947 resultados para DIMETALLOFULLERENES SC-2-AT-C-84
La divison cellulaire asymétrique est un processus essentiel qui permet aux cellules souches de s’auto-renouveller et de produire une cellule fille destinée à la différenciation. La lignée germinale de C. elegans, totipotente et immortelle, est une lignée de cellules souches qui contient des organites ribonucléoprotéiques appelés granules P. Au cours du développement ces derniers sont toujours localisés spécifiquement dans les cellules précurseurs de la lignée germinals, suggérant qu’ils sont des déterminants de la lignée germinale. De façon intéressante, des granules ribonucléoprotéiques, comme les P bodies impliqués dans le contrôle post-transcriptionnel, ont été observés chez tous les organismes. Néanmoins, la fonction précise des granules P de C. elegans est inconnue. Récemment, notre laboratoire a montré que NHL-2, un homologue de Mei-P26 de Drosophile, colocalise avec les granules P dans des embryons précoces et joue un rôle dans la division cellulaire asymétrique et dans la polarité cellulaire. Tous les granules P contiennent NHL- 2, ce qui nous a mené à poser l’hypothèse que NHL-2 régule la biogenèse et la fonction des granules P. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse par imagerie et quantification de l'intensité de PGL-1, un composant essentiel des granules P, dans des embryons fixés. Nos résultats montrent que dans des embryons mutants pour nhl-2 il y a une réduction du nombre de granules P, de l'intensité de fluorescence moyenne (IFM) et de l'intensité de fluorescence total (IFT) de PGL-1. Une analyse plus poussée a montré qu'il existe deux populations distinctes d’embryons mutants pour nhl-2 : l’une présente une intensité de PGL-1 comparable à celle d’une population sauvage alors que le second groupe présente une forte réduction des quantités de PGL-1 et est comparable à des mutants pour pgl-1. Cette variabilité est aussi observée dans le phénotype de stérilité de nhl-2 mutant à des températures élevées. Globalement, nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de fonction de NHL-2 perturbe la prolifération des cellules germinales ainsi que la formation et/ou la stabilité des granules P au cours des étapes précoces du développement des précurseurs de la lignée germinals. D’autre part, ils suggèrent que la fonction de NHL-2 pourrait être partiellement redondants avec les autres régulateurs de la stabilité des granules P. Mots-clés : Granules P, NHL-2, Cellules germinals.
In the course of the ‘Livestock Revolution’, extension and intensification of, among others, ruminant livestock production systems are current phenomena, with all their positive and negative side effects. Manure, one of the inevitable secondary products of livestock rearing, is a valuable source of plant nutrients and its skillful recycling to the soil-plant interface is essential for soil fertility, nutrient - and especially phosphorus - uses efficiency and the preservation or re-establishment of environmentally sustainable farming systems, for which organic farming systems are exemplarily. Against this background, the PhD research project presented here, which was embedded in the DFG-funded Research Training Group 1397 ‘Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in organic agriculture ’ investigated possibilities to manipulate the diets of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) so as to produce manure of desired quality for organic vegetable production, without affecting the productivity of the animals used. Consisting of two major parts, the first study (chapter 2) tested the effects of diets differing in their ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and of structural to non-structural carbohydrates on the quality of buffalo manure under subtropical conditions in Sohar, Sultanate of Oman. To this end, two trials were conducted with twelve water buffalo heifers each, using a full Latin Square design. One control and four tests diets were examined during three subsequent 7 day experimental periods preceded each by 21 days adaptation. Diets consisted of varying proportions of Rhodes grass hay, soybean meal, wheat bran, maize, dates, and a commercial concentrate to achieve a (1) high C/N and high NDF (neutral detergent fibre)/SC (soluble carbohydrate) ratio (HH), (2) low C/N and low NDF/SC ratio (LL); (3) high C/N and low NDF/SC ratio (HL) and (4) low C/N and high NDF/SC (LH) ratio. Effects of these diets, which were offered at 1.45 times maintenance requirements of metabolizable energy, and of individual diet characteristics, respectively, on the amount and quality of faeces excreted were determined and statistically analysed. The faeces produced from diets HH and LL were further tested in a companion PhD study (Mr. K. Siegfried) concerning their nutrient release in field experiments with radish and cabbage. The second study (chapter 3) focused on the effects of the above-described experimental diets on the rate of passage of feed particles through the gastrointestinal tract of four randomly chosen animals per treatment. To this end, an oral pulse dose of 683 mg fibre particles per kg live weight marked with Ytterbium (Yb; 14.5 mg Yb g-1 organic matter) was dosed at the start of the 7 day experimental period which followed 21 days of adaptation. During the first two days a sample for Yb determination was kept from each faecal excretion, during days 3 – 7 faecal samples were kept from the first morning and the first evening defecation only. Particle passage was modelled using a one-compartment age-dependent Gamma-2 model. In both studies individual feed intake and faecal excretion were quantified throughout the experimental periods and representative samples of feeds and faeces were subjected to proximate analysis following standard protocols. In the first study the organic matter (OM) intake and excretion of LL and LH buffaloes were significantly lower than of HH and HL animals, respectively. Digestibility of N was highest in LH (88%) and lowest in HH (74%). While NDF digestibility was also highest in LH (85%) it was lowest in LL (78%). Faecal N concentration was positively correlated (P≤0.001) with N intake, and was significantly higher in faeces excreted by LL than by HH animals. Concentrations of fibre and starch in faecal OM were positively affected by the respective dietary concentrations, with NDF being highest in HH (77%) and lowest in LL (63%). The faecal C/N ratio was positively related (P≤0.001) to NDF intake; C/N ratios were 12 and 7 for HH and LL (P≤0.001), while values for HL and LH were 11.5 and 10.6 (P>0.05). The results from the second study showed that dietary N concentration was positively affecting faecal N concentration (P≤0.001), while there was a negative correlation with the faecal concentration of NDF (P≤0.05) and the faecal ratios of NDF/N and C/N (P≤0.001). Particle passage through the mixing compartment was lower (P≤0.05) for HL (0.033 h-1) than for LL (0.043 h-1) animals, while values of 0.034 h-1 and 0.038 h-1 were obtained for groups LH and HH. At 55.4 h, total tract mean retention time was significantly (P≤0.05) lower in group LL that in all other groups where these values varied between 71 h (HH) and 79 h (HL); this was probably due to the high dietary N concentration of diet LL which was negatively correlated with time of first marker appearance in faeces (r= 0.84, P≤0.001), while the dietary C concentration was negatively correlated with particle passage through the mixing compartment (r= 0.57, P≤0.05). The results suggest that manure quality of river buffalo heifers can be considerably influenced by diet composition. Despite the reportedly high fibre digestion capacity of buffalo, digestive processes did not suppress the expression of diet characteristics in the faeces. This is important when aiming at producing a specific manure quality for fertilization purposes in (organic) crop cultivation. Although there was a strong correlation between the ingestion and the faecal excretion of nitrogen, the correlation between diet and faecal C/N ratio was weak. To impact on manure mineralization, the dietary NDF and N concentrations seem to be the key control points, but modulating effects are achieved by the inclusion of starch into the diet. Within the boundaries defined by the animals’ metabolic and (re)productive requirements for energy and nutrients, diet formulation may thus take into account the abiotically and biotically determined manure turnover processes in the soil and the nutrient requirements of the crops to which the manure is applied, so as to increase nutrient use efficiency along the continuum of the feed, the animal, the soil and the crop in (organic) farming systems.
Optimizing the composition of manure has the potential to reduce nutrient losses to the environment and to increase crop yields. In this study the effect of dietary ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) to soluble carbohydrates (SC) on faeces composition of water buffalo heifers was assessed. Two digestibility trials were conducted with 12 animals each, fed one control and four test diets composed to achieve (1) high C/N and high NDF/SC ratios (HH), (2) low C/N and low NDF/SC ratios (LL), (3) high C/N and low NDF/SC ratios (HL) and (4) low C/N and high NDF/SC (LH) ratios. Faecal C/N ratios were generally lower than dietary C/N ratios, but the reduction was especially large for high C/N ratio diets (HH=55 %, HL=51 %). Faecal N concentration was positively correlated (r^2 = 0.6; P < 0.001) with N intake, but the increase in faecal N was more pronounced for diets that supplied low amounts of N. Faecal NDF concentration was positively related to NDF intake (r^2 = 0.42; P < 0.001), as well as the faecal C/N ratio (r^2 = 0.3; P < 0.001). Results demonstrate that C/N ratio and NDF concentration of buffalo manure were affected by diet composition. Diets with high C/N ratio and low NDF/SC ratio are preferable with regard to manure quality, but may not satisfy the nutritional requirements of producing animals, since N concentration in these diets was low and fibre concentration simultaneously high.
Resistant starch (RS) has been shown to beneficially affect insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals and those with metabolic syndrome, but its effects on human type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are unknown. This study aimed to determine the effects of increased RS consumption on insulin sensitivity and glucose control and changes in postprandial metabolites and body fat in T2DM. Seventeen individuals with well-controlled T2DM (HbA1c 46.6±2 mmol/mol) consumed, in a random order, either 40 g of type 2 RS (HAM-RS2) or a placebo, daily for 12 weeks with a 12-week washout period in between. At the end of each intervention period, participants attended for three metabolic investigations: a two-step euglycemic–hyperinsulinemic clamp combined with an infusion of [6,6-2H2] glucose, a meal tolerance test (MTT) with arterio-venous sampling across the forearm, and whole-body imaging. HAM-RS2 resulted in significantly lower postprandial glucose concentrations (P=0.045) and a trend for greater glucose uptake across the forearm muscle (P=0.077); however, there was no effect of HAM-RS2 on hepatic or peripheral insulin sensitivity, or on HbA1c. Fasting non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were significantly lower (P=0.004) and NEFA suppression was greater during the clamp with HAM-RS2 (P=0.001). Fasting triglyceride (TG) concentrations and soleus intramuscular TG concentrations were significantly higher following the consumption of HAM-RS2 (P=0.039 and P=0.027 respectively). Although fasting GLP1 concentrations were significantly lower following HAM-RS2 consumption (P=0.049), postprandial GLP1 excursions during the MTT were significantly greater (P=0.009). HAM-RS2 did not improve tissue insulin sensitivity in well-controlled T2DM, but demonstrated beneficial effects on meal handling, possibly due to higher postprandial GLP1.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crotoxin, a potent neurotoxin from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, exists as a heterodimer formed between a phospholipase A(2) and a catalytically inactive acidic phospholipase A(2) analogue (crotapotin). Large single crystals of the crotoxin complex and of the isolated subunits have been obtained. The crotoxin complex crystal belongs to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a = 38.2, b = 68.7, c = 84.2 angstrom, and diffracted to 1.75 angstrom resolution. The crystal of the phospholipase A(2) domain belongs to the hexagonal space group P6(1)22 (or its enantiomorph P6(5)22), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 38.7, c = 286.7 angstrom, and diffracted to 2.6 angstrom resolution. The crotapotin crystal diffracted to 2.3 angstrom resolution; however, the highly diffuse diffraction pattern did not permit unambiguous assignment of the unit-cell parameters.
O câncer de mama é um dos tumores de maior incidência na mulher, e por isso, muitas pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas, desde a avaliação das características epidemiológicas, à dinâmica biocelular e o tratamento desta doença. Na avaliação de respostas ao tratamento, os fatores preditivos são marcadores que auxiliam na escolha da melhor droga a ser usada. Esta dissertação teve o objetivo de avaliar os genes de receptores de estrogênio e progesterona, HER-2 e C-MYC em tumores localmente avançados da mama, como fatores preditivos de resposta à quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Estudaram-se fragmentos da neoplasia maligna mamária de 50 pacientes com carcinoma ductal infiltrativo, com estadiamento clínico E-III e tratadas com quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de imunohistoquímica e de hibridização in situ por fluorescência (FISH). A análise dos receptores hormonais não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa comparando as pacientes com resposta satisfatória à quimioterapia, das insatisfatórias; a análise do HER-2 apresentou significância apenas para as respostas satisfatórias, onde houve baixa amplificação deste gene. Em relação ao C-MYC observou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa comparando a alta amplificação deste gene a uma resposta insatisfatória à quimioterapia. O estudo concluiu que o gene C-MYC pode ser um importante marcador de predição nos tratamentos quimioterápicos neoadjuvantes usados em câncer mamário.
The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are fundamental quantities sensitive to the distribution of charge and magnetization inside the proton. Precise knowledge of the form factors, in particular of the charge and magnetization radii provide strong tests for theory in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. However, the existing data at Q^2 below 1 (GeV/c)^2 are not precise enough for a hard test of theoretical predictions.rnrnFor a more precise determination of the form factors, within this work more than 1400 cross sections of the reaction H(e,e′)p were measured at the Mainz Microtron MAMI using the 3-spectrometer-facility of the A1-collaboration. The data were taken in three periods in the years 2006 and 2007 using beam energies of 180, 315, 450, 585, 720 and 855 MeV. They cover the Q^2 region from 0.004 to 1 (GeV/c)^2 with counting rate uncertainties below 0.2% for most of the data points. The relative luminosity of the measurements was determined using one of the spectrometers as a luminosity monitor. The overlapping acceptances of the measurements maximize the internal redundancy of the data and allow, together with several additions to the standard experimental setup, for tight control of systematic uncertainties.rnTo account for the radiative processes, an event generator was developed and implemented in the simulation package of the analysis software which works without peaking approximation by explicitly calculating the Bethe-Heitler and Born Feynman diagrams for each event.rnTo separate the form factors and to determine the radii, the data were analyzed by fitting a wide selection of form factor models directly to the measured cross sections. These fits also determined the absolute normalization of the different data subsets. The validity of this method was tested with extensive simulations. The results were compared to an extraction via the standard Rosenbluth technique.rnrnThe dip structure in G_E that was seen in the analysis of the previous world data shows up in a modified form. When compared to the standard-dipole form factor as a smooth curve, the extracted G_E exhibits a strong change of the slope around 0.1 (GeV/c)^2, and in the magnetic form factor a dip around 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 is found. This may be taken as indications for a pion cloud. For higher Q^2, the fits yield larger values for G_M than previous measurements, in agreement with form factor ratios from recent precise polarized measurements in the Q2 region up to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2.rnrnThe charge and magnetic rms radii are determined as rn⟨r_e⟩=0.879 ± 0.005(stat.) ± 0.004(syst.) ± 0.002(model) ± 0.004(group) fm,rn⟨r_m⟩=0.777 ± 0.013(stat.) ± 0.009(syst.) ± 0.005(model) ± 0.002(group) fm.rnThis charge radius is significantly larger than theoretical predictions and than the radius of the standard dipole. However, it is in agreement with earlier results measured at the Mainz linear accelerator and with determinations from Hydrogen Lamb shift measurements. The extracted magnetic radius is smaller than previous determinations and than the standard-dipole value.
Seasonal patterns in the partitioning of phytoplankton carbon during receding sea ice conditions in the eastern Bering Sea water column are presented using rates of 14C net primary productivity (NPP), phototrophic plankton carbon content, and POC export fluxes from shelf and slope waters in the spring (March 30-May 6) and summer (July 3-30) of 2008. At ice-covered and marginal ice zone (MIZ) stations on the inner and middle shelf in spring, NPP averaged 76 ± 93 mmol C/m**2/d, and in ice-free waters on the outer shelf NPP averaged 102 ± 137 mmol C/m**2/d. In summer, rates of NPP were more uniform across the entire shelf and averaged 43 ± 23 mmol C/m**2/d over the entire shelf. A concomitant shift was observed in the phototrophic pico-, nano-, and microplankton community in the chlorophyll maximum, from a diatom dominated system (80 ± 12% autotrophic C) in ice covered and MIZ waters in spring, to a microflagellate dominated system (71 ± 31% autotrophic C) in summer. Sediment trap POC fluxes near the 1% PAR depth in ice-free slope waters increased by 70% from spring to summer, from 10 ± 7 mmol C/m**2/d to 17 ± 5 mmol C/m**2/d, respectively. Over the shelf, under-ice trap fluxes at 20 m were higher, averaging 43 ± 17 mmol C/m**2/d POC export over the shelf and slope estimated from 234Th deficits averaged 11 ± 5 mmol C/m**2/d in spring and 10 ± 2 mmol C/m**2/d in summer. Average e-ratios calculated on a station-by-station basis decreased by ~ 30% from spring to summer, from 0.46 ± 0.48 in ice-covered and MIZ waters, to 0.33 ± 0.26 in summer, though the high uncertainty prevents a statistical differentiation of these data.
The transcription factors c-myb and GATA-2 are both required for blood cell development in vivo and in vitro. However, very little is known on their mechanism(s) of action and whether they impact on complementary or overlapping pathways of hematopoietic proliferation and differentiation. We report here that embryonic stem (ES) cells transfected with c-myb or GATA-2 cDNAs, individually or in combination, underwent hematopoietic commitment and differentiation in the absence of added hematopoietic growth factors but that stimulation with c-kit and flt-3 ligands enhanced colony formation only in the c-myb transfectants. This enhancement correlated with c-kit and flt-3 surface receptor up-regulation in c-myb-(but not GATA-2-) transfected ES cells. Transfection of ES cells with either a c-myb or a GATA-2 antisense construct abrogated erythromyeloid colony-forming ability in methyl cellulose; however, introduction of a full-length GATA-2 or c-myb cDNA, respectively, rescued the hematopoiesis-deficient phenotype, although only c-myb-rescued ES cells expressed c-kit and flt-3 surface receptors and formed increased numbers of hematopoietic colonies upon stimulation with the cognate ligands. These results are in agreement with previous studies indicating a fundamental role of c-myb and GATA-2 in hematopoiesis. Of greater importance, our studies suggest that GATA-2 and c-myb exert their roles in hematopoietic gene regulation through distinct mechanisms of action in nonoverlapping pathways.
The Early–mid Cretaceous marks the confluence of three major continental-scale events in eastern Gondwana: (1) the emplacement of a Silicic Large Igneous Province (LIP) near the continental margin; (2) the volcaniclastic fill, transgression and regression of a major epicontinental seaway developed over at least a quarter of the Australian continent; and (3) epeirogenic uplift, exhumation and continental rupturing culminating in the opening of the Tasman Basin c. 84 Ma. The Whitsunday Silicic LIP event had widespread impact, producing both substantial extrusive volumes of dominantly silicic pyroclastic material and coeval first-cycle volcanogenic sediment that accumulated within many eastern Australian sedimentary basins, and principally in the Great Australian Basin system (>2 Mkm3 combined volume). The final pulse of volcanism and volcanogenic sedimentation at c. 105–95 Ma coincided with epicontinental seaway regression, which shows a lack of correspondence with the global sea-level curve, and alternatively records a wider, continental-scale effect of volcanism and rift tectonism. Widespread igneous underplating related to this LIP event is evident from high paleogeothermal gradients and regional hydrothermal fluid flow detectable in the shallow crust and over a broad region. Enhanced CO2 fluxing through sedimentary basins also records indirectly, large-scale, LIP-related mafic underplating. A discrete episode of rapid crustal cooling and exhumation began c. 100–90 Ma along the length of the eastern Australian margin, related to an enhanced phase of continental rifting that was largely amagmatic, and probably a switch from wide–more narrow rift modes. Along-margin variations in detachment fault architecture produced narrow (SE Australia) and wide continental margins with marginal, submerged continental plateaux (NE Australia). Long-lived NE-trending cross-orogen lineaments controlled the switch from narrow to wide continental margin geometries.
A tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2)-independent mechanism for generating the first activational cleavage of pro-matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) was identified in membrane type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP)-transfected MCF-7 cells and confirmed in TIMP-2-deficient fibroblasts. In contrast, the second MMP-2-activational step was found to be TIMP-2 dependent in both systems. MMP-2 hemopexin C-terminal domain was found to be critical for the first step processing, confirming a need for membrane tethering. We propose that the intermediate species of MMP-2 forms the well-established trimolecular complex (MT1-MMP/TIMP-2/MMP-2) for further TIMP-2-dependent autocatalytic cleavage to the fully active species. This alternate mechanism may supplement the traditional TIMP-2-mediated first step mechanism.
Recent studies have reported loss of function mutations in the LEMD3 gene, encoding an inner nuclear membrane protein that influences Smad signaling, as a cause of osteopoikilosis, Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome, and melorheostosis. We investigated LEMD3 in a three-generation family with osteopoikilosis from the Azores, an affected father and daughter from Ireland with osteopoikilosis (the daughter also had melorheostosis), and two other individuals from the UK with isolated melorheostosis. We found a novel C to T substitution at position 2032 bp (cDNA) in exon 8 of LEMD3, resulting in a premature stop codon at amino acid position 678. This mutation co-segregates with the osteopoikilosis phenotype in both the Azorean family and the Irish family. It was not detected in any of the six unaffected family members or in 342 healthy Caucasian individuals. No LEMD3 mutations were detected in the two patients with sporadic melorheostosis. The LEMD3 mutation reported was clearly the cause of osteopoikilosis in the two families but its relationship to melorheostosis in one of the family members is still unclear. Perhaps unsurprisingly in what is a segmental disease, we did not find LEMD3 mutations in peripheral-blood-derived DNA from the two other individuals with sporadic melorheostosis. The nature of the additional genetic and/or environmental influences required for the development of melorheostosis in those with osteopoikilosis requires further investigation.
Complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(2) (la-c), [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (2a,b), and [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(4-MeImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (3a,b) with a (mu-oxo)bis(mu-carboxylato)diruthenium(III) core have been prepared by reacting Ru2Cl(O2CR)(4) with the corresponding imidazole base, viz. 1-methylimidazole (1-MeIm), imidazole (ImH), and 4-methylimidazole (4-MeImH) in methanol, followed by treatment with NaClO4 in water (R: Me, a; C6H4-p-OMe, b; C6H4-p-Me, c). Diruthenium(III,IV) complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(3) (R: Me, 4a; C6H4-p-OMe, 4b; C6H4-p-Me, 4c) have been prepared by one-electron oxidation of 1 in MeCN with K2S2O8 in water. Complexes la, 2a . 3H(2)O, and 4a . 1.5H(2)O have been structurally characterized. Crystal data for the complexes are as follows: la, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 7.659(3) Angstrom, b = 22.366(3) Angstrom, c = 23.688(2) Angstrom, V = 4058(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0475, and R-w = 0.0467 for 2669 reflections with F-o > 2 sigma(F-o); 2a . 3H(2)O, triclinic,
, a = 13.735(3) Angstrom, b = 14.428(4) Angstrom, c = 20.515(8) Angstrom, alpha = 87.13(3)degrees, beta = 87.61(3)degrees, gamma = 63.92(2)degrees, V = 3646(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0485 and R-w = 0.0583 for 10 594 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o); 4a . 1.5H(2)O triclinic,
, a = 11.969(3) Angstrom, b = 12.090(6) Angstrom, c = 17.421(3) Angstrom, alpha = 108.93(2)degrees, beta = 84.42(2)degrees, gamma = 105.97(2)degrees, V = 2292(1) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R = 0.0567, and R-w = 0.0705 for 6775 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o). The complexes have a diruthenium unit held by an oxo and two carboxylate ligands, and the imidazole ligands occupy the terminal sites of the core. The Ru-Ru distance and the Ru-O-oxo-Ru angle in la and 2a . 3H(2)O are 3.266(1), 3.272(1) Angstrom and 122.4(4), 120.5(2)degrees, while in 4a . 1.5H(2)O these values are 3.327(1) Angstrom and 133.6(2)degrees. The diruthenium(III) complexes 1-3 are blue in color and they exhibit an intense visible band in the range 560-575 nm. The absorption is charge transfer in nature involving the Ru(III)-d pi and O-oxo-p pi orbitals. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are red in color and show an intense band near 500 nm. The diruthenium(III) core readily gets oxidized with K2S2O8 forming quantitatively the diruthenium(III,IV) complex. The visible spectral record of the conversion shows an isosbestic point at 545 nm for 1 and at 535 nm for 2 and 3. Protonation of the oxide bridge by HClO4 in methanol yields the [Ru-2(mu-OH)(mu-O2CR)(2)](3+) core. The hydroxo species shows a visible band al 550 nm. The pK(a) value for la is 2.45. The protonated species are unstable. The 1-MeIm species converts to the diruthenium(III,IV) core, while the imidazole complex converts to [Ru(ImH)(6)](3+) and some uncharacterized products. Complex [Ru(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(3) has been structurally characterized. The diruthenium(III) complexes are essentially diamagnetic and show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra indicating the presence of the dimeric structure in solution. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are paramagnetic and display rhombic EPR spectral features. Complexes 1-3 are redox active. Complex 1 shows the one-electron reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III, one-electron quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV), and two-electron quasireversible Ru-2(III)/Ru-2(II) couples near 0.4, 1.5, and -1.0 V vs SCE In MeCN-0.1 M TBAP, respectively, in the cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric studies. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit only reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III and the quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV) couples near 0.4 and 1.6 V vs SCE, respectively, The observation of a quasireversible one-step two-electron transfer reduction process in 1 is significant considering its relevance to the rapid and reversible Fe-2(III)/Fe-2(II) redox process known for the tribridged diiron core in the oxy and deoxy forms of hemerythrin.
Ferrocene-conjugated ternary copper(II) complexes [Cu(L)(B)](ClO4)(2), where L is FcCH(2)N(CH2Py)(2) (Fc = (eta(5)-C5H4)Fe-II(eta(5)-C5H5)) and B is a phenanthroline base, viz., 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen, 2), dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 3), and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz, 4), have been synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The bpy complex 1, as its hexafluorophosphate salt, has been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure shows the copper(II) center having an essentially square-pyramidal coordination geometry in which L with a pendant ferrocenyl (Fc) moiety and bpy show respective tridentate and bidentate modes of binding to the metal center. The complexes are redox active, showing a reversible cyclic voltammetric response of the Fc(+)-Fc couple near 0.5 V vs SCE and a quasi-reversible Cu(II)-Cu(I) couple near 0.0 V. Complexes 2-4 show binding affinity to calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values in the range of 4.2 x 10(4) to 2.5 x 10(5) M-1. Thermal denaturation and viscometric titration data suggest groove binding and/or a partial intercalative mode of binding of the complexes to CT DNA. The complexes show good binding propensity to the bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(4) M-1 for the bpy and phen complexes and similar to 10(5) M-1 for the dpq and dppz complexes. Complexes 2-4 exhibit efficient chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercapto-propionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidizing agent. Mechanistic studies reveal formation of hydroxyl radicals as the reactive species. The dpq and dppz complexes are active in cleaving supercoiled (SC) pUC19 DNA on photoexposure to visible light of different wavelengths including red light using an argon-krypton mixed gas ion laser. Mechanistic investigations using various inhibitors reveal the fort-nation of hydroxyl radicals in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The dppz complex 4, which shows efficient photoioduced BSA cleavage activity, is a potent multifunctional model nuclease and protease in the chemistry of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancer.