228 resultados para Decorated
Hydrogen (H2) fuel cells have been considered a promising renewable energy source. The recent growth of H2 economy has required highly sensitive, micro-sized and cost-effective H2 sensor for monitoring concentrations and alerting to leakages due to the flammability and explosiveness of H2 Titanium dioxide (TiO2) made by electrochemical anodic oxidation has shown great potential as a H2 sensing material. The aim of this thesis is to develop highly sensitive H2 sensor using anodized TiO2. The sensor enables mass production and integration with microelectronics by preparing the oxide layer on suitable substrate. Morphology, elemental composition, crystal phase, electrical properties and H2 sensing properties of TiO2 nanostructures prepared on Ti foil, Si and SiO2/Si substrates were characterized. Initially, vertically oriented TiO2 nanotubes as the sensing material were obtained by anodizing Ti foil. The morphological properties of tubes could be tailored by varying the applied voltages of the anodization. The transparent oxide layer creates an interference color phenomena with white light illumination on the oxide surface. This coloration effect can be used to predict the morphological properties of the TiO2 nanostructures. The crystal phase transition from amorphous to anatase or rutile, or the mixture of anatase and rutile was observed with varying heat treatment temperatures. However, the H2 sensing properties of TiO2 nanotubes at room temperature were insufficient. H2 sensors using TiO2 nanostructures formed on Si and SiO2/Si substrates were demonstrated. In both cases, a Ti layer deposited on the substrates by a DC magnetron sputtering method was successfully anodized. A mesoporous TiO2 layer obtained on Si by anodization in an aqueous electrolyte at 5°C showed diode behavior, which was influenced by the work function difference of Pt metal electrodes and the oxide layer. The sensor enabled the detection of H2 (20-1000 ppm) at low operating temperatures (50–140°C) in ambient air. A Pd decorated tubular TiO2 layer was prepared on metal electrodes patterned SiO2/Si wafer by anodization in an organic electrolyte at 5°C. The sensor showed significantly enhanced H2 sensing properties, and detected hydrogen in the range of a few ppm with fast response/recovery time. The metal electrodes placed under the oxide layer also enhanced the mechanical tolerance of the sensor. The concept of TiO2 nanostructures on alternative substrates could be a prospect for microelectronic applications and mass production of gas sensors. The gas sensor properties can be further improved by modifying material morphologies and decorating it with catalytic materials.
One hardcover photo album containing black and white photos. Many of the photos were taken in the St. Catharines area. Included are photos of Port Dalhousie, Port Weller, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake and St. Catharines. There are also photos of Braeside, Ont. and the Ottawa valley. Various local landmarks are included, such as the armoury in St. Catharines, Montebello Park, and Martindale pond. Some of the events captured include a train wreck that occurred in St. Catharines in 1914, the visit of the Governor General to St. Catharines in 1914 (featuring the Carnegie library and Post Office and federal building decorated with flags), and an airplane that crashed into a body of water, possibly a plane from an air training camp in Beamsville during World War I. There are also two photos of champion Niagara district basketball teams, possibly taken in the gymnasium building located behind the former St. Catharines Collegiate building (later Robertson School) on Church Street. One photo includes Norman Byrne, Gladys Ansell, Miriam Marshall, Irene Stoter (?), Mildrerd Houston, A. Gardner, and Madeline Jenner. The other photo includes George Moase, W. Bennett, Norman Byrne, Jack Bain, Mr. Brackenbury, Cyril Merriman, Jim Galway, Harry Erskine, and Roy Carpenter.
This letter is decorated for Valentine's Day. There is a red cut out hard included that reads "To my Valentine from your Valentine xxxxxx". The second part of the letter talks about how to get to Shelter Bay and Eleanore Celeste remarks "So you do not think it advisable for me to make the trip to Shelter Bay by dog team! Let me tell you dearest, that I wouldn't mind if I had to walk there." These letters are labelled number 126 and 127.
Ce mémoire porte sur la variabilité observée dans un assemblage, composé à la fois d’artéfacts lithiques et céramiques, représentatif de la plus grande collection archéologique dominée par une composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien connue au Québec. Les traits caractéristiques des poteries qui ont été transportées, abandonnées, et en partie manufacturées sur la station 3-arrière du complexe de Pointe-du-Buisson, sont appréhendés à travers une acception holistique de la notion de «style», qui inclut tous les aspects des attributs qu’elle couvre, à savoir les technologiques, les morphologiques, les décoratifs et les fonctionnels. Grâce à l’application d’une méthode typologique, une approche peu utilisée depuis plusieurs décennies, du moins dans le Nord-Est américain, et dont le mérite propre réside dans sa capacité à traiter l’artéfact dans son ensemble, des schémas comportementaux (cognitifs et procéduraux) visibles sur les tessons de bord décorés ont été mis en lumière. Ces derniers sont intimement liés aux techniques décoratives employées par les potières, et semblent s’être modifiés au fil du temps de la manière suivante : type «sigillé» précédant les types plus récents «repoussé» et «basculant». Une analyse comparative, basée sur un échantillon de sites localisés dans la région de Haut-Saint-Laurent et dans celles avoisinantes, a par ailleurs souligné d’importantes similarités entre l’assemblage céramique de la composante du Sylvicole moyen ancien de BhFl-1d’ et ceux des sites de Vieux-Pont (Estrie), d’Oka (rivière des Outaouais), de Pointe-du-Gouvernement (Haut-Richelieu) et de Winooski (aux abords du Lac Champlain dans le Vermont). Ces résultats appuient l’identification d’une manifestation culturelle qui est très étroitement connectée aux phases Canoe Point et Winooski de la tradition Point Peninsula. Résultant des conclusions susmentionnées, et d’autres issues d’enquêtes récentes, des considérations d’ordre taxonomique s’ensuivent. Bien qu’une refonte complète du taxon «Sylvicole moyen» soit prématurée, une critique de ce taxon s’avère nécessaire. Aussi des taxons tels que l’Early Horticultural Period de Snow ou le «Sylvicole initial» de Wright et Clermont sont discutés, dans la mesure où ils pourraient renvoyer à une définition plus générale, mais aussi peut-être plus fidèle, des caractéristiques anthropologiques propres aux populations qui ont vécu le long du Saint-Laurent et de ses tributaires depuis le Sylvicole inférieur jusqu’à la fin du Sylvicole moyen tardif.
Ce mémoire tente d’établir la position sociale et culturelle de la communauté villageoise du XVᵉ siècle du site Droulers dans l’espace iroquoien du Saint-Laurent. À partir d’une analyse morpho-stylistique de la poterie, et particulièrement les vases décorés au dentelé, ce mémoire examine la variabilité culturelle du site et sa participation au sein de la sphère d’interactions des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent. La comparaison des tendances stylistiques de Droulers et des communautés voisines contribue ainsi à cerner la position chronologique ainsi que l’apparentement culturel du site au sein de sa région immédiate et des régions occidentale et centrale. Les caractères stylistiques à la fois conservateurs et progressistes relevés sur le site Droulers lui sont propres et expriment à la fois l’homogénéité du site et une certaine indépendance stylistique au sein de sa région. Sur cette base, nous avons déterminé que l’usage du dentelé n’a pas une valeur chronologique fiable à des fins de sériation dans le cas spécifique de Droulers, mais qu’il peut toutefois servir comme marqueur régional distinctif. Cet attribut ainsi que d’autres tendances régionales significatives nous ont ainsi servi à mieux cerner les similarités stylistiques entre les sites et à déterminer que Droulers s’apparente plus particulièrement aux sites Mandeville et Lanoraie, et dans une moindre mesure au site McIvor. De plus, nous avons pu établir que le site Droulers s’intègre dans un réseau d’interactions complexe, le rapprochant de communautés situées autant à l’Est qu’à l’Ouest le long de la vallée du Saint-Laurent. Finalement, l’ensemble des tendances morpho-stylistiques confirme la position chronologique du site, soit à la fin du XVᵉ siècle, et ce malgré une proportion importante du décor au dentelé, traditionnellement considéré comme une caractéristique des sites plus anciens.
Au moment où se poursuit l’établissement des princes de l’Église dans la campagne romaine par la construction de somptueuses villas, le Concile de Trente (1545-1563) adopte une série de décrets qui entendent réaffirmer les dogmes catholiques et réformer les mœurs du clergé, critiqués par les protestants. Puisque la villa est perçue au 16e siècle comme un lieu où le fidèle peut faire l’expérience d’une retraite spirituelle, ce mémoire souhaite lever le voile sur les pratiques dévotionnelles suburbaines post-tridentines. Pour ce faire, les cycles picturaux de trois chapelles de villas romaines dont la décoration a été réalisée à la suite de cet important concile sont examinés : la chapelle du palazzo Farnese à Caprarola, appartenant au cardinal Alessandro Farnese (1520-1589), la chapelle de la villa d’Este à Tivoli, construite pour le cardinal Ippolito II d’Este (1509-1572), et la chapelle de la villa Mondragone à Frascati, commanditée par le cardinal Marco Sittico Altemps (1533-1595) pour le pape Grégoire XIII (1502-1585). Il s’agit de vérifier l’impact des pratiques dévotionnelles sur le choix des décors dans ces lieux de culte privés. S’attarder à la perception du regardeur de l’époque et au rapport spirituel du public à l’image implique que nous analysions notre corpus à l’aide d’un cadre anthropologique.
Copoasú será una empresa innovadora en donde se ofrecerán postres típicos colombinos con preparación tradicional y tipo gourmet, combinados con una gran variedad de bebidas típicas y tradicionales que transportarán a las personas a su lugar de origen. El punto de venta de Copoasú estará dividido con decoración que concuerde con las regionales naturales de Colombia, atendido con servicio de excelente calidad para que el cliente se sienta como en casa. Los postres serán elaborados en el mismo punto de venta por practicidad y frescura del producto por lo que el punto de venta va a tener la dotación y personal adecuado para este tipo de preparación, además de unos excelentes insumos que nos permita mantener la misma calidad en el producto. De igual manera se realizarán controles frecuentes con el fin de comprobar que no se está perdiendo la receta original, siempre buscando el mejoramiento continuo de todos y cada uno de los productos ofrecidos por Copoasú. Para la escogencia de la localización del punto de venta, como del mercado, del mercado se realizó una segmentación geográfica, escogiendo la localidad de Chapinero por tener zonas representativas para el mercado de la empresa como lo son la zona T y G .El mercado objetivo son de 345.325 personas de estrato 4,5 y 6 de edades entre 24 y 38 años con ingresos mensuales promedio entre 800.000 y 1700.000. Se analizaron los principales competidores de Copoasu firmas como Miryam Camhi, quien lleva más de veinte y cinco años en el mercado; H&B con apenas un año de funcionamiento; Rausch, que tiene muy poco tiempo de ingresó al mercado y finalmente Jaques, quien lleva diez años de funcionamiento. Bajo los supuestos conservadores establecidos para el modelo financiero Copoasú, demostró ser viable según el análisis del balance proyectado. El punto IV de equilibrio se alcanza al finalizar el segundo año de operación.
The ship is the dominant element in the visual culture of the South Scandinavian Bronze Age, appearing in several different media, including rock carvings, decorated metalwork and above-ground monuments. Discussion has divided between those scholars who interpret this imagery in terms of long-distance exchange networks and those who emphasize its more local significance, including its deployment in mortuary ritual. A strikingly similar system is identified in Southeast Asia and part of Melanesia and can be interpreted through archaeological and ethnographic sources, but in this case there is no need to distinguish between 'practical' and 'symbolic' interpretations of the depictions of ships. This paper summarizes the evidence from this region and suggests that it can offer a fruitful source of comparison for archaeologists working in northern Europe.
A recent study has suggested that the decorated Bronze Age metalwork of South Scandinavia depicted the path of the sun through the sky during the day and through the sea at night. At different stages in its journey it was accompanied by a horse or a ship. Similar images are found in prehistoric rock art, and this paper argues that, whilst there are important differences between the images in these two media, they also signal some of the same ideas.
The surface of a nanofiber that is formed from a self-assembling pseudopeptide has been decorated by gold and silver nanoparticles that are stabilized by a dipeptide. Transmission electron microscopic images make the decoration visible. In this paper, a new strategy of mineralizing a pseudopeptide based nanofiber by gold and silver nanoparticles with use of a two-component nanografting method is described.
Four new Cu(II)-azido complexes of formula [CuL(N-3)] (1), [CuL(N-3)](2) (2), [Cu7L2(N-3)(12)](n) (3), and [Cu2L(dmen)-(N-3)(3)](n) (4) (dmen = N,N-dimethylethylenediamine) have been synthesized using the same tridentate Schiff base ligand HL (2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)ethyl]phenol, the condensation product of dmen and 2-hydroxyacetophenone). The four compounds have been characterized by X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. Complex 1 is mononuclear, whereas 2 is a single mu-1,1 azido-bridged dinuclear compound. The polymeric compound 3 possesses a 2D structure in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by phenoxo oxygen atoms and two different azide bridges (mu-1,1 and mu-1,1,3). The structure of complex 4 is a double helix in which two mu-1,3-azido-bridged alternating one-dimensional helical chains of CuL(N-3) and Cu(dmen)(N-3)(2) are joined together by weak mu-1,1 azido bridges and H-bonds. The complexes interconvert in solution and can be obtained in pure form by carefully controlling the conditions. The magnetic properties of compounds 1 and 2 show the presence of very weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by a ligand pi overlap (J = -1.77) and by an asymmetric 1,1-N-3 bridge (J = -1.97 cm(-1)), respectively. Compound 3 presents, from the magnetic point of view, a decorated chain structure with both ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. Compound 4 is an alternating helicoidal chain with two weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions (J -1.35 and -2.64 cm(-1)).
The formation of novel structures by the passage of an electric current through graphite is described. These structures apparently consist of hollow three-dimensional graphitic shells bounded by curved and faceted planes, typically made up of two graphene layers. The curved structures were frequently decorated with nano-scale carbon particles, or short nanotubes. In some cases, nanotubes were found to be seamlessly connected to the thin shells, indicating that the formation of the shells and the nanotubes is intimately connected. Small nanotubes or nanoparticles were also sometimes found encapsulated inside the hollow structures, while fullerene-like particles were often seen attached to the outside surfaces. With their high surface areas and structural perfection, the new carbon structures may have applications as anodes of lithium ion batteries or as components of composite materials.
A new class of carbon structure is reported, which consists of microscale graphitic shells bounded by curved and faceted planes containing two to five layers. These structures were originally found in a commercial graphite produced by the Acheson process, followed by a purification treatment. The particles, which could be several hundreds of nanometres in size, were frequently decorated with nanoscale carbon particles, or short nanotubes. In some cases, nanotubes were found to be seamlessly connected to the thin shells, indicating that the formation of the shells and that of the nanotubes are intimately connected. The structures are believed to form during a purification process which involves passing an electric current through the graphite in the presence of a reactive gas. In support of this, it is shown that similar particles can be produced in a standard carbon arc apparatus. With their extremely thin graphene walls and high surface areas, the new structures may have a range of useful properties.
The authors present a new type of communal and monumental structure from the earliest Neolithic in western Asia. A complement to the decorated stone pillars erected at Göbekli Tepe in the north, ‘Wadi Faynan 16 Structure O75’ in the southern Levant is a ritualised gathering place of a different kind. It serves to define wider western Asia as an arena of social experiment in the tenth millennium BC, one in which community seems to take precedence over economy.
This paper presents a previously unpublished Attic lekythos and discusses visual ambiguity as an intentional drawing style used by a vase painter who conceptualised the many possible relationships between pot and user, object and subject. The Gela Painter endowed this hastily manufactured and decorated lekythos with visual effects that drew the viewer into an inherently ambivalent motif: a mounting Dionysos. This motif, like other Dionysian themes, had a vogue in late Archaic times but did not necessarily invoke chthonic associations. It had the potential to be consumed in diverse contexts, including religious festivals, by a wide range of audiences. Such images were not given to the viewer fully through visual perception but through interpretation.