706 resultados para DIVARICATA(DIV).


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Aqueous extracts of seven species used in Brazilian popular medicine (Achyrocline satureoides, Iodina rhombifolia, Desmodium incanum, Baccharis anomala, Tibouchina asperior, Luehea divaricata, Maytenus ilicifolia) were screened to the presence of mutagenic activity in the Ames test (Salmonella/microsome). Positive results were obtained for A. satureoides, B anomala and L. divaricata with microsomal activation. As shown elsewhere (Vargas et al., 1990) the metabolites of A. satureoides extract also show the capacity to induce prophage and/or SOS response in microscreen phage induction assay and SOS spot chromotest.


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Aquest estudi té dos objectius principals. Per una banda, vol contribuir a la caracterització de l'adquisició dels quantificadors en llengua catalana i, per l'altra, pretén comprovar si hi ha diferències en l'adquisició dels quantificadors universals tots i cada entre els infants amb un desenvolupament típic i els infants amb trastorn específic del llenguatge


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The effects of subchronical applications of the mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 (FB1) were analyzed in vitro, using aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon as a model. As cells in the aggregates developed from an immature state to a highly differentiated state, with synapse and compact myelin formation, it was possible to study the effects of FB1 at different developmental stages. The results showed that FB1 did not cause cell loss and it had no effects on neurons. However it decreased strongly the total content of myelin basic protein, the main constituent of the myelin sheath, during the myelination period (DIV 18-28). The loss of myelin was not accompanied by a loss of oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells. However FB1 had effects on the maturation of oligodendrocytes, as revealed by a decrease in the expression of galactocerebroside, and on the compaction of myelin, as shown by a reduction of the expression of the mnyelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein MOG. The content of the cytoskeletal component glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was decreased in differentiated astrocytes, exclusively, while neurons were not affected by 40 microM of FB1 applied continuously for 10 days. In summary, FB1 selectively affected glial cells. In particular, FB1 delayed oligodendrocyte development and impaired myelin formation and deposition.


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La configuració del concepte de geni al Renaixement suposa una de les principals aportacions a la psicologia de l’artista, un procés que ha estat considerat com a dispositiu per la noció moderna del geni. En el seu tractat mèdico-astrològic De vita (1489), Ficino va definir els dispositius d’aquesta idea través d’una tríade que vinculava Saturn amb la malenconia i el furor diví. La hipòtesi que guia el treball és que, si bé aquests conceptes van obrar una forta influència en la posterior definició de la genialitat, Ficino seguia considerant el geni en la seva definició clàssica, això és, com un dimoni custodi de l’home. Ara bé, Ficino no va intentar una mera paràfrasi de la doctrina del genii o el daemon, sinó que sumant-l’hi les seves concepcions entorn la màgia i l’astrologia, va desenvolupar una teoria pròpia respecte a la naturalesa del geni personal, abordant la necessitat de l’home de conèixer el seu dimoni per actuar sobre les seves limitacions i explotar-ne les virtuts. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es parlarà dels dimonis del geni, en quant en l’explotació del daemon atorgat en la genitura intervenien, segons Ficino, els dimonis adquirits amb els artificis de la màgia natural o a través de la professió. Així doncs, l’objectiu general del treball és definir els diferents dimonis implicats en la concepció del geni en Ficino i les seves conseqüències en la psicologia de l’artista i l’art.


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An in vitro model, the aggregating brain cell culture of fetal rat telencephalon, has been used to study the maturation-dependent sensitivity of brain cells to two organophosphorus pesticides (OPs), chlorpyrifos and parathion, and to their oxon derivatives. Immature (DIV 5-15) or differentiated (DIV 25-35) brain cells were treated continuously for 10 days. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory potency for the OPs was compared to that of eserine (physostigmine), a reversible AChE inhibitor. Oxon derivatives were more potent AChE inhibitors than the parent compounds, and parathion was more potent than chlorpyrifos. No maturation-dependent differences for AChE inhibition were found for chlorpyrifos and eserine, whereas for parathion and paraoxon there was a tendency to be more effective in immature cultures, while the opposite was true for chlorpyrifos-oxon. Toxic effects, assessed by measuring protein content as an index of general cytotoxicity, and various enzyme activities as cell-type-specific neuronal and glial markers (ChAT and GAD, for cholinergic and GABAergic neurons, respectively, and GS and CNP, for astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, respectively) were only found at more than 70% of AChE inhibition. Immature compared to differentiated cholinergic neurons appeared to be more sensitive to OP treatments. The oxon derivates were found to be more toxic on neurons than the parent compounds, and chlorpyrifos was more toxic than parathion. Eserine was not neurotoxic. These results indicate that inhibition of AChE remains the most sensitive macromolecular target of OP exposure, since toxic effects were found at concentrations in which AChE was inhibited. Furthermore, the compound-specific reactions, the differential pattern of toxicity of OPs compared to eserine, and the higher sensitivity of immature brain cells suggest that the toxic effects and inhibition of AChE are unrelated.


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An in vitro model, the aggregating brain cell culture of fetal rat telencephalon, has been used to investigate the influence of glial cells on the neurotoxicity of two organophosphorus pesticides (OPs), chlorpyrifos and parathion. Mixed-cell aggregate cultures were treated continuously for 10 days between DIV 5 and 15. Parathion induced astrogliosis at concentration at which MAP-2 immunostaining, found here to be more sensitive than neuron-specific enzyme activities, was not affected. In contrast, chlorpyrifos induced a comparatively weak gliotic reaction, and only at concentrations at which neurons were already affected. After similar treatments, increased neurotoxicity of parathion and chlorpyrifos was found in aggregate cultures deprived of glial cells. These results suggest that glial cells provide neuroprotection against OPs toxicity. To address the question of the difference in toxicity between parathion and chlorpyrifos, the toxic effects of their leaving groups, p-nitrophenol and trichloropyridinol, were studied in mixed-cell aggregates. General cytotoxicity was more pronounced for trichloropyridinol and both compounds had similar toxic effects on neuron-specific enzyme activities. In contrast, trichloropyridinol induced a much stronger decrease in glutamine synthetase activity, the enzymatic marker of astrocytes. Trichloropyridinol may exert a toxic effect on astrocytes, compromising their neuroprotective function, thus exacerbating the neurotoxicity of chlorpyrifos. This is in line with the suggestion that glial cells may contribute to OPs neurotoxicity, and with the view that OPs may exert their neurotoxic effects through different mechanisms.


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Para el estudio de la microalga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco, se colectaron muestras de 2 lagunas hipersalinas; las Salinas de Chimus y las Salinas de Chilca. La metodología usada fue la técnica de micropipeta, tratamiento con antibiótico y la técnica de sedimentación algal, obteniendo cultivos unialgales y axénicos. El medio usado fue medio Johnson modificado en agua de mar, utilizado concentraciones de NaCl (1 – 5M), éste permitió evaluar el crecimiento, densidad y velocidad algal a través de conteo en cámara de Newbahuer y lecturas de absorvancia en espectrofotómetro. La relación entre los métodos de conteo, se realizó con el análisis de regresión potencial. Las mejores densidades algales se observaron en cultivo de concentraciones 1M, 1,5M y 3,5M de NaCl, para las cepas de las salinas de Chimus y Chilca. La mayor densidad algal ( 4,603 x 106 cels. ml-1 equivalente al 56.4 % para la cepa de Chimus) se observó en el cultivo de 1,5M de NaCl. La velocidad de crecimiento durante la fase exponencial para ambas cepas, estuvieron entre 0,56-0,83 div. día-1, con un Td de 29-43 horas, en cámara de Newbahuer como en espectrofotómetro y a las mismas concentraciones de cultivo.


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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unintentional injury is the fifth leading cause of death for all age groups and the first leading cause of death for people from 1 to 44 years of age in the United States, while homicide remains the 2nd leading cause of death for 15 to 24 years old (CDC, 2006). In 2004, there were approximately 144,000 deaths due to unintentional injuries in the US; 53% of which represent people over 45 years of age (CDC, 2004). With 20,322 suicidal deaths and 13,170 homicidal deaths, intentional injury deaths affect mostly people under 45 years old. On average, there are 1,150 unintentional deaths per year in Iowa. In 2004, 37% of unintentional deaths were due to motor vehicle accidents (MTVCC) occurring across all age ranges and 30% were due to falls involving persons over 65 years of age 82% of the time (IDPH Health Stat Div., 2004). The most debilitating outcome of injury is traumatic brain injury, which is characterized by the irreversibility of its damages, long-term effects on quality of life, and healthcare costs. The latest data available from the CDC estimated that, nationally, 50,000 traumatic brain injured (TBI) people die each year; three times as many are hospitalized and more than twenty times as many are released from emergency room (ER) departments (CDC, 2006). Besides the TBI registry, brain injury data is also captured through three other data sources: 1) death certificates; 2) hospital inpatient data; and, 3) hospital outpatient data. The inpatient and outpatient hospital data are managed by the Iowa Hospital Association, which provides to Iowa Department of Public Health the hospital data without personal identifiers. (The hospitals send reports to the Agency of Health Care Research and Quality, which developed the Health Care Utilization Project and its product, the National Inpatient Sample).


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de dispositivos intravaginais (DIV) para o controle da reprodução em suínos. Porcas aos 112 dias de gestação receberam injeção de PGF2α (controle, n = 15) ou PGF2α com inserção de DIV contendo acetato de medroxiprogesterona (grupo DIV, n = 14) por 48 horas. As fêmeas iniciaram o parto 27,7±1,6 e 82,3±3,8 horas após aplicação de PGF2α nos grupos controle e tratado, respectivamente. Quanto ao controle do estro, dez porcas receberam DIV por 12 dias, iniciando imediatamente após o desmame, e o estro foi confirmado aos 17,25±0,17 dias após o desmame, em comparação a 4±0,25 dias no grupo controle. Dispositivos intravaginais com progestágeno podem ser utilizados no controle da reprodução em suínos.


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This study was undertaken to determine how dopamine influences cortical development. It focused on morphogenesis of GABAergic neurons that contained the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). Organotypic slices of frontoparietal cortex were taken from neonatal rats, cultured with or without dopamine, harvested daily (4-30 d), and immunostained for parvalbumin. Expression of parvalbumin occurred in the same regional and laminar sequence as in vivo. Expression in cingulate and entorhinal preceded that in lateral frontoparietal cortices. Laminar expression progressed from layer V to VI and finally II-IV. Somal labeling preceded fiber labeling by 2 d. Dopamine accelerated PV expression. In treated slices, a dense band of PV-immunoreactive neurons appeared in layer V at 7 d in vitro (DIV), and in all layers of frontoparietal cortex at 14 DIV, whereas in control slices such labeling did not appear until 14 and 21 DIV, respectively. The laminar distribution and dendritic branching of PV-immunoreactive neurons were quantified. More labeled neurons were in the superficial layers, and their dendritic arborizations were significantly increased by dopamine. Treatment with a D1 receptor agonist had little effect, whereas a D2 agonist mimicked dopamine's effects. Likewise, the D2 but not the D1 antagonist blocked dopamine-induced changes, indicating that they were mediated primarily by D2 receptors. Parvalbumin expression was accelerated by dopaminergic reinnervation of cortical slices that were cocultured with mesencephalic slices. Coapplication of the glutamate NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 or AP5 blocked dopamine-induced increases in dendritic branching, suggesting that changes were mediated partly by interaction with glutamate to alter cortical excitability.


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Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu, miten digitaalinen elektroniikka vaikuttaa hydraulisen paikoitusakselin toimintaan. Tätä varten työn mittauslaitteistossa käytettiin kahta mekaniikaltaan samanlaista Moogin 4/3-suuntaventtiiliä, joista toisen elektroniikka oli analoginen ja toisen digitaalinen. Digitaalielektroniikalla toteutettua venttiiliä käytettiin CANopen-väylässä. Mittauksia varten rakennettu servosylinteri kiinnitettiin testipenkkiin, jossa oikean massakuorman sijasta käytettiin servosylinterin kuormittamiseen kaksipuolisella männänvarrella varustettua hydraulisylinteriä. Kuormittavan sylinterin kammiopaineita säädettiin kahdella paineenalennusventtiilillä ja kahdella sähköisesti esiohjatulla 4/3-suuntaventtiilillä. Käytetty menetelmä on yksinkertainen toteuttaa, mutta se poistaa järjestelmästä oikean massakuorman aiheuttamat värähtelyt sekä hitausvoimat. Asemamittaukset suoritettiin suurin piirtein testattavien venttiileiden nimellisvirtauksella yhteensä yhdeksällä eri paineyhdistelmällä. Samalla mitattiin myös molempien sylintereiden kammiopaineet, sekä yhdessä tapauksessa servosylinteriä käyttävän koneikon painevaihtelut yhden ohjelmakierron aikana. Lisäksi mitattiin vielä kuinka järjestelmä toimi, kun siinä käytettiin suurimpia mahdollisia tilavuusvirtauksia.


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Se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la violencia en el deporte, y tiene como finalidad el estudio de ésta, llevada a cabo por los aficionados radicales en los estadios de fútbol de Primera División (1ª Div. de aquí en adelante) en España. Con la intención de abordar el tema enunciado, partimos de las siguientes hipótesis: ¿Es posible la ausencia total de violencia por parte de los seguidores en los partidos de fútbol profesional de 1ª Div.?, ¿Son pertinentes y suficientes, las medidas actuales de seguridad para prevenir la violencia en las gradas y en los aledaños de los estadios?, ¿Es posible reconvertir a los grupos de seguidores violentos en grupos de animación?, y ¿Son reconvertibles todos los miembros que componen estos grupos?. A través de la elaboración y posterior análisis de los epígrafes que componen el presente escrito, la intención es dar respuesta a estas hipótesis iniciales y extraer conclusiones que puedan ser relevantes para el estudio y gestión de la seguridad, en concreto de la violencia en el fútbol profesional. El interés por la temática presentada emana de un vínculo profesional, desarrollado en los estadios de fútbol. Y la seguridad, abordada desde la vertiente laboral y académica.