1000 resultados para Cucurbita moschata L.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O rendimento e a qualidade de sementes de abóbora podem ser aprimorados por uma densidade populacional de plantas adequada, além da quantidade de pólen, que influi na qualidade da polinização e fertilização. Para este estudo, aplicaram-se nove tratamentos, que resultaram da combinação fatorial de três espaçamentos entre plantas (0,8 x 0,3; 0,8 x 0,6 e 0,8 x 0,9 m) com duas quantidades de pólen (50% de uma antera e uma antera inteira) e a polinização natural por insetos. Foram avaliados parâmetros de produção de frutos e sementes, além da qualidade fÃsica e fisiológica das sementes. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições e dez plantas úteis por amostragem. O aumento do espaçamento entre plantas elevou o número médio de frutos maduros e a produção de sementes por planta. A produtividade de sementes foi diretamente proporcional à quantidade de pólen usada durante a polinização. Já o fator espaçamento entre plantas não afetou a produção de sementes por área. A maior quantidade de pólen resultou em uma maior produção de sementes por planta e por área. A polinização manual, com a utilização de uma antera inteira, não diferiu da polinização natural com insetos, tanto para rendimento como para a qualidade de sementes.
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o efeito da quantidade de pólen, utilizando-se polinização manual na produção e na qualidade de sementes de abobrinha. Flores femininas foram polinizadas manualmente com a metade ou com o dobro da quantidade de pólen presente em uma flor masculina para a obtenção de sementes denominadas de primeiro ciclo. Posteriormente, flores femininas das plantas oriundas dessas sementes foram novamente polinizadas com as mesmas quantidades de pólen empregadas no primeiro ciclo, obtendo-se sementes denominadas de segundo ciclo. As quatro populações obtidas (duas em cada ciclo), além da original (sementes comerciais da cv. Piramoita), constituÃram os cinco tratamentos que foram avaliados em delineamento de blocos casualizados com seis repetições de dez plantas. Foram estimados o número de frutos por planta, a produção de sementes (número e massa) por fruto e por planta, o peso de 100 sementes, a germinação e o vigor das sementes obtidas. Foram obtidos maior número de frutos e de sementes por planta no tratamento com utilização do dobro de pólen de uma flor masculina (2º ciclo), superior a utilização de metade do pólen de uma flor masculina no 1º ciclo. A qualidade fisiológica da semente (germinação e vigor) não foi afetada pelos tratamentos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram avaliados os efeitos de diferentes injúrias mecânicas na qualidade de abobrinhas verdes cv. caipira, em três tipos de lesões: por impacto, compressão e corte. No impacto os frutos foram soltos em queda livre de uma altura de 1,60 m duas vezes (uma batida de cada lado do fruto), a compressão foi feito pela pressão de um peso de 58,8 N por 1 hora e o corte (6 cm de comprimento e 2 mm de profundidade, em triplicata em 2 lados dos frutos) efetuado com uma faca apropriada. Após esses tratamentos, os frutos injuriados e os do controle (intactos) foram armazenados em condições de ambiente (25°C, 65% UR). As avaliações foram feitas a cada 3 dias, determinando-se atividade respiratória, aparência, perda de massa, pH, teores de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ácido ascórbico, amido e carboidratos solúveis. Durante o perÃodo de armazenamento, de 15 dias, as lesões mostraram-se prejudiciais à qualidade, afetando distintamente os parâmetros quÃmicos, a aparência, e diminuindo os dias de possÃvel comercialização dos frutos, em especial naqueles submetidos ao corte e ao impacto. Estas injúrias também ocasionaram maior atividade respiratória dos frutos. A perda de massa fresca foi agravada quando os frutos foram submetidos ao corte. A injúria por impacto e por corte foram as mais prejudiciais para a qualidade das abobrinhas 'Caipira'.
Cucurbits species grown in 38 of 40 agricultural regions in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were surveyed for the relative incidence of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Papaya ringspot virus-type W (PRSV-W), Watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2), Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV), and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) during May 1997 and June 1999. Samples from 621 plants, representing eight cultivated species, six wild species, and one commercial hybrid (Cucurbita moschata x C. maxima), were analyzed by plate trapped antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PTA-ELISA). PRSV-W and ZYMV were the most frequently found viruses, accounting for 49.1 and 24.8%, respectively, of 605 samples tested. ZLCV, CMV, and WMV-2 were detected in 7.8, 6.0, and 4.5% of 612, 497, and 423 samples tested, respectively. Double infection was found in 97 samples, and triple infection was found in 10 samples. Quadruple infection was detected in one C. pepo sample. Plants that were symptomatic but negative by PTA-ELISA might be due to abiotic agents, infection by virus for which antiserum was not available, such as Squash mosaic virus, or infection with an as yet uncharacterized virus.
Brazil has a wide diversity of food sources of carotenoids. The updated Brazilian database consists of more than 270 items of fruits, vegetables and their prepared and processed products. The database demonstrates variations due to variety, maturity, production technique, climate and processing. Many of these foods are not found in the US and European databases. Good to rich sources (>20 μg/g) of β-carotene are: acerola, bocaiúva, mango 'Extreme' and tucumã. Sources of both α-carotene and β-carotene are buriti, carrot, Cucurbita moschata 'Menina Brasileira', 'Baianinha' and 'Goianinha', and red palm oil. Commercially produced and uncultivated or semi-cultivated leafy vegetables, C. maxima 'Jerimum Caboclo' and the hybrid Tetsukabuto, cooked broccoli are sources of lutein and β-carotene. The edible Tropaeolum majus flower is especially rich in lutein. Although many fruits have β-cryptoxanthin as principal carotenoid (e.g. caja, nectarine, peach, orange-fleshed papaya, tree tomato), the levels are below 20 μg/g. Good to rich sources of lycopene are guava and guava products, papaya, pitanga and pitanga juice, tomato and tomato products, and watermelon. Sources of zeaxanthin are rare; although the principal carotenoid of piqui, the amount is low, lower than that found in buriti.
Although there are recommendations for the fertilization of commercial squash crops, studies which connect the effect of topdressing potassium fertilization and yield are still rare. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating topdressing potassium doses on squash (Mirian hybrid) yield, in an experimental farm of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, in São Manuel, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five treatments (0.0 kg ha-1, 50.0 kg ha-1, 100.0 kg ha-1, 200.0 kg ha-1 and 400.0 kg ha-1 of K2O) and six replications. Plant growth parameters, yield and fruit quality were evaluated. After harvesting, plant (leaves + stem) and soil macronutrients were submitted to chemical analysis and data to variance and regression analysis. It was concluded that the highest yield resulted from the topdressing dose of 199.0 kg ha-1 of K2O. A reduction in calcium and magnesium contents in the plant canopy and a higher K+ content in the soil were observed for increasing K2O levels.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia AgrÃcola) - FCAV
Nematodes severely attack net melon plants under protected cultivation conditions. The objective of this research was to select rootstocks with resistance to Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions from October 2010 to April 2011 in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Thirty-three cucurbitaceous genotypes were investigated as rootstocks; melons: CNPH 01-930 (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus), CNPH 01-962, 01-963 CNPH (Cucumis melo var. conomon), cvs. Gaucho Redondo, Gaucho Comprido, Redondo Amarelo, Gulfcoast, Chilton, Bonus no. 2, Fantasy; watermelons: cv. Charleston Gray, Progenie da Coreia (Citrullus lanatus); pumpkins: cvs. Mra. Ma, Ornamental, Howden, Mammoth, Kururu, Goianinha (Cucurbita moschata); gourd: Abobora de Porco, cvs. Maranhao, Brasileirinha (Lagenaria siceraria); squash: cv. Pataca Gigante (Cucurbita maxima); cucumber: cvs. Caipira, Branco Meio Comprido, Curumim (Cucumis sativus); loofah: Metro, Semente Branca, Semente Preta (Luffa cylindrica); wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); pumpkin rootstock: Hybrid cv. Keij; snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerins) and musk cucumber (Sicana odorifera). To evaluate the resistance, seedlings were transplanted to pots and the root inoculated with 3,000 eggs and second stage juveniles of M. incognita and M. javanica. Fifty days after the inoculation, the plants were evaluated for nematode resistance by means of the reproduction factor. The grafting compatibility between net melon cvs. Bonus no. 2 and Fantasy and the rootstocks previously characterized as resistant were evaluated by means of 60 graftings. CNPH 01-962, CNPH 01-963 and melon 'Gaucho Redondo', were considered resistant to M. incognita. Melon 'Redondo Amarelo', watermelon 'Charleston Gray', watermelon Progenie da Coreia, Trichosanthes cucumerins were considered resistant to M. javanica. Benincasa hispida was resistant to M. javanica and M. incognita. The compatibility between net melons and resistant rootstocks was higher than 98%.
The tip pruning stimulates the emission of lateral shoots, thus can produce higher number of flowers, fruits and seeds. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of apex pruning on fruit and seed production in pumpkin. The treatments consisted of plants without pruning, with pruning in the sixth, eighth and tenth node of main stem. The experimental design was a randomized block, with six replications. It was studied a line of pumpkin of the Germplasm Bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista/Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas. The characteristics evaluated were: number of branches per plant and fruit position in branches of the plant production (number and weight) of fruits per plant, fruit yield, fruit average weight, fruit length and diameter, seed weight per fruit, seed yield and quality (germination test, first count, thousand seed weight, emergence, speed of emergence and accelerated aging). There was a significant difference only for number of secondary branches per plant and thousand seed weight, with larger values for plants that have not been pruned. It was obtained high average of germination (94%) and good fruit (16.9 t ha-1) and seed (148 kg ha-1) yield. The apex pruning does not influence the production of fruits and seeds, as well as the physiological seed quality in pumpkin.
Abstract Background Nectar reabsorption is a widely known phenomenon, related to the strategy of resource-recovery and also to maintain the nectar homeostasis at the nectary. The method currently performed to demonstrate nectar being reabsorbed involves the use of radioactive tracers applied to the nectary. Although this method works perfectly, it is complex and requires specific supplies and equipment. Therefore, here we propose an efficient method to obtain a visual demonstration of nectar reabsorption, adapting the use of Lucifer Yellow CH (LYCH), a fluorescent membrane-impermeable dye that can enter the vacuole by endocytosis. Results We applied a LYCH solution to the floral nectary (FN) of Cucurbita pepo L., which is a species known for its ability of nectar reabsorption, and to the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Passiflora edulis Sims which does not reabsorb the secreted nectar. In all tests performed, we observed that LYCH stained the nectary tissues differentially according to the reabsorption ability of the nectary. The treated FN of C. pepo presented a concentrated fluorescence at the epidermis that decreased at the deeper nectary parenchyma, until reaching the vascular bundles, indicating nectar reabsorption in the flowers of the species. In contrast, treated EFN of P. edulis presented fluorescence only at the cuticle surface, indicating that nectar is not reabsorbed by that particular tissue. Conclusion LYCH is an efficient marker to demonstrate nectar reabsorption.
Durante las campañas 2007/08 y 2008/09, en explotaciones comerciales de zapallo coreano (Cucurbita moschata Duch) de las zonas hortÃcolas de Mendoza y San Juan, se observaron sobre los frutos numerosas lesiones circulares, de 3 a 6 mm de diámetro, de aspecto húmedo, algo deprimidas hacia el centro, con un exudado gomoso color ámbar. Cuando las lesiones superficiales se unÃan, se desarrollaba una podredumbre gelatinosa hacia el interior de los tejidos, que podÃa profundizar hasta la cavidad seminal. El resultado final de la afección era una podredumbre seca y costrosa, que abarcaba gran parte del fruto, inutilizándolo para ser comercializado. En follaje también se observaron sÃntomas de la enfermedad, como manchas cloróticas angulares de 2 a 3 mm de lado, que en ocasiones se fusionaban. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la etiologÃa de la enfermedad. Para ello, se tomaron y analizaron muestras de frutos y hojas afectadas, durante ambas temporadas. Se concluyó que la sintomatologÃa es causada por una bacteria, que de acuerdo con los estudios morfobioquÃmicos y patogénicos es Xanthomonas cucurbitae (Bryan) Vauterin et al. Esta investigación constituye la primera cita de este patógeno afectando frutos en Argentina.
The first step in gibberellin biosynthesis is catalyzed by copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) and ent-kaurene synthase. We have cloned from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) two cDNAs, CmCPS1 and CmCPS2, that each encode a CPS. Both recombinant fusion CmCPS proteins were active in vitro. CPS are translocated into plastids and processed by cleavage of transit peptides. For CmCPS1 and CmCPS2, the putative transit peptides cannot exceed the first 99 and 107 amino acids, respectively, because longer N-terminal deletions abolished activity. Levels of both CmCPS transcripts were strictly regulated in an organ-specific and developmental manner. Both transcripts were almost undetectable in leaves and were abundant in petioles. CmCPS1 transcript levels were high in young cotyledons and low in roots. In contrast, CmCPS2 transcripts were undetectable in cotyledons but present at significant levels in roots. In hypocotyls, apices, and petioles, CmCPS1 transcript levels decreased with age much more rapidly than those of CmCPS2. We speculate that CmCPS1 expression is correlated with the early stages of organ development, whereas CmCPS2 expression is correlated with subsequent growth. In contrast, C. maxima ent-kaurene synthase transcripts were detected in every organ at almost constant levels. Thus, ent-kaurene biosynthesis may be regulated through control of CPS expression.