997 resultados para DYSPROSIUM TRIANGLES


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The element-based piecewise smooth functional approximation in the conventional finite element method (FEM) results in discontinuous first and higher order derivatives across element boundaries Despite the significant advantages of the FEM in modelling complicated geometries, a motivation in developing mesh-free methods has been the ease with which higher order globally smooth shape functions can be derived via the reproduction of polynomials There is thus a case for combining these advantages in a so-called hybrid scheme or a `smooth FEM' that, whilst retaining the popular mesh-based discretization, obtains shape functions with uniform C-p (p >= 1) continuity One such recent attempt, a NURBS based parametric bridging method (Shaw et al 2008b), uses polynomial reproducing, tensor-product non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) over a typical FE mesh and relies upon a (possibly piecewise) bijective geometric map between the physical domain and a rectangular (cuboidal) parametric domain The present work aims at a significant extension and improvement of this concept by replacing NURBS with DMS-splines (say, of degree n > 0) that are defined over triangles and provide Cn-1 continuity across the triangle edges This relieves the need for a geometric map that could precipitate ill-conditioning of the discretized equations Delaunay triangulation is used to discretize the physical domain and shape functions are constructed via the polynomial reproduction condition, which quite remarkably relieves the solution of its sensitive dependence on the selected knotsets Derivatives of shape functions are also constructed based on the principle of reproduction of derivatives of polynomials (Shaw and Roy 2008a) Within the present scheme, the triangles also serve as background integration cells in weak formulations thereby overcoming non-conformability issues Numerical examples involving the evaluation of derivatives of targeted functions up to the fourth order and applications of the method to a few boundary value problems of general interest in solid mechanics over (non-simply connected) bounded domains in 2D are presented towards the end of the paper


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The radial distribution functions (RDFs) of five xLi2S.(1 - x)B2S3 glasses (x = 0.55, 0.60, 0.67, 0.71 and 0.75) have been determined from neutron diffraction experiments performed at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. These glasses are prepared by casting a molten mixture of boron, sulphur and Li2S inside a controlled atmosphere glovebox. Addition of the Li2S Modifier is found gradually to suppress all peaks corresponding to interatomic distances > 3.5 angstrom, which implies that the structural entities present in these glasses become segmented, and therefore more ionic, as x increases. The assumption of the existence of four main structural entities based on four- and three-coordinated borons (the latter carrying bridging and/or non-bridging sulphurs) accounts for all the peaks present in the RDFs as a function of composition. Furthermore, in the most modified glass (x = 0.75), that which contains only 'isolated' BS33- triangles, there seems to be evidence for either octahedral or tetrahedral coordination of Li+ by S- ions


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A previous B-11 nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of glasses belonging to the B2S3-Li2S-LiI system had allowed the authors to determine the variation of the number of three and four coordinated boron atoms with composition. These results, in addition to the observation that vitreous B2S3 quite easily forms fibres during casting, have led us to propose structural hypotheses for B2S3 based glasses, which are supported by the present Raman spectroscopy study. For vitreous B2S3 the spectra were accounted for on the basis of the various types of BS3/2 triangles proposed by the model. Molecular orbital considerations allowed us to assign the most significant lines for the binary glasses by assuming that BS3/2 triangles (with or without nonbridging sulphur atoms) and BS4 tetrahedra were present. In the ternary system, lithium iodide has been found to interact slightly on the structural entities, altering their vibrational characteristics without fundamentally modifying their nature.


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Ion transport across phospholipid vesicles was studied by 7Li and 23Na-NMR using an aqueous anionic paramagnetic shift reagent, dysprosium nitrilotriacetate [Dy(NTA)2]3?, mediated by ionophores, lasalocid A and A23187. The intra- and extracellular 7Li and 23Na-NMR signals were well separated (20?Hz) at mM concentration of the shift reagent. The observed data on the rate constant for lithium transport across DPPC vesicles at various concentrations of the ionophores indicated that lasalocid A is a more efficient carrier for lithium ion compared with the sodium ion transport by this ionophore, while A23187 was not specific to either of the ions (Li or Na). ©1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Thermodynamic properties of Dysprosium rhodite (DyRhO3) are measured in the temperature range from 900 to 1,300 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of DyRhO3 with O-type perovskite structure from its components binary oxides, Dysprosia with C-rare earth structure and beta-Rh2O3 with orthorhombic structure, can be represented by the equation: Delta G(f(OX))(O) (+/- 182)/J mol(-1) = -52710+3.821(T/K). By using the thermodynamic data for DyRhO3 from experiment and auxiliary data for other phases from the literature, the phase relations in the system Dy-Rh-O are computed. Thermodynamic data for intermetallic phases in the binary system Dy-Rh, required for constructing the chemical potential diagrams, are evaluated using calorimetric data available in the literature for three intermetallics and Miedema's model, consistent with the phase diagram. The results are presented in the form of Gibbs triangle, oxygen potential-composition diagram, and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1,273 K. Temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen partial pressures are also developed. The decomposition temperature of DyRhO3 is 1,732 (+/- 2.5) K in pure oxygen and 1,624 (+/- 2.5) K and in air at standard pressure.


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The nucleus of the eukaryotic cell functions amidst active cytoskeletal �laments, but its response to the stresses carried by these �laments is largely unexplored. We report here the results of studies of the translational and rotational dynamics of the nuclei of single �broblast cells, with the e�ects of cell migration suppressed by plating onto �bronectin-coated micro-fabricated patterns. Patterns of the same area but di�erent shapes and/or aspect ratio were used to study the e�ect of cell geometry on the dynamics. On circles, squares and equilateral triangles, the nucleus undergoes persistent rotational motion, while on high-aspect-ratio rectangles of the same area it moves only back and forth. The circle and the triangle showed respectively the largest and the smallest angular speed. We show that our observations can be understood through a hydrodynamic approach in which the nucleus is treated as a highly viscous inclusion residing in a less viscous uid of orientable �laments endowed with active stresses. Lowering actin contractility selectively by introducing blebbistatin at low concentrations drastically reduced the speed and persistence time of the angular motion of the nucleus. Time-lapse imaging of actin revealed a correlated hydrodynamic ow around the nucleus, with pro�le and magnitude consistent with the results of our theoretical approach. Coherent intracellular ows and consequent nuclear rotation thus appear to be a generic property that cells must balance by speci�c mechanisms in order to maintain nuclear homeostasis


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Dysprosium oxide (Dy2O3) nanopowders were prepared by co-precipitation (CP) and eco-friendly green combustion (GC) routes. SEM micrographs prepared by CP route show smooth rods with various lengths and diameters while, GC route show porous, agglomerated particles. The results were further confirmed by TEM. Thermoluminescence (TL) responses of the nanopowder prepared by both the routes were studied using gamma-rays. A well resolved glow peak at 353 degrees C along with less intense peak at 183 degrees C was observed in GC route while, in CP a single glow peak at 364 degrees C was observed. The kinetic parameters were estimated using Chen's glow peak route. Photoluminescence (PL) of Dy2O3 shows peaks at 481, 577,666 and 756 nm which were attributed to Dy3+ transitions of F-4(9/2)-H-6(15/2), H-6(11/2), H-6(11/2) and H-6(9/2), respectively. Color co-ordinate values were located in the white region as a result the product may be useful for the fabrication of WLED'S. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given a point set P and a class C of geometric objects, G(C)(P) is a geometric graph with vertex set P such that any two vertices p and q are adjacent if and only if there is some C is an element of C containing both p and q but no other points from P. We study G(del)(P) graphs where del is the class of downward equilateral triangles (i.e., equilateral triangles with one of their sides parallel to the x-axis and the corner opposite to this side below that side). For point sets in general position, these graphs have been shown to be equivalent to half-Theta(6) graphs and TD-Delaunay graphs. The main result in our paper is that for point sets P in general position, G(del)(P) always contains a matching of size at least vertical bar P vertical bar-1/3] and this bound is tight. We also give some structural properties of G(star)(P) graphs, where is the class which contains both upward and downward equilateral triangles. We show that for point sets in general position, the block cut point graph of G(star)(P) is simply a path. Through the equivalence of G(star)(P) graphs with Theta(6) graphs, we also derive that any Theta(6) graph can have at most 5n-11 edges, for point sets in general position. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work sets forth a `hybrid' discretization scheme utilizing bivariate simplex splines as kernels in a polynomial reproducing scheme constructed over a conventional Finite Element Method (FEM)-like domain discretization based on Delaunay triangulation. Careful construction of the simplex spline knotset ensures the success of the polynomial reproduction procedure at all points in the domain of interest, a significant advancement over its precursor, the DMS-FEM. The shape functions in the proposed method inherit the global continuity (Cp-1) and local supports of the simplex splines of degree p. In the proposed scheme, the triangles comprising the domain discretization also serve as background cells for numerical integration which here are near-aligned to the supports of the shape functions (and their intersections), thus considerably ameliorating an oft-cited source of inaccuracy in the numerical integration of mesh-free (MF) schemes. Numerical experiments show the proposed method requires lower order quadrature rules for accurate evaluation of integrals in the Galerkin weak form. Numerical demonstrations of optimal convergence rates for a few test cases are given and the method is also implemented to compute crack-tip fields in a gradient-enhanced elasticity model.


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Conditions for the existence of heterochromatic Hamiltonian paths and cycles in edge colored graphs are well investigated in literature. A related problem in this domain is to obtain good lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in an edge colored graph G. This problem is also well explored by now and the lower bounds are often specified as functions of the minimum color degree of G - the minimum number of distinct colors occurring at edges incident to any vertex of G - denoted by v(G). Initially, it was conjectured that the lower bound for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path for an edge colored graph G would be 2v(G)/3]. Chen and Li (2005) showed that the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in an edge colored graph G is at least v(G) - 1, if 1 <= v(G) <= 7, and at least 3v(G)/5] + 1 if v(G) >= 8. They conjectured that the tight lower bound would be v(G) - 1 and demonstrated some examples which achieve this bound. An unpublished manuscript from the same authors (Chen, Li) reported to show that if v(G) >= 8, then G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least 120 + 1. In this paper, we give lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in edge colored graphs without small cycles. We show that if G has no four cycles, then it contains a heterochromatic path of length at least v(G) - o(v(G)) and if the girth of G is at least 4 log(2)(v(G)) + 2, then it contains a heterochromatic path of length at least v(G) - 2, which is only one less than the bound conjectured by Chen and Li (2005). Other special cases considered include lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in edge colored bipartite graphs and triangle-free graphs: for triangle-free graphs we obtain a lower bound of 5v(G)/6] and for bipartite graphs we obtain a lower bound of 6v(G)-3/7]. In this paper, it is also shown that if the coloring is such that G has no heterochromatic triangles, then G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least 13v(G)/17)]. This improves the previously known 3v(G)/4] bound obtained by Chen and Li (2011). We also give a relatively shorter and simpler proof showing that any edge colored graph G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plant surface areas were measured from samples of two common submersed aquatics with widely diverging morphologies: Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and water stargrass ( Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacM.). Measures for the highly dissected leaves of Eurasian watermilfoil involved development of a regression equation relating leaf length to direct measures of a subsample of leaf parts. Measures for the simple leaves of the stargrass were sums of measured triangles. Stem surfaces for both species were calculated as measured cylinders. Though the means of the stem length and leaf length were larger for stargrass samples, their mean surface area was 95 cm 2 which was less than the 108 cm 2 recorded for Eurasian watermilfoil samples. Relating surface area to dry weight for the stargrass was straightforward, with 1 mg of dry weight yielding an average 0.678 cm 2 of surface area. Biomass measures for the water milfoil were confounded by the additional weight of epiphytic algae persisting on cleaned samples. The results suggest that a lesstime consuming method for surface area measures of plants with highly dissected leaves and a caveat for using biomass measures to estimate surface area in such plants.


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Computer vision algorithms that use color information require color constant images to operate correctly. Color constancy of the images is usually achieved in two steps: first the illuminant is detected and then image is transformed with the chromatic adaptation transform ( CAT). Existing CAT methods use a single transformation matrix for all the colors of the input image. The method proposed in this paper requires multiple corresponding color pairs between source and target illuminants given by patches of the Macbeth color checker. It uses Delaunay triangulation to divide the color gamut of the input image into small triangles. Each color of the input image is associated with the triangle containing the color point and transformed with a full linear model associated with the triangle. Full linear model is used because diagonal models are known to be inaccurate if channel color matching functions do not have narrow peaks. Objective evaluation showed that the proposed method outperforms existing CAT methods by more than 21%; that is, it performs statistically significantly better than other existing methods.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico e numérico sobre os erros que ocorrem nos cálculos de gradientes em malhas não estruturadas constituídas pelo diagrama de Voronoi, malhas estas, formadas também pela triangulação de Delaunay. As malhas adotadas, no trabalho, foram as malhas cartesianas e as malhas triangulares, esta última é gerada pela divisão de um quadrado em dois ou quatro triângulos iguais. Para tal análise, adotamos a escolha de três metodologias distintas para o cálculo dos gradientes: método de Green Gauss, método do Mínimo Resíduo Quadrático e método da Média do Gradiente Projetado Corrigido. O texto se baseia em dois enfoques principais: mostrar que as equações de erros dadas pelos gradientes podem ser semelhantes, porém com sinais opostos, para pontos de cálculos em volumes vizinhos e que a ordem do erro das equações analíticas pode ser melhorada em malhas uniformes quando comparada as não uniformes, nos casos unidimensionais, e quando analisada na face de tais volumes vizinhos nos casos bidimensionais.


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Isotope shifts of Kα1 x-ray transitions were measured for the Neodymium isotopes Nd 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148 and 150, the Samarium isotopes Sm 147, 148, 149, 150, 152 and 154, the Gadolinium isotopes Gd 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 and 160, the Dysprosium isotopes Dy 162 and 164, the Erbium isotopes Er 166, 168 and 170, the Hafnium isotopes Hf 178 and 180 and the Lead isotopes Pb 204, 206, 207 and 208. A curved crystal Cauchois spectrometer was used. The analysis of the measurement furnished the variation of the mean square charge radius of the nucleus, δ˂r2˃, for 23 isotope pairs. The experimental results were compared with theoretical values from nuclear models. Combining the x-ray shifts and the optical shifts in Nd and Sm yielded the optical mass shifts. An anomaly was observed in the odd-even shifts when the optical and the x-ray shifts were plotted against each other.


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Glasses with compositions 50Bi2O3-xB2O3- (50-x)SiO2(x=0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) in mol% have been prepared by using a normal melt-quench technique. The effect of SiO2 addition on thermal stability, optical properties and structural characteristic on Bi2O3-B2O3 glass were systematically investigated by using XRD, DTA, ultraviolet-visible transmittance spectra, midinfrared transmittance spectra and Raman spectra. The experimental results demonstrate that, with the addition of SiO2, thermal stability of glass samples has been obviously improved. Once the amount of SiO2 is too much, the glass samples tend to be phase seperation which results in the decrease of thermal stability. With increasing SiO2 content, the UV cutoff edge firstly shifts to short-wave band and then shifts to long-wave band, and the transmittance of mid-infrared has been greatly improved. With substitution of SiO2 for B2O3, the [BO3] triangles and [BO4] tetrahedral groups are gradually replaced by [SiO4]. [BiO6] octahedral and [SiO4] tetrahedral units are connected forming a vibrational mode of Bi-O-Si. The physical chemistry and optical performance of Bi2O3-B2O3 glass were greatly improved by addition of SiO2.