992 resultados para Currículo Específico Individual


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En el marco general de la actual "Sociedad de la Información" y en el marco específico de la denominada "gobernanza en salud"; reaparece el viejo problema de la atribución de responsabilidad individual en salud. Se presume que el mayor acceso al conocimiento y a la información sanitaria conlleva mayor responsabilidad individual sobre las elecciones de estilos de vida. Mi hipótesis general es que, bajo el discurso ideal de la autodeterminación informativa y la co-responsabilidad individual en salud -discurso propio de la gobernanza en salud-; se esconde la estrategia (neoliberal o libertariana) de limitación o negación de la atención de la salud pública en la responsabilidad individual ("the argument of desert"). Dicha estrategia justificaría los consiguientes recortes de poder distributivo del Estado en salud pública, reforzando las desigualdades sociales originales. Este discurso ignora que el acceso al conocimiento constituye un determinante social de la salud, y como tal, exige una estricta responsabilidad social en la prevención de la salud comunitaria.


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A investigação desenvolvida insere-se numa metodologia de natureza qualitativa, de índole interpretativa e design de estudo de caso múltiplo, com o objetivo de contribuir para o desenvolvimento a nível de conhecimentos matemáticos de caráter funcional em situações do dia-a-dia, numa perspetiva ocupacional e de autonomia de dois jovens com Perturbação de Espetro de Autismo, associado com outras problemáticas: um aluno com Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção e outro aluno com Deficiência Intelectual. No âmbito da disciplina de Matemática Funcional, componente do Currículo Individual e Específico, definiu-se um plano de intervenção a que se aplicou uma estratégia de investigação, tendo em conta as expectativas dos alunos e da família, da individualização, flexibilização e funcionalidade, com o objetivo de preparar os alunos para a transição para a vida pós-escolar. Estabeleceu-se uma estratégia de investigação-ação, que decorreu em contexto de sala de aula, na disciplina de Oficina de Arte, que foi desenvolvida nas seguintes etapas: Fase Inicial – observação de sólidos geométricos e embalagens de uso diário; Fase de Intervenção – construção de objetos significativos para os alunos, uma maquete da Igreja e um relógio de ponteiros; e Fase Final – a construção da maquete do Monumento Torre do Relógio. A análise dos dados obtidos revelou evidências de que os alunos desenvolveram competências funcionais com a utilização do Método Montessori, aplicado através de um tema significativo para eles, com recurso a materiais manipuláveis concretos e objetos de uso diário. Estes permitiram que os alunos adquirissem conhecimentos ao nível de geometria e de medida, relacionados com figuras geométricas planas, sólidos geométricos, medida de comprimento e medida de tempo. É também de realçar a evidência de melhorias no aluno com Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção ao nível de atividades ocupacionais e no aluno com Deficiência Intelectual ao nível de atividades diárias. O Método Montessori permitiu criar um ambiente de aprendizagem no qual os alunos se envolveram com interesse, empenho, autonomia e cooperação, o que contribuiu para a diminuição de comportamentos não funcionais de ambos os alunos e para que adquirissem conhecimentos matemáticos aplicáveis em diferentes contextos das suas vidas futuras, individuais e sociais.


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El presente artículo aborda desde una perspectiva analítica, las políticas económicas y sectoriales de gobierno, que han afectado el sector agropecuario  en los últimos 20 años, destacándose las principales características que estas  han tenido en los marcos de transformación y ajuste de las estructuras productivas, económicas y sociales; así como su incidencia en los niveles producción, en los productores y en sus comunidades Además de un esfuerzo teórico y reflexivo por explicar la coyuntura económica productiva del agro costarricense, se pretende destacar, cómo este se ha venido transformando en los últimos años, a partir de la aplicación de los Programas de Ajuste Estructural (PAE); su incidencia en el área de la producción de los granos básicos y las transformaciones que se desarrollan luego para el sector, las cuales van a depender fundamentalmente de los recursos sociales e individuales con los que cuenten estos productores.En este contexto, entonces, las políticas de gobierno, en materia económica, inciden en la dinámica productiva de los pequeños productores; de manera que las comunidades aledañas a las zonas costeras se convierten en un referente analítico para un estudio de caso, que posibilita evidenciar precisamente lo anterior, por esta razón se aborda la experiencia de las comunidades costeras del cantón de La Cruz en la provincia de Guanacaste.ABSTRACTS: This article approaches from an analytical perspective, the economic and sectorial policies of the government affecting the agriculture in the last 20 years. It highlights the main characteristics of these approaches that have transform and adjust the framework of the production within the economic and social structures; such as the outcome on the production levels of the producers and their communities. In addition to theoretically and reflectively explaining the economic situation of the Costa Rican farmers, this article also attempts to focus on how this process has been directly impacting the outcome since the restructuring of the programs, its repercussion in the area of production of the basic grains and the end results in which establishes the social and individual resources in which these producers depend upon It is within this context that the govemment policies in economic matters directly affect the profitability dynamics of small producers. In the matter of the coastal communities, as a case study, it is possible to demonstrate precisely what was previously stated. For this reason, the illustration of the coastal communities of canton La Cruz in the Province of Guanacaste is undertaken.


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El objeto de este trabajo consiste en determinar los tipos de conceptos que se adquieren a través de la enseñanza. Para ello, se caracterizan los conceptos científicos de los espontáneos, según Vigotsky, y se definen aquellos que son propios de la Geografía y que se desarrollan en el currículo. Por tanto, estos conceptos curriculares podrían ser considerados básicos de la enseñanza y, por tanto, exigen un tratamiento metodológico específico. Una vez caracterizados los conceptos, se propone una estrategia metodológica para desarrollarlo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta estrategia es el aprendizaje basado en problemas, que exige unas pautas precisas y un escenario educativo adecuado para un desarrollo afín a sus objetivos. Además, el Aprendizaje basado en Problemas integra los principios psicopedagógicos que promueven este enfoque metodológico, apoyado en la autonomía individual, el trabajo en grupo colaborativo y cooperativo y en el papel mediador del docente


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This paper summarizes the papers presented in the thematic stream Models for the Analysis of Individual and Group Needs, at the 2007 IAEVG-SVP-NCDA Symposium: Vocational Psychology and Career Guidance Practice: An International Partnership. The predominant theme which emerged from the papers was that theory and practice need to be positioned within their contexts. For this paper, context has been formulated as a dimension ranging from the individual’s experience of himself or herself in conversations, including interpersonal transactions and body culture, through to broad higher levels of education, work, nation, and economy.


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Much of the literature on clusters has focused on the economic advantages of clusters and how these can be achieved in terms of competition, regional development and local spillovers. Some studies have focused at the level of the individual firm however human resource management (HRM) in individual clustered firms has received scant attention. This paper innovatively utilises the extended Resource Based View (RBV) of the firm as a framework to conceptualise the human resource processes of individual firms within a cluster. RBV is argued as a useful tool as it explains external rents outside a firm’s boundaries. The paper concludes that HRM can assist in generating rents for firms and clusters more broadly when the function supports valuable interfirm relationships important for realising inter-firm advantages.


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The impact of relations between an organization and its workers and the relations among workers on individual knowledge generation and sharing practices has not, to date, been addressed in an integrated way. This paper discusses the findings of a study analyzing issues at macro, locally-constructed and micro levels in a public sector organization, to identify and integrate the complex sets of mediators. Key factors were found to include (a) the contested nature of the process of knowledge construction, (b) the worker’s experience of the organization’s internal environment, (c) how the organization is understood to value knowledge sharing, (d) relations with colleagues, and (e) the perceived outcomes of knowledge sharing behaviors. Implications for practice are discussed.


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Investment in residential property in Australia is not dominated by the major investment institutions in to the same degree as the commercial, industrial and retail property markets. As at December 2001, the Property Council of Australia Investment Performance Index contained residential property with a total value of $235 million, which represents only 0.3% of the total PCA Performance Index value. The majority of investment in the Australian residential property market is by small investment companies and individual investors. The limited exposure of residential property in the institutional investment portfolios has also limited the research that has been undertaken in relation to residential property performance. However the importance of individual investment in residential property is continuing to gain importance as both individuals are now taking control of their own superannuation portfolios and the various State Governments of Australia are decreasing their involvement in the construction of public housing by subsidizing low-income families into the private residential property market. This paper will: • Provide a comparison of the cost to initially purchase residential property in the various capital city residential property markets in Australia, and • Analyse the true cost and investment performance of residential property in the main residential property markets in Australia based on a standard investment portfolio in each of the State capital cities and relate these results to real estate marketing and agency practice.


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Which social perceptions and structures shape coworker reliance and contributions to team products? When people form an intercultural team, they launch a set of working relationships that may be affected by social perceptions and social structures. Social perceptions include beliefs about interpersonal similarity and also expectations of behavior based on professional and national memberships. Social structures include dyadic relationships and the patterns they form. In this study, graduate students from three cohorts were consistently more likely to rely on others with whom they had a professional relationship, while structural equivalence in the professional network had no effect. In only one of the cohorts, people were more likely to rely on others who were professionally similar to themselves. Expectations regarding professional or national groups had no effect on willingness to rely on members of those groups, but expectations regarding teammates' nations positively influenced individual contributions. Willingness to rely on one's teammates did not significantly influence individual contributions to the team. Number of professional ties to teammates increased individual contributions, and number of external ties decreased contributions. Finally, people whose professional networks included a mixture of brokerage and closure (higher ego network variance) made greater contributions to their teams.


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Process modeling grammars are used by analysts to describe information systems domains in terms of the business operations an organization is conducting. While prior research has examined the factors that lead to continued usage behavior, little knowledge has been established as to what extent characteristics of the users of process modeling grammars inform usage behavior. In this study, a theoretical model is advanced that incorporates determinants of continued usage behavior as well as key antecedent individual difference factors of the grammar users, such as modeling experience, modeling background and perceived grammar familiarity. Findings from a global survey of 529 grammar users support the hypothesized relationships of the model. The study offers three central contributions. First, it provides a validated theoretical model of post-adoptive modeling grammar usage intentions. Second, it discusses the effects of individual difference factors of grammar users in the context of modeling grammar usage. Third, it provides implications for research and practice.