289 resultados para Cyperus esculentus


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a emergência de plantas de tiririca (Cyperus rotundus) sob diferentes quantidades de palha de cana-de-açúcar posicionadas na superfície do solo. Foram testadas quantidades de palha equivalentes a 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 e 20 t ha-1, das variedades de cana RB 82-5336 e SP 79-2233. Observou-se que a testemunha sem palha foi a que apresentou maior quantidade de plantas emersas. Os tratamentos com 2, 4 e 8 t ha-1 apresentaram comportamento semelhante ao da testemunha a partir dos 46 dias após o plantio. Os tratamentos com 16 e 20 t ha-1 de palha proporcionaram, durante todo o período experimental, menor quantidade de plantas emersas; contudo, em relação à biomassa seca da parte aérea, o tratamento com 20 t ha-1 comportou-se de forma semelhante à da testemunha. Não houve efeito das quantidades de palha testadas sobre o número de tubérculos produzidos. Os efeitos resultantes da palhada dos diferentes cultivares de cana-de-açúcar foram semelhantes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ocorrência de sementes duras em quiabeiro (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) foi estudada em função da colheita única dos frutos na senescência das plantas ou da colheita periódica dos frutos no estádio de maturação morfológica. As cultivares utilizadas foram Amarelinho, Santa Cruz-47 e Campinas-2 IAC 4076 e os frutos foram separados em aqueles provenientes da haste principal e os oriundos dos ramos laterais. A porcentagem de sementes duras foi avaliada por meio do teste padrão de germinação e os dados obtidos permitiram verificar que o método de colheita única aumentou a ocorrência de sementes duras e, pelo fato de Amarelinho não apresentar essa característica, esse método pode ser utilizado para a mesma, com redução nos custos de produção de sementes sem afetar sua qualidade.


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In the search for natural herbicides for the management of the Cyperus rotundus L. in crops this work evaluated alternative methods to control weed, aiming at sustainability. The experiment was carried out in pots, in a greenhouse at the Experimental Station Lageado, FCA-UNESP-Botucatu, from april to may 2008. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with three repetitions, and treatments consisted of aqueous extract of Stilozobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy, residue of the green manure on the soil surface and incorporated into soil, homeopathic preparations and control treatment with no applications. The aqueous extract of green manure and homeophathic preparation provided both reduction in the development of C. rotundus. The fresh weight of the aerial part of S. aterrimun stimulated the growth of the weed both as cover and incorporated into the soil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Analisa-se experimentalmente o processo de extração do óleo essencial de rizomas de priprioca (Cyperus articulatus L.) por arraste com vapor d’água saturado, em um protótipo em escala de bancada. Por meio de experimentos estatisticamente planejados, estimam-se as condições ótimas o processo de modo a maximizar as variáveis de resposta rendimento em óleo e teor de mustacona, componente majoritário do óleo essencial de priprioca, em função de variáveis operacionais de entrada do processo. As variáveis independentes e respectivos níveis são: carga de rizomas de priprioca, em gramas (64, 200, 400, 600, 736); granulometria dos rizomas, em milímetros (0,61; 1,015; 1,6; 2,19; 2,58) e tempo de extração, em minutos (40, 60, 90, 120, 140). Utilizando um planejamento composto central, com auxílio do aplicativo Statistica® 7.0, são propostos modelos matemáticos para as respostas em função das variáveis independentes isoladas e de suas combinações. Constata-se que o rendimento em óleo essencial e os teores de mustacona podem ser estimados adequadamente por modelos polinomiais de segunda ordem. São obtidos simultaneamente maiores rendimentos em óleo e teores de mustacona, quando a carga de rizomas varia de 105 a 400 gramas para tempos de extração compreendidos entre 105 e 140 minutos.


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(Silicon location through backscattered electron imaging and X-ray microanalysis in leaves of Cyperus ligularis L. and Rhynchospora aberrans C. B. Clarke (Cyperaceae)). The Cyperaceae show the ability to incorporate silicon by depositing colloidal silica, which is recorded by the occurrence of projections in the form of cones, in inner tangential walls of some epidermal cells or "silica cells". Leaves of C. ligularis and R. aberrans were analyzed through the technique of electron backscatter. Cyperus ligularis accumulates silica, in addition to "silica cells", in some stomata, trichomes and the cell walls that surround the cavities of the aerenchyma. The silica in the latter occurs in various forms; however, the cells located near the vascular bundles have conical projections, similar to those of the epidermis. Rhynchospora aberrans presents "silica cells" whose projections have tapered "satellites". In this species, silica also occurs in stomata and certain epidermal cells adjacent to them. It appears that the silicon deposition occurs in combination with the wall (with no apparent structural changes), and structures of secretion, or projections of the wall. These structural changes in the species, and location, are probably related to functional and environmental factors, especially the soil, in addition to relation with taxonomic groups.


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Von Obergärtner H. Baum


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The amphibian temporins, amongst the smallest antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), are α-helical, amphipathic, hydrophobic and cationic and are active mainly against Gram-positive bacteria but inactive or weakly active against Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we report two novel members of the temporin family, named temporin-1Ee (FLPVIAGVLSKLFamide) and temporin-1Re (FLPGLLAGLLamide), whose biosynthetic precursor structures were deduced from clones obtained from skin secretion-derived cDNA libraries of the European edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus, by ‘shotgun’ cloning. Deduction of the molecular masses of each mature processed peptide from respective cloned cDNAs was used to locate respective molecules in reverse-phase HPLC fractions of secretion. Temporin-1Ee (MIC = 10 μM) and temporin-1Re (MIC = 60 μM) were both found to be active against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, but retaining a weak haemolytic activity. To our knowledge, Single-site substitutions can dramatically change the spectrum of activity of a given temporin. Compared with temporine-1Ec, just one chemically-conservative substitution (Val8 instead of Leu8), temporin-1Ee bearing a net charge of +2 displays broad-spectrum activity with particularly high potency on the clinically relevant Gram-negative strains, Escherichia coli (MIC = 40 μM). These factors bode well for translating temporins to be potential drug candidates for the design of new and valuable anti-infective agents.


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The chemical compounds synthesised and secreted from the dermal glands of amphibian have diverse bioactivities that play key roles in the hosts' innate immune system and in causing diverse pharmacological effects in predators that may ingest the defensive skin secretions. As new biotechnological methods have developed, increasing numbers of novel peptides with novel activities have been discovered from this source of natural compounds. In this study, a number of defensive skin secretion peptide sequences were obtained from the European edible frog, P. kl. esculentus, using a 'shotgun' cloning technique developed previously within our laboratory. Some of these sequences have been previously reported but had either obtained from other species or were isolated using different methods. Two new skin peptides are described here for the first time. Esculentin-2c and Brevinin-2Tbe belong to the Esculentin-2 and Brevinin-2 families, respectively, and both are very similar to their respective analogues but with a few amino acid differences. Further, [Asn-3, Lys-6, Phe-13] 3-14-bombesin isolated previously from the skin of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda, was identified here in the skin of P. kl. esculentus. Studies such as this can provide a rapid elucidation of peptide and corresponding DNA sequences from unstudied species of frogs and can rapidly provide a basis for related scientific studies such as those involved in systematic or the evolution of a large diverse gene family and usage by biomedical researchers as a source of potential novel drug leads or pharmacological agents.