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In this work. co-current flow characteristics of air/non-Newtonian liquid systems in inclined smooth pipes are studied experimentally and theoretically using transparent tubes of 20, 40 and 60 turn in diameter. Each tube includes two 10 m lone pipe branches connected by a U-bend that is capable of being inclined to any angle, from a completely horizontal to a fully vertical position. The flow rate of each phase is varied over a wide range. The studied flow phenomena are bubbly, plug flow, slug flow, churn flow and annular flow. These are observed and recorded by a high flow. stratified flow. -speed camera over a wide range of operating conditions. The effects of the liquid phase properties, the inclination angle and the pipe diameter on two-phase flow characteristics are systematically studied. The Heywood-Charles model for horizontal flow was modified to accommodate stratified flow in inclined pipes, taking into account the average void fraction and pressure drop of the mixture flow of a gas/non-Newtonian liquid. The pressure drop gradient model of Taitel and Barnea for a gas/Newtonian liquid slug flow was extended to include liquids possessing shear-thinning flow behaviour in inclined pipes. The comparison of the predicted values with the experimental data shows that the models presented here provide a reasonable estimate of the average void fraction and the corresponding pressure drop for the mixture flow of a gas/ non-Newtonian liquid. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we explore techniques to identify sources of electric current systems and their channels of flow in solar active regions. Measured photospheric vector magnetic fields (VMF) together with high-resolution white-light and H filtergrams provide the data base to derive the current systems in the photosphere and chromosphere. Simple mathematical constructions of fields and currents are also adopted to understand these data. As an example, the techniques are then applied to infer current systems in AR 2372 in early April 1980. The main results are: (i) In unipolar sunspots the current density may reach values of 103 CGSE, and the Lorentz force on it can accelerate the Evershed flow, (ii) Spots exhibiting significant spiral pattrn in the penumbral filaments are the sources of vertical major currents at the photospheric surface, (iii) Magnetic neutral lines where the transverse field was strongly sheared were channels along which strong current system flows, (iv) The inferred current systems produced oppositely-flowing currents in the area of the delta configuration that was the site of flaring in AR 2372.


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A critical review on the mechanism and models on the bubble-to-slug transition of two-phase gas-liquid flows are presented in the present paper. It is shown that the most possible mechanism controlled the bubble-to-slug transition is the bubble coalescence. Focusing on the bubble-to-slug transition for the low-Re two-phase flow, a simple Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the influence of the initial bubble size on the bubble-to-slug transition. Some secondary factors, such as the liquid viscosity, the surface tension, and the relative slip between the two phases, are ignored in the present study. It is found that the locus of the dimensionless rate of collision is a universal curve. Based on this curve, it is determined that the bubble initial size can affect the phase distribution and flow pattern when its dimensionless value is in the range from 0.03 to 0.4. A simple relationship between the critical void fraction and the initial bubble size is proposed, which agrees very well with the experimental data.


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A new mathematical model for the transient flow in the composite low permeability is established. It is solved by FEM with different boundary conditions such as infinite, circular closed and constant pressure boundary conditions. The typical curves for transient wellbore pressure have been presented. It is shown that the pressure and pressure derivative curves with composite start-up pressure gradients have different slopes which are depended on the start-up pressure gradients and the mobility radios in different regions. The boundary effects are the same as the normal reservoirs without start-up pressure gradients. The study provides a new tool to analyze the transient pressure test data in the low permeability reservoir.


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This paper presents a measurement of flow patterns and flow velocities of gas-water two-phase flows based on the technique of electrical resistance tomography (ERT) in a 40m horizontal flow loop. A single-plane and dual-plane ERT sensor on conductive ring technique were used to gather sufficient information for the implementation of flow characteristics particularly flow pattern recognition and air cavity velocity measurement. A fast data collection strategy was applied to the dual-plane ERT sensor and an iterative algorithm was used for image reconstruction. Results, in respect to flow patterns and velocity maps, are reported.


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Two important issues in electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) are addressed. The first issue is a validity condition of the classical cosine law widely used in the engineering context. This requires a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption on which the cosine law is established. Using the analytical solution of free molecular effusion flow, the number of collisions (N-c) for a particle moving from an evaporative source to a substrate is estimated that is proven inversely proportional to the local Knudsen number at the evaporation surface. N-c = 1 is adopted as a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption, and it is verified by experimental data and DSMC results. The second issue is how to realize the uniform distributions of thickness and component over a large-area thin film. Our analysis shows that at relatively low evaporation rates the goal is easy achieved through arranging the evaporative source positions properly and rotating the substrate.


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In this paper, a new definition of SE and CE, which is based on the hexahedron mesh and simpler than Chang's original CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method), is proposed and an improved CE/SE scheme is constructed. Furthermore, the improved CE/SE scheme is extended in order to solve the elastic-plastic flow problems. The hybrid particle level set method is used for tracing the interfaces of materials. Proper boundary conditions are presented in interface tracking. Two high-velocity impact problems are simulated numerically and the computational results are carefully compared with the experimental data, as well as the results from other literature and LS-DYNA software. The comparisons show that the computational scheme developed currently is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate and efficient for the problems considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a simple correlation, which incorporates the mixture velocity, drift velocity, and the correction factor of Farooqi and Richardson, was proposed to predict the void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian intermittent flow in upward inclined pipes. The correlation was based on 352 data points covering a wide range of flow rates for different CMC solutions at diverse angles. A good agreement was obtained between the predicted and experimental results. These results substantiated the general validity of the model presented for gas/non-Newtonian two-phase intermittent flows.


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In this thesis I investigate some aspects of the thermal budget of pahoehoe lava flows. This is done with a combination of general field observations, quantitative modeling, and specific field experiments. The results of this work apply to pahoehoe flows in general, even though the vast bulk of the work has been conducted on the lavas formed by the Pu'u 'O'o - Kupaianaha eruption of Kilauea Volcano on Hawai'i. The field observations rely heavily on discussions with the staff of the United States Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), under whom I labored repeatedly in 1991-1993 for a period totaling about 10 months.

The quantitative models I have constructed are based on the physical processes observed by others and myself to be active on pahoehoe lava flows. By building up these models from the basic physical principles involved, this work avoids many of the pitfalls of earlier attempts to fit field observations with "intuitively appropriate" mathematical expressions. Unlike many earlier works, my model results can be analyzed in terms of the interactions between the different physical processes. I constructed models to: (1) describe the initial cooling of small pahoehoe flow lobes and (2) understand the thermal budget of lava tubes.

The field experiments were designed either to validate model results or to constrain key input parameters. In support of the cooling model for pahoehoe flow lobes, attempts were made to measure: (1) the cooling within the flow lobes, (2) the amount of heat transported away from the lava by wind, and (3) the growth of the crust on the lobes. Field data collected by Jones [1992], Hon et al. [1994b], and Denlinger [Keszthelyi and Denlinger, in prep.] were also particularly useful in constraining my cooling model for flow lobes. Most of the field observations I have used to constrain the thermal budget of lava tubes were collected by HVO (geological and geophysical monitoring) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (airborne infrared imagery [Realmuto et al., 1992]). I was able to assist HVO for part of their lava tube monitoring program and also to collect helicopterborne and ground-based IR video in collaboration with JPL [Keszthelyi et al., 1993].

The most significant results of this work are (1) the quantitative demonstration that the emplacement of pahoehoe and 'a'a flows are the fundamentally different, (2) confirmation that even the longest lava flows observed in our Solar System could have formed as low effusion rate, tube-fed pahoehoe flows, and (3) the recognition that the atmosphere plays a very important role throughout the cooling of history of pahoehoe lava flows. In addition to answering specific questions about the thermal budget of tube-fed pahoehoe lava flows, this thesis has led to some additional, more general, insights into the emplacement of these lava flows. This general understanding of the tube-fed pahoehoe lava flow as a system has suggested foci for future research in this part of physical volcanology.


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Studies in turbulence often focus on two flow conditions, both of which occur frequently in real-world flows and are sought-after for their value in advancing turbulence theory. These are the high Reynolds number regime and the effect of wall surface roughness. In this dissertation, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) recreates both conditions over a wide range of Reynolds numbers Reτ = O(102)-O(108) and accounts for roughness by locally modeling the statistical effects of near-wall anisotropic fine scales in a thin layer immediately above the rough surface. A subgrid, roughness-corrected wall model is introduced to dynamically transmit this modeled information from the wall to the outer LES, which uses a stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model operating in the bulk of the flow. Of primary interest is the Reynolds number and roughness dependence of these flows in terms of first and second order statistics. The LES is first applied to a fully turbulent uniformly-smooth/rough channel flow to capture the flow dynamics over smooth, transitionally rough and fully rough regimes. Results include a Moody-like diagram for the wall averaged friction factor, believed to be the first of its kind obtained from LES. Confirmation is found for experimentally observed logarithmic behavior in the normalized stream-wise turbulent intensities. Tight logarithmic collapse, scaled on the wall friction velocity, is found for smooth-wall flows when Reτ ≥ O(106) and in fully rough cases. Since the wall model operates locally and dynamically, the framework is used to investigate non-uniform roughness distribution cases in a channel, where the flow adjustments to sudden surface changes are investigated. Recovery of mean quantities and turbulent statistics after transitions are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively at various roughness and Reynolds number levels. The internal boundary layer, which is defined as the border between the flow affected by the new surface condition and the unaffected part, is computed, and a collapse of the profiles on a length scale containing the logarithm of friction Reynolds number is presented. Finally, we turn to the possibility of expanding the present framework to accommodate more general geometries. As a first step, the whole LES framework is modified for use in the curvilinear geometry of a fully-developed turbulent pipe flow, with implementation carried out in a spectral element solver capable of handling complex wall profiles. The friction factors have shown favorable agreement with the superpipe data, and the LES estimates of the Karman constant and additive constant of the log-law closely match values obtained from experiment.


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The lateral migration of neutrally buoyant rigid spheres in two-dimensional unidirectional flows was studied theoretically. The cases of both inertia-induced migration in a Newtonian fluid and normal stress-induced migration in a second-order fluid were considered. Analytical results for the lateral velocities were obtained, and the equilibrium positions and trajectories of the spheres compared favorably with the experimental data available in the literature. The effective viscosity was obtained for a dilute suspension of spheres which were simultaneously undergoing inertia-induced migration and translational Brownian motion in a plane Poiseuille flow. The migration of spheres suspended in a second-order fluid inside a screw extruder was also considered.

The creeping motion of neutrally buoyant concentrically located Newtonian drops through a circular tube was studied experimentally for drops which have an undeformed radius comparable to that of the tube. Both a Newtonian and a viscoelastic suspending fluid were used in order to determine the influence of viscoelasticity. The extra pressure drop due to the presence of the suspended drops, the shape and velocity of the drops, and the streamlines of the flow were obtained for various viscosity ratios, total flow rates, and drop sizes. The results were compared with existing theoretical and experimental data.


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This study investigates lateral mixing of tracer fluids in turbulent open-channel flows when the tracer and ambient fluids have different densities. Longitudinal dispersion in flows with longitudinal density gradients is investigated also.

Lateral mixing was studied in a laboratory flume by introducing fluid tracers at the ambient flow velocity continuously and uniformly across a fraction of the flume width and over the entire depth of the ambient flow. Fluid samples were taken to obtain concentration distributions in cross-sections at various distances, x, downstream from the tracer source. The data were used to calculate variances of the lateral distributions of the depth-averaged concentration. When there was a difference in density between the tracer and the ambient fluids, lateral mixing close to the source was enhanced by density-induced secondary flows; however, far downstream where the density gradients were small, lateral mixing rates were independent of the initial density difference. A dimensional analysis of the problem and the data show that the normalized variance is a function of only three dimensionless numbers, which represent: (1) the x-coordinate, (2) the source width, and (3) the buoyancy flux from the source.

A simplified set of equations of motion for a fluid with a horizontal density gradient was integrated to give an expression for the density-induced velocity distribution. The dispersion coefficient due to this velocity distribution was also obtained. Using this dispersion coefficient in an analysis for predicting lateral mixing rates in the experiments of this investigation gave only qualitative agreement with the data. However, predicted longitudinal salinity distributions in an idealized laboratory estuary agree well with published data.


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A study was made of the means by which turbulent flows entrain sediment grains from alluvial stream beds. Entrainment was considered to include both the initiation of sediment motion and the suspension of grains by the flow. Observations of grain motion induced by turbulent flows led to the formulation of an entrainment hypothesis. It was based on the concept of turbulent eddies disrupting the viscous sublayer and impinging directly onto the grain surface. It is suggested that entrainment results from the interaction between fluid elements within an eddy and the sediment grains.

A pulsating jet was used to simulate the flow conditions in a turbulent boundary layer. Evidence is presented to establish the validity of this representation. Experiments were made to determine the dependence of jet strength, defined below, upon sediment and fluid properties. For a given sediment and fluid, and fixed jet geometry there were two critical values of jet strength: one at which grains started to roll across the bed, and one at which grains were projected up from the bed. The jet strength K, is a function of the pulse frequency, ω, and the pulse amplitude, A, defined by

K = Aω-s

Where s is the slope of a plot of log A against log ω. Pulse amplitude is equal to the volume of fluid ejected at each pulse divided by the cross sectional area of the jet tube.

Dimensional analysis was used to determine the parameters by which the data from the experiments could be correlated. Based on this, a method was devised for computing the pulse amplitude and frequency necessary either to move or project grains from the bed for any specified fluid and sediment combination.

Experiments made in a laboratory flume with a turbulent flow over a sediment bed are described. Dye injection was used to show the presence, in a turbulent boundary layer, of two important aspects of the pulsating jet model and the impinging eddy hypothesis. These were the intermittent nature of the sublayer and the presence of velocities with vertical components adjacent to the sediment bed.

A discussion of flow conditions, and the resultant grain motion, that occurred over sediment beds of different form is given. The observed effects of the sediment and fluid interaction are explained, in each case, in terms of the entrainment hypothesis.

The study does not suggest that the proposed entrainment mechanism is the only one by which grains can be entrained. However, in the writer’s opinion, the evidence presented strongly suggests that the impingement of turbulent eddies onto a sediment bed plays a dominant role in the process.


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Part I

The slow, viscous flow past a thin screen is analyzed based on Stokes equations. The problem is reduced to an associated electric potential problem as introduced by Roscoe. Alternatively, the problem is formulated in terms of a Stokeslet distribution, which turns out to be equivalent to the first approach.

Special interest is directed towards the solution of the Stokes flow past a circular annulus. A "Stokeslet" formulation is used in this analysis. The problem is finally reduced to solving a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Numerical data for the drag coefficient and the mean velocity through the hole of the annulus are obtained.

Stokes flow past a circular screen with numerous holes is also attempted by assuming a set of approximate boundary conditions. An "electric potential" formulation is used, and the problem is also reduced to solving a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Drag coefficient and mean velocity through the screen are computed.

Part II

The purpose of this investigation is to formulate correctly a set of boundary conditions to be prescribed at the interface between a viscous flow region and a porous medium so that the problem of a viscous flow past a porous body can be solved.

General macroscopic equations of motion for flow through porous media are first derived by averaging Stokes equations over a volume element of the medium. These equations, including viscous stresses for the description, are more general than Darcy's law. They reduce to Darcy's law when the Darcy number becomes extremely small.

The interface boundary conditions of the first kind are then formulated with respect to the general macroscopic equations applied within the porous region. An application of such equations and boundary conditions to a Poiseuille shear flow problem demonstrates that there usually exists a thin interface layer immediately inside the porous medium in which the tangential velocity varies exponentially and Darcy's law does not apply.

With Darcy's law assumed within the porous region, interface boundary conditions of the second kind are established which relate the flow variables across the interface layer. The primary feature is a jump condition on the tangential velocity, which is found to be directly proportional to the normal gradient of the tangential velocity immediately outside the porous medium. This is in agreement with the experimental results of Beavers, et al.

The derived boundary conditions are applied in the solutions of two other problems: (1) Viscous flow between a rotating solid cylinder and a stationary porous cylinder, and (2) Stokes flow past a porous sphere.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the historical catch record from the Castle Fishery on the River Derwent over the period 1923 - 1989, to determine if changes had taken place in the composition of the catch and to examine the influence of flow on the performance of the fishery. The River Derwent is situated in West Cumbria, North West England. It flows from its source on Scafell Pike (NGR NY 229 089) westwards discharging into the Irish sea at Workington, a distance of 52 km. Over its length it receives water from an additional 214 km of stream, 5 large lakes and approximately 30 small tarns. The catchment drains a total area of 663 km2. The study concludes that through the time period there was considerable variation in catch between years. The trend was for the catch to increase steadily over the period 1923 - 1958, declining rapidly in 1959, after which catches increased steadily reaching a peak in the mid-sixties, before declining towards the end of the decade. During the seventies and eighties catches remained relatively stable at between 300 - 600 salmon per year until 1988 when over 2000 salmon were reported caught, the greatest number in any year over the study period.