1000 resultados para Declination


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We present wide-field neutral hydrogen (H I) Lovell telescope multibeam, and Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Hi synthesis observations, of the high velocity cloud (HVC) located in the general direction of the globular cluster M92. This cloud is part of the larger Complex C and lies at velocities between similar to -80 and -130 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. The Lovell telescope observations, of resolution 12 arcmin spatially and 3.0 km s(-1) in velocity, fully sampling a 3.1 degrees x 12.6 degrees RA-Dec grid, have found that this part of HVC Complex C comprises two main condensations, lying approximately north-south in declination, separated by similar to2 degrees and being parallel to the Galactic plane. At this resolution, peak values of the brightness temperature and Hi column density of similar to1.4 K and similar to5 x 10(19) cm(-2) are determined, with relatively high values of the full width half maximum velocity (FWHM) of similar to 22 km s(-1) being observed, equivalent to a gas kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence and geometric effects of similar to 10 000 K. Each of these properties, as well as the sizes of the clouds, are similar in the two components. The DRAO observations, towards the Northern HVC condensation, are the first high-resolution Hi spectra of Complex C. When smoothed to a resolution of 3 arcmin, they identify several Hi intensity peaks with column densities in the range 4-7 x 10(19) cm(-2). Further smoothing of these data to 6 arcmin resolution tentatively indicates that parts of the HVC consist of two velocity components, of similar brightness temperature, separated by similar to7 km s(-1) in velocity, and with FWHM velocity widths of similar to5-7 km s(-1). No IRAS 60 or 100 micron flux is associated with the M92 HVC. Cloud properties are briefly discussed and compared to previous observations of HVCs.


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Thesis submitted to the Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Management – Geographic Information Systems


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Svalgaard (2014) has recently pointed out that the calibration of the Helsinki magnetic observatory’s H component variometer was probably in error in published data for the years 1866–1874.5 and that this makes the interdiurnal variation index based on daily means, IDV(1d), (Lockwood et al., 2013a), and the interplanetary magnetic field strength derived from it (Lockwood et al., 2013b), too low around the peak of solar cycle 11. We use data from the modern Nurmijarvi station, relatively close to the site of the original Helsinki Observatory, to confirm a 30% underestimation in this interval and hence our results are fully consistent with the correction derived by Svalgaard. We show that the best method for recalibration uses the Helsinki Ak(H) and aa indices and is accurate to ±10 %. This makes it preferable to recalibration using either the sunspot number or the diurnal range of geomagnetic activity which we find to be accurate to ±20 %. In the case of Helsinki data during cycle 11, the two recalibration methods produce very similar corrections which are here confirmed using newly digitised data from the nearby St Petersburg observatory and also using declination data from Helsinki. However, we show that the IDV index is, compared to later years, too similar to sunspot number before 1872, revealing independence of the two data series has been lost; either because the geomagnetic data used to compile IDV has been corrected using sunspot numbers, or vice versa, or both. We present corrected data sequences for both the IDV(1d) index and the reconstructed IMF (interplanetary magnetic field).We also analyse the relationship between the derived near-Earth IMF and the sunspot number and point out the relevance of the prior history of solar activity, in addition to the contemporaneous value, to estimating any “floor” value of the near-Earth interplanetary field.


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Evidence of jet precession in many galactic and extragalactic sources has been reported in the literature. Much of this evidence is based on studies of the kinematics of the jet knots, which depends on the correct identification of the components to determine their respective proper motions and position angles on the plane of the sky. Identification problems related to fitting procedures, as well as observations poorly sampled in time, may influence the follow-up of the components in time, which consequently might contribute to a misinterpretation of the data. In order to deal with these limitations, we introduce a very powerful statistical tool to analyse jet precession: the cross-entropy method for continuous multi-extremal optimization. Only based on the raw data of the jet components (right ascension and declination offsets from the core), the cross-entropy method searches for the precession model parameters that better represent the data. In this work we present a large number of tests to validate this technique, using synthetic precessing jets built from a given set of precession parameters. With the aim of recovering these parameters, we applied the cross-entropy method to our precession model, varying exhaustively the quantities associated with the method. Our results have shown that even in the most challenging tests, the cross-entropy method was able to find the correct parameters within a 1 per cent level. Even for a non-precessing jet, our optimization method could point out successfully the lack of precession.


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A paleomagnetic study was carried out on the Late Jurassic Sarmiento Ophiolitic Complex (SOC) exposed in the Magallanes fold and thrust belt in the southern Patagonian Andes (southern Chile). This complex, mainly consisting of a thick succession of pillow-lavas, sheeted dikes and gabbros, is a seafloor remnant of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes basin that developed along the south-western margin of South America. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization permitted the isolation of a post-folding characteristic remanence, apparently carried by fine grain (SD?) magnetite, both in the pillow-lavas and dikes. The mean ""in situ"" direction for the SOC is Dec: 286.9 degrees, Inc: -58.5 degrees, alpha-95: 6.9 degrees, N: 11 (sites). Rock magnetic properties, petrography and whole-rock K-Ar ages in the same rocks are interpreted as evidence of correlation between remanence acquisition and a greenschist facies metamorphic overprint that must have occurred during latest stages or after closure and tectonic inversion of the basin in the Late Cretaceous. The mean remanence direction is anomalous relative to the expected Late Cretaceous direction from stable South America. Particularly, a declination anomaly over 50 degrees is suggestively similar to paleomagnetically interpreted counter clockwise rotations found in thrust slices of the Jurassic El Quemado Fm. located over 100 km north of the study area in Argentina. Nevertheless, a significant ccw rotation of the whole SOC is difficult to reconcile with geologic evidence and paleogeographic models that suggest a narrow back-arc basin sub-parallel to the continental margin. A rigid-body 30 degrees westward tilting of the SOC block around a horizontal axis trending NNW, is considered a much simpler explanation, being consistent with geologic evidence. This may have occurred as a consequence of inverse reactivation of old normal faults, which limit both the SOC exposures and the Cordillera Sarmiento to the East. The age of tilting is unknown but it must postdate remanence acquisition in the Late Cretaceous. Two major orogenic events of the southern Patagonian Andes, in the Eocene (ca. 42 Ma) and Middle Miocene (ca. 12 Ma), respectively, could have caused the proposed tilting. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sea turtles are known to perform long-distance, oceanic migrations between disparate feeding areas and breeding sites, some of them located on isolated oceanic islands. These migrations demonstrate impressive navigational abilities, but the sensory mechanisms used are still largely unknown. Green turtles breeding at Ascension Island perform long oceanic migrations (>2200 km) between foraging areas along the Brazilian coast and the isolated island. By performing displacement experiments of female green turtles tracked by satellite telemetry in the waters around Ascension Island we investigated which strategies most probably are used by the turtles in locating the island. In the present paper we analysed the search trajectories in relation to alternative navigation strategies including the use of global geomagnetic cues, ocean currents, celestial cues and wind. The results suggest that the turtles did not use chemical information transported with ocean currents. Neither did the results indicate that the turtles use true bi-coordinate geomagnetic navigation nor did they use indirect navigation with respect to any of the available magnetic gradients (total field intensity, horizontal field intensity, vertical field intensity, inclination and declination) or celestial cues. The female green turtles successfully locating Ascension Island seemed to use a combination of searching followed by beaconing, since they searched for sensory contact with the island until they reached positions NW and N of the Island and from there presumably used cues transported by wind to locate the island during the final stages of the search.


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The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to São José do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flávio Villaça and Roberto Lobato Corrêa references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group História da Cidade, do Território e do Urbanismo .


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The concept of freedom and his presupposition, the free will or libera voluntas in Lucretius relies on the notion of clinamen (declination), an occasional and random motion of atoms, inaccessible to experience. It is endowed with a complex movement provided by spontaneity, without the need for mechanical causes. The action of perceiving (sensus) is selfconsciousness, according to which this will, illuminated by previous experiences (sensory, intellectual or emotional) of the soul, takes advantage of the freedom and own spontaneity of atomic motions to drive them to a perceived direction and chosen. On the other hand, if we consider that the declination has a predominant role for the acts of will, we are facing other problems and questions. There is always the choice of a determined action and, therefore, even if the individual is facing a need to act, is possible choose to do not continue finish this action. Thereby, the will is related to conditions that are originate, ultimately, from the images formed randomly in space and impress the soul: the simulacra of desire and pleasure. The declination itself is a very important notion in this research, in order to emphasize the relationship between the freedom and the kinetic of elements. The approach developed in this work had as main objective to investigate the philosophy of nature and the soul in Lucretius, their constituents and movement, as well as demonstrating how the notion of clinamen articulates with the concepts of image, desire and pleasure, proposing a possible interpretation for the declination as an indeterminate and ethical foundation of freedom


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An analytical approach for spin stabilized attitude propagation is presented, considering the coupled effect of the aerodynamic torque and the gravity gradient torque. A spherical coordination system fixed in the satellite is used to locate the satellite spin axis in relation to the terrestrial equatorial system. The spin axis direction is specified by its right ascension and the declination angles and the equation of motion are described by these two angles and the magnitude of the spin velocity. An analytical averaging method is applied to obtain the mean torques over an orbital period. To compute the average components of both aerodynamic torque and the gravity gradient torque in the satellite body frame reference system, an average time in the fast varying orbit element, the mean anomaly, is utilized. Afterwards, the inclusion of such torques on the rotational motion differential equations of spin stabilized satellites yields conditions to derive an analytical solution. The pointing deviation evolution, that is, the deviation between the actual spin axis and the computed spin axis, is also availed. In order to validate the analytical approach, the theory developed has been applied for spin stabilized Brazilian satellite SCD1, which are quite appropriated for verification and comparison of the data generated and processed by the Satellite Control Center of the Brazil National Research Institute (INPE). Numerical simulations performed with data of Brazilian Satellite SCD1 show the period that the analytical solution can be used to the attitude propagation, within the dispersion range of the attitude determination system performance of Satellite Control Center of the Brazilian Research Institute.


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Pós-graduação em Física - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na primeira parte deste trabalho foram desenvolvidos estudos de magnetismo de rochas e paleomagnetismo em amostras de rochas vulcânicas do Nordeste brasileiro. As idades das amostras compreende os períodos Jurássico e Cretáceo. Com este objetivo foram amostradas quatro áreas tendo sido estudado um total de 496 amostras em 55 sítios. Para a coleta foi utilizada uma perfuradora portátil que extrai amostras de 2.5 cm de diâmetro. A orientação das amostras foi feita por meio de uma bússola magnética e de um clinômetro. Os espécimes foram submetidos a desmagnetizações por campo magnético alternado e em alguns poucos casos foi empregada a desmagnetização térmica. Atribuindo-se peso unitário a cada sítio foi determinada a direção média da magnetização remanescente característica de cada uma das áreas estudadas. As rochas vulcânicas do período Jurássico, localizadas na borda oeste da Bacia do Maranhão (Porto Franco-Estreito), apresentaram uma direção media em que D= 3.9°, I= -17.9° com α95= 9.3°, k= 17.9, N= 15 e todos os sítios apresentaram polaridade normal. Para esta área foi determinado o polo paleomagnético de coordenadas 85.3°N, 82.5°E (A95= 6.9º) que se localiza próximo a outros polos paleomagnéticos conhecidos para esse período. As rochas da borda leste da Bacia do Maranhão (Teresina-Picos-Floriano) de idade cretácica inferior apresentaram uma direção média de magnetização remanescente característica tal que D= 174.7°, I= +6.0º com α95= 2.8º, k= 122, N= 21 e todos os sítios apresentaram polaridade reversa. O polo paleomagnético associado a elas apresentou por coordenadas 83.6°N, 261.0°E (A95=1.9°) e mostrou concordância com outros polos sul americanos de mesma idade. No Rio Grande do Norte foi estudado um enxame de diques toleíticos também de idade cretácica inferior, cuja direção média da magnetização remanescente característica encontrada foi D= 186.6º, I= +20.6º com α95= 14.0° e k= 12.9, N= 10. Os sítios desta área apresentaram magnetizações com polaridades normal a reversa. O polo paleomagnético obtido se localiza em 80.6°N e 94.8°E com A95= 9.5°. O estudo das rochas vulcânicas da província magnética do Cabo de Santo Agostinho indicou para a região um valor de D= 0.4º, I= -20.6º com α95= 4.8° e k= 114, N= 9 para a magnetização remanescente característica. Todos os sítios apresentaram polaridade normal e o polo paleomagnético determinado apresentou as seguintes coordenadas: 87.6ºN, 135ºE com A95= 4.5º. Foi discutida a eliminação da variação secular das direções obtidas, de forma que cada polo apresentado nesta dissertação é verdadeiramente um polo paleomagnético. A análise dos minerais magnéticos portadores da remanência, efetuada por curvas termomagnéticas ou por difração de Raio-X, indicou na maior parte das ocorrências, a presença de titanomagnetita pobre em titânio. A presença de maguemita e algumas vezes hematita, na maior parte das vezes resultado de intemperismo, não anulou a magnetização termoremanente associada à época de formação da rocha, que foi determinada após a aplicação de técnicas de desmagnetização aos espécimes. Pelas curvas termomagnéticas obteve-se, para a maioria das amostras, uma temperatura de Curie entre 500 e 600ºC. Os casos mais freqüentes indicaram a ocorrência de titanomagnetita exsolvida, em que foram observadas a presença de uma fase próxima à magnetita e outra fase rica em titânio, próxima à ilmenita, resultado de oxidação de alta temperatura. A segunda parte do trabalho diz respeito à determinação da época de abertura do oceano Atlântico Sul por meio de dados paleomagnéticos. Entretanto ao invés de se utilizar o procedimento comumente encontrado na literatura, e que se baseia nas curvas de deriva polar aparente de cada continente, foi aplicado um teste estatístico que avalia a probabilidade de determinada posição relativa entre os continentes ser válida ou não, para determinado período em estudo. Assim foi aplicado um teste F a polos paleomagnéticos da África e da América do Sul, dos períodos Triássico, Jurássico, Cretáceo Inferior e Cretáceo Médio-Superior, tendo sido estudadas situações que reconstituem a posição pré-deriva dos continentes e configurações que simulem um afastamento entre eles. Os resultados dos testes estatísticos indicaram, dentro de uma probabilidade de erro de menos de 5%, que a configuração pré-deriva de Martin et al (1981) é compatível com os dados paleomagnéticos do Triássico, mas apresenta uma diferença significativa para os paleopolos de Jurássico, Cretáceo Inferior, Cretáceo Médio-Superior. Outras reconstruções pré-deriva testadas apresentaram o mesmo resultado. A comparação entre os polos paleomagnéticos da América do Sul e da África, segundo uma reconstrução que admite uma pequena abertura entre os continentes, como a proposta por Sclater et al (1977) para 110 m.a. atrás, indicou que os dados do Triássico não são compatíveis com este afastamento. Por outro lado os paleopolos do Jurássico e do Cretáceo Inferior, embora mais antigos que a data sugerida pela reconstrução, são consistentes com esta separação dentro de uma probabilidade de erro de menos de 5%. Os dados do Cretáceo Médio-Superior se mostraram consistentes com a reconstrução sugerida para 80 m.a. atrás por Francheteau (1973) e que propõe uma separação maior entre os continentes. Com base na premissa de deslocamentos de blocos continentais rígidos a análise dos resultados obtidos indicou que América do Sul e África estavam unidas por suas margens continentais opostas no período Triássico e que uma pequena separação entre estes continentes, provavelmente devida a uma rutura inicial, ocorreu no Jurássico e se manteve, então, aproximadamente estacionária até o início do Cretáceo Inferior. Esta conclusão difere da maior parte dos trabalhos que discutem a abertura do oceano Atlântico Sul. Os dados do Cretáceo Médio-Superior são compatíveis com um afastamento rápido e significativo entre os continentes naquele período.