901 resultados para Deformable mirror
Cortical motor simulation supports the understanding of others' actions and intentions. This mechanism is thought to rely on the mirror neuron system (MNS), a brain network that is active both during action execution and observation. Indirect evidence suggests that alpha/beta suppression, an electroencephalographic (EEG) index of MNS activity, is modulated by reward. In this study we aimed to test the plasticity of the MNS by directly investigating the link between alpha/beta suppression and reward. 40 individuals from a general population sample took part in an evaluative conditioning experiment, where different neutral faces were associated with high or low reward values. In the test phase, EEG was recorded while participants viewed videoclips of happy expressions made by the conditioned faces. Alpha/beta suppression (identified using event-related desynchronisation of specific independent components) in response to rewarding faces was found to be greater than for non-rewarding faces. This result provides a mechanistic insight into the plasticity of the MNS and, more generally, into the role of reward in modulating physiological responses linked to empathy.
We present a minor but essential modification to the CODEX 1D-MAS exchange experiment. The new CONTRA method, which requires minor changes of the original sequence only, has advantages over the previously introduced S-CODEX, since it is less sensitive to artefacts caused by finite pulse lengths. The performance of this variant, including the finite pulse effect, was confirmed by SIMPSON calculations and demonstrated on a number of dynamic systems. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We consider risk-averse convex stochastic programs expressed in terms of extended polyhedral risk measures. We derive computable con dence intervals on the optimal value of such stochastic programs using the Robust Stochastic Approximation and the Stochastic Mirror Descent (SMD) algorithms. When the objective functions are uniformly convex, we also propose a multistep extension of the Stochastic Mirror Descent algorithm and obtain con dence intervals on both the optimal values and optimal solutions. Numerical simulations show that our con dence intervals are much less conservative and are quicker to compute than previously obtained con dence intervals for SMD and that the multistep Stochastic Mirror Descent algorithm can obtain a good approximate solution much quicker than its nonmultistep counterpart. Our con dence intervals are also more reliable than asymptotic con dence intervals when the sample size is not much larger than the problem size.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) with low external magnetic field has been investigated both numerically and experimentally. The static magnetic field considered is essentially nonuniform and is generated by two magnetic coils installed outside the vacuum chamber. Experiments have been conducted to investigate the effect of two of the most important PIII parameters: target voltage and gas pressure. In that context, it was found that the current density increased when the external parameters were varied. Later, the PIII process was analyzed numerically using the 2.5-D computer code KARAT. The numerical results show that the system of crossed E x B fields enhances the PIII process. The simulation showed an increase of the plasma density around the target under the operating and design conditions considered. Consequently, an increase of the ion current density on the target was observed. All these results are explained through the mechanism of gas ionization by collisions with electrons drifting in crossed E x B fields.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The equilibrium point between blood lactate production and removal (La-min(-)) and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) protocols have been used to evaluate exercise. During progressive exercise, blood lactate [La-](b), catecholamine and cortisol concentrations, show exponential increases at upper anaerobic threshold intensities. Since these hormones enhance blood glucose concentrations [Glc](b), this study investigated the [Glc] and [La-](b) responses during incremental tests and the possibility of considering the individual glucose threshold (IGT) and glucose minimum;(Glc(min)) in addition to IAT and La-min(-) in evaluating exercise. A group of 15 male endurance runners ran in four tests on the track 3000 m run (v(3km)); IAT and IGT- 8 x 800 m runs at velocities between 84% and 102% of v(3km); La-min(-) and Glc(min) - after lactic acidosis induced by a 500-m sprint, the subjects ran 8 x 800 m at intensities between 87% and 97% of v(3km); endurance test (ET)- 30 min at the velocity of IAT. Capillary blood (25 mu l) was collected for [La-](b) and [Glc](b) measurements. The TAT and IGT were determined by [La-](b) and [Glc](b) kinetics during the second test. The La-min(-) and Glc(min) were determined considering the lowest [La-] and [Glc](b) during the third test. No differences were observed (P < 0.05) and high correlations were obtained between the velocities at IAT [283 (SD 19) and IGT 281 (SD 21)m. min(-1); r = 0.096; P < 0.001] and between La,, [285 (SD 21)] and Glc(min) [287 (SD 20) m. min(-1) = 0.77; P < 0.05]. During ET, the [La-](b) reached 5.0 (SD 1.1) and 5.3 (SD 1.0) mmol 1(-1) at 20 and 30 min, respectively (P > 0.05). We concluded that for these subjects it was possible to evaluate the aerobic capacity by IGT and Glc(min), as well as by IAT and La-min(-).
Binding energy differences of mirror nuclei for A = 15, 17, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39 and 41 are calculated in the framework of relativistic deformed mean-field theory. To fully include the effects of the polarization of the nuclear core due to the extra particle or hole, the spatial components of the vector meson fields and the photon are taken into account in a self-consistent manner. The calculated binding energy differences are systematically smaller than the experimental values and lend support to the existency of the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly found decades ago in nonrelativistic calculations, For the majority of the nuclei studied, however, the results are such that the anomaly is significantly smaller than the one obtained within state-of-the-art nonrelativistic calculations.
The effect of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) in silicon substrate has been investigated at low and high pulsed bias voltages. The magnetic field in magnetic bottle configuration was generated by two magnetic coils installed outside the vacuum chamber. The presence of both, electric and magnetic field in PIII creates a system of crossed E x B fields, promoting plasma rotation around the target. The magnetized electrons drifting in crossed E x B fields provide electron-neutral collision. Consequently, the efficient background gas ionization augments the plasma density around the target where a magnetic confinement is achieved. As a result, the ion current density increases, promoting changes in the samples surface properties, especially in the surface roughness and wettability and also an increase of implantation dose and depth. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
In this work a computational method is presented to simulate the movements of vocal folds in three dimensions. The proposed model consists of a mesh free structure where each vertex is connected its neighbor through a group spring-damper. Forced oscillations were studied by time varying surface forces. The preliminary results using this model are similar with the literature and with the experimental stroboscopic observations of larynx. © 2006 IEEE.
This work investigates the slamming phenomenon experienced during the water entry of deformable bodies. Wedges are chosen as reference geometry due to their similarity to a generic hull section. Hull slamming is a phenomenon occurring when a ship re-enters the water after having been partially or completely lifted out the water. While the analysis of rigid structures entering the water has been extensively studied in the past and there are analytical solutions capable of correctly predicting the hydrodynamic pressure distribution and the overall impact dynamics, the effect of the structural deformation on the structural force is still a challenging problem to be solved. In fact, in case of water impact of deformable bodies, the dynamic deflection could interact with the fluid flow, changing the hydrodynamic load. This work investigates the hull-slamming problem by experiments and numerical simulations of the water entry of elastic wedges impacting on an initially calm surface. The effect of asymmetry due to horizontal velocity component or initial tilt angle on the impact dynamics is also studied. The objective of this work is to determine an accurate model to predict the overall dynamics of the wedge and its deformations. More than 1200 experiments were conducted by varying wedge structural stiffness, deadrise angle, impact velocity and mass. On interest are the overall impact dynamics and the local structural deformation of the panels composing the wedge. Alongside with the experimental analysis, numerical simulations based on a coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and FEM method are developed. The experimental results provide evidence of the mutual interaction between hydrodynamic load and structural deformation. It is found a simple criterion for the onset of fluid structure interaction (FSI), giving reliable information on the cases where FSI should been taken into account.
La tesi mira a ridefinire lo statuto del personaggio nell’ambito del self-conscious novel postmoderno, alla luce delle più recenti tendenze narratologiche, con particolare riferimento all’unnatural narratology. Per poter presentare un modello scientificamente valido si è fatto ricorso alla comparazione della produzione letteraria di due macro-aree: quella britannica e quella slava (Russia - Unione Sovietica - e Polonia). Come figura di mediazione tra queste due culture si pone senza dubbio Vladimir V. Nabokov, cardine e personalità di spicco della ricerca. Tra le analisi testuali proposte sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti autori: Julian Barnes, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniil Charms, Konstantin Vaginov, Andrej Bitov, Saša Sokolov, Bruno Schulz e Tadeusz Kantor.