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Several mutations that cause severe forms of the human disease autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa cluster in the C-terminal region of rhodopsin. Recent studies have implicated the C-terminal domain of rhodopsin in its trafficking on specialized post-Golgi membranes to the rod outer segment of the photoreceptor cell. Here we used synthetic peptides as competitive inhibitors of rhodopsin trafficking in the frog retinal cell-free system to delineate the potential regulatory sequence within the C terminus of rhodopsin and model the effects of severe retinitis pigmentosa alleles on rhodopsin sorting. The rhodopsin C-terminal sequence QVS(A)PA is highly conserved among different species. Peptides that correspond to the C terminus of bovine (amino acids 324–348) and frog (amino acids 330–354) rhodopsin inhibited post-Golgi trafficking by 50% and 60%, respectively, and arrested newly synthesized rhodopsin in the trans-Golgi network. Peptides corresponding to the cytoplasmic loops of rhodopsin and other control peptides had no effect. When three naturally occurring mutations: Q344ter (lacking the last five amino acids QVAPA), V345M, and P347S were introduced into the frog C-terminal peptide, the inhibitory activity of the peptides was no longer detectable. These observations suggest that the amino acids QVS(A)PA comprise a signal that is recognized by specific factors in the trans-Golgi network. A lack of recognition of this sequence, because of mutations in the last five amino acids causing autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, most likely results in abnormal post-Golgi membrane formation and in an aberrant subcellular localization of rhodopsin.


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Purpose. To evaluate the preventive effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) on photoreceptor degeneration, synaptic connectivity and functional activity of the retina in the transgenic P23H rat, an animal model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Methods. P23H line-3 rats were injected with TUDCA once a week from postnatal day (P)21 to P120, in parallel with vehicle-administered controls. At P120, functional activity of the retina was evaluated by electroretinographic (ERG) recording. The effects of TUDCA on the number, morphology, integrity, and synaptic connectivity of retinal cells were characterized by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Results. The amplitude of ERG a- and b-waves was significantly higher in TUDCA-treated animals under both scotopic and photopic conditions than in control animals. In the central area of the retina, TUDCA-treated P23H rats showed threefold more photoreceptors than control animals. The number of TUNEL-positive cells was significantly smaller in TUDCA-treated rats, in which photoreceptor morphology was preserved. Presynaptic and postsynaptic elements, as well as the synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and bipolar or horizontal cells, were preserved in TUDCA-treated P23H rats. Furthermore, in TUDCA-treated rat retinas, the number of both rod bipolar and horizontal cell bodies, as well as the density of their synaptic terminals in the outer plexiform layer, was greater than in control rats. Conclusions. TUDCA treatment was capable of preserving cone and rod structure and function, together with their contacts with their postsynaptic neurons. The neuroprotective effects of TUDCA make this compound potentially useful for delaying retinal degeneration in RP.


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Saffron, an extract from Crocus sativus, has been largely used in traditional medicine for its antiapoptotic and anticarcinogenic properties. In this work, we investigate the effects of safranal, a component of saffron stigmas, in attenuating retinal degeneration in the P23H rat model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. We demonstrate that administration of safranal to homozygous P23H line-3 rats preserves both photoreceptor morphology and number. Electroretinographic recordings showed higher a- and b-wave amplitudes under both photopic and scotopic conditions in safranal-treated versus non-treated animals. Furthermore, the capillary network in safranal-treated animals was preserved, unlike that found in untreated animals. Our findings indicate that dietary supplementation with safranal slows photoreceptor cell degeneration and ameliorates the loss of retinal function and vascular network disruption in P23H rats. This work also suggests that safranal could be potentially useful to retard retinal degeneration in patients with retinitis pigmentosa.


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Cannabinoids have been demonstrated to exert neuroprotective effects on different types of neuronal insults. Here we have addressed the therapeutic potential of the synthetic cannabinoid HU210 on photoreceptor degeneration, synaptic connectivity and functional activity of the retina in the transgenic P23H rat, an animal model for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP). In P23H rats administered with HU210 (100 μg/kg, i.p.) from P24 to P90, ERG recordings showed an amelioration of vision loss, as compared to vehicle-administered animals. Under scotopic conditions, the maximum a-wave amplitudes recorded at P60 and P90 were higher in HU210-treated animals, as compared to the values obtained in untreated animals. The scotopic b-waves were significantly higher in treated animals than in untreated rats at P30, P60 and P90. This attenuation of visual deterioration correlated with a delay in photoreceptor degeneration and the preservation of retinal cytoarchitecture. HU210-treated animals had 40% more photoreceptors than untreated animals. Presynaptic and postsynaptic elements, as well as the synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and bipolar or horizontal cells, were also preserved in HU210-treated P23H rats. These results indicate that HU210 preserves cone and rod structure and function, together with their contacts with postsynaptic neurons, in P23H rats. These data suggest that cannabinoids are potentially useful to delay retinal degeneration in RP patients.


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Purpose. To evaluate quantitative and qualitative age-related changes in intrinsically photosensitive melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in transgenic P23H rats, an animal model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP) was examined. Methods. ipRGC density, morphology, and integrity were characterized by immunohistochemistry in retinas extracted from P23H and Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats aged 4, 12, and 18 months. Differences between SD and P23H rats throughout the experimental stages, as well as the interactions among them, were morphologically evaluated. Results. In rat retinas, we have identified ipRGCs with dendrites stratifying in either the outer margin (M1) or inner side (M2) of the inner plexiform layer, and in both the outer and inner plexuses (M3). A small group of M1 cells had their somas located in the inner nuclear layer (M1d). In SD rats, ipRGCs showed no significant changes associated with age, in terms of either mean cell density or the morphologic parameters analyzed. However, the mean density of ipRGCs in P23H rats fell by approximately 67% between 4 and 18 months of age. Moreover, ipRGCs in these animals showed a progressive age-dependent decrease in the dendritic area, the number of branch points and terminal neurite tips per cell, and the Sholl area. Conclusions. In the P23H rat model of retinitis pigmentosa, density, wholeness, and dendritic arborization of melanopsin-containing ganglion cells decrease in advanced stages of the degenerative disease.


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In the present study we identify inosine-5' monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), a key enzyme in de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, as a novel lipid body-associated protein. To identify new targets of insulin we performed a comprehensive 2-DE analysis of P-32-labelled proteins isolated from 3T3-L1 adipocytes (Hill et al. J Biol Chem 2000; 275: 24313-24320). IMPDH was identified by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry as a protein which was phosphorylated in a phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase-dependent manner upon insulin treatment. Although insulin had no significant effect on IMPDH activity, we observed translocation of IMPDH to lipid bodies following insulin treatment. Induction of lipid body formation with oleic acid promoted dramatic redistribution of IMPDH to lipid bodies, which appeared to be in contact with the endoplasmic reticulum, the site of lipid body synthesis and recycling. Inhibition of PI 3-kinase blocked insulin- and oleate-induced translocation of IMPDH and reduced oleate-induced lipid accumulation. However, we found no evidence of oleate-induced IMPDH phosphorylation, suggesting phosphorylation and translocation may not be coupled events. These data support a role for IMPDH in the dynamic regulation of lipid bodies and fatty acid metabolism and regulation of its activity by subcellular redistribution in response to extracellular factors that modify lipid metabolism.


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NR2E3, a photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), represses cone-specific genes and activates several rod-specific genes. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively-inherited enhanced short-wavelength sensitive S-cone syndrome (ESCS) and, recently, with autosomal dominant (ad) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) (adRP). In the present work, we describe two additional families affected by adRP that carry a heterozygous c.166G>A (p.G56R) mutation in the NR2E3 gene. Functional analysis determined the dominant negative activity of the p.G56R mutant protein as the molecular mechanism of adRP. Interestingly, in one pedigree, the most common causal variant for ESCS (p.R311Q) cosegregated with the adRP-linked p.G56R mutation, and the compound heterozygotes exhibited an ESCS-like phenotype, which in 1 of the 2 cases was strikingly "milder" than the patients carrying the p.G56R mutation alone. Impaired repression of cone-specific genes by the corepressors atrophin-1 (dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy [DRPLA] gene product) and atrophin-2 (arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeat [RERE] protein) appeared to be a molecular mechanism mediating the beneficial effect of the p.R311Q mutation. Finally, the functional dominance of the p.R311Q variant to the p.G56R mutation is discussed.


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The mitochondrion is an organelle of outmost importance, and the mitochondrial network performs an array of functions that go well beyond ATP synthesis. Defects in mitochondrial performance lead to diseases, often affecting nervous system and muscle. Although many of these mitochondrial diseases have been linked to defects in specific genes, the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathologies remain unclear. The work in this thesis aims to determine how defects in mitochondria are communicated within - and interpreted by - the cells, and how this contributes to disease phenotypes. Fumarate hydratase (FH) is an enzyme of the citrate cycle. Recessive defects in FH lead to infantile mitochondrial encephalopathies, while dominant mutations predispose to tumor formation. Defects in succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), the enzyme that precedes FH in the citrate cycle, have also been described. Mutations in SDH subunits SDHB, SDHC and SDHD are associated with tumor predisposition, while mutations in SDHA lead to a characteristic mitochondrial encephalopathy of childhood. Thus, the citrate cycle, via FH and SDH, seems to have essential roles in mitochondrial function, as well as in the regulation of processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation or death. Tumor predisposition is not a typical feature of mitochondrial energy deficiency diseases. However, defects in citrate cycle enzymes also affect mitochondrial energy metabolism. It is therefore necessary to distinguish what is specific for defects in citrate cycle, and thus possibly associated with the tumor phenotype, from the generic consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism. We used primary fibroblasts from patients with recessive FH defects to study the cellular consequences of FH-deficiency (FH-). Similarly to the tumors observed in FH- patients, these fibroblasts have very low FH activity. The use of primary cells has the advantage that they are diploid, in contrast with the aneuploid tumor cells, thereby enabling the study of the early consequences of FH- in diploid background, before tumorigenesis and aneuploidy. To distinguish the specific consequences of FH- from typical consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, we used primary fibroblasts from patients with MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) and from patients with NARP (neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa). These diseases also affect mitochondrial aerobic metabolism but are not known to predispose to tumor formation. To study in vivo the systemic consequences of defects in mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, we used a transgenic mouse model of late-onset mitochondrial myopathy. The mouse contains a transgene with an in-frame duplication of a segment of Twinkle, the mitochondrial replicative helicase, whose defects underlie the human disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia. This mouse model replicates the phenotype in the patients, particularly neuronal degeneration, mitochondrial myopathy, and subtle decrease of respiratory chain activity associated with mtDNA deletions. Due to the accumulation of mtDNA deletions, the mouse was named deletor. We first studied the consequences of FH- and of respiratory chain defects for energy metabolism in primary fibroblasts. To further characterize the effects of FH- and respiratory chain malfunction in primary fibroblasts at transcriptional level, we used expression microarrays. In order to understand the in vivo consequences of respiratory chain defects in vivo, we also studied the transcriptional consequences of Twinkle defects in deletor mice skeletal muscle, cerebellum and hippocampus. Fumarate accumulated in the FH- homozygous cells, but not in the compound heterozygous lines. However, virtually all FH- lines lacked cytoplasmic FH. Induction of glycolysis was common to FH-, MELAS and NARP fibroblasts. In deletor muscle glycolysis seemed to be upregulated. This was in contrast with deletor cerebellum and hippocampus, where mitochondrial biogenesis was in progress. Despite sharing a glycolytic pattern in energy metabolism, FH- and respiratory chain defects led to opposite consequences in redox environment. FH- was associated with reduced redox environment, while MELAS and NARP displayed evidences of oxidative stress. The deletor cerebellum had transcriptional induction of antioxidant defenses, suggesting increased production of reactive oxygen species. Since the fibroblasts do not represent the tissues where the tumors appear in FH- patients, we compared the fibroblast array data with the data from FH- leiomyomas and normal myometrium. This allowed the determination of the pathways and networks affected by FH-deficiency in primary cells that are also relevant for myoma formation. A key pathway regulating smooth muscle differentiation, SRF (serum response factor)-FOS-JUNB, was found to be downregulated in FH- cells and in myomas. While in the deletor mouse many pathways were affected in a tissue-specific basis, like FGF21 induction in the deletor muscle, others were systemic, such as the downregulation of ALAS2-linked heme synthesis in all deletor tissues analyzed. However, interestingly, even a tissue-specific response of FGF21 excretion could elicit a global starvation response. The work presented in this thesis has contributed to a better understanding of mitochondrial stress signalling and of pathways interpreting and transducing it to human pathology.


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PURPOSE: Identification of a novel rhodopsin mutation in a family with retinitis pigmentosa and comparison of the clinical phenotype to a known mutation at the same amino acid position. METHODS: Screening for mutations in rhodopsin was performed in 78 patients with retinitis pigmentosa. All exons and flanking intronic regions were amplified by PCR, sequenced, and compared to the reference sequence derived from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, Bethesda, MD) database. Patients were characterized clinically according to the results of best corrected visual acuity testing (BCVA), slit lamp examination (SLE), funduscopy, Goldmann perimetry (GP), dark adaptometry (DA), and electroretinography (ERG). Structural analyses of the rhodopsin protein were performed with the Swiss-Pdb Viewer program available on-line (http://www.expasy.org.spdvbv/ provided in the public domain by Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland). RESULTS: A novel rhodopsin mutation (Gly90Val) was identified in a Swiss family of three generations. The pedigree indicated autosomal dominant inheritance. No additional mutation was found in this family in other autosomal dominant genes. The BCVA of affected family members ranged from 20/25 to 20/20. Fundus examination showed fine pigment mottling in patients of the third generation and well-defined bone spicules in patients of the second generation. GP showed concentric constriction. DA demonstrated monophasic cone adaptation only. ERG revealed severely reduced rod and cone signals. The clinical picture is compatible with retinitis pigmentosa. A previously reported amino acid substitution at the same position in rhodopsin leads to a phenotype resembling night blindness in mutation carriers, whereas patients reported in the current study showed the classic retinitis pigmentosa phenotype. The effect of different amino acid substitutions on the three-dimensional structure of rhodopsin was analyzed by homology modeling. Distinct distortions of position 90 (shifts in amino acids 112 and 113) and additional hydrogen bonds were found. CONCLUSIONS: Different amino acid substitutions at position 90 of rhodopsin can lead to night blindness or retinitis pigmentosa. The data suggest that the property of the substituted amino acid distinguishes between the phenotypes.


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Although more than 100 genes associated with inherited retinal disease have been mapped to chromosomal locations, less than half of these genes have been cloned. This text includes identification and evaluation of candidate genes for three autosomal dominant forms of inherited retinal degeneration: atypical vitelliform macular dystrophy (VMD1), cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). ^ VMD1 is a disorder characterized by complete penetrance but extremely variable expressivity, and includes macular or peripheral retinal lesions and peripappilary abnormalitites. In 1984, linkage was reported between VMD1 and soluble glutamate-pyruvate transaminase GPT); however, placement of GPT to 8q24 on linkage maps had been debated, and VMD1 did not show linkage to microsatellite markers in that region. This study excluded linkage between the loci by cloning GPT, identifying the nucleotide substitution associated with the GPT sozymes, and by assaying VMD1 family samples with an RFLP designed to detect the substitution. In addition, linkage of VMD1 to the known dominant macular degeneration loci was excluded. ^ CORD is characterized by early onset of color-vision deficiency, and decreased visual acuity, However, this retinal degeneration progresses to no light perception, severe macular lesion, and “bone-spicule” accumulations in the peripheral retina. In this study, the disorder in a large Texan family was mapped to the CORD2 locus of 19q13, and a mutation in the retina/pineal-specific cone-rod homeobox gene (CRX) was identified as the disease cause. In addition, mutations in CRX were associated with significantly different retinal disease phenotypes, including retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis. ^ Many of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in genes like CRX, which are expressed predominantly in the retina and pineal gland. Therefore, a combination of database analysis and laboratory investigation was used to identify 26 novel retina/pineal-specific expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters as candidate genes for inherited retinal disorders. Eight of these genes were mapped into the candidate regions of inherited retinal degeneration loci. ^ Two of the eight clusters mapped into the retinitis pigmentosa RP13 candidate region of 17p13, and were both determined to represent a single gene that is highly expressed in photoreceptors. This gene, the Ah receptor-interacting like protein-1 (AIPL1), was cloned, characterized, and screened for mutations in RP13 patient DNA samples. ^


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Purpose: The P23H rhodopsin mutation is an autosomal dominant cause of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The degeneration can be tracked using different anatomical and functional methods. In our case, we evaluated the anatomical changes using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) and correlated the findings with retinal thickness values determined by immunocytochemistry.Methods: Pigmented rats heterozygous for the P23H mutation, with ages between P18 and P180 were studied. Function was assessed by means of optomotor testing and ERGs. Retinal thicknesses measurements, autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography were performed using Spectralis OCT. Retinas were studied by means of immunohistochemistry. Results: Between P30 and P180, visual acuity decreased from 0.500 to 0.182 cycles per degree (cyc/deg) and contrast sensitivity decreased from 54.56 to 2.98 for a spatial frequency of 0.089 cyc/deg. Only cone-driven b-wave responses reached developmental maturity. Flicker fusions were also comparable at P29 (42 Hz). Double flash-isolated rod-driven responses were already affected at P29. Photopic responses revealed deterioration after P29.A reduction in retinal thicknesses and morphological modifications were seen in OCT sections. Statistically significant differences were found in all evaluated thicknesses. Autofluorescence was seen in P23H rats as sparse dots. Immunocytochemistry showed a progressive decrease in the outer nuclear layer (ONL), and morphological changes. Although anatomical thickness measures were significantly lower than OCT values, there was a very strong correlation between the values measured by both techniques.Conclusions: In pigmented P23H rats, a progressive deterioration occurs in both retinal function and anatomy. Anatomical changes can be effectively evaluated using SD-OCT and immunocytochemistry, with a good correlation between their values, thus making SD-OCT an important tool for research in retinal degeneration.


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Melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells (ipRGCs) are a class of photoreceptors with established roles in non-image forming processes. Their contributions to image forming vision may include the estimation of brightness. Animal models have been central for understanding the physiological mechanisms of ipRGC function and there is evidence of conservation of function across species. ipRGCs can be divided into 5 ganglion cell subtypes that show morphological and functional diversity. Research in humans has established that ipRGCs signal environmental irradiance to entrain the central body clock to the solar day for regulating circadian processes and sleep. In addition, ipRGCs mediate the pupil light reflex (PLR), making the PLR a readily accessible behavioural marker of ipRGC activity. Less is known about ipRGC function in retinal and optic nerve disease, with emerging research providing insight into their function in diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and hereditary optic neuropathy. We briefly review the anatomical distributions, projections and basic physiological mechanisms of ipRGCs, their proposed and known functions in animals and humans with and without eye disease. We introduce a paradigm for differentiating inner and outer retinal inputs to the pupillary control pathway in retinal disease and apply this paradigm to patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In these cases of patients with AMD, we provide the initial evidence that ipRGC function is altered, and that the dysfunction is more pronounced in advanced disease. Our perspective is that with refined pupillometry paradigms, the pupil light reflex can be extended to AMD assessment as a tool for the measurement of inner and outer retinal dysfunction.


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A prototype neuro-stimulus chip for sub-retinal implants in blind patients affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) or Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is presented in this paper. This retinal prosthetic chip was designed to replace the degenerated photoreceptor cells, and in order to stimulate directly the remaining healthy layers of retinal neurons. The current stimulus circuits are monolithic integrated with photodiodes (PD) array, which can convert the illumination on the eyes into bi-phasic electrical pulses. In addition, a novel charge cancellation circuit is used to discharge the electrodes for medical safty. The prototype chip is designed and fabricated in HJTC 0.18 mu m N-well CMOS 1P6M Mix-signal process, with a +/- 2.5 V dual voltage power supply.