923 resultados para DOWN-SYNDROME


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Persons affected by Down Syndrome show a heterogeneous phenotype that includes developmental defects and cognitive and haematological disorders. Premature accelerated aging and the consequent development of age associated diseases like Alzheimer Disease (AD) seem to be the cause of higher mortality late in life of DS persons. Down Syndrome is caused by the complete or partial trisomy of chromosome 21, but it is not clear if the molecular alterations of the disease are triggered by the specific functions of a limited number of genes on chromosome 21 or by the disruption of genetic homeostasis due the presence of a trisomic chromosome. As epigenomic studies can help to shed light on this issue, here we used the Infinium HumanMethilation450 BeadChip to analyse blood DNA methylation patterns of 29 persons affected by Down syndrome (DSP), using their healthy siblings (DSS) and mothers (DSM) as controls. In this way we obtained a family-based model that allowed us to monitor possible confounding effects on DNA methylation patterns deriving from genetic and environmental factors. We showed that defects in DNA methylation map in genes involved in developmental, neurological and haematological pathways. These genes are enriched on chromosome 21 but localize also in the rest of the genome, suggesting that the trisomy of specific genes on chromosome 21 induces a cascade of events that engages many genes on other chromosomes and results in a global alteration of genomic function. We also analysed the methylation status of three target regions localized at the promoter (Ribo) and at the 5’ sequences of 18S and 28S regions of the rDNA, identifying differently methylated CpG sites. In conclusion, we identified an epigenetic signature of Down Syndrome in blood cells that sustains a link between developmental defects and disease phenotype, including segmental premature aging.


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We examined the course of repetitive behavior and restricted interests (RBRI) in children with and without Down syndrome (DS) over a two-year time period. Forty-two typically-developing children and 43 persons with DS represented two mental age (MA) levels: `` younger'' 2-4 years; `` older'' 5-11 years. For typically developing younger children some aspects of RBRI increased from Time 1 to Time 2. In older children, these aspects remained stable or decreased over the two-year period. For participants with DS, RBRI remained stable or increased over time. Time 1 RBRI predicted Time 2 adaptive behavior (measured by the Vineland Scales) in typically developing children, whereas for participants with DS, Time 1 RBRI predicted poor adaptive outcome (Child Behavior Checklist) at Time 2. The results add to the body of literature examining the adaptive and maladaptive nature of repetitive behavior.


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Persons with Down syndrome (DS) uniquely have an increased frequency of leukemias but a decreased total frequency of solid tumors. The distribution and frequency of specific types of brain tumors have never been studied in DS. We evaluated the frequency of primary neural cell embryonal tumors and gliomas in a large international data set. The observed number of children with DS having a medulloblastoma, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor (CNS-PNET) or glial tumor was compared to the expected number. Data were collected from cancer registries or brain tumor registries in 13 countries of Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. The number of DS children with each category of tumor was treated as a Poisson variable with mean equal to 0.000884 times the total number of registrations in that category. Among 8,043 neural cell embryonal tumors (6,882 medulloblastomas and 1,161 CNS-PNETs), only one patient with medulloblastoma had DS, while 7.11 children in total and 6.08 with medulloblastoma were expected to have DS. (p 0.016 and 0.0066 respectively). Among 13,797 children with glioma, 10 had DS, whereas 12.2 were expected. Children with DS appear to be specifically protected against primary neural cell embryonal tumors of the CNS, whereas gliomas occur at the same frequency as in the general population. A similar protection against neuroblastoma, the principal extracranial neural cell embryonal tumor, has been observed in children with DS. Additional genetic material on the supernumerary chromosome 21 may protect against embryonal neural cell tumor development.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the perception and knowledge of targeted ultrasound in women who screen positive for Down syndrome in the first or second trimester, and to assess the perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by targeted ultrasound in this population. While several studies have reported patient perceptions’ of routine ultrasound, no study has specifically examined knowledge regarding the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. A targeted ultrasound is a special ultrasound during the second trimester offered to women who may be at a higher-than-average risk of having a baby with some type of birth defect or complication. The purpose of the ultrasound is to evaluate the overall growth and development of the baby as well as screen for birth defects and genetic conditions. Women under the age of 35 referred for an abnormal first or second trimester maternal serum screen to several Houston area clinics were asked to complete a questionnaire to obtain demographic and ultrasound knowledge information as well as assess perceived detection rate of Down syndrome by ultrasound. Seventy-seven women completed the questionnaire and participated in the study. Our findings revealed that women have limited background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and its role in detecting Down syndrome. These findings are consistent with other studies that have reported a lack of understanding about the purpose of ultrasound examinations. One factor that seems to increase background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound is individuals having a higher level of education. However, most participants regardless of race, education, income, and exposure to targeted ultrasound information did not know the capabilities of a targeted ultrasound. This study confirmed women lack background knowledge about the targeted ultrasound and do not know enough about the technology to form a perception regarding its ability to detect Down syndrome. Additional studies to identify appropriate education techniques are necessary to determine how to best inform our patient population about targeted ultrasound.


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Down syndrome (DS) is a common birth defect characterized by the trisomy of chromosome 21. DS-affected umbilical cords (UCs) of fetuses show altered architecture of the extracellular matrix. Overexpression of the chromosome 21 genes encoding the collagen type VI (COLVI) chains α1(VI) and α2(VI), COL6A1 and COL6A2, respectively, has also reported to occur in the nuchal skin of DS fetuses. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the COLVI content in euploid and DS-affected UCs and human skin fibroblasts, and to investigate the relationships between COLVI and hyaluronan (HA) and HA synthase-2 (HAS2). We found that the UCs of DS fetuses showed denser staining of COLVI and increased COL6A2 expression at both early and term gestational ages. In vitro expression studies in DS-derived fibroblasts showed similarly increased amounts of α1(VI) and α2(VI) chains at the protein and transcriptional level, supporting the hypothesis of the gene dosage effect. Furthermore, increased levels of HA and HAS2 were also found in DS-derived skin fibroblast cultures. Notably, silencing of COL6A2 in DS-derived cells resulted in downregulation of HAS2, with a simultaneous decrease in secreted HA. Exogenous addition of COLVI to normal fibroblasts did not have any effect on HAS2 expression. In conclusion, UCs and skin fibroblasts in DS show significant increases in COLVI and HA; the overexpression of COL6A2 in DS tissue and cells is closely related to the increased expression of HAS2. These data may explain the DS phenotypes and their effects in organ tissue maturation.


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PURPOSE To describe the clinical outcome of corneal cross-linking (CXL) in a young child with keratoconus. METHODS This is a case report of a young girl with keratoconus with ophthalmologic findings and 3-year follow-up. Follow-up visits included visual acuity measurement, retinoscopy, corneal tomography, and topography. RESULTS A girl with Down syndrome was diagnosed with bilateral keratoconus and relative amblyopia at the age of 4 years. The best-corrected near visual acuity was 20/100 binocularly. Corneal tomography showed the following parameters: OD K(max) 47.2 diopters (D), thinnest location 442 μm; OS K(max) 49.6 D, thinnest location 432 μm. Three months later, the keratoconus in the left eye progressed (K(max) 50.2 D, thinnest location 424 μm), and CXL was performed. One year later, CXL was necessary also in the right eye because of progression. The girl was most recently reexamined at the age of 7 years. The corrected near visual acuity was 20/80 in both eyes. The corneal curvature slightly flattened, and the corneal thickness stabilized (OD K(max) 46.8 D, thinnest location 389 μm; OS K(max) 49.4 D, thinnest location 360 μm). CONCLUSIONS Onset of keratoconus can occur in early childhood, especially in patients with Down syndrome. In this case, CXL was performed at 4 and 5 years of age without complications and stopped further keratoconus progression.


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To study the pathogenesis of central nervous system abnormalities in Down syndrome (DS), we have analyzed a new genetic model of DS, the partial trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mouse. Ts65Dn mice have an extra copy of the distal aspect of mouse chromosome 16, a segment homologous to human chromosome 21 that contains much of the genetic material responsible for the DS phenotype. Ts65Dn mice show developmental delay during the postnatal period as well as abnormal behaviors in both young and adult animals that may be analogous to mental retardation. Though the Ts65Dn brain is normal on gross examination, there is age-related degeneration of septohippocampal cholinergic neurons and astrocytic hypertrophy, markers of the Alzheimer disease pathology that is present in elderly DS individuals. These findings suggest that Ts65Dn mice may be used to study certain developmental and degenerative abnormalities in the DS brain.


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Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is associated with a high incidence of Alzheimer disease and with deficits in cholinergic function in humans. We used the trisomy 16 (Ts16) mouse model for Down syndrome to identify the cellular basis for the cholinergic dysfunction. Cholinergic neurons and cerebral cortical astroglia, obtained separately from Ts16 mouse fetuses and their euploid littermates, were cultured in various combinations. Choline acetyltransferase activity and cholinergic neuron number were both depressed in cultures in which both neurons and glia were derived from Ts16 fetuses. Cholinergic function of normal neurons was significantly down-regulated by coculture with Ts16 glia. Conversely, neurons from Ts16 animals could express normal cholinergic function when grown with normal glia. These observations indicate that astroglia may contribute strongly to the abnormal cholinergic function in the mouse Ts16 model for Down syndrome. The Ts16 glia could lack a cholinergic supporting factor present in normal glia or contain a factor that down-regulates cholinergic function.


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A mouse model for Down syndrome, Ts1Cje, has been developed. This model has made possible a step in the genetic dissection of the learning, behavioral, and neurological abnormalities associated with segmental trisomy for the region of mouse chromosome 16 homologous with the so-called “Down syndrome region” of human chromosome segment 21q22. Tests of learning in the Morris water maze and assessment of spontaneous locomotor activity reveal distinct learning and behavioral abnormalities, some of which are indicative of hippocampal dysfunction. The triplicated region in Ts1Cje, from Sod1 to Mx1, is smaller than that in Ts65Dn, another segmental trisomy 16 mouse, and the learning deficits in Ts1Cje are less severe than those in Ts65Dn. In addition, degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, which was observed in Ts65Dn, was absent in Ts1Cje.


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Many features of Down syndrome might result from the overdosage of only a few genes located in a critical region of chromosome 21. To search for these genes, cosmids mapping in this region were isolated and used for trapping exons. One of the trapped exons obtained has a sequence very similar to part of the Drosophila single-minded (sim) gene, a master regulator of the early development of the fly central nervous system midline. Mapping data indicated that this exonic sequence is only present in the Down syndrome-critical region in the human genome. Hybridization of this exonic sequence with human fetal kidney poly(A)+ RNA revealed two transcripts of 6 and 4.3 kb. In situ hybridization of a probe derived from this exon with human and rat fetuses showed that the corresponding gene is expressed during early fetal life in the central nervous system and in other tissues, including the facial, skull, palate, and vertebra primordia. The expression pattern of this gene suggests that it might be involved in the pathogenesis of some of the morphological features and brain anomalies observed in Down syndrome.


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The discovery that the epsilon 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene is a putative risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD) in the general population has highlighted the role of genetic influences in this extremely common and disabling illness. It has long been recognized that another genetic abnormality, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), is associated with early and severe development of AD neuropathological lesions. It remains a challenge, however, to understand how these facts relate to the pathological changes in the brains of AD patients. We used computerized image analysis to examine the size distribution of one of the characteristic neuropathological lesions in AD, deposits of A beta peptide in senile plaques (SPs). Surprisingly, we find that a log-normal distribution fits the SP size distribution quite well, motivating a porous model of SP morphogenesis. We then analyzed SP size distribution curves in genotypically defined subgroups of AD patients. The data demonstrate that both apoE epsilon 4/AD and trisomy 21/AD lead to increased amyloid deposition, but by apparently different mechanisms. The size distribution curve is shifted toward larger plaques in trisomy 21/AD, probably reflecting increased A beta production. In apoE epsilon 4/AD, the size distribution is unchanged but the number of SP is increased compared to apoE epsilon 3, suggesting increased probability of SP initiation. These results demonstrate that subgroups of AD patients defined on the basis of molecular characteristics have quantitatively different neuropathological phenotypes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Self-regulation has been identified as an area of difficulty for those with mental retardation. The Goodman Lock Box provides measures of two critical aspects of self-regulation-planfulness and maintenance of goal-directed behavior. In this study, the Lock Box performance of 25 children with Down syndrome was compared with that of 43 typically developing children, matched for mental age (24-36 months). Children in both groups showed similar levels of competence, planfulness and distractibility. However, children with Down syndrome displayed more task-avoidant behavior. Some issues related to the measurements obtained from the Lock Box are raised. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Since the discovery in the 1970s that dendritic abnormalities in cortical pyramidal neurons are the most consistent pathologic correlate of mental retardation, research has focused on how dendritic alterations are related to reduced intellectual ability. Due in part to obvious ethical problems and in part to the lack of fruitful methods to study neuronal circuitry in the human cortex, there is little data about the microanatomical contribution to mental retardation. The recent identification of the genetic bases of some mental retardation associated alterations, coupled with the technology to create transgenic animal models and the introduction of powerful sophisticated tools in the field of microanatomy, has led to a growth in the studies of the alterations of pyramidal cell morphology in these disorders. Studies of individuals with Down syndrome, the most frequent genetic disorder leading to mental retardation, allow the analysis of the relationships between cognition, genotype and brain microanatomy. In Down syndrome the crucial question is to define the mechanisms by which an excess of normal gene products, in interaction with the environment, directs and constrains neural maturation, and how this abnormal development translates into cognition and behaviour. In the present article we discuss mainly Down syndrome-associated dendritic abnormalities and plasticity and the role of animal models in these studies. We believe that through the further development of such approaches, the study of the microanatomical substrates of mental retardation will contribute significantly to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying human brain disorders associated with mental retardation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.