71 resultados para DRP


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Studien undersöker och jämför hur fyra lärare arbetar medvetet med sin högläsning i klassrummet och ifall deras arbete förändras mellan årskurs 4 och årskurs 6. Undersökningen är disponerad som en multipel fallstudie, där varje enskilt fall först analyseras separat för att därpå korsanalyseras. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar genomfördes en empirisk undersökning där de fyra fallen studerades genom metoderna enkät, observation, intervju och deltagarvalidering. Därefter analyserades fallen utifrån den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, skolans styrdokument och tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet. Resultaten ger en positiv inblick i lärares arbete med högläsning i klassrummet. De didaktiska val som ligger bakom de deltagande lärarnas högläsning går att koppla till läroplanens syfte och centrala innehåll. Lärarna verkar arbeta varierat och eleverna tränas med högläsningen som utgångspunkt i läroplanens övergripande förmågor. Lärarna har alla märkt ett generellt minskat läsintresse hos barn och elever men anser sig överlag inte märka så mycket av detta i sina egna klassrum, vilket de kopplar till att de aktivt arbetar med att läsa högt för eleverna. Vidare anser de att elevernas språkutveckling och ordförståelse gynnas av högläsning då de får lyssna till det skrivna ordet. Studiens lärare är överens om att det är viktigt att avsätta tid till högläsning i undervisningen och använder sig av en dialogisk uppläsning i sina klassrum, där högläsningen blir ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Endast en av lärarna säger sig uttryckligen arbeta med specifika metoder och strategier utifrån ämnesdidaktisk forskning, men vid besöken observerades att även de övriga lärarna intuitivt arbetar implicit med lässtrategier i sin undervisning. Gemensamt för lärarna är att de ofta väljer att arbeta ämnesintegrerat och att högläsningen blir en naturlig del i ett tematiskt arbete. De menar också att behovet av deras högläsning i undervisningen snarast ökar i och med att eleverna blir äldre, då de möts av mer komplexa texter ju äldre de blir.


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Combined bioreaction separation studies have been carried out for the first time on a moving port semi-continuous counter-current chromatographic reactor-separator (SCCR-S1) consisting of twelve 5.4cm id x 75cm long columns packed with calcium charged cross-linked polystyrene resin (KORELA V07C). The inversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose in the presence of the enzyme invertase and the biochemIcal synthesis of dextran and fructose from sucrose in the presence of the enzyme dextransucrase were investigated. A dilute stream of the appropriate enzyme in deionised water was used as the eluent stream. The effect of switch time, feed concentration, enzyme activity, eluent rate and enzyme to feed concentration ratio on the combined bioreaction-separation were investigated. For the invertase reaction, at 20.77% w/v sucrose feed concentrations complete conversions were achieved. The enzyme usage was 34% of the theoretical enzyme amount needed to convert an equivalent amount of sucrose over the same time period when using a conventional fermenter. The fructose rich (FRP) and glucose rich (GRP) product purities obtained were over 90%. By operating at 35% w/v sucrose feed concentration and employing the product splitting and recycling techniques, the total concentration and purity of the GRP increased from 32% w/v to 4.6% and from 92.3% to 95% respectively. The FRP concentration also increased from 1.82% w/v to 2.88% w/v. A mathematical model was developed for the combined reaction-separation and used to simulate the continuous inversion of sucrose and product separation using the SCCR-S1. In the biosynthesis of dextran studies, 52% conversion of a 2% w/v sucrose concentration feed was achieved. An average dextran molecular weight of 4 millIon was obtained in the dextran rich (DRP) product stream. The enzyme dextransucrase was purifed successfully using centrifugation and ultrafiltration techniques.


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Within a larger program research work is being done on the history of settlement and landscape of the 'Siedlungskammer' Flögeln and the adjacent area. The 'Siedlungskammer' consists of an isolated pleistocene sand ground (Geest-island) surroundet by bogs. Starting from the edge of the Geest, near which large-scale archaeological excavations are carried out, three raised bog profiles were taken at 300, 500 and 4000 m off the prehistoric settlement. They were investigated by means of pollen analysis, and reflect in a decreasing way the activities of man on the Geestisland. Another pollen diagram from the nearby fen peat was worked out for comparison. At the same time it helped to date back a prehistoric sand path to the Roman period. The pollen diagrams cover the vegetational history without gaps from the early Atlantic period to modern times. The vegetation was decisively determined by the poor soils of this area. T'he pollen diagrams give evidence of the activity of settlers since the Neolithic age, with some gaps in the beginning, but later continuously from the middle of the Bronze age until the early migration period. The influence of the nearby settlement, which existed from the Birth of Christ to the 4/5th century, comes out distinctly. Among the cereals which were then cultivated here, there also was rye, at least in the 4/5th century, but most probably already during the Roman period. Besides that people cultivated barley, oats, and flax. The settlement break during the so-called dark ages between the 4/5th century and the time about 800 A.D. was confirmed by pollen analysis. During this time the area was once more covered by forests. The fluctuations of man's activities during the late Middle Ages and modern times, as they are made visible by pollen analysis, correspond to historically wellknown developments.


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The theme of this dissertation is social technology for self-management: a study in economic enterprise supportive of Rio Grande do Norte. The research aimed to obtain evidence that the reapplication of technology management, basic economic-financial and pricing, as production costs, has the potential to contribute to the self-management of APABV. The social technology and self-management are theoretical frameworks used and where workers are central figures in both the generation and replication of technologies that are compatible with their realities, as in the conduct and management approach adopted by them in their venture, they are makers decisions. To achieve the proposed objective was accomplished participatory research, which was used in addition to document analysis, participatory methodologies such as the construction of the DRP, group interview, experience in the production environment and family of entrepreneurs APABV. This research allowed the management technologies such as spreadsheets controls basic economic and financial costs, when socialized and understood by workers has the potential informational and become part of their daily decision-making process of the project, making up social technology


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Se realizó un diagnóstico con el propósito de determinar la funcionalidad tecnológica y la sustentabilidad de la Granja Zenea de la Empresa Ganadera en la región occidental de Cuba. Se aplicó la metodología de Diagnóstico Rural Rápido (DRP). Las fuentes de información secundarias utilizadas fueron: registros de producción de leche, indices reproductivos y económicos a nivel de granja. La caracterización se efectuó a través de indicadores descriptivos que se relacionan con los componentes del sistema de producción, el productor y sus características, la infraestructura técnico-productiva y aspectos organizacionales. La funcionalidad tecnológica se realizó a partir de variables que se relacionan con los procesos tecnológicos que se identifican con el sistema de producción. Se realizó una jerarquización de problemas y se definieron los principales indicadores que deben servir para medir la sostenibilidad en la propuesta de transformación del sistema. Se analizaron estadísticamente algunas variables productivas y su comportamiento, para los efectos de vaquería, año y bimestre, bajo un modelo lineal de efectos fijos con interacción. El sistema estudiado se caracteriza por ser un sistema de producción típico de la región, con mediano nivel tecnológico y problemas que en su conjunto repercuten en los bajos niveles de producción, ingresos y rentabilidad. Se identificaron a partir de la caracterización realizada los problemas, lo que permitió laborar una estrategia general y específica, así como las principales acciones de carácter técnico-organizativo que se deben tomar para lograr a través del tiempo la sostenibilidad y el mejoramiento de la productividad del sistema estudiado.


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Because older patients are more vulnerable to adverse drug-related events, there is a need to ensure appropriate pharmacotherapy in these patients. Screening to identify older patients at risk of drug-related problems (DRP) and adverse drug reactions (ADR) is the first critical step within a multistep approach to geriatric pharmacotherapy.


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The theme of this dissertation is social technology for self-management: a study in economic enterprise supportive of Rio Grande do Norte. The research aimed to obtain evidence that the reapplication of technology management, basic economic-financial and pricing, as production costs, has the potential to contribute to the self-management of APABV. The social technology and self-management are theoretical frameworks used and where workers are central figures in both the generation and replication of technologies that are compatible with their realities, as in the conduct and management approach adopted by them in their venture, they are makers decisions. To achieve the proposed objective was accomplished participatory research, which was used in addition to document analysis, participatory methodologies such as the construction of the DRP, group interview, experience in the production environment and family of entrepreneurs APABV. This research allowed the management technologies such as spreadsheets controls basic economic and financial costs, when socialized and understood by workers has the potential informational and become part of their daily decision-making process of the project, making up social technology


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Diante da atual crise ecológica e econômica da cafeicultura convencional, o presente trabalho tem como objetivos analisar a produtividade, os aspectos econômicos e ambientais de um sistema agroflorestal conduzido em Machado, sul de Minas Gerais há onze anos, tendo como principais produtos o café (Coffea arabica) orgânico certificado pela BCS, que é exportado para outros países, a banana e a madeira, que também possuem certificação orgânica e são vendidos no comércio local. A metodologia da pesquisa foi baseada no DRP (Diagnóstico Rural Participativo) utilizando-se principalmente do diálogo semi-estruturado, valorizando o conhecimento empírico adquirido pelos agricultores. Ao contrário dos sistemas convencionais de produção, o sistema agroflorestal em estudo evidencia a viabilidade do modelo de produção nas dimensões produtiva, ecológica e econômica do ideal de sustentabilidade. A baixa produtividade do sistema agroflorestal cafeeiro é compensada pela venda do café no mercado internacional, pela produção e comercialização da banana, do eucalipto e obtenção de uma diversidade de alimentos saudáveis para a subsistência das famílias. A diversidade de produtos (café, banana, eucalipto) destinada à comercialização e à subsistência (frutas, milho, feijão, mandioca e arroz) possibilita um balanço econômico positivo ao agricultor, devido os baixos custos de produção do sistema agroflorestal.


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O presente trabalho teve o intuito de caracterizar agroecossistemas cafeeiros sob manejos convencional, organo-mineral, orgânico e agroflorestal conduzidos nos municípios de Machado e Poço-Fundo, localizados no sul de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi realizada com base no Diagnóstico Rural Participativo (DRP). Verificou-se que o agroecossistema convencional é extremamente dependente de fontes externas de insumos, principalmente agroquímicos. O sistema orgânico também utiliza insumos de fora da propriedade como o farelo de mamona, estercos de animais e produtos orgânicos industrializados e atingiu a maior média de produtividade entre os sistemas (45 sacas ha-1). O agroecossistema organo- mineral utiliza adubação química com diversificação através de culturas intercalares. A agrofloresta apresenta a menor produtividade média (14 sacas ha-1) entre os sistemas e seu manejo caracteriza-se pela roçada da vegetação espontânea, utilização da palha de café própria e a arborização da lavoura.


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Diante da atual crise ambiental e econômica enfrentada pela agricultura moderna, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos analisar a produtividade, os aspectos econômicos e ambientais de um sistema agroflorestal conduzido em Machado, sul de Minas Gerais há onze anos, tendo como principais produtos o café (Coffea arabica) orgânico certificado pela BCS, que é exportado para outros países, a banana e o eucalipto, que também possuem certificação orgânica e são vendidos no comércio local. A metodologia da pesquisa foi baseada no DRP (Diagnóstico Rural Participativo). Ao contrário dos sistemas convencionais de produção, o sistema agroflorestal estudado evidenciou a viabilidade do modelo de produção nas dimensões produtiva, ecológica e econômica. A baixa produtividade do café no sistema agroflorestal é compensada pela venda do café no mercado internacional, pela produção e comercialização da banana, do eucalipto e obtenção de uma diversidade de alimentos saudáveis para a subsistência das famílias.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado no PDS Nova esperança. As atividades coleta de dados com a utilização de um DRP, que permitiu ter um ?retrato? da realidade local e facilitou. Avaliou-se que o assentamento enfrenta muitas dificuldades como, organização social fragilizada, problema de falta de água, e a má utilização do solo, ausência de transporte e conflitos internos gerados pelo desconhecimento da modalidade de assentamento onde vivem e por conta do processo histórico de ocupação da área do assentamento.