leg press apparatus, where the isometric force time curve and electromyographic activity of the vastus medial and vastus lateralis were recorded. Measurements were registered immediately after each experimental condition, during five seconds. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive procedures and the One way ANOVA test for repeated measures (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences between the control and the two...


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Model Study: An experimental study Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) refers to a syndromic diagnosis which leads to a progressive and irreversible loss of renal function. A hemodialysis patient may have limitations in functional capacity, pulmonary function and respiratory musclular strength impacting in quality of life. Objective: To evaluate the effects of an exercise program on pulmonary function, functional capacity, quality of life and pain in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methodology: The study included 28 patients of both genders, women and men aged between 40 and 60 years undergoing dialysis at the Kidney Institute, Santa Casa de Misericordia in Presidente Prudente-SP. Primary outcomes included respiratory muscular strength measurements assessed by manovacuometry. The functional capacity was evaluated by a six minute walking test. A life quality questionnaire was applied to evaluate quality of life (SF36-KDQOL). Lung function was evaluated by spirometry. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. The exercise program consisted of training 3 times a week for 40 minutes on hemodialysis during eight weeks. At the end of the program all patients were reassessed. Results: There was no significant difference in the values of FVC and FEV1 before and after the exercise program as well as the index Tiffenau. The value of post MIP was significantly higher than the value obtained in the pre program. For variable MEP no significant difference was found. Functional capacity evaluations showed that there were no significant differences (p> 0.05). The evaluation of quality of life, about the domains of specific areas of CKD showed statistical significance when comparing the list of symptoms and problems with overloading of renal disease and professional role. Indicators related to pain were significantly reduced after the program (P <0.05). Discussion: A chronic kidney patient faces complex situations of physical, social and financial aspects. Although no statistically significant results were found in all variables, the study corroborates to others found in the literature, which suggests that an exercise program can be positive for this population. Conclusion: Although lung capacity and functional capacity did not submit changes to the end of the study, reduced levels of pain, fatigue and dyspnea suggest improvement in functional performance after exercise programs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A carência de valores de referência de parâmetros antropométricos, de desempenho, bioquímicos, hematológicos, hormonais e psicológicos é uma limitação importante nas investigações envolvendo futebolistas profissionais. OBJETIVO: Elaborar tabelas de percentis para servirem como referencial de comparação para estudos posteriores. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 82 jogadores profissionais de futebol que foram avaliados aproximadamente 30 dias após o início da principal competição disputada pelas equipes. No primeiro dia de avaliação foram coletadas amostras de sangue (25mL) em jejum para determinação dos parâmetros hematológicos (eritrócitos, hemoglobina, hematócrito, volume corpuscular médio - VCM, hemoglobina corpuscular média - HCM, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média - CHCM, leucócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, linfócitos, monócitos e plaquetas) e das concentrações de adrenalina, cortisol, creatina quinase, creatinina, noradrenalina, testosterona e ureia. Posteriormente, os atletas foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica e psicológica. Em seguida, a avaliação da eficiência do sistema anaeróbio lático foi realizada em pista oficial de atletismo. No segundo dia foram realizadas as avaliações para determinação da eficiência do sistema anaeróbio alático e aeróbio. RESULTADOS: A distribuição de percentis (P0, P15, P30, P50, P70, P85 e P100) foi utilizada para apresentação dos resultados. CONCLUSÃO: A elaboração de tabelas de percentis pode ser utilizada como referencial de comparação para investigações posteriores.


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O agachamento afundo possui um posicionamento dos membros inferiores diferencial em relação ao agachamento padrão, necessitando de maiores esclarecimentos acerca das participações dos músculos envolvidos. O objetivo foi analisar a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), bíceps femoris (BF) e semitendinosus (ST) durante a execução do agachamento afundo até à exaustão com o membro inferior posicionado frontalmente e posteriormente. Participaram do estudo nove mulheres ativas com média (DP) de idade de 22 (3,4) anos e massa corporal 60,3 (4,1) kg. O agachamento afundo foi dividido em duas etapas, diferindo apenas o posicionamento do membro inferior dominante (randomizado). Os sinais eletromiográficos foram captados utilizando um eletromiógrafo e analisados os valores "root mean square" (RMS) na fase concêntrica. Os resultados indicaram um aumento significativo do RMS em função do tempo para o membro inferior posicionado frontalmente e posteriormente (p< 0,001). No membro posicionado frontalmente, o aumento do RMS correspondeu a 50% para o VL, 54% para o VM e 48% para o BF. O membro posicionado posteriormente apresentou um aumento de 75% para o VL, 113% para o VM, 62% para o BF e 48% para o ST. O RMS também foi significativamente maior no músculo VM em relação ao ST no membro inferior posicionado anteriormente (p = 0,03) e em relação ao ST e BF no membro inferior posicionado posteriormente (p = 0,02). Não ocorreu interação significativa entre o efeito do tempo e músculo na atividade eletromiográfica. O RMS normalizado não apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas no que se refere ao posicionamento do membro inferior dominante. A atividade muscular foi semelhante em ambos os posicionamentos do membro inferior, apresentando maior aumento de ativação dos músculos VL e VM em relação ao BF e ST.