919 resultados para Data access
La campylobactériose représente la principale cause de gastro-entérite bactérienne dans les pays industrialisés. L’épidémiologie de la maladie est complexe, impliquant plusieurs sources et voies de transmission. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier les facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans le risque de campylobactériose et les aspects méthodologiques pertinents à cette problématique à partir des cas humains déclarés au Québec (Canada) entre 1996 et 2006. Un schéma conceptuel des sources et voies de transmission de Campylobacter a d’abord été proposé suivant une synthèse des connaissances épidémiologiques tirées d’une revue de littérature extensive. Le risque d’une récurrence de campylobactériose a ensuite été décrit selon les caractéristiques des patients à partir de tables de survie et de modèles de régression logistique. Comparativement au risque de campylobactériose dans la population générale, le risque d’un épisode récurrent était plus élevé pour les quatre années suivant un épisode. Ce risque était similaire entre les genres, mais plus élevé pour les personnes de régions rurales et plus faible pour les enfants de moins de quatre ans. Ces résultats suggèrent une absence d’immunité durable ou de résilience clinique suivant un épisode déclaré et/ou une ré-exposition périodique. L’objectif suivant portait sur le choix de l’unité géographique dans les études écologiques. Neuf critères mesurables ont été proposés, couvrant la pertinence biologique, la communicabilité, l’accès aux données, la distribution des variables d’exposition, des cas et de la population, ainsi que la forme de l’unité. Ces critères ont été appliqués à des unités géographiques dérivées de cadre administratif, sanitaire ou naturel. La municipalité affichait la meilleure performance, étant donné les objectifs spécifiques considérés. Les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et diverses variables (densité de volailles, densité de ruminants, abattoirs, température, précipitations, densité de population, pourcentage de diplomation) ont ensuite été comparées pour sept unités géographiques différentes en utilisant des modèles conditionnels autorégressifs. Le nombre de variables statistiquement significatives variait selon le degré d’agrégation, mais la direction des associations était constante. Les unités plus agrégées tendaient à démontrer des forces d’association plus élevées, mais plus variables, à l’exception de l’abattoir. Cette étude a souligné l’importance du choix de l’unité géographique d’analyse lors d’une utilisation d’un devis d’étude écologique. Finalement, les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et des caractéristiques environnementales ont été décrites selon quatre groupes d’âge et deux périodes saisonnières d’après une étude écologique. Un modèle de Poisson multi-niveau a été utilisé pour la modélisation, avec la municipalité comme unité. Une densité de ruminant élevée était positivement associée avec l’incidence de campylobactériose, avec une force d’association diminuant selon l’âge. Une densité de volailles élevée et la présence d’un abattoir de volailles à fort volume d’abattage étaient également associées à une incidence plus élevée, mais seulement pour les personnes de 16 à 34 ans. Des associations ont également été détectées avec la densité de population et les précipitations. À l’exception de la densité de population, les associations étaient constantes entre les périodes saisonnières. Un contact étroit avec les animaux de ferme explique le plus vraisemblablement les associations trouvées. La spécificité d’âge et de saison devrait être considérée dans les études futures sur la campylobactériose et dans l’élaboration de mesures préventives.
Data caching can remarkably improve the efficiency of information access in a wireless ad hoc network by reducing the access latency and bandwidth usage. The cache placement problem minimizes total data access cost in ad hoc networks with multiple data items. The ad hoc networks are multi hop networks without a central base station and are resource constrained in terms of channel bandwidth and battery power. By data caching the communication cost can be reduced in terms of bandwidth as well as battery energy. As the network node has limited memory the problem of cache placement is a vital issue. This paper attempts to study the existing cooperative caching techniques and their suitability in mobile ad hoc networks.
Due to the advancement in mobile devices and wireless networks mobile cloud computing, which combines mobile computing and cloud computing has gained momentum since 2009. The characteristics of mobile devices and wireless network makes the implementation of mobile cloud computing more complicated than for fixed clouds. This section lists some of the major issues in Mobile Cloud Computing. One of the key issues in mobile cloud computing is the end to end delay in servicing a request. Data caching is one of the techniques widely used in wired and wireless networks to improve data access efficiency. In this paper we explore the possibility of a cooperative caching approach to enhance data access efficiency in mobile cloud computing. The proposed approach is based on cloudlets, one of the architecture designed for mobile cloud computing.
Nowadays, Oceanographic and Geospatial communities are closely related worlds. The problem is that they follow parallel paths in data storage, distributions, modelling and data analyzing. This situation produces different data model implementations for the same features. While Geospatial information systems have 2 or 3 dimensions, the Oceanographic models uses multidimensional parameters like temperature, salinity, streams, ocean colour... This implies significant differences between data models of both communities, and leads to difficulties in dataset analysis for both sciences. These troubles affect directly to the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies ( IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)). Researchers from this Institute perform intensive processing with data from oceanographic facilities like CTDs, moorings, gliders… and geospatial data collected related to the integrated management of coastal zones. In this paper, we present an approach solution based on THREDDS (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services). THREDDS allows data access through the standard geospatial data protocol Web Coverage Service, inside the European project (European Coastal Sea Operational Observing and Forecasting system). The goal of ECOOP is to consolidate, integrate and further develop existing European coastal and regional seas operational observing and forecasting systems into an integrated pan- European system targeted at detecting environmental and climate changes
The CGIAR System conducts research to produce international public goods (IPG) that are of wide applicability creating a scientific base which speeds and broadens local adaptive development. Integrated natural resources management (INRM) research is sometimes seen to be very location specific and consequently does not lend itself readily to the production of IPGs. In this paper we analyse ways in which strategic approaches to INRM research can have broad international applicability and serve as useful foundations for the development of locally adapted technologies. The paper describes the evolution of the IPG concept within the CGIAR and elaborates on five major types of IPGs that have been generated from a varied set of recent INRM research efforts. CGIAR networks have both strengths and weaknesses in INRM research and application, with enormous differences in relative research and development capacities, responsibilities and data access of its partners, making programme process evolution critical to acceptance and participation. Many of the lessons learnt regarding challenges and corresponding IPG research approaches are relevant to designing and managing future multi-scale, multi-locational, coordinated INRM programmes involving broad-based partnerships to address complex environmental and livelihood problems for development.
Driven by Web 2.0 technology and the almost ubiquitous presence of mobile devices, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is knowing an unprecedented growth. These notable technological advancements have opened fruitful perspectives also in the field of water management and protection, raising the demand for a reconsideration of policies which also takes into account the emerging trend of VGI. This research investigates the opportunity of leveraging such technology to involve citizens equipped with common mobile devices (e.g. tablets and smartphones) in a campaign of report of water-related phenomena. The work is carried out in collaboration with ADBPO - Autorità di bacino del fiume Po (Po river basin Authority), i.e. the entity responsible for the environmental planning and protection of the basin of river Po. This is the longest Italian river, spreading over eight among the twenty Italian Regions and characterized by complex environmental issues. To enrich ADBPO official database with user-generated contents, a FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) architecture was designed which allows not only user field-data collection, but also data Web publication through standard protocols. Open Data Kit suite allows users to collect georeferenced multimedia information using mobile devices equipped with location sensors (e.g. the GPS). Users can report a number of environmental emergencies, problems or simple points of interest related to the Po river basin, taking pictures of them and providing other contextual information. Field-registered data is sent to a server and stored into a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS spatial extension. GeoServer provides then data dissemination on the Web, while specific OpenLayers-based viewers were built to optimize data access on both desktop computers and mobile devices. Besides proving the suitability of FOSS in the frame of VGI, the system represents a successful prototype for the exploitation of user local, real-time information aimed at managing and protecting water resources.
The weather and climate has a direct influence in agriculture, it affects all stages of farming, since soil preparation to harvest. Meteorological data derived from automatic or conventional weather stations are used to monitor these effects. These meteorological data has problems like difficulty of data access and low density of meteorological stations in Brazil. Meteorological data from atmospheric models, such as ECMWF (European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) can be an alternative. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare 10-day period precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature data from the ECMWF model with interpolated maps from 33 weather stations in Sao Paulo state between 2005 and 2010 and generate statistical maps pixel by pixel. Statistical index showed spatially satisfactory (most of the results with R 2 > 0.60, d > 0.7, RMSE < 5°C and < 50 mm; Es < 5°C and < 24 mm) in period and ECMWF model can be recommended for use in the Sao Paulo state.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Caribbean census microdata are not easily accessible to researchers. Although there are well-established and commonly used procedures technical, administrative and legal which are used to disseminate anonymized census microdata to researchers, they have not been widely used in the Caribbean. The small size of Caribbean countries makes anonymization relatively more difficult and standard methods are not always directly applicable. This study reviews commonly used methods of disseminating census microdata and considers their applicability to the Caribbean. It demonstrates the application of statistical disclosure control methods using the census datasets of Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago and considers various possible designs of microdata release file in terms of disclosure risk and utility to researchers. It then considers how various forms of microdata dissemination: public use files, licensed use files, remote data access and secure data laboratories could be used to disseminate census microdata. It concludes that there is scope for a substantial expansion of access to Caribbean census microdata and that through collaboration with international organisations and data archives, this can be achieved with relatively little burden on statistical offices.
Introduction: In the digital environment, metadata influence both in data access and information retrieval and are used as search elements to facilitate locating resources on the Web. Objective: In this perspective, the aim is to present the methodology BEAM, developed in Biblioteca de Estudos e Aplicação de Metadados, of the Research Group “Novas Tecnologias em Informação” in Universidade Estadual Paulista and used to define the metadata for describing information resources. Methodology: The methodology used for the construction of the research is exploratory and bibliographic and was developed based on the theoretical method Chuttur (2011) and the life cycle of data from the DataOne (2012) and also the PDCA cycle and tool 5W1H . Results: The seven steps of the methodology are presented and also the necessary guidelines for their implementation. Conclusions: We conclude pointing BEAM methodology that can be adopted by libraries in the construction of catalogs aimed at meeting the needs of users.
Oil spills cause serious damage to the cost life and environments. Those impacts affect ecologic and socio-economic resources (like fishing and tourism). Within this background, response actions have two main objectives: the contaminant removal, with the less additional impacts, and enhance environment restoration in order to make this process complete in the shortest time possible. The present work proposes to contribute for the emergency environmental management in cases of oil spills by systematization of relevant information for oil spill environmental sensitivity maps. The next stage was to insert all these data on a geographic database, which allows data access by web. Beside that, this work aimed to recommend suitable clean-up techniques for the ecosystems located on the study area, composed by the municipalities: Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe, belonging to Baixada Santista and Iguape, Cananéia and Ilha Comprida, south cost of São Paulo state. This area is situated between two important Brazilian ports: Santos and Paranaguá, and that make it under considerable accident risks. The results were all data inserted on the geodatabase and available to user recover the information by web consulting. With that, this work wishes to contribute to individual emergencial planning of the region.
[ES] Este trabajo consiste en la creación de un sistema de gestión abierto de cita previa, surge de la necesidad del personal de las Administración Tributaria de Canarias que trabajan en las oficinas de atención tributaria de tener un sistema que facilite al contribuyente la forma de gestionar una cita previa para solicitar atención tributaria, además de facilitar al coordinador, la gestión de citas solicitadas por los contribuyentes. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis previo para cubrir todos los requisitos que eran necesarios para que se cubrieran todas las necesidades del sistema y que fuera totalmente escalable. Para el desarrollo del sistema se ha utilizado la plataforma Java EE que dota de todas las herramientas necesarias para la creación de un software de estas características, además de numerosas herramientas que ayudan a la consecución satisfactoria del sistema, como pueden ser Hibernate y Spring. Se ha utilizado un sistema de virtualización para tratar de imitar lo máximo posible la forma de desarrollo que tiene la empresa para que así la integración del sistema sea absoluto, por eso se han utilizado las mismas herramientas que utilizan y la misma estructura de base de datos. Además de las diversas herramientas se han utilizado distintos patrones de diseño para el desarrollo del software como pueden ser: Front Controller, Facade y Data Access Object además del patrón Modelo-Vista-Controlador para la arquitectura de este sistema. La utilización de estos patrones ayuda a que el mantenimiento de este sistema sea mucho más óptimo.
In this thesis, the author presents a query language for an RDF (Resource Description Framework) database and discusses its applications in the context of the HELM project (the Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics). This language aims at meeting the main requirements coming from the RDF community. in particular it includes: a human readable textual syntax and a machine-processable XML (Extensible Markup Language) syntax both for queries and for query results, a rigorously exposed formal semantics, a graph-oriented RDF data access model capable of exploring an entire RDF graph (including both RDF Models and RDF Schemata), a full set of Boolean operators to compose the query constraints, fully customizable and highly structured query results having a 4-dimensional geometry, some constructions taken from ordinary programming languages that simplify the formulation of complex queries. The HELM project aims at integrating the modern tools for the automation of formal reasoning with the most recent electronic publishing technologies, in order create and maintain a hypertextual, distributed virtual library of formal mathematical knowledge. In the spirit of the Semantic Web, the documents of this library include RDF metadata describing their structure and content in a machine-understandable form. Using the author's query engine, HELM exploits this information to implement some functionalities allowing the interactive and automatic retrieval of documents on the basis of content-aware requests that take into account the mathematical nature of these documents.