995 resultados para Culibs-l list
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A comprehensive new inventory of Brazilian plants and fungi was published just in time to meet a 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity target and offers important insights into this biodiversity's global significance. Brazil is the home to the world's richest flora (40,989 species; 18,932 endemic) and includes two of the hottest hotspots: Mata Atlantica (19,355 species) and Cerrado (12,669 species). Although the total number of known species is one-third lower than previous estimates, the absolute number of endemic vascular plant species is higher than was previously estimated, and the proportion of endemism (56%) is the highest in the Neotropics. This compilation serves not merely to quantify the scale of the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique flora but also serves as a key resource to direct action and monitor progress. Similar efforts by other megadiverse countries are urgently required if the 2020 targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation are to be attained.
Timing of waiting list entrance for patients with cystic fibrosis in need of pulmonary transplant: the experience of a regional referral centre Objective: Evaluation of parameters that can predict a rapid decay of general conditions of patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with no specific criteria to be candidate to pulmonary transplant. Material and methods: Fifteen patients with CF who died for complications and 8 who underwent lung transplantation in the 2000-2010 decade, were enrolled. Clinical data 2 years before the event (body max index, FEV1%, number of EV antibiotic treatments per year, colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pseudomonas aeruginosa mucosus, burkholderia cepacia, pulmonary allergic aspergilosis) were compared among the 2 groups. Results: Mean FEV1% was significantly higher and mean number of antibiotic treatment was lower in deceased than in the transplanted patients (p<0.002 and p<0.001 respectively). Although in patients who died there were no including criteria to enter the transplant list 2 years before the exitus, suggestive findings such as low BMI (17.3), high incidence of hepatic pathology (33.3%), diabetes (50%), and infections with MRSA infection (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (83.3%) and burkholderia cepacia (8.3%) were found with no statistical difference with transplanted patients, suggesting those patients were at risk of severe prognosis. In patients who died, females were double than males. Conclusion: While evaluating patients with CF, negative prognostic factors such as the ones investigated in this study, should be considered to select individuals with high mortality risk who need stricter therapeutical approach and follow up. Inclusion of those patients in the transplant waiting list should be taken into account.
Scopo principale del seguente elaborato è quello di fornire una possibile traduzione di un capitolo dell’opera di Mike Gayle, The To-Do List. Al fine di contestualizzare e rendere più comprensibile, specie per un lettore italiano, la proposta di traduzione in questione, verranno descritti dapprima l’autore ed il genere letterario al quale appartiene il libro, quindi la trama del libro stesso. Seguirà il commento della traduzione, nel quale si evidenzieranno alcuni degli elementi particolarmente difficili da rendere in italiano – talvolta dal punto di vista lessicale, più spesso dal punto di vista culturale. La scelta di affrontare l’opera di Gayle nasce soprattutto dall’interesse verso uno dei corsi svolti all’università, grazie al quale ho avuto l’occasione di scoprire, in lingua inglese, il genere letterario comunemente chiamato Chick Lit; The To-Do List, che appartiene a quella che potremmo definire come “Chick Lit maschile”e che presenta moltissimi riferimenti alla cultura britannica, rappresentava la fonte perfetta per mettermi alla prova ed effettuare una traduzione che fosse, oltre che fedele al testo originale, comprensibile e immediata per un ipotetico lettore italiano.
L'obiettivo della tesi è la compilazione del glossario culinario italiano-russo che “racchiudere” termini culinari artusiani e propone una versione russa basandosi anche sulla traduzione parziale del libro in lingua russa. La tesi si divide in sette parti: introduzione, capitoli primo, secondo, terzo e quarto, conclusione e bibliografia. Il primo capitolo introduce la figura di Pellegrino Artusi con brevi cenni sulla sua vita e tratteggia, altresì, le peripezie ed il successo internazionale della sua opera ed il suo approdo in Russia. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato alla ricerca terminologica e alle fasi propedeutiche alla creazione del glossario. Inoltre, vengono spiegate le risorse usate per la creazione dei corpora. Avendo a disposizione la traduzione parziale de “La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene” in russo (traduzione di I. Alekberova) fornita dalla Casa Artusi, si cerca di spiegare la scelta dei termini italiani messi a confronto con quelli esistenti nella traduzione russa. Il terzo capitolo introduce il glossario stesso preceduto da una breve spiegazione. Ogni “entrata” contiene il termine, la sua categoria grammaticale e la sua definizione in entrambe le lingue, seguita nella maggior parte dei casi dalle collocazioni o dagli esempi d'uso oppure dai sinonimi. Il quarto capitolo presenta commenti alla compilazione del glossario. Qui vengono analizzati i problemi riscontrati durante la fase compilativa, si presentano le soluzioni trovate e si forniscono esempi concreti. Ci sono anche commenti alle voci non presenti nel glossario. Infine, vi è una breve conclusione del percorso affrontato seguita dalla bibliografia e dalla sitografia. ENGLISH The purpose of this dissertation is to present a bilingual Italian-Russian glossary based on the culinary terms drawn from Artusi's cooking book "The Science of Cooking and the Art of Fine dining". The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions and a list of bibliography. An introduction presents an overview of the entire dissertation. The first chapter includes a presentation of Pellegrino Artusi, brief introduction to his life, his book and the success it has had around the world and mainly in Russia. The second chapter focuses on the creation and use of comparable and parallel corpora that have been created ad hoc for the purpose of the glossary. It also describes the different programs that have been used in order to select the terminology. The third chapter presents the structure of the bilingual culinary glossary followed by the glossary itself. Each entry contains the term, its gramatical category and the definition in both languages followed by, in most but not all cases, collocation, synonyms and additional notes. The fourth chapter presents an analysis of the compilation of the glossary combined with comments and examples. This chapter is followed by final conclusions of the present dissertation. The last part contains a bibliography that includes all the resources that have been used for the completion of this dissertation followed by the webliography.
We have discovered using Pan-STARRS1 an extremely red late-L dwarf, which has (J - K)(MKO) = 2.78 and (J - K) (2MASS) = 2.84, making it the reddest known field dwarf and second only to 2MASS J1207-39b among substellar companions. Near-IR spectroscopy shows a spectral type of L7 +/- 1 and reveals a triangular H-band continuum and weak alkali (K I and Na I) lines, hallmarks of low surface gravity. Near-IR astrometry from the Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program gives a distance of 24.6 +/- 1.4 pc and indicates a much fainter J-band absolute magnitude than field L dwarfs. The position and kinematics of PSO J318.5-22 point to membership in the beta Pic moving group. Evolutionary models give a temperature of 1160(-40)(+30) K and a mass of 6.5(-1.0)(+1.3) M-Jup, making PSO J318.5-22 one of the lowest mass free-floating objects in the solar neighborhood. This object adds to the growing list of low-gravity field L dwarfs and is the first to be strongly deficient in methane relative to its estimated temperature. Comparing their spectra suggests that young L dwarfs with similar ages and temperatures can have different spectral signatures of youth. For the two objects with well constrained ages (PSO J318.5-22 and 2MASS J0355+11), we find their temperatures are approximate to 400 K cooler than field objects of similar spectral type but their luminosities are similar, i.e., these young L dwarfs are very red and unusually cool but not "underluminous." Altogether, PSO J318.5-22 is the first free-floating object with the colors, magnitudes, spectrum, luminosity, and mass that overlap the young dusty planets around HR 8799 and 2MASS J1207-39
Human-induced habitat destruction, overexploitation, introduction of alien species and climate change are causing species to go extinct at unprecedented rates, from local to global scales. There are growing concerns that these kinds of disturbances alter important functions of ecosystems. Our current understanding is that key parameters of a community (e.g. its functional diversity, species composition, and presence/absence of vulnerable species) reflect an ecological network's ability to resist or rebound from change in response to pressures and disturbances, such as species loss. If the food web structure is relatively simple, we can analyse the roles of different species interactions in determining how environmental impacts translate into species loss. However, when ecosystems harbour species-rich communities, as is the case in most natural systems, then the complex network of ecological interactions makes it a far more challenging task to perceive how species' functional roles influence the consequences of species loss. One approach to deal with such complexity is to focus on the functional traits of species in order to identify their respective roles: for instance, large species seem to be more susceptible to extinction than smaller species. Here, we introduce and analyse the marine food web from the high Antarctic Weddell Sea Shelf to illustrate the role of species traits in relation to network robustness of this complex food web. Our approach was threefold: firstly, we applied a new classification system to all species, grouping them by traits other than body size; secondly, we tested the relationship between body size and food web parameters within and across these groups and finally, we calculated food web robustness. We addressed questions regarding (i) patterns of species functional/trophic roles, (ii) relationships between species functional roles and body size and (iii) the role of species body size in terms of network robustness. Our results show that when analyzing relationships between trophic structure, body size and network structure, the diversity of predatory species types needs to be considered in future studies.