988 resultados para Darfour (2003 à 2008)
Uchida, MC, Crewther, BT, Ugrinowitsch, C, Bacurau, RFP, Moriscot, AS, and Aoki, MS. J Strength Cond Res 23(7): 2003-2008, 2009-This study assessed the effect of different resistance exercise scheme (RES) designs of similar total of load lifted on the responses of testosterone, cortisol, and creatine kinase (CK). Twenty-seven healthy males performed 1 of 4 bench press workouts described by the 1 repetition maximum (1RM) load: 4 sets of maximum repetitions at 50%-1RM (50%-1RM RES), 5 sets of maximum repetitions at 75%-1RM (75%-1RM RES), 10 sets of maximum repetitions at 90%-1RM (90%1RM RES), or 8 sets of maximum repetitions at 110%-1RM (110%-1RM RES). Each RES was equated by the total volume of load lifted (repetitions x sets x load). Blood samples, collected pre-exercise (Pre) and post-exercise (Post) at 1 and 24 hours (24 h), were analyzed for total and free testosterone, total cortisol, and CK. In general, testosterone and cortisol showed little change within or between the different RES (p > 0.05), possibly because of the relatively low volume lifted and/ or the small muscle mass activated by the bench press exercise. Cortisol was elevated after the 75%-1RM RES at the Post sample, with this response also exceeding the other RES (p < 0.05). The 24 h CK response was also elevated after the 75%-1RM RES (p < 0.05), thereby suggesting greater training strain for the same volume of load. These results confirm previous recommendations regarding the prescription of resistance exercise and the importance of total volume as a stimulus for activating the endocrine system and achieving long-term adaptation.
Systems of distributed artificial intelligence can be powerful tools in a wide variety of practical applications. Its most surprising characteristic, the emergent behavior, is also the most answerable for the difficulty in. projecting these systems. This work proposes a tool capable to beget individual strategies for the elements of a multi-agent system and thereof providing to the group means on obtaining wanted results, working in a coordinated and cooperative manner as well. As an application example, a problem was taken as a basis where a predators` group must catch a prey in a three-dimensional continuous ambient. A synthesis of system strategies was implemented of which internal mechanism involves the integration between simulators by Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO), a Swarm Intelligence technique. The system had been tested in several simulation settings and it was capable to synthesize automatically successful hunting strategies, substantiating that the developed tool can provide, as long as it works with well-elaborated patterns, satisfactory solutions for problems of complex nature, of difficult resolution starting from analytical approaches. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the survival rate in a cohort of Parkinson's disease patients with and without depression. METHODS: A total of 53 Parkinson's disease subjects were followed up from 2003-2008 and 21 were diagnosed as depressed. Mean time of follow up was 3.8 (SD 95% = 1.5) years for all the sample and there was no significant difference in mean time of follow up between depressed and nondepressed Parkinson's disease patients. Survival curves rates were fitted using the Kaplan-Meier method. In order to compare survival probabilities according to the selected covariables the Log-Rank test was used. Multivariate analysis with Cox regression was performed aiming at estimating the effect of predictive covariables on the survival. RESULTS: The cumulative global survival of this sample was 83% with nine deaths at the end of the study - five in the depressed and four in the nondepressed group, and 55.6% died in the first year of observation, and none died at the fourth and fifth year of follow up. CONCLUSION: Our finding point toward incremental death risk in depressed Parkinson's disease patients.
Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação, Arte e Cultura
L’estudi es centra en el fenòmen de les promocions dins del sector de la premsa impresa i la seva repercussió en el negoci editorial des de la doble perspectiva d’un diari de pagament i un altre gratuït, prenent com a model l’activitat promocional d' El Periódico de Catalunya (2003- 2008) i d' ADN (2006- 2008).
Strategy & Action Plan 2003 - 2008
Aquesta comunicació sintetitza el treball que hem realitzat durant el Màster d’Educació Inclusiva de la Universitat de Vic en el curs 2010-2011 tant pel que fa a les pràctiques com pel que fa als continguts dels Mòduls. Els objectius són els següents: aprofundir en el coneixement de la inclusió en l’àmbit educatiu; adquirir estratègies per a l’atenció de la diversitat dels alumnes i dissenyar propostes inclusives en l’àmbit educatiu. Per aconseguir els objectius hem seguit el següent procés: Per una banda, realitzar les pràctiques de caire professionalitzador en el centre educatiu on treballo i analitzar el grau d’inclusivitat de 3 grups de 1r d’ESO d’aquest centre. Paral·lelament, anar seguint les classes de les assignatures i realitzar els treballs proposats, ampliant continguts amb les lectures i les síntesis realitzades. Això ens ha permès dissenyar i fonamentar una proposta de millora per augmentar la inclusió de tots els alumnes. Les pràctiques han estat realitzades en un centre educatiu d’ESO, Batxillerat i Cicles Formatius de la comarca d’Osona en el qual el grau d’inclusivitat detectat en els grups de 1r d’ESO és mitjà-baix, sobretot en algunes àrees, ja que hi ha un grup de deu alumnes que passa el 78,2 % del temps escolar en aula separada de la resta dels companys. La proposta de millora es fonamenta en les “nou regles d’or” de la UNESCO (2001), en els criteris de la European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2003)(2008), en la LEC (2009) i en la Resolució del Departament d’Educació (2010). Així mateix, es citen autors de referència i es corrobora l’eficàcia del treball cooperatiu amb els resultats de les investigacions del GRAD. Aquest treball ens permet presentar amb solidesa una proposta de millora a l’equip de professorat que ha de facilitar i atendre la diversitat de tots els alumnes en les aules ordinàries el màxim temps possible.
Koulutus ja tutkimus 2003-2008, Opetusministeriö, 2003. Raportti löytyy ministeriön kotisivulta www.minedu.fi
Lausunnoissa korostuvat tutkimus ja koulutuksen tasa-arvo : aikuiskoulutus KESUssa painopistealueena
Artikkelissa käsitellään Koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen kehittämissuunnitelmaa vuosille 2003-2008